Has there ever been a Fire Emblem with a Helm's Deep style situation where you just gotta hold a position until a turn time runs out?
Radiant Dawn, stage 3-13.
You have to prevent waves of enemies from advancing past a green line on the map and hold on for several turns or defeat the enemy boss. The enemy boss is Ike, so... Also there are anemy flying units.
There's also the general Defend objective used in several games where you just have to last a number of turns while keeping a glowing square safe. Path of Radiance used this one a lot, and Radiant Dawn loved to put twists on it, as shown with 3-13.
Noob question:
I'm at ch 9 and I still don't get the reason to pair up characters in battle.
To mee it always seems like a waste, I can only use them once and the front character takes all the damage.
What am I doing wrong?
The big deal about Pair Up is the stat boosts. The lead character will do more damage, take less damage, be faster, and overall more awesome, and the back character is completely shielded from being attacked. The stat boosts you get improve as support levels and your overall stats improve.
It's also a surefire way of making two characters support as long as the pairing fights together.