The first one nets you Marth, Fire Emblem 1's hero. He just reuses FEA Marth's model without the mask.Do you get a new character out of Champions of Yore? And does she have her own unique character model?
Either way, my e-shop card is ready. Even if these maps turn out to be as bad as Champions of Yore.
Blazing Sword, definitely.
What is better to continue to scratch the Fire Emblem itch after this game, Blazing Sword or Sacred Stones?
I swear, these are some of the most overpowered characters in the history of Fire Emblem.
My GBA SP can barely hold a charge now. ;_;Oh man I need to go back and find my GBA SP so I can play that. So many good memories.
My GBA SP can barely hold a charge now. ;_;
I recently put it in my DS Lite after getting nostalgic, luckily had a save right when Eliwood strikes the Fire Dragon with Durandal. Best finisher ever.
Entire map. Each SpotPass enemy only gives 1 exp on Lunatic mode.
damn... I guess grinding away is kind of not the point of lunatic.
If an enemy hit rate is 50 and crit rate is 45, does that mean it has a 50% chance of hitting and 45% chance of getting a critical or a 50% chance of hitting and a 45% chance the 50% chance will be a critical?
That's still a level per 30 seconds.
Unless you mean 10 EXP from the entire map though.
If an enemy hit rate is 50 and crit rate is 45, does that mean it has a 50% chance of hitting and 45% chance of getting a critical or a 50% chance of hitting and a 45% chance the 50% chance will be a critical?
Just beat Chapter 6 and wow, that plot twist (for lack of a better word or term)
Somewhat Major Spoilers:I'm new to FE and all that, but Marth is a girl WTF?! That was a surprise.
This Marth is a brand new character for this game.It's not the same Marth as in Smash Bros. and stuff.
Okay thanks, I didn't know that since I've gone into this game pretty much 100% blind/media blackout.
Remember when "Marth" first introduced himself and Chrom wondered if he was named after "the Hero King of old?". That "Hero King" is the original Marth, the character who appeared in SSB.
I'm stuck on Paralogue 10. All of my characters are fine, butkeeps getting killed. She just plows ahead, and while I can keep up with her movement I can't kill all the guys around her and she gets targeted and killed in a single turn.Severa
Should I split up into two groups? One to take the guys on the left (and rush the boss) and another to try to kill the guys ahead of her path?
Welp, Sumia and Cordelia both died in Chapter 23.
I said fuck it and continued.
I am so sick of flying units in this game. It doesn't matter if they have 50 speed, they still get one-shot by the enemy reinforcements with the silver bows.
No other Fire Emblem game has managed to make flying units so useless. Why is there no Delphi Shield?
Cherche is still awesome, though, but seriously, Sumia and Cordelia deserved to die. Fuck them.
Pair up makes flying units great since you can ride one to where you want to go and the switch back.
Sumia is beast also.
That's what I do with Cherche/Gaius. The problem is when you actually want to have them in the lead. Then they suck.
Haar in RD was GOD. I miss Haar.
Now it's all Severa and Lucina.
Robin and Lissa are making a great team so far, +4 Magic and +3 Def goes a long way. I should probably marry them.
Speaking of which, I heard someone say Chrom has to get married by a certain chapter. Is this true? If it is then I need to get someone in line for him soon.
Welp, Sumia and Cordelia both died in Chapter 23.
I said fuck it and continued.
I am so sick of flying units in this game. It doesn't matter if they have 50 speed, they still get one-shot by the enemy reinforcements with the silver bows.
No other Fire Emblem game has managed to make flying units so useless. Why is there no Delphi Shield?
Cherche is still awesome, though, but seriously, Sumia and Cordelia deserved to die. Fuck them.
Thanks for the replies guys! I think I'm going to go with Blazing Sword due to the fact that I broke this game open way too easily with all the leveling capabilities, so I want to try one where I have to really make a streamlined, effective party.
Also, is there anywhere I can look up the sprite work in FE games? I can't seem to find any sprites on serenesforest and wanted to see if there is anywhere I can look up all the playable characters in the different games to see how their sprites looked
Should I be upgrading the classes of my guys as soon as they reach level 10?
Chrom will automatically marry at the end of chapter, who whichever eligible female he has the highest support with at the time (and who isn't already married to someone else). It's required for the story to continue on after that point and it's the only forced marriage in the game.11
Welp, Sumia and Cordelia both died in Chapter 23.
I said fuck it and continued.
I am so sick of flying units in this game. It doesn't matter if they have 50 speed, they still get one-shot by the enemy reinforcements with the silver bows.
No other Fire Emblem game has managed to make flying units so useless. Why is there no Delphi Shield?
Cherche is still awesome, though, but seriously, Sumia and Cordelia deserved to die. Fuck them.
Not necessarily. You'll level up more slowly afterwards, so you don't need to rush it unless you want quicker access to new skills.
That makes sense, thanks.
Now I wonder what happens if Lissa is the one with the highest support by then? Hmm...
No amount of polygons beats great 2D spritework imo.And I do so miss the old sprites. Awakening's are leaps and bounds ahead of Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn's, and Shadow Dragon's, but there's something about those old sprite animations I just really miss.
Not necessarily. You'll level up more slowly afterwards, so you don't need to rush it unless you want quicker access to new skills.
Should I be upgrading the classes of my guys as soon as they reach level 10?
He's notmarrying his sister you sicko.
He'll marry a random villager.
Should I be upgrading the classes of my guys as soon as they reach level 10?
And I do so miss the old sprites. Awakening's are leaps and bounds ahead of Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn's, and Shadow Dragon's, but there's something about those old sprite animations I just really miss.
While I like the dynamic camera angles and the extra detail for the 3d stuff I really do prefer the spirtes. Nothing anybody does in this is close to being as awesome as the critical attacks for swordmasters.
IndeedAssassin's instant kill attack is pretty awesome to look at though.![]()
Assassin's instant kill attack is pretty awesome to look at though.![]()
Two strikes, first one is Sol and the second is Luna.
It's a gundam thing, blond masked guy with possibly mysterious origins. With the right hair color, Gerome can basically be one.
It's actually have Chrom marry Olivia, then Avatar marry Lucina and then Morgan marry Inigo.
Sol and Luna? Whats that?
I will never forget the first time I saw an assassin in motion...