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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!


Trying to locate the list of actual composers for the soundtrack (not with every track attributed to Shimomura), and I think I saw that on GAF somewhere, but I can't find it for the life of me. Can anyone point me in the right direction, here or elsewhere?


Oh goddammit, I just beat Costlemark Tower, got the Royal Arm & somehow still managed to miss the stupid Emerald Stone that Dino wanted. I couldn't take being in that place anymore for fear of imminent death, but looks like I'm going back in to get. Looked up a video where it was, moreso just pissed I didn't get it all in one go.


Has anyone else experienced this visual bug with the Ignis link or is it a sign that my PS4 is dying? seems like the artifacts have been getting worse the further I progress in the game.


Its a visual glitch. Only happens in Cleigne iirc, and chapter 6 (the one you are currently on) has a lot of glitchs and weird visual things. if you play longer and get out of cleigne you should notice it stopping. Its not just Ignis' attack either, its promptos and even

Mmm...... looks like a gpu getting hot. Maybe it's a glitch but could be your thermal paste.

Its not. I have a ps4 pro that has only really been playing ff15 so far and it gets the same glitch (its also somewhat consistant about it too: Super high chance of it happening in chapter 6 along with the close camera glitch, and somewhat chance of it happen in Cleigne in any chapter).


So if I did pretty okay with Costlemark Tower, Crestholm Channels should be easier right? The recommended level for it is 10 levels lower than Costlemark at Lvl. 45 & my characters are already Lvl. 69.
So if I did pretty okay with Costlemark Tower, Crestholm Channels should be easier right? The recommended level for it is 10 levels lower than Costlemark at Lvl. 45 & my characters are already Lvl. 69.
Yes, Crestholm is easier. Just make sure you equip an accessory or eat food that counters against toad status.

I have tried Overwhelm with the Crossbow and it is so cheesy and boring, because I was able to kill an Red Iron Giant within seconds. WTF!
So if I did pretty okay with Costlemark Tower, Crestholm Channels should be easier right? The recommended level for it is 10 levels lower than Costlemark at Lvl. 45 & my characters are already Lvl. 69.

I haven't tried Costlemark, but I beat Crestholm at about 50 and it wasn't too bad. I did duck out halfway through to rest and get a food buff but it wasn't necessary.


LOL no. It took me around 15 minutes to do with a party of 97,92,93,92. Eat food that boost criticals, go crazy with Zwei, attack the hands, and go ham when the head go down.
Meh, of course YMMV, I did it at level 65 probably 30 or 40 minutes. May be an hour? That fight was more tedious than challenging


I love fishing in this game! :D
It's so addicted, I could fish for hours.

And when you have a very huge and rare fish, it really gets difficult. You really have to put in technique and patience to win the fight. It always builds a lot of tension to me, lol

I seem to struggle to get a fish to actually bite, anyone have any tips here?
So I found one of those fart cushions in the game. I dunno. Why is it here? It's the only time I've seen it.


Empathy :p

No, didn't need an answer for my rant. It's just getting off some steam.

I thought Jared was a huge missed opportunity as well.

I've seen the guy for two minutes in which he had one or two lines of dialogue and then I'm supposed to feel sorry when he's dead a few hours later and get all emotional seeing his memorial stone at Cape Caem? No way man, that's just bad storytelling.

It's a shame there are several examples of this in the game. The gameplay makes up for it, but if this was handled better, FFXV could be a real classic, while it's now 'just' a great game. IMO of course.
Hmmm. I just did the fight with
the titan
and it was not good at all.

It was just a total clusterfuck of a piece and made so little sense. :( I'm enjoying the game for the most part but I hope there is not too much more of that sort of thing.
Sorry man. You're fucked.
What on earth were they thinking with chapter
13. What is this endless pseudo horror, pseudo stealth corridor crap? It's like an homage to FFXIII, but actually worse than anything in that game. At least you had a great battle system in the corridors in XIII.


Well after a few days of insane amounts of running, I finally got my platinum trophy. Still can't believe how easy it was to get, but Im glad i got it. While I still have the sealed dungeons and a few bits and pieces of things to finish, I think Ill put them aside for now until the DLC starts rolling out.

