Well Gregor and Panne's C support certainly shows this has potential... She's already talking about his heart...
Also, thinking about what path to take my Morgan to get her skills.
There are three choices, I think:
1. Manakete to 30, Paladin, General, Wyvern Lord, Manakete.
2. Manakete to 15, Cavalier to 10, Paladin, General, Wyvern Lord, Manakete.
3. Manakete to 15, Wyvern Knight, Wyvern Lord, General, Paladin, Manakete.
I'm thinking the second is the best one. Discipline is a good skill to have while training, will get to Silver Lances quicker. Also Cavalier, Paladin, General, and Wyvern Lord can all use lances, so she'll have no issues with spreading weapon proficiencies too thin. Dragon Breath and Lances. Who needs anything more?