How the heck am I supposed to reach Shiro in time in Paralogue 7? He's an idiot who dies in 2 turns and my wyren riders can't reach him in time.
Do you have any spare Rescue staffs? I had the same problem until I used it to save him from danger.
How the heck am I supposed to reach Shiro in time in Paralogue 7? He's an idiot who dies in 2 turns and my wyren riders can't reach him in time.
Chapter 7 on Conquest
man units beside Corrin keep dying fast and alot of the time they die before leveling up and that will make next chapters even harder than they should because I don't seem to be able to grind
should inexperienced guy like me just give up and play on normal?
for example Jakob is level 3 and all enemies are at level. monsters eat him alive.
Thanks! Yeah, that was my approach to Awakening and it felt like I was missing a chance to maximize the potential of certain characters. I typically only play through these games once.Sorry kind of misread your post. Some characters do give out different bonuses and the offspring inherit stats and classes they can change to so there is that. Honestly if its your first playthrough though just pair up with whoever you feel like as it doesn't really matter in the long run unless your playing lunatic mode.
Plan out your moves.
Turn on Danger Zone, and also manually check enemy danger zones. See if there are enemies you might be able to pull by sending in one unit (in ch.7, probably Corrin with Dragonstone so she has extra DEF). Also remember Jakob uses daggers so he has 1-2 range, and his daggers also lower enemy defense after using them.
It becomes easier once your additional units arrive.
Yeah pulling enemy units one by one seems very necessary on hard mode.
also it's annoying that killing the leader isn't enough on hard mode
normal mode spoiled me![]()
Chapter 7 on Conquest
man units beside Corrin keep dying fast and alot of the time they die before leveling up and that will make next chapters even harder than they should because I don't seem to be able to grind
should inexperienced guy like me just give up and play on normal?
for example Jakob is level 3 and all enemies are at level. monsters eat him alive.
Man fuck Conquest 20. The last chapter was shitty but this is so much moreso. The gimmick is dumb and really difficult to play around long term unless you memorize each turn's winds. The enemies are all threatening and hit with a million debuffs and the AI refusing to target enemies they do no damage to makes using characters for their intended purpose all the more frustrating. I'm so glad Xander has overkill defense so he can never tank!
Ooh, the victory condition in normal was just Defeat the Boss, rather than Rout the Enemy? Huh.
Though to be fair, in Conquest, especially on Hard (I won't comment on Lunatic as I doubt I'll ever do it, lol) you do want to try to defeat as many enemies as possible, since EXP is at a premium compared to Birthright (IF one decides to do the Challenge maps in Birthright that is... I haven't bothered yet).
You are going to get eaten alive at chapter 10. I'd say yes, go to an easier difficulty and apply allt he advice you got there.
Up to Chapter 10 Hard on Conquest. Question regarding the free DLC. Is it possible to survive the map once the ninjas start chain swapping a character through their ranks. I can do pretty good staying out of their range but inevitably someone gets caught up and is killed. Is this a case of just wait until I'm leveled up more?
*sigh* "Oh, that enemy only has a 5% chance to critical, I'm sure she'll be fiiiine!"
Who can guess what happened next????
I feel very at unease chancing a retaliation attack on any character with more than a 3% chance to crit, honestly. Somehow things always manage to go catastrophically.*sigh* "Oh, that enemy only has a 5% chance to critical, I'm sure she'll be fiiiine!"
Who can guess what happened next????
I know!! I was soo worried about proper distribution of exp and damage on the boss, I decided this one time would be OK. And the battle was going sooo nicely.I feel very at unease chancing a retaliation attack on any character with more than a 3% chance to crit, honestly. Somehow things always manage to go catastrophically.
So do percentages in this game actually reflect the probability of hitting/critting instead of the lopsided percentages that Awakening had?
I've noticed that I'm missing a lot more often when my hit % is in the 80s. I've also gotten a few criticals in the single-digits.
Yes, unlike all(?) past fire emblem games, the percentages are accurate.
Some advice: Use Elise to Freeze Ryoma and have Xander move past him. You only need to kill 4 of the 5 units on the field, and Ryoma is easily the toughest of the group.Finished Birthright Hard Classic, start Conquest Hard Classic up, can't even survive more than 1 turn on Chapter 6... Like what can I expect to do when I have 50% chance of hitting stuff, can't heal since if I send a character in to heal (which is now 1 space instead of 2spaces like in Birthright), they automatically get 1 shot since both Jakob and Elise can't withstand a single attack from anyone on the field. What am I supposed to even do here, is the whole game of conquest really going to be with most of my characters having really low chances to hit? If so I probably won't bother, seems more like a recipe of luck and resets if that's the case.
Basically, the previous FE games had a 'true hit' system going where it basically rolled twice on a table and took the better result. From what I understand, Fates takes only one result and whatever (mis)fortune that results in that.What do you mean, percentages weren't accurate before? How so? Did someone do some intense testing or something?
Finished Birthright Hard Classic, start Conquest Hard Classic up, can't even survive more than 1 turn on Chapter 6... Like what can I expect to do when I have 50% chance of hitting stuff, can't heal since if I send a character in to heal (which is now 1 space instead of 2spaces like in Birthright), they automatically get 1 shot since both Jakob and Elise can't withstand a single attack from anyone on the field. What am I supposed to even do here, is the whole game of conquest really going to be with most of my characters having really low chances to hit? If so I probably won't bother, seems more like a recipe of luck and resets if that's the case.
