In settings, is high resolution the 4k option for the Pro?
It's 1800p I think
In settings, is high resolution the 4k option for the Pro?
In settings, is high resolution the 4k option for the Pro?
Yes!Here, have a virtual cookie.
Yes. You get 4 checkerboard rendering (upscaled 1800p) and additionally better texture filterig, LOD and higher resolution shadows maps.
So... you can come back to the open world for side quests after you beat the game right?
Is it the same composer? Is she doing a Hans Zimmer? If not I don't know how they could deny a similarity if they got in trouble for it.
For those that have finished the game, what would be the ideal level to finish the game on? I've just started Chapter 9 and I'm lvl 41.
For those that have finished the game, what would be the ideal level to finish the game on? I've just started Chapter 9 and I'm lvl 41.
For those that have finished the game, what would be the ideal level to finish the game on? I've just started Chapter 9 and I'm lvl 41.
Been playing through the story most of the morning, just reached the final chapter. Man, this has been a great adventure, really enjoyed it and will finish the story later today. Gonna go back to open world and do some stuff.
Aaaand another unskippable 10 minute car ride.
...So, any good games on sale on Steam?
This is what I do but nothing happens. I can try again.Then hold whichever button for your control scheme (B is L2) and use the d-pad to select from the menu.
Late game question regarding a dungeon, how did you guys deal with the 3Castlemark Towerred giants
Having spells effect you and party members was such a terrible choice. It makes using them too dangerous in 90% of situations. What's Blizzaga even for when it fucks you up as badly as the enemy? :/
Summons lol
This is what I do but nothing happens. I can try again.
Also I'm accumulating EXP, I'm at 4000 right now but should I save up 10k Gil to sleep at the x2 bonus hotel at Galdin Quay?
This is what I do but nothing happens. I can try again.
Also I'm accumulating EXP, I'm at 4000 right now but should I save up 10k Gil to sleep at the x2 bonus hotel at Galdin Quay?
]blacky[;225983495 said:I have the "Analyze"-perk. So where do I find those informations now?
Wow, this fight againstis pretty lame; I feel like I'm playing the ending of Sonic Adventure to the Skyrim theme.Leviathan
No, Shimomura did not do the Skyrim soundtrack.
I'm also wondering about that. The similarities are uncanny.
Ahh I forgot all about the tech bar and how to fill it up.The bar on the left will show you which button you need to press to bring up the menu.
Also (just in case), the tech icons have to be green to activate. So make sure you have the required amount of bars before you try to use them.
Hmm okay. But isn't it a lot when I'm still only at Chapter 2 and currently lvl 10?No, 4000 exp is nothing.
I really loved it.Was a fun break from the norm and it looked spectacular at times.
Plus I love it when things get crazy in FF games in terms of OTT powers.
Same. I believe they made these bosses more to be spectacular versus hard so every player can enjoy, leaving the difficult battles to the side content and hardcore.
Ahh I forgot all about the tech bar and how to fill it up.
Hmm okay. But isn't it a lot when I'm still only at Chapter 2 and currently lvl 10?
Ahh I forgot all about the tech bar and how to fill it up.
Hmm okay. But isn't it a lot when I'm still only at Chapter 2 and currently lvl 10?
It seems to just activate randomly when Ignis feels like. It might actually be useful if it saved the information when you fight the same enemy again but no...
Hold defend when it gets hectic and let the game dodge for you. If a lot of enemies are attacking then you'll undoubtably get a few chances to parry/link so it's worth it for offense too.
Try Prompto's Starshell tech. It sends a flare into the air that distracts enemies. Takes the heat off so you can concentrate on a single after. Added bonus of illuminating any darkens area.
Also Iggy's regroup.
Manual roll by tapping the defend button if you need distance and don't want to waste mp on warp. Also some attacks can't be auto-dodged, roll and warp are very handy for these. Both have invinci frames.
Abuse other techs for their invinci frames.
Make use of all the weapon combos (hold attack + left analog direction). Some weapons have combo strings that will pull you out of danger, like swords and 'attack + back left analog' = a double back flip that you can either use to escape or continue to launch an air combo (and while doing so you can use air dodges if you've unlocked them).
Don't get greedy. Hit, dodge, reposition, repeat.
Remember you can cycle targets by holding lock and hitting the right analog. Hold defend while you're doing this to give yourself some breathing room.
Holly shit at chapter 13, I'm trying to think of a worse section/level in any game I played this past 10 years and I'm pretty sure this one is the worst, wtf were they thinking?!
Thanks for the tips mate, I'll give em a try!
Chapter 13 is one of the worst things I have ever played in a videogame.
The last several chapters have brought this down from an 8/10 to a 5/10 for me. If I cared about story at all, I would have dropped this game.
What a fucking joke.
Is there anyway to make the car go faster? Like an upgrade/component you can buy/find. Because omg, the driving. There is a lot of it and it is very slow. I know that you can fast travel to the parking lots and some, not all, of the quests, but the load times are abysmally long.
It's rather unfortunate that we can't drive away or around spawning enemies while in the Regalia. It's also too bad that the recliner always opens up when entering the car. Hopefully a patch will let us have the closed roof by default.
Also what is the easiest way to earn Gil? I'm afraid to sell my stuff.
What weapon do I use against the little turtle? Im 1 hour in and only got it down 30% health
Homage to a certain mainline FF?