Overall, loved the game. Especially many of the dungeons. Some of them were incredible and a blast to play through. There were some moments in them that count as some of the most incredible gaming moments Ive ever had. Loved the characters and the world, and its damn shame that so much of the story just got all ripped out of the game and all. I really hope whatever they plan on putting back story-wise in the game in the updates is substantial, but Im not getting my hopes up. Its a big minus for a fantastic game, and really is something that shouldn't have been an issue. But its hard not to be surprised considering the development history of the game.

Still I love this world they presented and I want more of it and the gameplay that goes with it. They really succeeded in making that so interesting to me, as well as bringing a fantastic cast to interact with as well. I had a blast with the game the whole way through, and looking forward to playing the extra content later on.


I have to admit I am one of the people that is looking more fondly at FF13 in retrospect the farther I get with 15. While I don't think it's bad up to this point (chapter 6) it just isn't hitting the high points either (that I'm used to with the FF series).

It's good that the game shiped, but I have a hard time understanding how so much time went into this game.
I have to admit I am one of the people that is looking more fondly at FF13 in retrospect the farther I get with 15. While I don't think it's bad up to this point (chapter 6) it just isn't hitting the high points either (that I'm used to with the FF series).

It's good that the game shiped, but I have a hard time understanding how so much time went into this game.

According to the leaks the game had barely 3 years of dev time.
I have to admit I am one of the people that is looking more fondly at FF13 in retrospect the farther I get with 15. While I don't think it's bad up to this point (chapter 6) it just isn't hitting the high points either (that I'm used to with the FF series).

It's good that the game shiped, but I have a hard time understanding how so much time went into this game.

the game was in active development for little less than three years.

i'm loving it so far on chapter 9, but I went in with pretty low expectations and have been really happy with the game as a whole


I wonder if Prompto is programed to take more pictures of guest characters or if it follows his story tastes but after doing that endgame glitch (spoiler)
he basically just takes Aranea pics lol


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I have to admit I am one of the people that is looking more fondly at FF13 in retrospect the farther I get with 15.

Give me back ANY Toriyama's FF anytime you want... and that includes XIII-2 and LR. The man shown he can direct good games and improves on everything at fast paced development time and we resources kept in check. I want FF16 with him honestly. I think he is ready to make a masterpiece now that he learnt how to manage a team properly and S-E grander issues are hopefully solved.


Hey Guys is XV the worst FF ever and XIII a masterpiece yet?

I've seen millions of posts with a strange positiveness about XIII.

FF cycle in full effect. Lol

On Topic, how do you unlock the ominous doors inside dungeons?
Yes, and it's hilarious. I mean, I know this phenomenon from the Zelda series, but this is the first time I've personally witnessed it with FF :D
I have to admit I am one of the people that is looking more fondly at FF13 in retrospect the farther I get with 15. While I don't think it's bad up to this point (chapter 6) it just isn't hitting the high points either (that I'm used to with the FF series).

It's good that the game shiped, but I have a hard time understanding how so much time went into this game.

Hahm I wouldn't go so far with FFXIII but I've been replaying FFX on vita, which I've never been too fond of, and kind of appreciating it more and more as I go along.
Yes, and it's hilarious. I mean, I know this phenomenon from the Zelda series, but this is the first time I've personally witnessed it with FF :D

I'm absolutely flabbergasted honestly. 13 is still terrible, and only more so in light of 15 imo... Yeah the story is weak in 15, but 13's was a straight up awful mess. I know, opinions... But I never thought there'd be a resurgent love beyond the already hardcore 13 fans.
People get annoyed that 15 requires an anime and a movie to fully be invested in its plot, better then 13 requiring 2 hours of reading data logs to understand the plot.


I already gave 3 chances to Toriyama with X, XIII and XIII-2, and they're with VIII the worsts FFs IMO. No more of him to me.


Am I the only person who thinks the
Noctis character design is very very bad? I mean come on... His
is huge.
Yeah, his
head on his default clothes looks too big (but it's fine on the royal outfit) and I actually thought he looked super silly when he just woke up from the 10 year slumber and his hair looked like this, lol, but luckily it changes afterwards. I love the Old Noctis design and wish that was the default design. Looks so cool in the final CG scene. Probably my fave main character design in any FF.


