Oh man, the pre-order wallet from Grainger Games was worse than I thought and I thought it was pretty terrible when I placed the pre-order.
I'm too embarrassed to take a photo of it.
It looks nothing like the sample pic they showed, except its still blue. And, er, has "Nintendo 3DS" written on it.
Well, er, I'm glad I got the game from them anyway!
LMAO I knew that wallet would not look good, was thinking it was along the line of those kids magazine which gives a free gift wallet XD
Oh btw anyone tried out the spotpass bug/streetpass team lol...cause might take me a while XD they're level 20...
Edit: Noticed that the preorder artbook doesn't have the character descriptions like the NA version, added arts of Lissa and Sumia, Nowi and Tiki, Tharja, Gerome, Panne, Say'ri pages and then ends with that Club Nintendo Japan soundtrack.