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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!


Duscae region looks much better than it did in the demo. It feels great the way they implemented it.
Unfortunately, the beginning desert area feels pretty bland and ugly in comparison.
If this game had another year to get certain things ironed out, including layout and looks of some areas...it really could have been a stunner. It still is in some respects. But it's a fractured thing.


So what's up with these weapon upgrade quests? I was finally able to upgrade the Engine Blade to III but I don't get the option to upgrade any others.


I tell ya....When FFXV hits the high notes...it hits....But man...the lows are effing low.

The MMO side quests are truly terrible...that coupled with traversal in the game not being all that fun makes doing side quests an utter chore.

I mean...really...if they had just made a type of "loyalty" missions for the bros in the party...tacked on some hunts (and have them actually mean something to some extent)....then that would have been perfectly acceptable.

There in lies the issue with Japanese developed open world games. FFXV, Dragon's Dogma, Metal Gear Solid V....Japanese game design has not quite figured out how to deliver an open world experience that is more than fetch quests. Granted, the West went through the "MMO quest" timeline as well and is only now starting to evolve past it, but still.


Just finished Pitioss Ruins and pretty sure I got everything first time through except for one forcefield statue I couldn't figure out just after the
big skull death Wall
Looked for vids on youtube but everyone just skips it. Any ideas?


Is Cid upgrading weapons glitched? He upgraded the engine blade once early in the game, I am now doing side quest before the final boss and he will not do anything.


I'm about to set sail to altissa? For the first time. I did lots of side quests and have around 180k exp. If I go on the ship will it tally up the exp and apply automatically ? Can't save them past this point?

What should I do before going on the boat with this exp?


Just finished Pitioss Ruins and pretty sure I got everything first time through except for one forcefield statue I couldn't figure out just after the
big skull death Wall
Looked for vids on youtube but everyone just skips it. Any ideas?

That's just a shortcut. IIRC there was a jump you had to make somewhere on that side of the room in order to get behind it.


I'm about to set sail to altissa? For the first time. I did lots of side quests and have around 180k exp. If I go on the ship will it tally up the exp and apply automatically ? Can't save them past this point?

What should I do before going on the boat with this exp?

If you don't have the accessory that prevents leveling up, then I suggest you go and rest at the Galdin Quay inn, which has a multiplier of 2.0.


Oh lordy. While Noct and crew were away raiding a dungeon, something mysteriously came around and DESTROYED the Regalia. I have no idea what happened, but when I got back to the car, it was wrecked. Broken windshield, dents everywhere, dirty.......and taking it to Cindy for repairs did nothing because she doesn't register that it's damaged. I only get the message she can repair it if it's dirty and wrecked, WHICH IT IS!! Argh.

Off to crash it myself to see if that fixes it. This could actually be fun....


I was at the vesperpool to go do navyth's next fishing quest but I wanted to get some fishing equipment first. It was night time and I was driving to the camp area near the fishing store place. I got stopped by one of those fire giants so I spent some time fighting that. I beat it and went back to the car to continue on.

A couple of seconds later I got a short cutscene with Aranea coming out of an empire ship and I was like "wait a minute, I thought we were friends, are we fighting her?" and then I saw the message that she joined with my party. But at that exact moment my party got to the campsite and she said something about the daemon's being taken care of and she just jumps away and leaves my party again.



I know people will shit on me for this but, as a product, FFXIII is a better game than FFXV.

FFXIII tells a complete story, you may hate the story and the characters but everything is fleshed out and as a product it has strong and complete production values.

FFXV on the other hand is a god damned mess.

It feels as if it is 2 games stitched together, one of them is a Monster Hunter MMO Final Fantasy filled with fetch quests in a barren open world full of lifeless characters, and the other part is a completely fucked up linear FFXIII version of FFXV, minus the actual part of making SENSE whatsoever.

By contrast FFXIII tells its story in great detail, it has a thing called "character development", a concrete lore and a much better pace overall.

FFXV takes some bold steps indeed but SE is completely unable to deliver on so many fronts. Just look at some baffling mistakes here... that fucking camera.... you create a decent action battle system and then you throw that god awful worst camera ever to appear in a fucking videogame ever... smh really...

So, yeah, burn me at the stake all you want, I consider FFXIII a much better and most importantly "honest" product, than FFXV.

I can agree with that. XIII is a more cohesive and finished product than XV. The characters being likable with competent combat isn't enough to propel XV.

Side note: 1 hunt at a time is and will forever remain trash.


What is the accessory? And how do I get it ?

It's part of the Holiday DLC that was released a few days ago.

The DLC version that contains that accessory is 100% free and you can download it now. The item is the Nixperience Band.

I was at the vesperpool to go do navyth's next fishing quest but I wanted to get some fishing equipment first. It was night time and I was driving to the camp area near the fishing store place. I got stopped by one of those fire giants so I spent some time fighting that. I beat it and went back to the car to continue on.