Give me back ANY Toriyama's FF anytime you want... and that includes XIII-2 and LR. The man shown he can direct good games and improves on everything at fast paced development time and we resources kept in check. I want FF16 with him honestly. I think he is ready to make a masterpiece now that he learnt how to manage a team properly and S-E grander issues are hopefully solved.


Give me back ANY Toriyama's FF anytime you want... and that includes XIII-2 and LR. The man shown he can direct good games and improves on everything at fast paced development time and we resources kept in check. I want FF16 with him honestly. I think he is ready to make a masterpiece now that he learnt how to manage a team properly and S-E grander issues are hopefully solved.

Just no.

3 games, all of them were bad
Final Fantasy has never been too consistent. Every game alienated some people that enjoyed the FF just prior to that. The high points of the series are just very high and I think that's where it's got its reputation from.


According to the leaks the game had barely 3 years of dev time.
the game was in active development for little less than three years.
3 years is enough to ship a proper game no?

Give me back ANY Toriyama's FF anytime you want... and that includes XIII-2 and LR. The man shown he can direct good games and improves on everything at fast paced development time and we resources kept in check. I want FF16 with him honestly. I think he is ready to make a masterpiece now that he learnt how to manage a team properly and S-E grander issues are hopefully solved.
While I wouldn't go that far. I have enjoyed the battle systems of Toriyama's games a lot. He's good at making menu combat feel fast and enjoyable while still providing the option to be in control. Even if I dislike narritive of FFXIII it at least captured the feeling of grandeur. I picked up of FFXIII-2 and LR on this steam sale (this was before playing FFXV) looking forward to try it out, That said SE has plenty of talented people who I'd like to give a go on the mainline series before Toriyama again.

At this point it's way to early to say if I like FFXV over FFXIII. I do really like the characters which is important for me in a JRPG.

Hahm I wouldn't go so far with FFXIII but I've been replaying FFX on vita, which I've never been too fond of, and kind of appreciating it more and more as I go along.
I have always liked FFX. :p Not sure what people disliked about it, sure it's linear, but it had cool side activities and the dungeons had nice puzzles which made the world feel interactive and less linear.
3 years is enough to ship a proper game no?

Sure but I thought you were implying the 10 years since the game was announced.

And it all fairness, while the game could have certainly used another year to flesh that garbage story out a bit more, it's surprisingly free of jank for an open world game. It never crashed on me and felt rather polished from a gameplay point of view. Certainly not too bad an achievement for 3 years of dev time and troubled development history in general. Although the bad camera could be counted as janky I guess.
So I just got my platinum. Maxed out Noctis, did most of the side quests and post game stuff. Only thing I have left that I want to do is that
Platforming Dungeon
. After that I think it'll be time to shelve the game for a while after playing it for over 2 weeks straight.

I didn't think i'd ever have as strong of a love/hate relationship with a game as I did with MGSV, but here FFXV comes along and dispells that notion install. When I'm not playing this game, I think about all the wasted potential, and about what could've been had we gotten Versus by Nomura. But when I am playing the game all I can think about is how much fun I'm having and how amazing it is. Here's my final thoughts on the game.

- The 4 main characters. This is probably the strongest aspect of the game, and the only part of the game that succeeds narratively. The relationship between Noctis and his bros is so well done and believable. It honestly feels like you're on a road trip with four really good friends. I also love how they avoiding traping them into tropes. Upon first seeing these guys I could easily guess their personalities. And I was largely right but these guys still have tons of depth and it's great to see them subvert my expectations in a lot of ways. I especially love how the game expresses their friendship through gameplay. From things like seeing them playing cards in a hotel, to their combinations attacks, to them shit talking each other while exploring a dungeons. Their interactions are so perfect.

-Graphics. I'm far from being a graphics whore but this game was simply drop dead gorgeous. Especially considering it's size and scope this game never ceased to amaze me visually even towards the end of my 87 hour playtime. There were countless times I would just stop playing and take in the beautiful scenery. The lighting and particle effects especially were the highlights. This engine is amazing and it's a shame that it'll probably die along with this game.

