I did Miriel x Ricken and Lon'qu x Nowi. What now, GAF?
Ahh that's good since some of my first gen units are fast enough by themselves via limit breaker.
And to get that high, you need Rally Spectrum, Rally Love, Rally Speed and a Pair Up with a class granting a lot of speed, or just a really fast character in general?66-74 to avoid getting doubled, yeah.
At 65, Goddess Anna will double you.
If your speed is +5 the enemy unit's speed you'll attack twice, and speed also ups your dodge rate; not getting hit is the best defence (contrary to popular belief)
And to get that high, you need Rally Spectrum, Rally Love, Rally Speed and a Pair Up with a class granting a lot of speed, or just a really fast character in general?
Good thing there's that DLC character that can get all the rallies. I take it you want Strength and Defense as the other two? What was her name again... Palla?
So why is speed good?
Ah, I see your point. I should make defense my avatar's flaw and speed his asset.If your speed is +5 the enemy unit's speed you'll attack twice, and speed also ups your dodge rate; not getting hit is the best defence (contrary to popular belief)
BEST:I'm going to give lunatic another shot. Should my asset be speed and my flaw resistance?
Yeah, I think I'll go with DEF, thanks!BEST:
HP: Str +1, Mag +1, Lck +2, Def +2, Res +2
STR: Str +4, Skl +2, Def +2
MAG: Mag +4, Spd +2, Res +2
SKL: Str +2, Skl +4, Def +2
SPD: Skl +2, Spd +4, Lck +2
LCK: Str +2, Mag +2, Lck +4
DEF: Lck +2, Def +4, Res +2
RES: Mag +2, Spd +2, Res +4
HP: Str -1, Mag -1, Lck -1, Def -1, Res -1
STR: Str -3, Skl -1, Def -1
MAG: Mag -3, Spd -1, Res -1
SKL: Str -1, Skl -3, Def -1
SPD: Skl -1, Spd -3, Lck -1
LCK: Str -1, Mag -1, Lck -3
DEF: Lck -1, Def -3, Res -1
RES: Mag -1, Spd -1, Res -3
Def would be a better flaw I think
Running a quick math here, just to check if I have it right... Morgan(Tiki) as a Manakete with a +Speed/-Luck Avatar father has 51 Speed with Limit Breaker. Add a Dragonstone+ and she's at 55. +10 from a Rally and it's 65. So, all she really needs is an All Stats +2 or a Pair up partner with a speed boost to not get doubled by Goddess Anna. I think a partner granting at least +1 Speed will be easy to find. Also fun, her raw Defense is 65 and her raw Attack 73. She's so going to live up to being a dragon in the end. How hard does Goddess Anna hit, anyway?More of the former, but the latter helps.
Most units are actually capable of hitting that benchmark. Just a matter of getting the right pair up (+10 from A/S rank Swordmaster pair up is the highest) and there's Speed +2 and All Stats +2 if it's not enough.
AS +2 is fine but by gawd if you need that AND Speed +2, then forget it. Don't bother with using that unit against Goddess Anna. As a consolation prize, at least that unit will be able to outspeed everything else.
Actually, here's a strange skill conflict question: Luna vs. Pavise. Do you just take half damage of the increased damage Luna would have done?
Also, I have Chrom + Lucina and MU + Lissa, but Owain can marry Cynthia without any problems, so I guess cousin marriage is totes rad in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Cynthia is a surprisingly rad unit considering how craptacular Lucina is. I'm probably going to push for Cynthia + Brady though because their supports are lolz
The implications.
Whoops lol
I always forget ditzy pegasus knight's name. Lumia? Lumier? Eclaire? Nokia 9000?
Running a quick math here, just to check if I have it right... Morgan(Tiki) as a Manakete with a +Speed/-Luck Avatar father has 51 Speed with Limit Breaker. Add a Dragonstone+ and she's at 55. +10 from a Rally and it's 65. So, all she really needs is an All Stats +2 or a Pair up partner with a speed boost to not get doubled by Goddess Anna. I think a partner granting at least +1 Speed will be easy to find. Also fun, her raw Defense is 65 and her raw Attack 73. She's so going to live up to being a dragon in the end. How hard does Goddess Anna hit, anyway?
I hooked up Chrom and Sumia. It just sorta happened. Hope that doesn't turn out to be a shitty move.
I hooked up Chrom and Sumia. It just sorta happened. Hope that doesn't turn out to be a shitty move.
I'm going to give lunatic another shot. Should my asset be speed and my flaw resistance?
When I say a raw 65 +Def. I mean a Limiter Breaker capped raw stat of 52 with +13 from a Dragonstone+. I wonder how high I can push this with stat boosters and rallies. And with a skillset of Pavise, Aegis, Sol, Limit Breaker and... hmm... not sure about the fifth yet, she'll be one tough cookie. Dual Guard+ might not be a bad idea for the last one.Since the damage from Dragonstones are based off Strength, it'd make sense to give them a A/S Berserker pair up (+10 Str, +8 Speed)
Yeah the math is right.
41 speed, 45 speed with Dragonstone+
Pair her up, now 53.
Sounds good. That's exactly 75 speed when the dust clears.
65 Def is a lot. I think at around 55 Def, Goddess Anna's Aether will leave you with less than 10 HP.
So I dropped this at mission 13(?), the one where you get.surrounded by risen in a narrow valley and there's archers everywhere
What strategy should I be taking? Run up the side as fast as possible? Chill at the castles at the bottom to prevent those turbo-bastard Warriors from spawning? Run up the middle like a retard?
Rightful King isn't as good as aether thoughNope. It's pretty solid
Chrom having a son would probably be better since he gets Rightful King off the bat
Rightful King isn't as good as aether though
Bunker down at the forts near where you start and let them come to you. If you got units with high defenses, you could use the hills as chokepoints to limit the number of enemies coming down.
Inigo with a bunch of activation skills!
Aether is pretty beast and Lucina can get Rightful King as well for some reason. Better to have the both of them going around destroying everything imo
I hooked up Chrom and Sumia. It just sorta happened. Hope that doesn't turn out to be a shitty move.
Aether is pretty beast and Lucina can get Rightful King as well for some reason. Better to have the both of them going around destroying everything imo
I hooked up Chrom and Sumia. It just sorta happened. Hope that doesn't turn out to be a shitty move.
sheesh what do you mean for some reason >_>
she's a great lord!
Only for chrom.
Lucina is the only one with a deadline, so to speak. Before chapter 13. All the other children won't have their stats and skills locked in until you actually hit "Fight!" on the preparations screen for their recruitment chapter. You can even go take a look, then back out to the map and the skills still won't be locked in.
who is this kellam person you guys keep bringing up
Yeah when this happened to me I was pretty peeved, since I don't like Sumia at all.
...should have let her die early, now that I think about it.
Game of thrones tactical srpg you say