A couple of seconds later I got a short cutscene with
Aranea coming out of an empire ship and I was like "wait a minute, I thought we were friends, are we fighting her?" and then I saw the message that she joined with my party. But at that exact moment my party got to the campsite and she said something about the daemon's being taken care of and she just jumps away and leaves my party again.

Aranea can randomly jump down to help you fight Daemons. She's a guest member of the team. She will help you during a single battle before taking off. She can appear at random.


That's just a shortcut. IIRC there was a jump you had to make somewhere on that side of the room in order to get behind it.

There is one just before completing that room but I'm talking about the one just as you begin the next area
working your way down the weird angled blocks to the big statue
. Seems to be more than a shortcut as I can see items behind it in the darkness.


I don't think anyone here will debate you if you claim that XIII is more "polished", but don't you think that's kind of a weird comparison to make?

People should really take out their blurry glasses and go play XIII again to be remembered of just how empty and limited that game was. When you are constantly funneling the player from start to finish with little to no chance for detour, of course the experience will feel more straightforward and less disjointed.

Does XV slip in some aspects? Of course, but just take a minute to appreciate all that this game has in comparison to XIII.

How many towns or settlements with NPC's did XIII have? How many dungeons, especially optional? What about the enemy variety? How many times were you able to ride a Chocobo in XIII? XV not only allows for Chocobo use in plains, forests, swamps, deserts and even the skirt of a volcano, but the Chocobo can also aid you in battle and hell, you can even attack while you are riding it, horse-fighting style.

How much character interaction was there among the XIII cast? Did it feel charming and endearing? Or even fun at all?

How many minigames/distractions/extra activities did XIII have?

Again, people are really, really forgetting how limited in scope XIII was. I enjoyed the game for what it was, and had a great time playing it, but I completely disagree that it captures the feeling of "Final Fantasy" more than XV.

From using the Chocobo in larger parts of the game, to the magnificent enemy design reminiscent of the older SNES games, to the beautiful homages to the Crystal/Prelude theme, to the lighthearted sense of humor, to the towns and settlements inhabited by NPC characters, to the Summons, to the sense of wonder. All of these evoke a more classic Final Fantasy feeling that XIII ever could.


Dont get me wrong. XIII did have its narrative shortcomings, it was far from being a perfect game. But compared to XV? To me it felt like a rollercoaster really...

Yes some of the cast is downright obnoxious like Hope, but at least there is decent effort in trying to explore each character in depth. It may not succeed always sure, but its much better than XV. In XV the only character development takes place in the god damned anime...

There is literally close to 0 moments in game that you explore the characters via a worthwhile dialogue a discussion... something.

All there is is just banter silly jokes and some very awkward dramatic moments that completely fail to engage me. This is not character development at all and if Tabata thinks it is, he better look at some other works.

I will disagree with you on the part that XIII's lore is incomprehensible. Looked pretty spot on to me for the story it was centered around.

The game does drag on though I agree. But nowhere near the incredibly worthless process that is FFXV questing... "go find frogs!" you think its gonna lead somewhere, that this idiotic waste of your time looking for frogs is gonna lead to something, and then you realize its just that... nothing more. Here have a new trinket for this questline.

To me, this is borderline insulting. An absolute disrespect of my time. I would gladly replay FFXIII with all its shortcomings instead of this.

Also XIII had something XV never even quite reaches... it feel like a Final Fantasy game in terms of artistic design. You do visit some absolutely beautiful and fantastical locations. From crystalized forests to frozen cities, to cities in the air to jungles etc. In FFXV you are exploring pretty much an earth like planet that has a few weird looking rocks and a city that is 90% a copy of Venice. Even the god damned gondola drivers are dressed the exact same as Venice - Italy...

Turns out they took that "fantasy based on reality" thing way too far.

I do not consider FFXIII a great FF game, but I consider it a much more coherent FF game than FFXV.

FFXV's world doesnt even make sense. You have Eos that has 2 cities a small town and a crazy road network filled with gas stations... that just circles around. You look at the road network and you feel that if they spent so much money to open tunnels through mountains and build huge bridges, the roads would lead somewhere, only to find out they are just a leisure drive in circle with just a bunch of gas stations. No village, no small settlement, just abandoned farms without any human presence whatsoever.

Honestly its a pretty depressing world to live in. At least Pulse was barren for a reason.

Anyway i am off. I really wanted to like this game, but the nonesensical 2nd part of it, as well as the completely worthless questing killed it for me.
The frogs quests are meh but you do get a ribbon for completeing them all .....


It's part of the Holiday DLC that was released a few days ago.

The DLC version that contains that accessory is 100% free and you can download it now. The item is the Nixperience Band.

Aranea can randomly jump down to help you fight Daemons. She's a guest member of the team. She will help you during a single battle before taking off. She can appear at random.

