Are you guys ever satisfied ?
Would like to remind you guys that "towns" back in the PS1 days were little more than a couple of background images(nice art design though) that you pass through with little to no interactivity.
Lestallum is great.I love how each vendor offers different foods,items & hunts.
Thats interacivity enough.
So just beatLeviathon
Just found an optional scene with Prompto and Noctis tying into Brotherhood and opening up about his insecurities, and it unlocked a special camera filter. It was really sweet
Finished it, it's a good ending, well paced. So many videogame endings are crazy abrupt, so I'm glad to see this end strong in spite of the disjointed crazy inconsistent majority of the story.
What's there in the way of must-see post game content?
Just found an optional scene with Prompto and Noctis tying into Brotherhood and opening up about his insecurities, and it unlocked a special camera filter. It was really sweet
Wow, Final Fantasy XIV's OST seem to be really good based on the selection of tracks available in this game. Didn't remember the music to be this good back then when I played.
Is there at any time of the game a point of no return? I need to no before proceeding on with the main story (ch. 8 atm). It would be devastating for me if I'd leave out a few sidequests and then accidentally reach a story point where I'm not able to complete these.
Wow, Final Fantasy XIV's OST seem to be really good based on the selection of tracks available in this game. Didn't remember the music to be this good back then when I played.
Wow, Final Fantasy XIV's OST seem to be really good based on the selection of tracks available in this game. Didn't remember the music to be this good back then when I played.
Perhaps it depends on the dialogue choices you make? I encouraged him to speak about his problems and comforted him (watching Brotherhood really gives this scene context lol)Uhhh... I didnt get any filter there![]()
Sorry I saw this asked somewhere but it only just now happened to me, my camera is super close to Noct for some reason can I fix it?
Nevermind combat fixed it I guess
Nope! The car pulls it back? Weird...
Perhaps it depends on the dialogue choices you make? I encouraged him to speak about his problems and comforted him (watching Brotherhood really gives this scene context lol)
I won't understand the complaints either. There might be limited towns in FFXV but they are all living breathing towns, which is more than we can say about the classic FFs.Are you guys ever satisfied ?
Would like to remind you guys that "towns" back in the PS1 days were little more than a couple of background images(nice art design though) that you pass through with little to no interactivity.
Lestallum is great.I love how each vendor offers different foods,items & hunts.
Thats interacivity enough.
Is there at any time of the game a point of no return? I need to no before proceeding on with the main story (ch. 8 atm). It would be devastating for me if I'd leave out a few sidequests and then accidentally reach a story point where I'm not able to complete these.
I got fucking owned in the sewers dungeon. I'm like level 40~ too but hardly could damage the snake thing. Can she heal herself, it looked like it.
Is there at any time of the game a point of no return? I need to no before proceeding on with the main story (ch. 8 atm). It would be devastating for me if I'd leave out a few sidequests and then accidentally reach a story point where I'm not able to complete these.
FUCK getting a Sturdy Helixhorn man, I don't even need Ultima Blade...
I won't understand the complaints either. There might be limited towns in FFXV but they are all living breathing towns, which is more than we can say about the classic FFs.
I really loved how the town felt alive. Depending on the time of day, certain people were doing different things. Like I saw the power plant worker writing something important in her notepad while observing the pipe, or I saw people going on in the bazaar doing regular conversations, or kids running around excited when I greet them. It never felt like a small or dead city at all. The day and night cycle helps a lot.
Shame about the interior but adding them would have made it far more ambitious. I think it is fine as it is and even Digital Foundry stated the same in the technical analysis, saying they were highly impressed with how the towns were made with the day and night cycle.
I feel lost in encounters with many monsters. How do I control the fight effectively? I can't attack more than twice without some other enemy charging into me from off camera. All I can really do is cheese the warp strikes from a distance and spam techniques.
I kind of feel like this as well. I guess we shouldn't lock on enemies as often?
Also, what does Vitality do?
I kind of feel like this as well. I guess we shouldn't lock on enemies as often?
