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Final Fantasy XIV |OT7| 1000 years DRAGONSONG War

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well I got both Pillars and Bloodborne.

I blame Scy, Docbon, Galen, Scything, Ryder, Zan, Kagari and everyone else who was taking about them in Mumble. And FC chat. And the OT. And Skype...

Also I've never seen a live letter, but do they have some sort of translation up soon after the stream or is there a live reddit thread or something? I'll watch the April one for the movie but would like to be able to hear the Q&A with Yoshi-P, and same for the May one with the battle system stuff.


Tragic victim of fan death
well I got both Pillars and Bloodborne.

I blame Scy, Docbon, Galen, Scything, Ryder, Zan, Kagari and everyone else who was taking about them in Mumble. And FC chat. And the OT. And Skype...

Also I've never seen a live letter, but do they have some sort of translation up soon after the stream or is there a live reddit thread or something? I'll watch the April one for the movie but would like to be able to hear the Q&A with Yoshi-P, and same for the May one with the battle system stuff.

I'm sad that you didn't mention me my name. WHY PHILLIP?! =/


May Live Letter stole the hype from the April Live Letter.

[11:22:14 AM] Phillip Costigan: yeah I got both
[11:22:14 AM] Phillip Costigan: rip rip rip rip rip


I'm even a bad influence when not around


well I got both Pillars and Bloodborne.

I blame Scy, Docbon, Galen, Scything, Ryder, Zan, Kagari and everyone else who was taking about them in Mumble. And FC chat. And the OT. And Skype...

I'd say "this is why you avoid Mumble like the plague it is" but... I have both too so that does not work. Blacklisting everyone may be the only solution.

Although I backed PoE way before I started playing this game, but FC chat is the only reason I realized it was finally out. Even though I got the shipment notification for the boxed CE stuff yesterday. Then I started reading my Kickstarter email backlog and apparently Broken Age 2 hits on my birthday.

Maybe this three month content drought is actually really good timing.


Crystal Bearer
I'm still excited for Coil unlock fun time.
I still need for bard... the earring, belt, pants and boots! And no Galen you can't have any of it.


Although I backed PoE way before I started playing this game, but FC chat is the only reason I realized it was finally out.

I have backed several games that have since been released. Pillars is probably the first one I've actually played. I'm uh ... not very good at this thing.



There's a Broken Age 2?

I'm still excited for Coil unlock fun time.
I still need for bard... the earring, belt, pants and boots! And no Galen you can't have any of it.

I'm legitimately looking forward to playing alt classes in coil with everyone else.

For like ... a day or so. Then back to Pillars.


I'm still laughing at Kagari needing exactly every coil drop I have, no more no less.

Seriously though please lift the curse I want the bracelet.

I have backed several games that have since been released. Pillars is probably the first one I've actually played. I'm uh ... not very good at this thing.



There's a Broken Age 2?

Part 2 of Broken Age I guess. It's just been so long it seems like a sequel to me. Which is actually good because I need to replay the first half since they added achievments and I don't remember a damn thing about it.

I usually remember to redeem my Steam keys for things but actually playing them is iffier.... I should go figure out what's up with the Space Quest spiritual successor. Maybe it's out soon too.
I'd say "this is why you avoid Mumble like the plague it is" but... I have both too so that does not work. Blacklisting everyone may be the only solution.

Although I backed PoE way before I started playing this game, but FC chat is the only reason I realized it was finally out. Even though I got the shipment notification for the boxed CE stuff yesterday. Then I started reading my Kickstarter email backlog and apparently Broken Age 2 hits on my birthday.

Maybe this three month content drought is actually really good timing.

Angary if you joined Mumble you'd be able to join in on the Bloodborne edition of the "FFXIV Mumble Plays Other Games™" initiative.

We've seen great success so far with Mount Your Friends and Heroes of the Storm. Dota 2 as well sometimes.

Though my FFXI idea still hasn't caught on. One day...

You're missing out!

I'm still excited for Coil unlock fun time.
I still need for bard... the earring, belt, pants and boots! And no Galen you can't have any of it.

Still need my Gloves, Earring and Ring as upgrades (as well as my weapon...) and the Chest and Pants for glamour


well I got both Pillars and Bloodborne.

I blame Scy, Docbon, Galen, Scything, Ryder, Zan, Kagari and everyone else who was taking about them in Mumble. And FC chat. And the OT. And Skype...
You're welcome.

I'm still excited for Coil unlock fun time.
I still need for bard... the earring, belt, pants and boots! And no Galen you can't have any of it.
I don't need no earring or belt or boots. Why you such a hater. Wait... do I have the boots? I can't even remember. How do I bard again? All I remember is Circle of Scorn and Huton... help...

