Seriously, motherfucking revenants in harvest scramble has counter and miracle.
I just want some convos and not do battle stuff damnit. Or at least not make the battle so annoying.
edit: Swordbreaker too? Goddamnit.
That actually makes me want to purchase that DLC è_é
and for the skills, do the characters learn them or are they found like other items? Iirc, in fe9 you could find skills and some characters also came with a skill.
it's pretty annoying even on just hard, what with the miracle counter crew.
Man, and I was hoping it would just be goofy fun times support convos.
I might go back to it once I've got enough magic users.
Now thats awesome.They learn them at certain levels. 2 unique skills per class.
Apparently Summer Scramble is a lot less annoying.
Man, and I was hoping it would just be goofy fun times support convos.
I might go back to it once I've got enough magic users.
Hope so.
It is actually quite interesting that IntSys went down that path with this support though. I think this should of been their A support, with Cordelia rejecting him, or Frederick, realizing that she won't truly love him, is at peace with finally expressing his feeling for her and has decided to move on.
Have you read their S support? It goes from picnics to some pretty tragic stuff.
So, is it fair to say if gay marriage was an option in Awakening Lon'qu would be the majority's choice to get gay married?
Maybe I'm a bad person, but I find Severa intolerable. They could have written a character who had Mommy issues a little better than as an angry 5 year old in an adult's body, but I guess there was some trope they were after. Fact is, she whines more about her Mom saying Chrom than her Mom ever actually says Chrom. It sucks because she's a strong character with fun animations that I like to use.
So, is it fair to say if gay marriage was an option in Awakening Lon'qu would be the majority's choice to get gay married?
Maybe I'm a bad person, but I find Severa intolerable. They could have written a character who had Mommy issues a little better than as an angry 5 year old in an adult's body, but I guess there was some trope they were after. Fact is, she whines more about her Mom saying Chrom than her Mom ever actually says Chrom. It sucks because she's a strong character with fun animations that I like to use. Cordelia is a better character, and I thought her hookup with Gaius in my game was nice.
So, is it fair to say if gay marriage was an option in Awakening Lon'qu would be the majority's choice to get gay married?
You have destroyed any possible bonds that could have been forged between us.
You have destroyed any possible bonds that could have been forged between us.
What's an easy way to grind lower leveled characters? I want to level up Miriel but the poor girl's gonna die out there.
I'm at Chapter 18, I think.
I do love every time Frederick's pyromania manages to slip through. In how many of his supports does that part of him show?
The Frederick/Cordelia talk reminded me of this pic
Poor Severa with her Chrom obsessed parents.
Also let's take a moment to appreciate the little Owain's Bizarre Adventure thing there.
So, is it fair to say if gay marriage was an option in Awakening Lon'qu would be the majority's choice to get gay married?
Severa's pretty much the definition of tsundere, can't expect everyone to like her.
25 hours in and I haven't turned the animations off yet.
Definitely a Fire Emblem record.
The fast forward really helps here, shame it couldn't be on by default.80+ hours in over two playthroughs. Animations still on for everything except healing and dancing.
I like how speaker mode exists and is on by default. But Theatrhythm made me sure headphones were the only way to go with 3DS.Why didn't I use my headphones sooner? The tinny little 3DS speakers do the soundtrack no justice.
Sorry if this has been asked 100 times:
I haven't played Fire Emblem Awakening in a couple months, and since then an assload of DLC has been released. Which pieces/bundles are worth buying? I don't really want to spend $30-40 on everything I'm missing (I currently have the 3 map bundle with Marth, and the 3 map gold/exp/weapons bundle).
Played during my break only to have someone die at the end of the chapter. No progress because I'm a baby. My entire lunch break, wasted.