Call me YHWH
I think my biggest gripe at the moment is that the way XP is just doled out to you means I'm actively afraid to do side content. If I run through hunts to make cash I'm going to outpace the story difficulty and level curve tremendously, and strip the game of any real difficulty.
I love the combat system, but when you're so far ahead of the bosses and dangerous encounters, all sense of nuance and technical skill fly out the window and it really does just turn into hold attack to win.
Which sucks because I want to explore the world, and I want to do the side quests, but at chapter 8, I'm pushing level 40 and the game is just straight up handing me thousands of XP for doing literally nothing.
The (spoilers for an early Duscae region sidequest)
If they gave the game a hard mode, or an item to cancel XP gain, it would be one of my favorite games on the PS4, hands down.
Some of the environments in this game are down right breath taking though. The dungeons especially. There was one about mid way through the game that almost physically took my breath away. I panned the camera around for several minutes just taking in the details.
Maybe it's the honeymoon phase but I don't mind the english voices at all. Gladio might be the worst of the lot in technical skill, since he's trying to sound deeper than he actually is. But in one of the early scenes during chapter 1 or 2, where Noctis' voice cracks while he's on the phone, I was sold.
I love how smarmy Ignis sounds, too. The amount of condescension when he talks is beautiful.
I love the combat system, but when you're so far ahead of the bosses and dangerous encounters, all sense of nuance and technical skill fly out the window and it really does just turn into hold attack to win.
Which sucks because I want to explore the world, and I want to do the side quests, but at chapter 8, I'm pushing level 40 and the game is just straight up handing me thousands of XP for doing literally nothing.
The (spoilers for an early Duscae region sidequest)
chocobo quest leading up to the cool as fuck behemoth hunt was monstrously underwhelming because I was near level 30 at the time and I just ran over the boss without needing to use the exploding barrels at all.
If they gave the game a hard mode, or an item to cancel XP gain, it would be one of my favorite games on the PS4, hands down.
Some of the environments in this game are down right breath taking though. The dungeons especially. There was one about mid way through the game that almost physically took my breath away. I panned the camera around for several minutes just taking in the details.
Gaf forgive me for I have sinned
I switched to English language because I can't stand the idea of not everything being translated and having to read subtitles all of the time in my big TV. I already have to do it with Anime.
And the English voices are growing on me.
Maybe it's the honeymoon phase but I don't mind the english voices at all. Gladio might be the worst of the lot in technical skill, since he's trying to sound deeper than he actually is. But in one of the early scenes during chapter 1 or 2, where Noctis' voice cracks while he's on the phone, I was sold.
I love how smarmy Ignis sounds, too. The amount of condescension when he talks is beautiful.