Also caneswordwhip. I remember the caneswordwhip very well. PLEASE TO BE GIVING ANOTHER SKILL WEAPON PLZ AND TY.

Broken Age 2 hits on my birthday.
Stealth birthday notification.


Huh, just noticed but:


New Logo and removal of the realm reborn thing.


Thanks for the advice. I guess I will focus on completing all story quests before Heavensward. I play on Zalera btw, if anyone else is there. I have a lowbie on Sargatanas but my RL friends play on Zalera.


Want the Tank Pants, Chestpiece, boots, (for vanity,) and everything else is either accessories or DRG gear.

Edit: I also want the Axe, Sword, Shield, and Spear, but the Axe would mainly be for vanity as well, so it's likely I'll probably let somebody else take the first axe, assuming it ever drops. XD


Crystal Bearer
I have the belt and earrings...=D

Thankfully the loot system is changing for Alexander. Off the top of my head my group has not seen the following despite clearing Turn 10 on the second day of 2.4 and 11-12 within a couple weeks after:

Monk circlet
Bard belt
Bard boots
Dragoon chest
Tank pants
Ninja pants
Bard pants
SMN book
Dreadwyrm axe

Might be missing something but yeah. Still a decent amount of big pieces we didn't see with the pants being the major one there. T12 probably getting farmed the most.


I asked in mumble once but you were too busy being the FC Playboy as usual to notice. I'll give it to you next time I see you on mumble/in-game.

This guy.

Also since we're praying/cursing RNGesus, I'll take that Aiming bracelet instead of Kagari. Thanks, game.


I'd like to see the mobs in the first dungeon crumple under a crit flare. Maybe a boss explode in a single hit.
China you so crazy.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I think I have dibs on next aiming bracelet TBH. I think Kagari already has it on both characters and nobody cares about ninjas.

In other news, China is getting rid of dungeon level sync.

Great for 50s, bullshit for low levels who will be denied mob XP when DF pairs them with party members more than 11 levels higher.

I'm jealous. I hate level sync in every way that it's manifested in this game. It makes soloing animus book fates harder than it has to be. It makes doing sub-50 dungeons take double the time than a 50 dungeon does. The best part of an MMO for me has always been going back and redoing old content after I've gotten powerful and being able to buttstomp it.

This is the first MMO I've played where nearly all of its content was accessed thru a match making service. I honestly think first timers or people that want to do dungeons for XP should be forced to do it thru party finder or a premade with friends and DF should be exclusively for people that need to speed run content for the zillion quests that require it. I'm sick of having to teach and carry new players when I'm doing level 50 quests. Ideally it'd be nice if I didn't have to redo 1-49 content AT ALL while doing level 50 quests, but that's the awful quest design they went with so what can you do?


This is the first MMO I've played where nearly all of its content was accessed thru a match making service. I honestly think first timers or people that want to do dungeons for XP should be forced to do it thru party finder or a premade with friends and DF should be exclusively for people that need to speed run content for the zillion quests that require it.

This is the worst idea. So bad. I know it's the rumored JP approach to endgame (at least--maybe they expect newbies to try to premade Sastasha), but for leveling it just seems impractical. I got to 50 basically playing the game alone--I dont think I partied up for anything before, like, Garuda EX at the earliest--and cross-server DF is a key component in making it possible to do that. Once you hit 50 and have sort of established a comfort level with the game, it's much easier to go with a premade than when you're just starting out, and the game does force you to use a premade for anything considered currently difficult.

The dungeons being ruined for low levels here are stupidly easy, and are usually made more annoying by lazy 50s half assing their way through for book credit than anything. And realistically the 'bad' players don't go away at 50, they just get cocky because they think hitting level cap means something. DF as a grab bag makes the most sense--if you can't or won't come up with your own group, you surrender to destiny and take what you can get.

The decision here seems to be more around differences in subscription model, but even there lowbies are still getting screwed.


The ideal way to get rid of level sync if they ever did it on EU/NA servers would be to detect if there is any in the group that is below level 50 (which is very likely unless a new patch has just been released that include content like the animus books/dungeon atma) then the dungeon is level sync'd. If the group is all 50s then the sync is removed, feel free to steamroll it.

Or if it's made up of all 50s then right at the start, they have a vote to level sync or not. Majority wins. Only reason I'm adding this is because some people prefer the level sync for the challenge even if the dungeon itself isn't much of a challenge. That's why post-50 dungeons were level sync'd even though most of them aren't actually that challenging. (at least I remember that being said as the reason when the i110 level sync came into play)


Or if it's made up of all 50s then right at the start, they have a vote to level sync or not. Majority wins.
Four people doesn't lend itself to a majority vote all the time.

But yeah I see what you're saying. I don't care much about this topic. It sucks for people leveling, but I guess there's a reason they're doing it. I just don't get the reason.


