Tried raiding for the first time today. Cleared both Labyrinth of the Ancients and Syrcus Tower in one sitting.
It was... different from what I expected. I used to raid in WoW, back in vanilla, BC and WotLK, but this was nothing like raiding was in WoW back then. I remember raids being fairly-slow-paced, requiring careful tactics and lots of communication. This was nothing like that; in both dungeons, everyone was just rushing ahead like crazy, nobody spoke a word and half the time I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. I even got locked out of the final battle in the Labyrinth since I stopped to watch the preceding cutscene while everyone else kept rushing on. In the end I cleared both dungeons on my first try though with zero wipes.
I do realize that these are the easiest raids in the game, but even so, I just wasn't expecting them to be quite so casual. There's no way in hell you could have ever run Molten Core in vanilla WoW with a group of randoms.
Anyway, I didn't really have a point to make or anything, just thought I'd share. I kinda kept putting Crystal Tower off since I figured that raids would require more planning and preparation and stuff like that, but these two instances at least didn't seem all that different from regular dungeons. I'm sure Coil is a different matter entirely though.