Ok I've been playing the past few days and am I just totally doing something wrong when it comes to combat?
I've put about 8 hours into the game, currently lv 9 and combat is getting SUPER freaking tough now.
Doing hunting missions for instance, I went up against a lv 11 creature at lv 9 and it literally would one-hit me and take all my health out.
Even when I fight normal stuff at my level it's getting hard, I literally keep getting knocked down over and over and over and there seems to be no good way to judge incoming attacks, the prompt to block and parry hardly ever comes up and I just get knocked down/one-hit by stuff that's around my lv or slightly higher.
I feel like I'm playing super underlevel'd or somehow I've missed some kind of mechanic or don't have good gear (I have the only available upgraded weapons in this area) and I can't seem to find any clothing or anything (I don't even think it has that as loot).
Doing the crab thing near the ocean was such a pita, literally one hit and I was down, over and over and over.
A few "trash mobs" aren't a problem at all, just things that are like lv 10-12'ish or so.
Like the big horse looking things, Rhinos, spider, etc.