Awesome, so with that equiped on notics? I'll Never level up?!? At the end of main story missions, camps etc!? Woah....


Awesome, so with that equiped on notics? I'll Never level up?!? At the end of main story missions, camps etc!? Woah....

You can equip it to any of the characters. And yes, this will prevent you from leveling up, so you can just hoard all the EXP you want, no matter if you go rest in a Camp or Hotel. :)

Equipping it to one character affects all of them, so don't worry.


There is one just before completing that room but I'm talking about the one just as you begin the next area
working your way down the weird angled blocks to the big statue
. Seems to be more than a shortcut as I can see items behind it in the darkness.

I thnk I know now which one you're talking about but I can't remember how I unlocked it. It's been a while since I finished that dungeon.


So I made a "Venomcast" version of a spell and when I used it I poisoned my entire party.

If you look at the quest to upgrade the weapon, it will tell you what you need to upgrade it. The items are usually drops or can be found in different loot places, you don't need to go through a dungeon or anything specific for them.
I must be missing something as I don't see it in the quest window


I thnk I know now which one you're talking about but I can't remember how I unlocked it. It's been a while since I finished that dungeon.

Thanks, figured it out
metal girder just before you get to the 2D section. No items on it so I think I just assumed it was a dead end first time, you stand on the end of it and behind you is a weird angled jump and a load of Oracle coins leading to the shortcut statue


Needing to do the maze in
again for the hunt is some top tier amateur garbage.

When I was fighting the red giant Ramuh showed up and nuked the tower - killed the hunt before I even got to it lol.

Anyone have tips on how to catch the fish from the final Navyth quest? I looked up videos and followed their tips but I can't find the fish.


I didn't even get to do navyth's gar quest yet because gladio invited me to fish for that giant royal fish thing. My god that took a long time to reel in lol.

Aranea can randomly jump down to help you fight Daemons. She's a guest member of the team. She will help you during a single battle before taking off. She can appear at random.

That's a cool feature. I guess I should fight those giants more often.


Junior Member
is there any advanced combat guides out there? interested in seeing what else I can be doing to look the most stylish.

Gladio spoiler:

Do they ever explain why he suddenly takes off for a bit? Future DLC maybe?

Just a yes or no is all I need.

no, yes.


Just about to head off to Altissa, how long is left if I concentrate on just the story? I'm at level 66 so I'm gonna eat an exp boosting meal, use magic along with my 19 rare coins and sleep at the 3.0x hotel first then zip through the main quest.


Just about to head off to Altissa, how long is left if I concentrate on just the story? I'm at level 66 so I'm gonna eat an exp boosting meal, use magic along with my 19 rare coins and sleep at the 3.0x hotel first then zip through the main quest.

Altissia is
the beginning of the linear part of the story. From here on out the game will funnel you into story progress. You can go back to the open world, though.


Just about to head off to Altissa, how long is left if I concentrate on just the story? I'm at level 66 so I'm gonna eat an exp boosting meal, use magic along with my 19 rare coins and sleep at the 3.0x hotel first then zip through the main quest.

You can finish the story easily in the 50's let alone the 60's.

But the following chapters are all linear.....but they are probably filled with the most story and stuff. If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the story please dear heavens ask. Because there is going to be a lot that they don't exactly tell all that great despite the actual context and the story itself being fucking awesome.


not me
I know people will shit on me for this but, as a product, FFXIII is a better game than FFXV.

FFXIII tells a complete story, you may hate the story and the characters but everything is fleshed out and as a product it has strong and complete production values.

FFXV on the other hand is a god damned mess.

It feels as if it is 2 games stitched together, one of them is a Monster Hunter MMO Final Fantasy filled with fetch quests in a barren open world full of lifeless characters, and the other part is a completely fucked up linear FFXIII version of FFXV, minus the actual part of making SENSE whatsoever.

By contrast FFXIII tells its story in great detail, it has a thing called "character development", a concrete lore and a much better pace overall.

FFXV takes some bold steps indeed but SE is completely unable to deliver on so many fronts. Just look at some baffling mistakes here... that fucking camera.... you create a decent action battle system and then you throw that god awful worst camera ever to appear in a fucking videogame ever... smh really...

So, yeah, burn me at the stake all you want, I consider FFXIII a much better and most importantly "honest" product, than FFXV.

Final Fantasy XIII's story isn't fleshed out and its character development contributes negative value to the game and its story. I would have rathered create every character from scratch like some Neverwinter Nights clone than suffer through those characters.

XIII-2 exposes everything XIII did wrong.


so does everyone just stay with the main equipment the players started within the game, since it has the best stats?

not even close.....you'll see

Zwill Crossblades FTW!!!

the engine blade might be the only thing consistently used for a long time as the ultima blade

Also Balmung is way stronger than ultima blade (if you know how to use it)
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