Four people doesn't lend itself to a majority vote all the time.

But yeah I see what you're saying. I don't care much about this topic. It sucks for people leveling, but I guess there's a reason they're doing it. I just don't get the reason.

Well it'd be more of a majority than the vote to kick thing at least. No one starts it, it just automatically starts and 3 people voting yes = win for the vote.

I don't get the reason either anyway, as said, it really screws over lowbies. I guess PF will get a lot more use on those servers for leveling people. Or people will just level using fates/duty roulette only.


Sastasha at IL130 would be the dumbest shit.

I honestly think people get to 50 and forget what it was like to be the newbie. Have a little patience, and if you don't like DF, make your own group.


Im down with helping new players. What I hate is those that don't listen to suggestions or get annoyed because you are trying to help them. This happens a lot with new tanks. Barely holding aggro and getting pissed at you for suggestig them to use flash.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
This is the worst idea. So bad. I know it's the rumored JP approach to endgame (at least--maybe they expect newbies to try to premade Sastasha), but for leveling it just seems impractical. I got to 50 basically playing the game alone--I dont think I partied up for anything before, like, Garuda EX at the earliest--and cross-server DF is a key component in making it possible to do that. Once you hit 50 and have sort of established a comfort level with the game, it's much easier to go with a premade than when you're just starting out, and the game does force you to use a premade for anything considered currently difficult.

The dungeons being ruined for low levels here are stupidly easy, and are usually made more annoying by lazy 50s half assing their way through for book credit than anything. And realistically the 'bad' players don't go away at 50, they just get cocky because they think hitting level cap means something. DF as a grab bag makes the most sense--if you can't or won't come up with your own group, you surrender to destiny and take what you can get.

The decision here seems to be more around differences in subscription model, but even there lowbies are still getting screwed.

I mean, that's kind of how MMO's worked since the beginning. If you wanted to level up or experience some content for the first time, you had to go out and form your own party. The tools are there now to make that easier than it ever was back in the day. The DF should only exist to make it easier to re-run content. Instead it's there now as a crutch to ensure people can get to 50 with as little resistance as possible. I'm sick of seeing people get to level 50 and have no clue how this game works because they got carried their entire way thru the game. If people were forced to actually socialize and talk to people before entering a dungeon rather than just queuing for the DF and not speaking while it just gets done by people doing it for the zillionth time, they would learn how to play better and become more comfortable with the game long before hitting the level cap.


That's a dream, however. All it will really do is make the entire leveling process a chore and reduce the amount of people going through the game.


The ideal way to get rid of level sync if they ever did it on EU/NA servers would be to detect if there is any in the group that is below level 50 (which is very likely unless a new patch has just been released that include content like the animus books/dungeon atma) then the dungeon is level sync'd. If the group is all 50s then the sync is removed, feel free to steamroll it.

Or if it's made up of all 50s then right at the start, they have a vote to level sync or not. Majority wins. Only reason I'm adding this is because some people prefer the level sync for the challenge even if the dungeon itself isn't much of a challenge. That's why post-50 dungeons were level sync'd even though most of them aren't actually that challenging. (at least I remember that being said as the reason when the i110 level sync came into play)

I would think that would be a good way to make level 50's mad at newer players.
So how do you tanks handle Turn 12 add phase where we have to burn bennus while Phoenix casts Flames of Rebirth? Because I'm tired of having a Bennu chew my face as WHM. I'm not even spamming Medica/Cure 3 either!


I mean, that's kind of how MMO's worked since the beginning. If you wanted to level up or experience some content for the first time, you had to go out and form your own party. The tools are there now to make that easier than it ever was back in the day. The DF should only exist to make it easier to re-run content. Instead it's there now as a crutch to ensure people can get to 50 with as little resistance as possible. I'm sick of seeing people get to level 50 and have no clue how this game works because they got carried their entire way thru the game. If people were forced to actually socialize and talk to people before entering a dungeon rather than just queuing for the DF and not speaking while it just gets done by people doing it for the zillionth time, they would learn how to play better and become more comfortable with the game long before hitting the level cap.

There's a reason MMOs have evolved, though--forcing people to premade everything from the word go makes it increasingly difficult for new players, especially those starting during a lull period who aren't entering with any sort of preformed social ties. Making things more difficult for people getting their feet under them in the game isn't really a feature, and given that FFXIV seems to intentionally target fans of the single-player franchise the gradual easing into MMO elements is smart.

You have access to the exact same tools to preform groups you think newbies should be using, and in theory you have a solid base of people to pull from to help you form groups. You need DF less than new players do. I am all for people who don't want to have to be exposed to new players never having to be exposed to new players, I just think the burden of effort should be on them.
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