Generally no. I find hit chances to be rather comparable between the two games.
... I honestly don't remember Conquest 6 being too difficult @_@ Just needed to really get units located well.
Being said, yeah none of the fancy Hoshido healing staves in Conquest, just the classic ones like Heal, Mend, etc.
Finished Birthright Hard Classic, start Conquest Hard Classic up, can't even survive more than 1 turn on Chapter 6... Like what can I expect to do when I have 50% chance of hitting stuff, can't heal since if I send a character in to heal (which is now 1 space instead of 2spaces like in Birthright), they automatically get 1 shot since both Jakob and Elise can't withstand a single attack from anyone on the field. What am I supposed to even do here, is the whole game of conquest really going to be with most of my characters having really low chances to hit? If so I probably won't bother, seems more like a recipe of luck and resets if that's the case.
They're still better value, technically. Just need to be way more mindful of positioning.Generally no. I find hit chances to be rather comparable between the two games.
... I honestly don't remember Conquest 6 being too difficult @_@ Just needed to really get units located well.
Being said, yeah none of the fancy Hoshido healing staves in Conquest, just the classic ones like Heal, Mend, etc.
I'm honestly pretty unclear on the subject, except that I have had a worse run of bad luck in terms of hit chances in Fates than I ever remembered in the past games.oh look it's the inevitable "1 RN is back" people yet again
lol, true... I hadn't thought about that (though I'm trying to avoid doing stuff like this, lol but more power to those who do)Unless you go to a Hoshidan My Castle of course and buy the festals from them LOL
They're still better value, technically. Just need to be way more mindful of positioning.
Basically, the previous FE games had a 'true hit' system going where it basically rolled twice on a table and took the better result. From what I understand, Fates takes only one result and whatever (mis)fortune that results in that.
Some advice: Use Elise to Freeze Ryoma and have Xander move past him. You only need to kill 4 of the 5 units on the field, and Ryoma is easily the toughest of the group.
Check the objective, you don't need to beat Ryoma, as long as you take down everyone else.
The current DLC maps spoil nothing.When is a good time to play the DLC map? Do they not spoil that much?
Thanks that actually just worked! Kinda wasted exp since Corrin didn't get any kills and the other units don't seem to get exp for that fight, but hey it actually worked! Elise is a freeze machine
It wasn't just Ryoma giving me trouble, it was that combo group of Hinoka and Takumi. Both Leo and Corrin only had like 50% chance to hit them so it made it hard to make that fight with my characters standing.
She's more useful than some of your early units (like, uh, basically all your dedicated magic users) in that she can promote into an Archer, which you don't get a whole lot of in Conquest and the abundance of shurikens later in the campaign, but she isn't really that impressive once she's scaled up. If you're finding her too much trouble than the best thing to do would just be to settle for Niles and invest in some other unit.In Conquest at least it feels like they give you too few offensive classes early to be able to pair up the Villager with someone that will help her level up. Should I just give up on her, she is only level 3.
Feels like more misfortune but that could be me. I'm already had more "bullshit that was 90%+" moments compared to the all other games combined.
So, why does the game "lie" to us? If you browse the table above, the answer might be obvious.
The 2 RN system encourages low Hits missing and encourages high Hits hitting. What does this have to do with anything? Well, it mostly benefits the player, as playable characters usually have high Hit and enemy characters usually have low Hit. Thus playable characters will tend to hit more often than usual and enemy characters will tend to miss more often than usual.
For example:
With the 1 RN system, characters will miss with 99 Hit 1 out of 100 times. However with the 2 RN system, characters will miss 1 out of 10,000 times. That's a factor of 100 in difference!
If you have played a game from FE1~5, you should notice the difference in Hit percentages while playing. Even though your characters have 90 or so Hit, they will miss fairly often and, conversely, even though enemies have 30 or so Hit, they will hit quite often. If Sety or Shanan (or other characters with high Avoid) appeared in FE6~11, they would be even better dodge-machines than they already were!
It is possible.
On Birthright Hard I actually did the Before Awakening DLC as soon as I could (so before Chapter 7). Both Chrom and Lissa were defeated, but lucky me, the Ninjas chain-swapped Frederick who tanked so much (and would occasionally go on a fort when he needed to heal up). At this point I would slowly work my way up (and have Jakob (as I play F!Corrin) heal as required (healing Frederick being very important).
It was tough, but I got through,
No they did not.Isn't there an item you get only if you keep all 3 character from awakening alive?
Also, they reverted the RNG on hit to the old old one? Holy shit, I actually had to gamble 8 hits under 80% to beat chapter 10, cant believe I didnt miss more often if that's the case
Isn't there an item you get only if you keep all 3 character from awakening alive?
In Conquest at least it feels like they give you too few offensive classes early to be able to pair up the Villager with someone that will help her level up. Should I just give up on her, she is only level 3.
No they did not.
Isn't there an item you get only if you keep all 3 character from awakening alive?
To get Kaze's child you must also have Kaze have level A support with Avatar. You'll get the child paralogue after chapter 15.Is there a thing with Azura and kiddos? She married Kaze and I got a new Paralogue added to the list but... the Paralogue is for Azura's kid and I don't see one for Kaze's kid.
This really says it all.