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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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I really want echo to farm turn fasts, trash is a pain to get through every time. <_<

To be fair, it's really hard to help people in this game, without carrying them, as long the fights are made of 1HKO "jump rope" mechanics. I loved helping in XI, I re-did Promathia and Alexander fights plenty of times for random strangers shouting in Whitegate, but when someone asks me to help them in this game, if 7/8 of the party isn't made of people who cleared it, my "helping" is basically useless.

Shiva is a good example of a fight I can bring new people in without it being a straight carry. But Titan or T7? Better for them to die at the beginning or they'll wipe the raid over and over.

You patiently explain to the player what to do as you wipe over and over. A lot of the time we won't get the clear but I see it as an opportunity to learn the fight and perfect my own play. I'm basically a Titan ex savant now because of this.


Instead of abstract opinion, here are stat weight based on i110 baseline.

EDIT - Actually that reddit thread is all kinds of confusing and I don't have time to read it, so not sure if that's based on i90 or i110 baseline but gives you an idea. Secondary stats can make a significant difference. A 1:3 or 1:4 ratio.
Tabris why you making me math, it's too late for this shit. Ok here's an alternative to abstract opinion.
Please hold the mocking for inevitable fundamental flaw in reasoning until I am done wasting my time.
I don't know if those weights are accurate, but let's assume they are and also assume ariyala's BiS solver works. Here is a supposed BiS set for DRG using those weights, and meeting T9 frontal acc cap with ilevel of 110. http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/OH2K.

578 str 539 crit 277 det 399 skill
578 + 109.956 + 90.025 + 71.022

Now compare it to this second one I made manually where I prioritized skill speed above other stats, while still attempting to meet acc cap. I also tried to limit det as much as possible but that is easier said than done due to how ACC is distributed (yet another reason why min/maxing is difficult or has little results a lot of the time). http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/OH2Y

578 str 461 crit 275 det 480 skill
578+ 94.044 + 89.375 + 85.44

Or a whopping 2.144 difference in STR gained for going for absolute best BiS. That's less gained than from a right side item going up 5ilevels. But that's just lol DRG right, everyone says their itemization at that tier was universally bad or something. Let's try BRD's BiS generator again http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/OH32

579 dex 487 crit 321 det 383 SS
579 + 153.405 + 102.078 + 55.918

Wow, look at that big number. DRGs screwed again!
brd have different WD weights so it equals close to the same

Now let's see how bad we can make this BRD set without shunning ACC. I will make the greatest skill speed bard since Ken! http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/OH38

579 dex 421 crit 276 det 517 SS
579 + 132.615 + 87.768 + 75.482

That drop! 15.536 DEX dust in the wind, that sounds like a lot, doesn't it? This time it's actually a bit under the amount of a .5 weapon upgrade, but how much actual extra DPS is that? Using those stats in http://sim.ffxivguild.net/ I did a bunch of simulation with the different stats(not going to post each one, spamming this thread enough with this massive post) and got anywhere between a 3-6% DPS(what a variance...) increase over an 11 minute fight. And this was with the absolute worst gear scenario for a BRD. Could that little amount mean the difference between a wipe and a clear? Probably yeah, especially when you are undergeared for content and pushing progression, but the vast majority of people aren't in that position (and when BiS comes into the equation you ain't getting this level of optimization without clearing that stuff in the first place). First half of that thought leads me to:

Edit: That said, outside of sucking less this kind of min/max is about all I can do to push more damage and such.
No argument, and I am not suggesting you ignore taking a better piece when you got the opportunity, it just irks me with how religiously I have seen some players follow these stat guides without any thought. To the point I've seen people pass on upgrades (even small ones) because it wasn't BiS or trashing on players for not min/maxing those few extra points on a piece or two as if that small amount was truly significant.

