One would think someone would question things around step 23 or so but I guess they were in too deep at that point.
Actually most sold bonus is on older content, to encourage people to do it again. New dungeons (Snowcloak, etc) and trials (Shiva, Ultros) don't have it yet.
That means you're a HM/EX trials, high level dungeons, CT and 1/2nd coil farm. Our fc needs more people like that.
I'll consider it, but I don't really know how to re-stream, exactly.
One would think someone would question things around step 23 or so but I guess they were in too deep at that point.
Only reason I ask is I might not be home this time around. We'll see. If I am, I'll throw a link out.
I'm passed the halfway point of my light farming.
My mind cannot wrap around the fact that each HM trial bonus gets me .4% closer to my goal. This feels unattainable.
I cant believe the people who did 500 straight of these. Then again, i was crazy thinking i could get it playing regularly without being 4 months late to the relic stage.
You fucked up
Oh, right, there's a Server called Odin, forgot about that.
yeah, this just makes me wanna reroll on Ultros again and try healing :U
Ultros isn't a huge server by any means, in fact compared to the more heavily populated servers we're probably pretty sparsely populated.
Compared to the low population servers however... Well I'm sure you could do much worse than Ultros.
Ehh maybe I am placing too much emphasis on solo play. I don't get an opportunity to play intensively but levels 30+ without being in a FC sounds really boring and unsocial, or at the very least it'd be nice to be able to regularly play and interact with other people. I can always rejoin Ultros GAF but I imagine everyone is doing high level end game content.![]()
I can always rejoin Ultros GAF but I imagine everyone is doing high level end game content.![]()
I have a question,
A store currently has FF14 ARR for €2.50, but it doesn't say anywhere whether it includes a 30 day subscription with it. It normally costs €19.99. If it does include the subscription, would I be able to play with it on my PS4? I know it costs about €34.99 on the PS4 but I downloaded the trial and I can just log in with any account now, so is it possible to just add the subscription to my account and keep playing on the trial launcher?
Nexus grind is the worst grind in the game right now.
It cannot be done casually within an appropriate timeframe. Every other grind before it I did casually. The next step I can do casually. It's just this step that's bad.
I'm at like 1100/2000.
And? Some will still be leveling alt classes or even going through the game for the first time. Plus there is plenty of folks willing to help do dungeons or other stuff with low level people.
Rejoin and your chat won't look so quiet at least
if it's the ps3 version, you can buy that and then upgrade it to the ps4 version for free (until March I believe). If it is the PC version, then no. And I believe you can still play your trial character if you buy a sub, not quite sure though
I never pegged you for such a casual.
It is the PC version. So, you're saying I can just take the code that's in the box for the PC version, add that to my trial account, and keep playing on my PS4? I really don't see what would keep me from redeeming the code on the account I'm using on the PS4 version on PC, and then just keep playing on the PS4 since I already have the launcher.
Must, not, chime, in! *STRAINS*
I actually have no idea what'll happen tbh now that you've explained it. The only reason you needed to buy the ps3/ps4 version separately was to install the game, but since you have the trial software you may not need too. But yea I have no idea
Yall ready for this weekend?
I hope they show gunner :[
Also lmao at niconico instructions.
Must, not, chime, in! *STRAINS*
I can chime in for you if you want![]()
Not gonna lie, I'll probably only tune in for the costume contest. I expect to not be disappointed.
That time again?
lol I love that gif
Back on the subject of this weekends liveletter, they'll probably start showing a little 2.5 content in addition to showing a little Expansion stuff.
I don't expect TOO much of either, since there's several months still til the expansion, and probably one more Live Letter before 2.5, buuut between the two there should be enough to generate some hype.
Probably my most used gif, so good.
Live letter will be all 2.5 stuff. Anything for the expac will be in the keynote so people feel like they are getting their money's worth for that stream.
A nice T13 guide by my FC (selfless promotion), for anyone interested:
It is the PC version. So, you're saying I can just take the code that's in the box for the PC version, add that to my trial account, and keep playing on my PS4? I really don't see what would keep me from redeeming the code on the account I'm using on the PS4 version on PC, and then just keep playing on the PS4 since I already have the launcher.
A nice T13 guide by my FC (selfless promotion), for anyone interested:
I can chime in for you if you want![]()
Sargatanas represent. Eithne Rain still posts, too.
We just don't post a lot because the OT has become more of an Ultros meta and shade throwing thread.
SPOILER]You can see a wild Ryder in the background. what an awesome hat![/SPOILER]
Not sure why all the interest in Gold Saucer.
Is everyone just that eager to play Super Dunk again?
A center for mini games for an MMO that has a lot of dry time? Yes please.
Also Golden Saucer does not equal a 1:1 copy of FF7's
Not sure why all the interest in Gold Saucer.
Is everyone just that eager to play Super Dunk again?
Hate to be mean but have you been reading the thread?
Alright guys, I give up with the chocobo coloring. I'm down like 200k gil and over 24 hours without a mount trying to get grape purple and I just can't do it anymore. I'm so sad right now, so it's fitting that I'm riding around on this emo turd.
Not sure why all the interest in Gold Saucer.
Is everyone just that eager to play Super Dunk again?
That's black right? I can't tell on the monitor i'm on, but most folks during the beginning of the release of chocobo dyeing would have killed to have that. Haha. <3 my Lavender Blue
Considering we were shown a Chocobo racing course that was outside and not rainbow road again, it's best to assume that it will be Gold Saucer in name only and not a copy.
Technically it's ink blue, but it's pretty much pitch black. I don't see any color in-game at all.
Give your funds a week or two to recover, and try again. Next time, look online for a Chocobo coloring guide. There were a few when I was working on my own Choco, and they were very helpful.
Guess I'll just have to buy it and find out, since it's pretty cheap. Thanks for helping~