It has some exploitable patterns, but I've noticed a new twist that I haven't seen in Fire Emblem before.The AI in this game is nuts lol
But I've seen something new. Linked aggro. Some enemies will advance on you in a group if just one of them can attack. Doesn't matter too much, just know that they can.I think I know the AI's routine. It has priorities.
1. Can I theoretically cause a Game Over? Odds don't matter.
So if Chrom is at 21 HP and you have three enemies with a 20% chance of doing 7 damage each, they WILL go for it.
If you have to defend a spot, don't know if there's a mission like that in this game, any enemy will rush it if they can.
2. Can I kill someone? Odds don't matter.
Same as above.
3. Can I hit someone that can't hit me?
Fairly sane plan, really. Haven't checked if you can abuse it by unequipping a high defense character's weapon like you could in Path of Radiance.
4. Who can I hurt the most?
If all else fails... hurt someone. Amusingly if the most damage an enemy can do is still 0 damage, it will do it. This, by the way, makes it more likely for the AI to target a Myrmidon than a Knight. Even if the Myrmidon is much harder to hit.
5. Can't hurt anyone? Move or stay put.
Depending on if the enemy is mobile or not. Risen will rush, other units may or may not.
There are some enemies ere and there with special coding, like thieves, enemies that run away, or need to talk to Chrom or something like that, but that's pretty much it. Avoiding danger isn't part of the AI, mostly. It's extremely reckless. And spiteful. It doesn't play to WIN, it plays to make you LOSE.
There's no advantage to getting to 15 in a base class and then using a second seal. That's for promoted ones because thwey have a lvl 15 skill. The most optimal routes are changing at level 10 if you want to go to another base class, or lvl 20 if you want to promote.
A lvl 20 mercenary reclassing to myrmidon will gain experience as a lvl 11 character when he's a lvl 1 myrmidon. Eventually, when you promote him to Swordmaster or Assassin, he'll gain experience as a level 31 character while being in the first level of that promoted class (doesn't matter if you promote him at level 10 or 20).
A lvl 10 mercenary reclassing to myrmidon will gain experience as a lvl 6 character and when you promote that reclassed character he'll gain experience as a level 26 one.
Basically, the same thing goes to going from second tier to first tier. A lvl 1 promoted character (without any reclassing beforehand) counts as a lvl 21 character. Take that to a first tier class, and you'll add 11 invisible levels, if you get to lvl 5 to get the first promoted skill, you'll add 13 invisible levels. If you get to lvl 15 for the second promoted skill, you'll be adding 18 invisible levels. And that's all assuming that there was no reclassing beforehand. When you add any previous reclassing before promotion, even at level 10, you have to add at least 5 extra levels to that.
Of course, this is all assuming you aren't just grinding to you heart's content. When you're doing that, the invisible levels will just mean slightly slower growth. However, if you're trying to just play through the story without stopping it for grinding for a while, or just don't want to waste that much time grinding, then the experience gains are relevant.
FE3 and FE4 releasing on Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow in Japan is making me wish we would get those games.
I recruited the Donny kid and his ability should mean he'll get nice stats in the long run.
So if I level a first-tier to 20, and then reclass to another first-tier, do I waste the stats or does it only affect growth?
That is a understatement to say the least. By the time you get Donnel to an equivalent level with your other units, they'll be laughable compared to him.
Damn. Should recast Lon qu asap then before he gets any more baller than he already is
So if I level a first-tier to 20, and then reclass to another first-tier, do I waste the stats or does it only affect growth?
Lon'Qu is fine 20 myrm-20 swordsmaster. All the myrmidon/swordmaster skills are decently good.
The only characters that I recommend second sealing in the unpromoted stage are guys with the merc tree.
And that's pretty much Donnel/Cordelia(and even with Cordelia you probably want to get her to Dark Flier first).
Dunno whether to marry Chrom off to Sumia or, weirdly, Mirabelle
Literally just solo'd chapter 21 with FeMU, paired with chrom, and stocked to the brim with nosferatu. :lol
On hard too.
Most broken combination?
Second gen combos are usually more broken. Your morgan is easily the best character in the game if you passed him galeforce.
Maribelle gives Lifetaker and Dual Support+, Sumia gives better stat caps and Pavise.
