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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!

That lvl 99 optional dungeon, it's extremely hard, like super hard, every monster encounter is like boss battle and you gotta learn the pattern.

No items ofc, any suggestions?

Some rooms are totally skippable. The smaller ones, where you can see the exit (left or right from the doorway.) can be point-warped straight to the exit before the barrier drops. Line your sight up to the that exit, equip a lance, walk a step into the room facing that exit direction, and as the encounter music starts, point-warp. I skipped that nasty room with three Psychomancers that would've killed me (or at least, be a pain in the ass) if I stayed.
Finally finished the game.

At least Verendus wasn't lying about one thing: game of the generation.

Seriously, I know it's flawed and all, but it's handily my favorite thing so far this generation, and in my top 3 FF games (below 7 and 12).

Same. Only other game that comes even close is Life Is Strange so far.

Everything else apart from those two has just felt so 'samey' to me.


Neo Member
What the fuck was Chapter 4?


Ok. I can't believe people are defending this game's story. They had 10 fucking years to make this right, and the story is a complete mess.

What is the disc? The archeon? Luna met the Titan, so what?
They found out Ardyn is from the empire. You know, the guys who killed the fucking King and set the whole country in flames?

Then they get in his ship... and "a few days later" they mention NOTHING ABOUT THE ENCOUNTER and they are back in the field? And what is this time wasting thing to "listen to the stones" that Giordana or whatever her name is tells you?

I know that stories introduce unknown elements to explain later, but they usually DO provide some background or is at least not too crazy. FF XV takes to another level.

Seriously, they had TEN YEARS GUYS. TEN YEARS. Something really fucking macabre must have happened inside that studio. And the public will never know.

It doesn't exactly go uphill from there. The plot is nonsensical and nothing is ever really explained.


Watch it with subtitles: http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=DW6ABggCqvY

Amazing scene.

What it means:
Long ago, Ardyn was the heir to the throne and a healer of the people. He absorbed the daemons into himself to cure the afflicted. But then another person, Izunia, said Ardyn was impure and the gods agreed. Ardyn was demonized and cast out by the people; he was denied the throne and the afterlife, as well. Then Izunia took his last name, and the gods gave Izunia the title of king instead. So Ardyn wants revenge against the line that "usurped" him, and against the gods. To achieve this, he's helping Noctis reach his full power so Noctis can become the Chosen King, the champion of the gods, the king who will end the plague of daemons. By killing Noctis in this state, he will have had his revenge against the new line of kings and the gods.

Wow, thanks so much for the link. That was like EVERYTHING and I missed it due to stupid sound editing haha. I did NOT get any of that when I just watched it. Lesson learned to leave subtitles on.

So that pretty much brings everything full circle and adds that missing layer to
Ardyn's motivations. I probably have to digest this more, but now my question is, wouldn't the gods have known what Ardyn's intentions were in absorbing the deamons? Or does that make him impure regardless of the 'good' intentions behind it? Seems like the gods got duped big time. By denying him and letting this Izunia take his place. Or maybe they don't have that much regard for their own chosen?
wtf that is an option?

shit how did I miss that. Also the party members can use items themselves?

Turning off other characters animations is a godsend. And there are Ascension nodes that let the characters heal themselves and others using "hidden" items or whatever. They aren't really using any of your items, though I don't think.
Don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but the game is now for $40 at Amazon.

That's very telling for a game that has only been out for three weeks.



Please make more gifs of this game. They're so fucking beautiful lol.
Don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but the game is now for $40 at Amazon.

That's very telling for a game that has only been out for three weeks.

Doesn't actually say that much when several other really popular games were on sale recently for the same price. It is Christmas after all.


It's kind of a shame that Ardyn was wasted on this game. He deserves a fully fledged story that isn't disjointed and vague as fuck.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
So I'm up to Ch13 and Cid has never once holla'd out about my many upgrade weapons I've left with him: bug? Can I even
go to him again?


Buy the best rod/reel, catch big fish.

Agree with the buying part, disagree with the big fish part.

I leveled fishing much faster at River Wennath (the spot of the "Fishing, Naturally" side quest) because I could almost instant-catch Rainbow Trout and Cleigne River Trout. I could catch 5x as many of them in the same amount of time it would take me to catch 1 Vesper Gar up at the Vesperpool (and with far less wear on my line, to boot).

