Thanks; I tend to think that the encrypted tomestone should be the first thing they offer the general population out of FCoB, and not something withheld, if this is really supposed to be a catch-up patch.
Mechanically 10 and 11 at least are pretty straightforward in comparison to the seventy-things-at-once fiesta that is T9 final phase; the biggest challenge seems to be beating enrage, which is easier now than it was at 2.4 launch but still an issue (see the 4/4 clear of 11... two weeks ago? where we actually got the enrage animation as Kaliya was dying) and the weapon damage upgrade the tomestone weapons provide would be the most direct assist there. It'd also scale nicely with the addition of poverty coat, since in addition to the all-important dye feature it provides another 10 ilvls of WD.
So it'd just be really weird to me if they withheld the tomestones in a catch-up patch since they seem to be the thing most likely to enable people to catch up. Unless the crafted WoD stuff is way, way better than I'm expecting (and even then, it still likely wouldn't scale to i130? I dunno.)
Consider this patch might have to last though May and June though... gotta stagger those carrots as much as possible to keep people coming back.