There are also better fathers for Maribelle's kid. Chrom only gives him Archer (meh!) and Rightful King.
I think I know the AI's routine. It has priorities.
1. Can I theoretically cause a Game Over? Odds don't matter.
So if Chrom is at 21 HP and you have three enemies with a 20% chance of doing 7 damage each, they WILL go for it.
Well, Chrom is simple enough. I don't see any skills he'd want in Archer or Cavalier, so he's going to promote.
Ayup, you probably want to have Henry to be the father, but that again Henry's the best dad for Owain to; it's kinda annoying.
Dual support + isn't really great when lord tree provides so many great skills anyway.
Discipline to get his lance weapon level up, and 10 more easy levels. And he doesn't really get anything from Great Knight unless you want Dual Guard+. Aether makes Luna redundant.
Dark Fliers is an awful class. Be ready for that. Especially for a character like Cordelia with bad magic, who will be forced to use lances despite gimped strength. So going to it later could be beneficial for that reason, though it will mean going through it will be slower too.
Well, you can play them as much as you want, so it's up to you.
I think it's best to play them in the (US) release order, as they usually scale in difficulty. (The rewards seem to scale too.)
The Scramble packs are a bit different, since they focus on character relationships. I wanted to wait until I got all the characters to do the Scramble to maximize conversation potential, but again, it depends on your play style.
Maribelle gives Lifetaker and Dual Support+, Sumia gives better stat caps and Pavise.
There are also better fathers for Maribelle's kid. Chrom only gives him Archer (meh!) and Rightful King.
Any advice on good Mirabelle matches, oh wise matchmaker?
Libra works about as well for Owain. Very similar stat caps and he gets Lifetaker.
Well, if you want to her *final class* to be Great Lord, then Lord Level 12 --> Pegasus Knight 10 --> Dark Flier 15 --> Great Lord is the better course so you don't have to repeat leveling up Great Lord to 10 again in the future.
You can always turn her back to Lord/Great Lord anytime you wish.
I was thinking of Dual Guard+, yes. Since Sumia, and by extension Lucina can also get it, it would be a nice little family huddle. Like from the intro, really.Discipline to get his lance weapon level up, and 10 more easy levels. And he doesn't really get anything from Great Knight unless you want Dual Guard+. Aether makes Luna redundant.
Dark Fliers is an awful class. Be ready for that. Especially for a character like Cordelia with bad magic, who will be forced to use lances despite gimped strength. So going to it later could be beneficial for that reason, though it will mean going through it will be slower too.
Is Dark Flier really that bad? I'd imagine Lissa would rock it with her magic growth, but she's not there yet. It's really only for Galeforce I'm thinking of it. I'd probably jump ship to Falcon Knight immediately after getting it so I can get Staves. Attack, kill, heal ally. Seems like a good plan. I think I'll run Cordelia through ten levels of Mercenary, then. Yes, she'll be down to bronze swords, but it'll go fast enough.
What do you think about the idea of going Tactician 20/Merc 10/Myrmidon 10/Swordmaster 15/Hero 10-15/Grandmaster for the Avatar? Too complicated? Should I skip Myrmidon?
Just finished. I felt like I was maybe playing it a bit wrong just brute force soloing with FeMU and skipping every battle/enemy phase, but hey, it worked. Kinda fit with the theme too.
That ending man, nicely done. Didn't really think too much of the story, was pretty cliched, but it's still fun to play through.
Now maybe lunatic can stop my FeMU.
I should probably grind out some supports as well. Been ignoring it completely in favour of finishing the story.
Impressed by the end credits too. They must have written hundreds of different permutations.
Wait, Cordelia as a dark flier is apparently kinda sucky? oh damn, so now i've got Galeforce should I reclass her to FalcoKnight or whatever they're called and increase backside kicking capabilities?
Okay, just for a rule of thumb. How many base levels can you afford before promoting? Roughly. My avatar hasn't capped anything in Mercenary yet, should I wait for the first green number? Or just jump at the second time a character hits level 10?
Edit: Also here's a funny question. Would it be wise to unpromote Frederick with a Second Seal and get him the level ups he's missing the right way? AFTER getting him Luna, of course.
Edit: This may or may not have somehing to do with Tharja. *whistles to self*