"Better" may not have been the right word, but several pieces come really close. Close enough that they are an option at least if you are having bad luck with drops or are holding back on tomestones. In the end it honestly matters very little when Coil can be done in full crafted gear if the entire group is pushing their limits, any gear beyond that just increases the margin for error or lack of skill when it comes to pushing your class.
Now see you done changed the game, what I do all that math for? Yeah of course some pieces can approach, but approaching (or being an acceptable brief alternative) is not the same as what you were saying before at all.

And yeah you've never needed the gear that drops in order to kill the things that, well, drop it. At least not in this game where raid tiers are so tiny.

Ok I am done, /micdrop, /soapboxdown,
the mocking may commence


Stuff and stuff with math stuff

Riou won't believe you, he's all into secondary stats right now. At the end of the day I think bard is the only one that can realistically care about secondary stats, past that monk needs to avoid SS like the plague and thats about it.


No argument, and I am not suggesting you ignore taking a better piece when you got the opportunity, it just irks me with how religiously I have seen some players follow these stat guides without any thought. To the point I've seen people pass on upgrades (even small ones) because it wasn't BiS or trashing on players for not min/maxing those few extra points on a piece or two as if that small amount was truly significant.

I'll pass on things that aren't my BiS ... because they're Makoto's BiS :x

An upgrade is an upgrade, even if it isn't BiS. Stepping stone upgrades exist. Can't expect to go from whatever we have now to whatever is BiS with nothing in between. Crafted gear is nice and all but, yeah, it's at most just around an i115 (or i120 with poor distribution) equivalent. And that's still only a small actual upgrade per slot.

Still, I gained around 3.5-4% potential maxDPS I think from the crafted slots?

Riou won't believe you, he's all into secondary stats right now. At the end of the day I think bard is the only one that can realistically care about secondary stats, past that monk needs to avoid SS like the plague and thats about it.

I care.

Because I want to avoid Spell Speed.


Why isn't &#12424;&#12375;&#12384;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#65281;&#65281; or a variation a bigger thing yet on the western forums. You need to ask this next time you see him, get answers to the hard questions.
Long post with math

Might want to also look at how different classes play with certain setups before saying something "isn't worth such and such over whatever else". A bard who stacks SS will be about as worthless(if not more) as a summoner who has no choice but to stack SS since it's on all their gear. The thing about SS is that it's a massive tp drain and the more you have, the more gimped you become as a bard. The more SS you have, the faster you run out of tp, which means more time in song, which means more time with gimped dmg. The difference between a SS bard and a bard in bis is quite a bit more than "15 dex", you also have to look at how much more often they have to gimp themselves, which leads to an even bigger difference between the 2 gearsets.

I understand you want to try and make it a point and say that "bis" means next to nothing in this game, which honestly it doesn't in the end. But don't go into this with huge math posts trying to make a point, without understanding how a gimped setup works for one class over another and that it can be quite a bit more than "just a few measly stats".


Crystal Bearer
Why isn't &#12424;&#12375;&#12384;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#12354;&#65281;&#65281; or a variation a bigger thing yet on the western forums. You need to ask this next time you see him, get answers to the hard questions.

More importantly, where is the English version of Yoshida's Lies.


I understand you want to try and make it a point and say that "bis" means next to nothing in this game, which honestly it doesn't in the end.

I think it's less that and more that going super crazy for "perfect" stat distribution on secondaries isn't going to be these huge leaps in DPS. Ideal stats are ideal stats but they're not so powerful that they crowd out other drops in the meantime.

With a few exceptions (e.g., zero offensive secondaries on DPS items), anyway.


Might want to also look at how different classes play with certain setups before saying something "isn't worth such and such over whatever else". A bard who stacks SS will be about as worthless(if not more) as a summoner who has no choice but to stack SS since it's on all their gear. The thing about SS is that it's a massive tp drain and the more you have, the more gimped you become as a bard. The more SS you have, the faster you run out of tp, which means more time in song, which means more time with gimped dmg. The difference between a SS bard and a bard in bis is quite a bit more than "15 dex", you also have to look at how much more often they have to gimp themselves, which leads to an even bigger difference between the 2 gearsets.

