Bring in Nowi, if you have one.
I don't have the luxury of owning a Nowi
Bring in Nowi, if you have one.
Ike has been a dead weight for me in the arena so far. So many teams are packing Reinhardt or Kagero, he can't even do anything.
This is the last arena season with the old rules. It's getting an overhaul next time, so hopefully it'll become more engaging.I don't put much effort into the Arena anymore. All I really hope for is at least one successful Defense.
I ended last season at rank 45K for only 1000 Feathers. My Offense was exactly 4600, so this stuff is extremely competitive. But I got 3000 just for meeting the bare minimum of defending and reaching 4000 points. 4000 this week is actually not much lower than even my best seasons.
I'm using 4* Zephiel for the Arena. I don't want to level Titania or any of the other Heroes. I might even settle for a rank between 50K and 100K this season. I'm just not in the mood to get perfect streaks right now.
I'm struggling with him too, I'm also facing a LOT of +5 teams and units, think my overall stat count is too high with Ike, Hector and Nowi.
EDIT: Finally got my first win in arena but it was my last sword and I'm not in a rush so won't use my consumables. I might switch Nino for Julia as my units aren't giving her buffs, apart from Nowi with Rally Defence but that's a waste in my opinion. I also got 694 for the win, I'm guessing that's near the maximum the game can gives you? Could be why I'm facing the whale teams now, I only have +1 Ike and Nino in my team, the others aren't merged. Last week, the max I could earn was 683. Ike's stats has boosted my arena win points by 11.
Unique Hero weapons can't be used for skill inheritance iirc.So I've got two xanders. Can his Sword be passed on via SI?
So I've got two xanders. Can his Sword be passed on via SI?
Also went through my whole box and no unit I have learns Bonfire? Weird... Could have sword that the skill isn't that rare. Wanna use it on Hector.
Ah, thanks. Feathers it is then.Unique Hero weapons can't be used for skill inheritance iirc.
The boost is not from Ike's stats but rather, the "+1" merge you have. Ike's stats aren't any higher than any other infantry melee unit.
Anyway, it is just one match so I won't draw any conclusion yet, since the points from match to match can vary A LOT, but it will be interesting to know whom your Ike has replaced. Judging from 683 max score it looks like it is a 4* character. If that is the case it might explain lots of things.
He replaced my 4* Alm but even before that, I had 4 five star units and wasn't getting anything in 690+ region for a win.
Oh actually I have his 4* version... But he is my only one so I won't sacrifice him for skill inheritance. Still thought that I had more units with the skill.That means you haven't been trolled by 3* or 4* MRobin's shiny intro, good for youSeriously, if you have ever opened blue stones before you should have at least a few of him.
i will take away your horse if this continue..
thats better =3 he may be not the best standalone unit, but with Cavalry support he is pretty awesome. its my second 5* red sword since launch.
Yoh, the banner is trash but it has Linde....
Four pulls in, no Linde and that's fine BECAUSE I GOT FUCKING REINHARDT. YEASSSSSS OH MY GOD.
He is 4* but that doesn't matter, I don't need to pull for any unit in the game anymore, I'm so happy. He is +RES -SPD which is decent enough, thank God it's not -ATK.
I can see the Xander map being rough if you don't have a strong ass blue mage. The banner is correct, Linde dominates it.
I started off by having her kill the spear guy, danced her out of the way and repositioned Azura...come to think of it I'm not sure if the green mage was in range of her, she could've handled Xander. Anyways, after they charged in I just blew up Xander and the sword with Linde+dance and Ike cleaned up the rest. Hector stood in a corner and did nothing.
Embrace fury3 and speed seal. it still works fine in the arenaI think this -Spd Ryoma broke my spirit. Every 5* red sword I get is -Spd. It's like the game knows
Embrace fury3 and speed seal. it still works fine in the arena
I think this -Spd Ryoma broke my spirit. Every 5* red sword I get is -Spd. It's like the game knows
Deathblow 3 and I think that's pretty much it. Does he even need anything else to wreck everyone up?Congrats! What are your skill inheritance plans with him?
I have the exact same Reinhardt, +RES -SPD. I'm currently saving up to upgrade him to 5*. I was pretty much thinking the same as you, as long as he's not -atk im satisfied lol
Hector and Lukas made this new lunatic map easy. Praise Hector as usual!
I think my game is bugged. I had the crazy thought to try and get another Lobster boy but instead I got an Eirika and she's -Spd too!
Not all that bad though since she isn't a frontline fighter. Pretty happy with her either way.
I feel you bro. I've got the same Lyn. I kinda fixed her up, but it still hurts to have a defected ace unit.Of all the banes. I have a -Spd Lyn which isn't Lyn at all pretty much
Let me at least change my units to neutral IS!
Well that was easy. I had a 1hp Nino in range of the healer at one time but she just ignored her, which was lucky.
Edit: Is it just me or does Xander sound weird. Also what's a good build for him?