How many units can you bring to Future Past, anyway? I'm assuming Chrom is mandatory as usual?
I'm starting to see a more or less core team of my endgame units. I need to do something with Sumia, though, so she can be a better support partner for Chrom. She has Galeforce, but not enough Strength to get a kill, so that's a little wasted. Could just toss a bucket of stat-up items at her, of course. But for the rest, Avatar/Tiki, Morgan/Inigo, Lucina/Gerome, Lissa/Henry, Nah/Yarne, Owain/Severa, Olivia/Virion, and Nowi/Donnel are either ready to go or one or two class changes away from being ready to go. Teaching Donny some axes as a Warrior now. That pot-helmet looks even more silly in a Warrior outfit.
Oh, the NPC childrens' stats are based on the parents'? Hmm... Laurent might be a little in trouble, then. Gerome a little, too. Owain and Inigo are going to be awesome, though.
I have the funniest Olivia. Poor little defenseless Dancer... Wait, is that a Brave Sword? "STOP STARING!" And then the enemy got Astra'd to death. I don't think I've seen a full five-hit combo off Astra yet on any character.
So that's what that number is for? :S
Yup. I think the ingame guide tells you at some point. And remember, you can touch any part of the touchscreen to get a tooltip explaining what it is. Except for that number, it'll just show you the weapon's stats.