Yo. Yeah, this is goty material for me.
There are a couple later on that I found worse then this.My Godcitadel was one of the worst maps I have ever played, so damn annoying ridiculous archers and 6 summons every couple of turns made that map take over an hour and half.Grieths
this isn't quite universally true but it's close enough it will make you a better Fire Emblem player: armor knights are always badShould I bother at all with trying to get speed for valbar or is he just a lost cause?
Lmao you dont even have to grind that much to get the dracoshield. Tobin on my second savefile is so broken that he actually melted daesix with his insane attack stat. Everyone else could only do chip damage
What happen to the Celica Avatar?Alm is certainly cookie cutter, but definitely not generic.
He's got this awkward and affable nature that really shines through the dialogue. They basically took the "genuinely good kid + doesn't want conflict" aspect of Corrin's character and did it right this time. Alm holds no malice towards the Rigelians and doesn't take any pleasure in battle. But instead of offering empty platitudes like Corrin, he actively tries to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict. If not, he'll kill in order to make a difference, but not cry about it. Alm's got the trappings of a typical shonen hero, but in execution he's a bit different.
Usually when a warrior type character is described as gentle, it feels incredibly disingenuous, but you just feel it with Alm (with text and VA that reinforces the fuck out of it.). You just know that outside of battle he's actually the sweetest person around. The main issue with Alm imo, is that that his side of the FE: Echoes is just so straightforward and generic, his character suffers as a result. He becomes the leader of the Deliverance far too quickly, and he leads it nearly effortlessly. A theme that's clearly set up (your station is irrelevant) ends up being contradicted in the latter halfHe doesn't go through many great plot beats either, which is disappointing since he's an enjoyable character. The only one that really stands out isas Alm ends up being Rigel's son and also the chosen one who will save the world.when he weeps after being manipulated into commiting patricide, and when he cries after Berkut dies. They actually bring up an interesting aspect of his character (his loneliness), but it's brought literally at the very end, instead of being properly set up.
So yeah, Alm was a good character who deserved better.
PS: FE:A Alm is bad, lol
So what is the difference between Hard and Normal? I have started two different games on both and the only thing I notice so far is that hard has one or two extra enemy units. Damage received and experience gained seems similar. Amazingly, the game was giving me more critical hits on my hard difficulty game.
Granted, I'm super early in the game where both difficulty levels are rather easy.
So what is the difference between Hard and Normal? I have started games on both and the only thing I notice so far is that hard has one or two extra enemy units. Damage received and experience gained seems similar. Amazingly, the game was giving me more critical hits on my hard difficulty game.
Granted, I'm super early in the game where both difficulty levels are rather easy.
I love the character responses when you get a terrible level up. It matches my frustration quite well.
What happen to the Celica Avatar?
My Saber pretty much solo'd that map. I promoted him into a Dread Fighter before that map and he just tore through the halls full of Terrors and soldiers and I killed the summoner guy before I even went for the boss. I used Leon and Archer Atlas to take out the archers and the mages thoMy Godcitadel was one of the worst maps I have ever played, so damn annoying ridiculous archers and 6 summons every couple of turns made that map take over an hour and half.Grieths
this isn't quite universally true but it's close enough it will make you a better Fire Emblem player: armor knights are always bad
Anyone else think that archers should be able to hit adjacent targets in the next FE game?
I kind of like it. Even if they only hit for half damage or something I still think it would be cool.
*Celica being a snake*[sic]
I've seen many times that people mentioned the mercs in Celica's route are making their own version of Outer Heaven
A blonde man talking to an eyepatched mercenary about a country for soldiers seems very Peace Walker.
Garcia in Sacred Stones is also pretty solid throughout as far as I remember.Actually good (good means (upper) mid tier) armors across the entire series:
Gaiden Lukas, Oswin, Radiant Dawn Gatrie, Conquest Effie, there are a few others (i.e. RD Tauroneo) that can also contribute in a pinch.
It's a small list, even sadder than archers tbh
Sacred Stones did that first...Giving a boss a spell that affects EVERY unit is bad game design IS and you should feel bad.
