Hello guys, I was wondering if this game would be right for me- never played a FF game, nor have I played many JRPGs in general except Souls in which I have probably invested 500 hours in across all 5 titles. I am a big fan of open world RPGs, but mainly the western ones like The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Fallout etc. On one hand I don't care for anime (something this game takes inspiration from visually) but if its a fun game with a decent story, I'm down.
EDIT: Also, how long is the game for someone like me who likes to finish most side quests? I hate open world bloat but I have a compulsive OCD that makes me check every nook and crany. As of late though, like in Dragon Age Inquistion I avoid all the fetch quests that I know will be wastes of time and try ti complete the ones that are meaningful/interesting.