Also, what does Vitality do?
Umm why do you you have to pay to drive your own car?
On the plus side I didn't realize it warps you straight to the destination
Dont want this game to end, games with this level if immersion dont come round often. I bought the season pass which is rare for me.
i just bought it too.
although i hate season passes, cos by the time the DLC comes i've stopped playing..
The "towns" I remember in the PS1 games apart from the usual shops you could go into almost every house, go looking through every room and inspect people's drawers for treasures. You're doing them a disservice to try and make bump this game up.Are you guys ever satisfied ?
Would like to remind you guys that "towns" back in the PS1 days were little more than a couple of background images(nice art design though) that you pass through with little to no interactivity.
Lestallum is great.I love how each vendor offers different foods,items & hunts.
Thats interacivity enough.
Thanks. This is good to know.Increases defense against physical attacks
Use regroup, fixes all the problems with the combat system in the game.
Steyliff Super Dungeon: Complete
I feel lost in encounters with many monsters. How do I control the fight effectively? I can't attack more than twice without some other enemy charging into me from off camera. All I can really do is cheese the warp strikes from a distance and spam techniques.
Steyliff Super Dungeon: Complete
This was a harrowing six hour tale of love, anger, lust, and betrayal. No but seriously this was a six hour endurance test to see if you brought enough supplies and whether you would eventually crack. Other Super Dungeons in the game have been hard, possibly unfair at times, but this was just brutal. There were sections in this dungeon's 100 floors where they would throw 4 Ronins at you at once and all you can see on your screen is the dodge button and purple smoke. Early on I didn't realize how long this Super Dungeon was, as the previous 5 were roughly twenty floors, and so I spent supplies a bit too frivolously. Near the end I had to leave party members dead while I fought four tonberries trying to carve me up all at once. I was only able to beat those godforsaken tonberries by spamming the everlasting hell out of that dodge and counter button. Tonberries like to attack fast and 5 or 6 times in a row, so I had to counter just as much in a span of 15 to 20 seconds. It became a volleyball match only with knives.
I went into this dungeon with 99 potions, 70+ phoenix downs, 70 elixirs, and other stuff. Near the end, almost all of that is gone. I was starting to get into my 'emergency stash' on the 90th floor. I didn't think I was going to make it as the 91st and 92nd floor were Master Tonberry(think Sir Tonberry but on crack) so I thought the rest of the 90's were going to be straight Master Tonberry. Thankfully that wasn't the case and the rest were a lot easier.
Funnily enough, the boss was easier than just one Master Tonberry. He got the full extent of six hours of pent up rage.
How big is each floor?
Physical size or enemy count?
Just got to chapter 13.
Took me way too long to kill that first soldier so I turned the game off. I have no idea if they will come in groups or just 1 at a time after him...
I really don't like that section or that genre that it representsso I will have to kill them all or speed run it.hiding/horror
Any one have any tips on speed running the chapter? If not I'm going to be spamming these potions/elixers and the O button.
Physical size. Is it just enemies and then down to the next one?
Also, I'm assuming you have to beat the game to open those doors? I'm thinking of heading to Altissia soon, but I want to do most of the optional stuff before.
Thanks! Will give it a try after workR1+Triangle completely breaks this chapter. Fun, though.
Academia 4XXAF or whatever it's called from XIII-2 is a better town thanof the towns in this game. There, I said it. Fite me.either
Also, if there were DLC for the vocal themes from each game (Melodies of Life, Suteki da ne, Kiss Me Goodbye, Yakusoku no Basho, etc etc), I would totally pay real money for it.
gotta say, first FF in a while where I dont feel like I need to buy and play it. The recent sales and all the games I bought on discount will probably mean this will be a 2017 sale purchase.
There were four sizes of rooms. Small, medium, large, and gigantic (boss size). Yes it's just enemies and one item in the middle, and then down to the next floor.
Yes you have to beat the game to get the key to unlock the doors. You also need to go and beat a certain selection of the regular dungeons. If you want a taste, you can do Castlemark when you're level 55.