You get more renown for being in hard...if you care about the leaderboards.So what is the difference between Hard and Normal? I have started games on both and the only thing I notice so far is that hard has one or two extra enemy units. Damage received and experience gained seems similar. Amazingly, the game was giving me more critical hits on my hard difficulty game.
Granted, I'm super early in the game where both difficulty levels are rather easy.
It's get even better than that (forging)
So regarding characters in-battle. Whenwas an NPC she was saying something like "big sisters do it best" all the time but now that I've recruited her she only seems to say "I have discharged my duty".Palla
Yeah, I had to do a double check because the narration was so negative and it threw me off lolBeat the game after 30 hours
Having the last area be a big dungeon makes this the best FE by default.
and I loved the ending...
lolwhat you achieved was pointless becauses the world is terrible and everything will go to hell.
A popular suggestion I've seen for Atlas is to take him through the entire Merc line back to Villager, then make him an Archer. That's what I'm planning for him anyway.
You could probably go straight to Archer too, but I want to optimize him as much as possible.
Great post, I couldn't have said it better myself.Alm is certainly cookie cutter, but definitely not generic.
He's got this awkward and affable nature that really shines through the dialogue. They basically took the "genuinely good kid + doesn't want conflict" aspect of Corrin's character and did it right this time. Alm holds no malice towards the Rigelians and doesn't take any pleasure in battle. But instead of offering empty platitudes like Corrin, he actively tries to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict. If not, he'll kill in order to make a difference, but not cry about it. Alm's got the trappings of a typical shonen hero, but in execution he's a bit different.
Usually when a warrior type character is described as gentle, it feels incredibly disingenuous, but you just feel it with Alm (with text and VA that reinforces the fuck out of it.). You just know that outside of battle he's actually the sweetest person around. The main issue with Alm imo, is that that his side of the FE: Echoes is just so straightforward and generic, his character suffers as a result. He becomes the leader of the Deliverance far too quickly, and he leads it nearly effortlessly. A theme that's clearly set up (your station is irrelevant) ends up being contradicted in the latter halfHe doesn't go through many great plot beats either, which is disappointing since he's an enjoyable character. The only one that really stands out isas Alm ends up being Rigel's son and also the chosen one who will save the world.when he weeps after being manipulated into commiting patricide, and when he cries after Berkut dies. They actually bring up an interesting aspect of his character (his loneliness), but it's brought literally at the very end, instead of being properly set up.
So yeah, Alm was a good character who deserved better.
PS: FE:A Alm is bad, lol
Garcia in Sacred Stones is also pretty solid throughout as far as I remember.
Armour units really suffer from a mix of low speed (get hit twice), low movement (struggle to keep up and so gain xp, can't choose favourable battles as easily) and vulnerability to magic (also see previous point). Their niche is choke points, but there aren't really enough defensive battles to really make it worth choose them over more offensive options Paladins and mercs/heroes/soldiers etc for me. A few less points of defence (but still pretty hardy) but generally better res, speed, movement etc.
Sorry, Gilliam, always get those two mixed up, it's been a while.Garcia isn't even an armor what
Okay, so I found the Resistance and Experience fountains with Celica, should I use these immediately? Are they tied to each other like the other ones are? Either way, any suggestions on how to use them?
So when one of the heroes gets killed on the final map it's straight up Game Over, no time wheel shenanigans, nada.
So when one of the heroes gets killed on the final map it's straight up Game Over, no time wheel shenanigans, nada.
I had to put the 3DS down, still not keen on starting this fight over from the beginning ()...I had Celica wiped by Duma after having the map cleared completely
The map took forever since I insisted to bring all those useless Mercenaries I never used because they actually have some supports I hadn't read. No. Why. What a map.
The game ends when Celica or the protagonist die on any map.
I awfully regret not making Faye as cleric. Especially (spoiler for act 4 map)after seeing Nuibaba's map, haven't played it yet but without physic this map will be hard to take down.
Eh, that's basically the role Ike served in the series.I wouldn't mind if the next FE Lord in the Switch game becomes Fire Emblem's Yuri though.
So yeah, Alm was a good character who deserved better.
PS: FE:A Alm is bad, lol
Any idea of how this game is selling btw? Are there any numbers out there?