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For once Amazon is delivering on the release date for me... many firsts today LOL!
Out for delivery yay! Got my code for the chocobo car from Amazon, but having a problem with the road trip DLC, I redeemed the DLC, said the codes would be emailed, yet I get nothing?
Just tried it multiple times, skipping and not skipping the tutorial at the start of the game to be sure.
Do tutorial = frame pacing issues
Skip tutorial = no issues at all.
Seems like the tutorial screws something up.
TBH it doesn't bother me regardless, as I'm not sensitive to things like this. I actually have to look for it, but for those that find it annoying and are about to start the game and still want to do the tutorial.
1) Do the tutorial
2) Once finished, delete the saved data
3) Restart game and this time skip tutorial
Just let me know if any of you Amazon road tripers got your email.
What? That's some terrible luck. They've never failed me. BB either.For once Amazon is delivering on the release date for me... many firsts today LOL!
I do agree with the tutorial theory somewhat because I was shocked to find out frame pacing issues exist on the base PS4, while for me, it was a smooth experience until the big towns.
I skipped tutorial since I had played Jugment disc demo.
Check your spam folder.
Hey GAF, I'm upgrading my PS4 to a Pro this week and getting the game, I only have a 1080p TV though - would you recommend waiting for my 4K TV to play this (Getting one just after Xmas), or is the 1080p/60fps patch live, I'm keen as on that I'd say....
My question really is, how awesome does the 4K 30fps version look, does it run at a steady 30fps?![]()
Likewise with Audi.
Not sure in-game but in Kingsglaive there are overt Audi posters all over the city
No dice. And apparently you can't resend the codes, once you redeem thats that. I hope its just slow or something.![]()
I've been going full on media blackout for this game, but since I won't be able to play it until tonight, I'm wondering, how are the trophies? Hopefully not a lot of missable ones.
I wish they included a 'hard mode', even if the enemies just did more damage and that was the only difference it would be perfect. I love the combat system, but think it would shine even more if the difficulty was higher and it forced you to really use all the dodge mechanics as much as possible.
That said, I've only just completed chapter 1, so I'm sure the game gets more challenging. But after playing Dark Souls and Bloodborne I now love tense and frustrating action combat systems that force you to get good.
Picking this up in the morning, should I watch the movie and the animated series beforehand?
Zero missable and 100% easy.
Only one is time consuming and that involves basically moving around on foot for enough time
Gotta say this isnt true for me.
I skipped the tutorial completely and I've got frame pacing issues.
Zero missable and 100% easy.
Only one is time consuming and that involves basically moving around on foot for enough time
Good to know. Definitely going for the platinum but don't want to have to follow a guide or do a cleanup playthrough.Zero missable and 100% easy.
Only one is time consuming and that involves basically moving around on foot for enough time
Technically theres one missable?
Ifrit Boss Fight on Normal
Is it normal if Noctis' model turns green for a few seconds? I think it might be the stamina ability I just unlocked, but it's so arbitrary that I think it might also be a bug.
Yes. Normal.Is it normal if Noctis' model turns green for a few seconds? I think it might be the stamina ability I just unlocked, but it's so arbitrary that I think it might also be a bug.
I'd advise doing it for the sake of it showing you the cue timing even if it is pretty easy to get. It will only take a couple minutes and you'll be done with it.
EDIT: Just read about the possible issue, maybe skip it to be safe. It's not very important.
Awesome, guess I'll fire it up while I wait. Thanks!
I wish they included a 'hard mode', even if the enemies just did more damage and that was the only difference it would be perfect. I love the combat system, but think it would shine even more if the difficulty was higher and it forced you to really use all the dodge mechanics as much as possible.
That said, I've only just completed chapter 1, so I'm sure the game gets more challenging. But after playing Dark Souls and Bloodborne I now love tense and frustrating action combat systems that force you to get good.
I heard the game is quite challenging overall, but that XP boost thing from the new patch scare me a little...
My god the intro withBahhhhh i'M IN. THESE ARE MY BEST FRIENDS.them all pushing the car to that AMAZING "Stand By Me" cover.
My god the intro withBahhhhh i'M IN. THESE ARE MY BEST FRIENDS.them all pushing the car to that AMAZING "Stand By Me" cover.
Lmao that not so subtle product placement for cup noodle when discussing food at camp.
Is it normal for the game to be a bit blurry on the Xb1? Like the characters for example, before getting close to them
Did you watch Brotherhood?
That'll make you the bestest of friends.
That's because that's not how games work...
Is this the first FF that uses any kind of real world music? For me it's super off-putting.
Yeah. Sadly it's really bad. It's more to do with the silly AA solution and motion blur etc.
EDIT: NO MISSABLES? I might buy this game![]()
Worst thing is her father is RIGHT THERE
As I said days ago in some past FF XV thread, this style is kind of like FF VI, which I really kind of love. It makes you want to play again, as you might always find something new to shed new light on the story or characters.
It's true though that VI probably did this better. But I like the nod towards that open ended style.