As opposed to 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-sentinel-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-stand in mechanic-1-2-3?
2-3-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-3-1-1-1-1-1 (my blm impression).
As opposed to 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-sentinel-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-stand in mechanic-1-2-3?
2-3-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-3-1-1-1-1-1 (my blm impression).
The amounts pretty much suck, however.
Then again, I'm spoiled from 2.3 Mythology so I'll reserve full judgment for 2.5 Soldiery.
Bad BLM alert
I think I would have a different perspective if I was a DPS.
That's definitely true, but at the same time, you also have to remember how many dungeons there are now and each of them gives 75sold the first time, on top of their rewards and then the primals which are either super faceroll or you can easily get carried on by light farmers(like titan), you can get a lot of sold very fast as a fresh player.
And that's all I see the BLM's cast in dungeons
And that's all I see the BLM's cast in dungeons
2-3-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-3-1-1-1-1-1 (my blm impression).
For reference, (if i can remember right), my rotation would be: 4-6-2-2-2-2-2-3-7-1-6-repeat from last 6. With a swiftcast-flare-convert-fire 1 at the end of a chain when available. For real though, the BLM actually has to move from and participate in most mechanics, the PLD doesn't.
There was actually an interesting (no, seriously. SERIOUSLY) thread in the official forum about this. Because of the demands of dungeon design, how content is balanced, how to make sure players can still progress from being brand new to the game to catch up with endgame content, etc. there's a limit on how hard you can make all non-raid content.
New players are actually entering FFXIV all the time, I see people running around the server with the green leaf icon by their names denoting new player quite a bit and there has to be a way for new players to catch up with endgame. Running the 4-man dungeons and the 24-man instances are the primary method for catching up, whether they are new players, old players running a new alt, or just very casual and don't chase the cutting edge raid content. Less than 5% of WoW players actually raid and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the same case in FFXIV.
The other issue with trying to make "medium" difficulty content is that once your player base has memorized all the mechanics it's no different from "easy" difficulty content unless the mechanics punish you by killing the whole party and then it's "raid" difficulty content anyways. Balancing these kinds of games is not trivial and trying to make content which is neither "easy" nor "raid" difficulty is probably an exercise in futility because of how most MMO players end up playing the game.
It depends on a lot of factors. If we're talking going full out DPS mode, PLD would be above WAR due to Sword Oath scaling and both should probably be above healers. If you mean in actual normal content scenarios, PLD in Shield Oath will be the lowest damage but it's not like active DPS Healers are way above them unless they're allowed closer to 100% Cleric stance time or multiple mobs to Holy / multidot.
Assuming big pulls where you can't just cycle target and gotta flash a decent amount, healers should definitely out-DPS the PLD.
You're talking about raids / trials, not dungeons.
I should have specified. I meant in a situation where you are just trying to do as much damage as possible for the class. I realize in a lot of situations you will not be doing pure DPS but keeping aggro on multiple mobs plus using Shield Oath if you are the MT.
Yeah, sounds about right!My controller died at 25% mark on AV boss and I wasn't able to find charger to plug it in time until it was dead. Stayed on me![]()
It would be an interesting experience.I believe it was a BSOD, thank you.
I should just go afk sometime and see how long I last. Character disappearing ruins it.![]()
That's surprising to hear. I thought WAR would outpace PLD in a pure DPS race since they seem to have the "more damage lower durability" vibe.
Well the best SCH's can out-DPS the best PLD's who are MT only.
A SCH in my FC does 260+ DPS in T13 (through all phases).
Off the top of my head, first boss in snowcloak will put large aoe circles under everyone except for the tank assuming the full party is alive. Always three circles, don't think I've ever seen one go under the tank.
I do miss FF11 PLD tanking though where the enmity struggle was real. If it wasn't for the watching what the party is doing / leading raid part, I would be pretty bored with PLD in raids.
Bad BLM alert
Sword Oath's bonus potency per swing just outpaces WAR's better potency on their rotation and buffs. I think if we talked strictly standalone (e.g., no Slashing debuff for PLD from WAR or NIN), it probably goes to WAR there.
If we're trying to optimize damage, WAR MT + PLD OT is better damage or just go PLD MT with Sword Oath + WAR OT.
The loot might be useless to us, but not to new players, or those that haven't played in forever. Despite our dislikes, SE does well to appeal all around.
I'm just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole right now fyi, the power supply for my computer didn't come in today like it was supposed to so I'm annoyed. Apologies if I'm offending anyone though I know Riou can take it.
just hit 50 and trying to figure out blm rotation has me all fucked up -_-.
Better be up at 3am PST today to join me so I can 1-2-3 dungeons while you 4-3-1-1-1-1 dungeons![]()
I think the community is fairly great but a huge chunk of the players playing seem tired to play the same content again and again. When I join a dungeon the rest of the team simply pull half the mobs and rush it to the end. The final story mission of the base game is hilarious. You simply follow the line to the next teleporter while running and ignoring everything.
I think WoD is calling me first though, but yeah, I'll be up.
And here I was thinking Sword Oath was an incredibly underwhelming ability. I don't calculate things for optimization so that's probably why.
Yeah I'm down for WoD first. I hope we get dat details on gear first before servers are back up as I need to know what to pick for my weekly lockout.
Like, if we want to pull some super silly fight setups, you get things like 430 DPS PLD OT. Or 370 DPS PLD MT.
I am guessing you need ilvl 130 gear to do things like this?
I am guessing you need ilvl 130 gear to do things like this?
This happened to me too. I ended up missing out on all the bosses because I was watching the cutscenes. Was kind of disappointed since you get all these scenes building up your enemies for an epic encounter only for the room to be empty once you're done.