I understand you want to try and make it a point and say that "bis" means next to nothing in this game, which honestly it doesn't in the end. But don't go into this with huge math posts trying to make a point, without understanding how a gimped setup works for one class over another and that it can be quite a bit more than "just a few measly stats".
The combat simulator I linked to actually accounts for skill speed and TP starvation as far as I know, but if you have better numbers and can demonstrate at what specific amounts of Skill Speed you begin seeing a serious negative impact on overall dps that would be far more helpful than simply saying "you're wrong, do more research". I'd also be interested in knowing how this would work on non-test dummy fights, as on many fights you will be singing Army regardless, will the increase speed be enough extra TP consumption to force you to sing when you normally wouldn't? How about fights that involve mechanics that will naturally cause you to cease attacking and regen TP? Saying that they are simply worthless is pointlessly hyperbolic, but feel free to backpedal that like you did the comment about i130 gear not even comparing to some i110. I'm not recommending or endorsing BRDs to go and stack skill speed for life, I'm saying it's not the end of the world or shit itemization if you get some pieces with it. You'll still do extremely comparable dps.

That is what originally got me posting about this to begin with, the idea that the non-ideal stats are so awful that they are basically worthless, and non-BiS is a waste of time. BiS does mean something, it means something in every game, but in this particular instance it's not a significant enough gain to obsess over nor does it make non-BiS items shit.


More importantly, where is the English version of Yoshida's Lies.
He needs to spend the whole live letter answering questions like these, just for the response people would have.

Kirimu coat is too sexy to worry about the silly Brd chest. Tanks don't deserve that shaft yet again.
Kagari spent all that time mocking the pirate way and then goes and dresses up like one. It's clear BRDs are canonically Maelstrom at this point.


That is what originally got me posting about this to begin with, the idea that the non-ideal stats are so awful that they are basically worthless, and non-BiS is a waste of time. BiS does mean something, it means something in every game, but in this particular instance it's not a significant enough gain to obsess over nor does it make non-BiS items shit.

To be fair, Spell Speed for me is kind of bad. Value wise, it's roughly half the weight of Crit/Det I think. I have so few spells that truly benefit from Spell Speed for real DPS gain that it is basically a wasted stat slot. Still, for all the whining about SMN itemization I can do it's not that big of a deal. I can avoid Spell Speed on almost every slot and reach my Accuracy cap and a good amount of Crit/Det. It only bugs me on my weapon :(

Still, getting a few pieces of Spell Speed is nice for shaving off some time. Not really for real DPS gain but more just for QoL in casting and dealing with mobility-based mechanics.


Crystal Bearer
He needs to spend the whole live letter answering questions like these, just for the response people would have.

Kagari spent all that time mocking the pirate way and then goes and dresses up like one. It's clear BRDs are canonically Maelstrom at this point.

I'd be all decked out in ironwork's gear if my chest was good. :<
I'd be all decked out in ironwork's gear if my chest was good. :<

But using the dreadwyrm chest over the ironworks one would mean having to use a 120 ring to make it work the best. Can't look all snazzy wearing lower ilvl gear even it's it better in the end, need that dreadwyrm ring for vanity to fit in with the "suboptimals".


Crystal Bearer
But using the dreadwyrm chest over the ironworks one would mean having to use a 120 ring to make it work the best. Can't look all snazzy wearing lower ilvl gear even it's it better in the end, need that dreadwyrm ring for vanity to fit in with the "suboptimals".

We can only hope 2.5 brings another i130 ring.


Tabris why you making me math, it's too late for this shit. Ok here's an alternative to abstract opinion. Please hold the mocking for inevitable fundamental flaw in reasoning until I am done wasting my time.

I'm confused by all your numbers, so I'm going to smile and nod.

Riou won't believe you, he's all into secondary stats right now. At the end of the day I think bard is the only one that can realistically care about secondary stats, past that monk needs to avoid SS like the plague and thats about it.

Those secondary stats, so hot right now.