I went from just under skill 7.5 to 10 in an hour and a half just by staying there and running over to the Wennath camping spot to save.


Welp, new game+ did not solve my chocobo glitch. Looks like the only thing I can do now is restart from the save I kept from before beating the game, beat the final boss again, and then start the new game+, which means I won't be able to carry any of the postgame progress I made into my new game.
This freaking game.

I'm currently stuck in a battle with level 28 enemies I have no chance of killing, and nothing I do cancels the battle. Even fleeing to camp doesn't let me camp.

EDIT: I suspect my chocobos are somehow the problem, so I'm just waiting until they return back to their home.
I did it around level 65 or so, and probably could have done it a fair bit lower. It's not a tough fight at all. The first 2/3 of it the boss will barely do any damage to you, and after that point it's all telegraphed 9999 hit attacks. Even if they do hit you, you can just use a potion or whatever and keep on trucking. It's a battle of attrition, not skill.

Sounds boring but thanks for the tips! I'm gonna try it out later. I'm pretty disappointed it was scaled down since Tabata said it would take really long and be tough.
Fuck this game.

Forced stealth mission in chapter 6. I'm stuck.

The general just stops at the gate and DON'T MOVE ANYMORE! I'm 200 ft away from him. If I try to kill any guards I get spotted.

Ugh... Fuck this game.
Fuck this game.

Forced stealth mission in chapter 6. I'm stuck.

The general just stops at the gate and DON'T MOVE ANYMORE! I'm 200 ft away from him. If I try to kill any guards I get spotted.

Ugh... Fuck this game.

Climb up the scaffolding, warp across, he should move forward then.


Just beat the game, would probably give it a 8/10.

Pretty fun gameplay, cool (but somewhat empty) world, great music, quite a lacking story.

Gonna start the post-game content tomorrow.


So I just got to Duscae at level 21 and I got to ask... Is the game supposed to be this hard? Cause for some reason depending on the enemies, level 10's can still take a good long while to kill (Just did a Garulas hunt and they took a while to go down), and the Imperial soldiers can do quite a number on me even though I'm 5 levels above them.


So I just got to Duscae at level 21 and I got to ask... Is the game supposed to be this hard? Cause for some reason depending on the enemies, level 10's can still take a good long while to kill (Just did a Garulas hunt and they took a while to go down), and the Imperial soldiers can do quite a number on me even though I'm 5 levels above them.
Dont know about how it goes for other but it gets easier after first round of ascension upgrade in combat category for me

That is one of my pet peeve for me about the game, the all or nothing upgrade.


Got lv10 for fishing! :D
I think it was fun enough and not so time consuming after all.
Got some very bug fishes! 99kg! :O
Love when all the party went into the water to catch him! XD

Now I have Cook lv7, Explorer lv8, Photo lv9.
I dont' see a problem for Cooking, it is going up pretty quickly.
Explorer seems stuck even if I run a lot...
Photo the same... :\
Any ones Duscae battle theme not playing since the patch? All other music seems fine, but fighting in Duscae has been silent...even after restarting the game....????


So I just got to Duscae at level 21 and I got to ask... Is the game supposed to be this hard? Cause for some reason depending on the enemies, level 10's can still take a good long while to kill (Just did a Garulas hunt and they took a while to go down), and the Imperial soldiers can do quite a number on me even though I'm 5 levels above them.

Make sure youre hitting the right spots, weaknesses, getting breaks and vulnerable statuses on them

After leaving noctis running I'm circles over night for the survival skill trophy I finally have the platinum.

Really enjoyed the game, has a few issues but not enough to take away from the fact it's a really fun game.

After leaving noctis running I'm circles over night for the survival skill trophy I finally have the platinum.

Really enjoyed the game, has a few issues but not enough to take away from the fact it's a really fun game.

Not sure why that's necessary... I'm 70 hours in and glad is 70% done with level 9 and I haven't done anything too special (I also have chocobo at 10) and I only need that and a few more dishes from Ignis to have my plat.

I'm not the only one who finds fishing in the game really dumb and boring?

You aren't, but you and anyone that thinks that is wrong :) fishing is one of my favorite side things to do. Maybe try out some new fishing locations or go after the liege of the lake.


Do the skills remain at their level in NG+?
I was wondering because I could replay just the story and so unlock (I hope) the skills I miss for the plat (survival, photo, cook)


I'm not the only one who finds fishing in the game really dumb and boring?

