Reach the end of the chapter with only a few enemies left, game is stuck on this screen
That Nintendo quality
lmao, yeah. I ended up having Saizo alive somehow and even got all treasures but boy did it take more than just a few trieshooooooo-oooly fuck, chapter 17 of conquest
Took one good look at that map and just went 'that's enough FE for me today'.
I'm sad that the story is so god awful and lazily put together. The basic concept of Nohr could have been really well utilized, but every story that has any potential is barely noted if at all and the driving plot points are all forced and ultimately silly. I think the game would have benefited just by having more walls of text and being forced to explain and make good sense of its movements. But the basic premise has me imagining if a Sejong/Taejong inspired FE campaign could just be...FE just needs 'nerdier' story direction again. Pretty sure that's never going to happen, but a man can dream.
Does Hans always die on chapter 3?
does he look or act like a dude that you want around?
hell no, yes he will die
How to pass particular skill to your children. Unequip all of them but one?
Why are the Hinata/Felicia supports so cute? I didn't plan this!
Sounds like you're doing just fine! Losing a unit you like can be very painful but there is no reason you have to restart. You will get so many units you won't be able to use most of them (especially if you're working on your affinities to get people married) so unless you are incredibly attached I'd say move on. With Silas in particular I don't think the loss is too big a deal since Cavaliers are kind of jack of all trades units that aren't particularly special.As I've posted in here before, I'm fairly new to the series and kind of terrible at the game (playing on Normal Classic). In chapter seven/eight/nine (whatever the one with the peaceful village is), spent about forty-five minutes carefully taking out one enemy at a time, slowly working my way to the boss. In the penultimate move, I lost Silas. I don't know if I should just move forward or replay the chapter...I'm also thinking about dropping off Classic for my initial playthrough and then going back again on Classic. Alternatively, would it be smarter if I picked up one of the easier Fire Emblem's (Sacred Stones, maybe?) and played through that for strategy THEN go back to Birthright?
As I've posted in here before, I'm fairly new to the series and kind of terrible at the game (playing on Normal Classic). In chapter seven/eight/nine (whatever the one with the peaceful village is), spent about forty-five minutes carefully taking out one enemy at a time, slowly working my way to the boss. In the penultimate move, I lost Silas. I don't know if I should just move forward or replay the chapter...I'm also thinking about dropping off Classic for my initial playthrough and then going back again on Classic. Alternatively, would it be smarter if I picked up one of the easier Fire Emblem's (Sacred Stones, maybe?) and played through that for strategy THEN go back to Birthright?
Reach the end of the chapter with only a few enemies left, game is stuck on this screen
That Nintendo quality
I've played both Awakening and Fates on Casual. It's no black mark on your honor or anything, it's just a game, enjoy it. I'd suggest going Casual and replaying it if you feel like you need to.
Don't go play another game first though, stick with it. Sacred Stones is only easy because you can grind in it and make your party OP and overleveled, otherwise the strategy is the same.
As I've posted in here before, I'm fairly new to the series and kind of terrible at the game (playing on Normal Classic). In chapter seven/eight/nine (whatever the one with the peaceful village is), spent about forty-five minutes carefully taking out one enemy at a time, slowly working my way to the boss. In the penultimate move, I lost Silas. I don't know if I should just move forward or replay the chapter...I'm also thinking about dropping off Classic for my initial playthrough and then going back again on Classic. Alternatively, would it be smarter if I picked up one of the easier Fire Emblem's (Sacred Stones, maybe?) and played through that for strategy THEN go back to Birthright?
Reach the end of the chapter with only a few enemies left, game is stuck on this screen
That Nintendo quality
Also I think I'm going to marry Silas/Azura and Corrin/Scarlet... mostly because Corrin supports with her are so nice and they both make a really force of destruction in the battlefield.
I like to believe that every time the orange LED on my 3DS blinks, a friend has reset Fire Emblem.
I made it by 1 turn.... HUGE sigh of relief. Deciding to risk eating an aoe fireball after an hour on that map was nerve wracking.Birthright - Chapter 16 is amazing!
I love the design of the map and how they put pressure on you to move FAST to avoid the thief to steal those treasures but since the map is FULL of chokepoints it's kind of hard to move forward and also fight enemies and that one mage near a Fire Orb.
Also I think I'm going to marry Silas/Azura and Corrin/Scarlet... mostly because Corrin supports with her are so nice and they both make a really force of destruction in the battlefield.
Also started Chapter 17 last night and was enjoying myself quite a bit but I forgot to save and lost Azura to a critical hit... oh well. =/
In Chapter 12 of Birthright and I have no idea who should marry who. I hooked up Corrin and Azura but beyond that I'm clueless. In Awakening so many couples made sense, but I'm at a loss with Hoshido's cast. Saizo doesn't like anyone, Mozu and Felicia are too shy, Orochi is all over the place and the only other male Mage is an 8 year old etc.
In Chapter 12 of Birthright and I have no idea who should marry who. I hooked up Corrin and Azura but beyond that I'm clueless. In Awakening so many couples made sense, but I'm at a loss with Hoshido's cast. Saizo doesn't like anyone, Mozu and Felicia are too shy, Orochi is all over the place and the only other male Mage is an 8 year old etc.
Yeah that was absolute shithouse. Time travel would have been better.I've liked Birthright's story so far (Ch. 18); it's not great but at least it's serviceable, but man the excuse for being able to use offspring as characters in this game is duuuuuuuuumb.
That would be me.
I've liked Birthright's story so far (Ch. 18); it's not great but at least it's serviceable, but man the excuse for being able to use offspring as characters in this game is duuuuuuuuumb.
Got Felicia to 20. Reclass advised or no? I feel like I remember talk of her being good as something else...
In Chapter 12 of Birthright and I have no idea who should marry who. I hooked up Corrin and Azura but beyond that I'm clueless. In Awakening so many couples made sense, but I'm at a loss with Hoshido's cast. Saizo doesn't like anyone, Mozu and Felicia are too shy, Orochi is all over the place and the only other male Mage is an 8 year old etc.
The thing with Felicia is that her magic is alright and her strength is not. If she keeps using thrown weapons, she'll never be able to do any damage, and she's stuck with just staves.
She has two options to extend her usefulness through the midgame (I haven't done a late game yet so idk if she can hang there): Use a Flame Shuriken (does magic damage) or heart seal to Strategist (uses tomes instead of knives).
If you have a flame shuriken, you don't necessarily need to reclass her. I'm around chapter 21 now and her damage has slowed a bit, though. It's up to you!
Her growths are so bad I swear it must be intentional.God, Setsuna's growths are so horrible. It's sad. I just maxed and at Lv. 20 - 20! - she got A SINGLE STAT INCREASE. Yesh, not going waste any more time on this unit. I think I can drop Kaze now, too. His brother is at 20 for me and seems like he's still better than Kaze who's a level higher in that I just promoted him to Master Ninja. Ugh. Sucks when likable characters aren't more useful.
For the units I can promote, should I wait till their current class hits max, like in Awakening, or can I promote them anytime after level 10?
So does it not matter who marries who? Is it just preference?
Great! I've been stressing out about who to pair with who.Stat wise its more efficient to let them level to 20 then promote to get the most out of it. If you ever feel you need to promote though your free to do so after 10.
Yup! Choose anyone your heart adores.
Great! I've been stressing out about who to pair with who.
How the heck am I supposed to reach Shiro in time in Paralogue 7? He's an idiot who dies in 2 turns and my wyren riders can't reach him in time.