-Music. This was probably the most safest thing people thought would be good about the game. The music is fantastic, as expected of Shimomura. While I don't think i'd put it in my top ten, that isn't due to the game's fault at all and more due to strict competition as Jrpgs have excellent music in general.

-The open world. I'm not really a fan of open world games. Usually when I play one I ignore the world completely and just do the objectives. I vastly prefer more linear games with strong level design than open world games. However FF15 is the first game that makes me question this. The world is amazing and form the onset I wanted to explore every nook and cranny. Just to see new sights, find new items, and discover new dungeons. Speaking of dungeons they were awesome as well (except for the sealed ones which were ass imo). I loved how they actually felt like dungeons you could get lost in, with branching pathways and multiple floors. They could've easily gone the easy route and made each dungeon a straight path but clearly some thought and effort went into it.

-The combat. The combat had a lot I liked and a lot I'm still unsure about. The basic combat itself is great and fairly enjoyable. I thought it was too easy at first but it definitely grew on me. Warp striking is fun as hell, and I love link strikes and techniques. What I didn't really like was magic. Drawing and creating magic all the time got really tedious and the fact that there's friendly fire/you threw it like a grenade really annoyed me. I prefer Turn based combat over ARPGS. One of the big reasons why is because you can control everything your party does. FF15 is a good example of why I prefer Turn based. Past a certain point your party members become dead weight and constantly die, which is made worse by the fact that you can't control them or even issue commands to them. This is doubly bad when you consider a lot of the combat depends on them being alive as well. Summons I still don't know if I like or dislike but I'm leaning towards like. The actual summons are amazing and I love the sense of scale they provide. Limiting their use to certain times and locations also kept them from getting stale and made their appearance all the more satisfying. Though I do find it funny how in my almost 90 hours of playtime I've yet to summon Titan once.

-The story. The biggest flaw with the game. The story is a complete mess. It's almost nonexistent the first 9 chapters, then it goes into over drive for the final 3rd of the game but not in a good way. It's clear that a lot of things were cut for time and the story really suffers as a result. There's no weight to anything, things just happen, characters who you thought would be major players appear for 1 or 2 scenes then disappear never to be seen from again. And a lot of scenes that were meant to have emotional weight end up having 0 since there's no build up to anything. Not to mention how significant chunks of the story is spread across different mediums and the blatant DLC bait sections in the game.

-Side quests/archaic designs. The side quests in this game sucked. Not only are they basic fetch quests but they're fetch quests that waste your time. Why do I have to return to the quest giver each time? Also there were a tons of little game design choices that I felt were outdated. Why can you only do 1 hunt at a time? Why is shopping so tedious? After playing games like Xenogears and Bravely Default. Which were 2 Jrpgs I felt really Streamlined/modernized a lot of game play elements from classical Jrpgs, it felt really weird to go back to them in a game that came out years after them.

Overall I have to say I really enjoyed it despite being hugely disappointed by the story. I'm actually looking forward to the DLC (a first for me) as maybe it'll give them game a chance to fix some of it's narrative problems.


I'm pretty disappointed by the story and the way it's told as a whole, but damn some of those story beats hit all the right spots. When the music kicks in when you finally reach
the crystal
at the end of chapter
, I won't lie, it gave me chills.


I have a quick question: is there anything hidden in post-game Insomnia? I travelled back to the present to show my friends the ending, and I found a few monsters lurking around (LVL30-40 Puddings and Giants).

Any decent enemies lurking around I may have missed?

Edit: found
them! Back under they way pass that lead to the citadel.
I have a quick question: is there anything hidden in post-game Insomnia? I travelled back to the present to show my friends the ending, and I found a few monsters lurking around (LVL30-40 Puddings and Giants).

Any decent enemies lurking around I may have missed?

You can get
Kingsglaive Nyx Ulrics daggers
by defeating
the Psychomancer miniboss
who spawns after
the Ifrit fight

Tall Paul

Finally had a good few hours with it the last few nights, at level 10 and just about to get on the boat, done a fair few hunter side quests etc but ready to oprn the area up a bit more, so far enjoying it, not played a FF game for years so interesting to see how it all pans out.
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