You're not and I have an opinion that's the polar opposite of Koji's: Fishing minigames in video games are a scourge and developers should STOP putting them in. They're usually little more than boring QTE crapfests designed solely to pad "play" time.

Fishing is still the butt of many a joke in Warcraft even AFTER they've made 10 years of changes to try to make it less boring. The last time fishing as a video game was fun was when the Dreamcast was a thing and Sega went full arcade on the genre (Sega Bass Fishing).

Not sure why that's necessary... I'm 70 hours in and glad is 70% done with level 9 and I haven't done anything too special (I also have chocobo at 10) and I only need that and a few more dishes from Ignis to have my plat.

Because he levels up slow as shit compared to everyone else in the game. Not sure how you're not cooking level 10 by now, that was my second maxed skill without even trying, behind Prompto's photography skill. When I finished the game I had Glad's Survival skill at 8.5. Purposely walking everywhere and finishing most (but not all) of the post-game content (only 3 dungeons left to do), he was still only at 9.25. THAT'S why the rubber band is necessary.
FF15's fishing is one of the only ones I've played that's on par or close to on par with Ocarina of Time fishing. I appreciate that they went to lengths to make sure it's an activity and not just "press A here, wait for thing to happen" like Monster Hunter or Pokemon.

Also, I'm pretty sure only the close up camera when he fish jumps out of the water or when you get a bite is a true QTE. As I played the fishing game the more it seemed like the on-screen prompts were more or less guidelines than event triggers.


FF15's fishing is one of the only ones I've played that's on par or close to on par with Ocarina of Time fishing. I appreciate that they went to lengths to make sure it's an activity and not just "press A here, wait for thing to happen" like Monster Hunter or Pokemon.

Also, I'm pretty sure the close up camera when he fish jumps out of the water or when you get a bite is a true QTE. As I played the fishing game the more it seemed like the on-screen prompts were more or less guidelines than event triggers.

The screen prompts are indeed just guidelines. It is better to just watch the fish movements and move the rod where it's needed than just wait to the arrows to pop. The fish jump is the only QTE.

And yeah I love fishing. It was very fun leveling the skill to 10, and I still have to go back to fish in some secret lakes I didn't try yet (waiting to do the endgame dungeons because I can't fish with THAT glitch :()
You're not and I have an opinion that's the polar opposite of Koji's: Fishing minigames in video games are a scourge and developers should STOP putting them in. They're usually little more than boring QTE crapfests designed solely to pad "play" time.

You either haven't done the fishing in this game, or what you call QTE could easily apply to the combat in the game in general. There is actually a lot of subtlety, with different fish showing slightly different tendencies. Landing a big "legendary" fish after a few minute struggle feels rewarding because you have to understand the mechanics and not simply press whatever prompt comes up.

But, hey, maybe that's just me.


I wish the days were longer in this game, when nighttime arrives it makes me a little nervous lol.

Also how many hours do you have to put into fishing to Max it out?
Not sure why that's necessary... I'm 70 hours in and glad is 70% done with level 9 and I haven't done anything too special (I also have chocobo at 10) and I only need that and a few more dishes from Ignis to have my plat.

Because he levels up slow as shit compared to everyone else in the game. Not sure how you're not cooking level 10 by now, that was my second maxed skill without even trying, behind Prompto's photography skill. When I finished the game I had Glad's Survival skill at 8.5. Purposely walking everywhere and finishing most (but not all) of the post-game content (only 3 dungeons left to do), he was still only at 9.25. THAT'S why the rubber band is necessary.

I finished the game and most of the sidequests (including adamantoise) in about 62 hours, had a level 10 chocobo and everyones skills at level 10 but gladios takes a long time. Going from 9-10 takes at least 4 hours of running.

I finished the game and most of the sidequests (including adamantoise) in about 62 hours, had a level 10 chocobo and everyones skills at level 10 but gladios takes a long time. Going from 9-10 takes at least 4 hours of running.

Maybe stop using the chocobo once you max it out? I still have a shit ton of content to do (haven't even touched the sealed dungeons, and only on Hunter rank 5). Seems like a case of either rushing to get to 10 just to get to it, or over reliance on chocobo imo.

As for hours on fishing... Not many... Though side I actually enjoyed it I didn't measure it in hours or even catches. It was the second skill I maxed besides photography. Photography was easy though, just toss a camera strap on prompto.
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