I think that's just a consequence of the battle system/progression. People just want to get things done instead of fighting through the enemies since it's more enjoyable to skip them.
Compare to something like DMC games where encounters with normal enemies is just another opportunity to style on them/grow some more as a player.
I'd say the highlight of this game's battle system is fighting bosses with interesting and/or challenging mechanics.
Trash mobs are just in the way since the only thing to do there is burn them down.
Open with thunder 3, fire 3 then use fire 1 until you run out (dont go under whatever the number is to cast blizzard 3, cant remember it right now), then use blizzard 3, thunder 1, blizzard 1 (this is just to have a buffer while your mp regens, if you are already back to max or are about to tick to max, skip blizzard 1), then fire 3, and fire 1 till empty again. Repeat.
When empty, you can swiftcast-flare-convert-fire 1 for a big dps boost when both skills are available. If you have both fire and thunder proc, use the fire proc first, then cast a fire 1 then use the thunder proc, the reason is you are trying to fish for a another fire proc because there's a delay that you can't wait for between each fire cast and when the proc would appear. If you have a fire proc when you are in blizzard stance, use transpose before throwing out the proc.
So what's the best/easiest/fastest way to earn soldiery tomes for someone just getting back into the game after quitting before 2.1 came out? I raided the first Coils a lot and have pretty much all i90 gear (and still Zenith relic), but obviously that gear sucks compared to the newer stuff. I feel a bit overwhelmed when I look at all the stuff I need to unlock and new dungeons to run (even if the gear sucks in them, I need to do them for quests and to unlock the higher level roulettes).
Opposite actually. You gear out in things like penta-melded i90 STR accessories. Or actually they may be using i130 STR accessories.
yea these are good things to know. Got a frew Qs
So beyond the initial thunder 3 start you stick to thunder 1 after that and only use 3 when you get a proc?
With flare do you only use it when you can swiftcast> flare >convert and then manually cast it again, then wait for convert to be up before using it again?
With the firestarter procs i have been waiting the half a second or so to see if it procced, should i not wait inbetween fire casts?
Also whats the minimum mana for flare to be cast?
More or less. There's some room left for optimization on both but, yeah, these are pretty much almost best-in-slot PLDs aiming for DPS. If we get i110 crafted right-side (or better DPS secondaries from WoD gear), these may get even higher on the damage front too.
Opposite actually. You gear out in things like penta-melded i90 STR accessories. Or actually they may be using i130 STR accessories.
I already run out of TP in every fight now due to my dreadwyrm gloves+ice bracelets of fending+dreadwyrm shield speed skill stats. I would be so TP starved if I went with ruby all the way.
I know it's mostly been mentioned by others, but I'll go into my spell rotation in a bit. Unfortunately I don't have time right now. :/ It'll probably be a decently lengthy paragraph [or paragraphs, depending], but I'm hoping it'll be of some use to you.yea these are good things to know. Got a frew Qs
So beyond the initial thunder 3 start you stick to thunder 1 after that and only use 3 when you get a proc?
With flare do you only use it when you can swiftcast> flare >convert and then manually cast it again, then wait for convert to be up before using it again?
With the firestarter procs i have been waiting the half a second or so to see if it procced, should i not wait inbetween fire casts?
Also whats the minimum mana for flare to be cast?
Snowcloak. Takes like 20 min to run. Believe its like 50 sold 40 poetics. Need to do the story quest though to unlock it.
I personally would love to see matchmaking based on ilevel (or rank for things like PVP). So for assholes like me, I don't need to play with new players. And new players get to experience the content as originally intended.
yea these are good things to know. Got a frew Qs
So beyond the initial thunder 3 start you stick to thunder 1 after that and only use 3 when you get a proc?
With flare do you only use it when you can swiftcast> flare >convert and then manually cast it again, then wait for convert to be up before using it again?
With the firestarter procs i have been waiting the half a second or so to see if it procced, should i not wait inbetween fire casts?
Also whats the minimum mana for flare to be cast?
Ah that's not too bad. I feel like I'm a good ways off from unlocking that dungeon. I'm still on the 2.1 set of story quests (which have been boring as fuck so far - making perfumes, taking earrings to be repaired, wtf lol).
Ah that's not too bad. I feel like I'm a good ways off from unlocking that dungeon. I'm still on the 2.1 set of story quests (which have been boring as fuck so far - making perfumes, taking earrings to be repaired, wtf lol).
Yes, only thunder 1 then 3s for a proc.
I only use flare if I have convert up or an mp potion ready to use and I never ever manually cast flare, its always swiftcast or bust.
No, don't wait to see if you got the proc, unless you are extremely lucky, it is a dps loss to wait, go on to your next fire and youll see if fire 3 is next in your rotation during the cast.
274? I might be remembering wrong. 250 is too low though I think.
It requires the quest first blood to unlock it. I dont think you are to far off of it.
Snowcloak is 2.4 content so while it doesn't take too long, he still has a whole lot of super boring quests to go through. Like distributing uniforms to people and stuff, because that's what godlike beings that saved the realm multiple times do, along with fetching tea leaves and proving themselves to some random assholes by killing the local equivalent of cave rats.
It requires the quest first blood to unlock it. I dont think you are to far off of it.
I did those and eventually you have to unlock all of the boring guildhests to proceed.
Snowcloak is 2.4 content so while it doesn't take too long, he still has a whole lot of super boring quests to go through. Like distributing uniforms to people and stuff, because that's what godlike beings that saved the realm multiple times do, along with fetching tea leaves and proving themselves to some random assholes by killing the local equivalent of cave rats.