To be fair, it's really hard to help people in this game, without carrying them, as long the fights are made of 1HKO "jump rope" mechanics. I loved helping in XI, I re-did Promathia and Alexander fights plenty of times for random strangers shouting in Whitegate, but when someone asks me to help them in this game, if 7/8 of the party isn't made of people who cleared it, my "helping" is basically useless.

Shiva is a good example of a fight I can bring new people in without it being a straight carry. But Titan or T7? Better for them to die at the beginning or they'll wipe the raid over and over.

Here's the thing: letting them wipe the raid over and over is the help part. It can be the point of the thing, and while most people hate it I'd rather spend three hours watching my gear degrade in Titan EX to see four people get the clear at once than spend forty minutes running them through one at a time for quick clears, because the former situation creates four people capable of doing Titan while the latter creates four people with the clear achievement but not necessarily any feel for the fight.

But it's a massive time sink for no tangible reward, and wiping can be frustrating. But that's why it's helping and not just bonus sold farming.

I mean, there's room for both kinds of help--eventually you hit a wall where you just want a blockade gone so you can progress, or you're speeding through old content so you can get to relevant stuff, or you just (justifiably) really hate Mog and don't want to do it, or whatever. Ferrying people through for catchup is great if that's what they're looking for! But I think the frustration can be very real when what you really want is to learn a thing, but can't find anyone who knows it and is willing to dump that much time in to it.



Smurf-it unbelievers!!!

.....okay, no more T9 for a few days then. XD
I'm pushing to try and get t9 on farm when my group meets. I don't want to wait another month for all of us to be decked out in ironworks gear to pass turn 10 when we could do it in 2 if we can get that fucking turn down consistently and get our weapons.


Here's the thing: letting them wipe the raid over and over is the help part. It can be the point of the thing, and while most people hate it I'd rather spend three hours watching my gear degrade in Titan EX to see four people get the clear at once than spend forty minutes running them through one at a time for quick clears, because the former situation creates four people capable of doing Titan while the latter creates four people with the clear achievement but not necessarily any feel for the fight.

I'm not a big fan of the straight carries, at least some mechanics should be there and attempted so they can at least do the encounter again if needed. At the same time, I'd like for the group to actually accomplish getting them the clear too. So something in between, I guess? Explaining mechanics and trying to teach the fight but still able to finish the fight if something goes wrong. Ideally, it's also nice if the fight at least has some merit to farming it over and over too.

Basically, I actually really liked helping Ramuh clears for people who came back and tried farming more. Same for Shiva.

Bonus soldiery.

Bonus Soldiery!


Here's the thing: letting them wipe the raid over and over is the help part. It can be the point of the thing, and while most people hate it I'd rather spend three hours watching my gear degrade in Titan EX to see four people get the clear at once than spend forty minutes running them through one at a time for quick clears, because the former situation creates four people capable of doing Titan while the latter creates four people with the clear achievement but not necessarily any feel for the fight.

You're not wrong.


Here's the thing: letting them wipe the raid over and over is the help part. It can be the point of the thing, and while most people hate it I'd rather spend three hours watching my gear degrade in Titan EX to see four people get the clear at once than spend forty minutes running them through one at a time for quick clears, because the former situation creates four people capable of doing Titan while the latter creates four people with the clear achievement but not necessarily any feel for the fight.

I can't say I really agree with this. Wiping over and over on it's own is not an indication of helping at all, especially if progress is regressing or not making any improvements after an hour or two. If you spend several hours on content, and you're not making noticeable progress, then you're just wasting time.


I can't say I really agree with this. Wiping over and over on it's own is not an indication of helping at all, especially if progress is regressing or not making any improvements after an hour or two. If you spend several hours on content, and you're not making noticeable progress, then you're just wasting time.

Even if progress is regressing it doesn't necessarily mean that the new people aren't getting anything out of the wipes, which is still beneficial? If a dude doesn't get a clear, at least he can carry over his experience to the next day he attempts it and so on.
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