What do you guys like to do for motivation on bad days? Any videos, gifs, articles that get you pumped?
Personally, i like Hannibal for King videos
I wake up every day as me. Don't need anything more than that. I'm awesome.
What do you guys like to do for motivation on bad days? Any videos, gifs, articles that get you pumped?
Personally, i like Hannibal for King videos
What do you guys like to do for motivation on bad days? Any videos, gifs, articles that get you pumped?
Personally, i like Hannibal for King videos
My girl is graduating with her 2 engineering degrees this weekend. To help celebrate, I literally don't give a fuck what i eat this weekend. Breakfast on the way to the ceremony:
2 Bacon egg cheese Mcgriddles
1 sausage biscuit
2 hash browns
small OJ
that's more calories than some days total on my current cut.
Treat yo self!
I'm by no means impressive looking but seeing as I started out at 59kg/1,78m I'm damn proud of myself.
My girl is graduating with her 2 engineering degrees this weekend.
Goddamn. That's impressive.
But yeah, Aero and Mechanical at UB. WOOT WOOT!
Daily slice of Humble pie AKA why is Ben Rice such a beast?
I'm so ready to be done cutting. I'm at 156 right now but 16ish% bodyfat, and I think the last 6 lbs could help take off 3-4%. I just want to go back to eating real food
Daily slice of Humble pie AKA why is Ben Rice such a beast?
Any boxer/fighter here have thoughts about squats?
Some say weighted squats aren't necessary and may slow your movements (which is important for a fighter). Therefore, body-weight squats (or jump squats) are enough, especially if you don't want to put on weight and want to maintain speed.
I specialize more on explosive speed more than I do destructive power, if that helps. Not that I am not strong of course.
You are doing some hard work why wouldn't you eat anything? Carbs wouldn't be bad Imo.
You burn fat when fasted. If you eat carbs you burn carbs.
I think this is the controversy I've been hearing about. Some people are arguing that you actually risk burning through muscle when you fast (morning cardio without eating).
Any boxer/fighter here have thoughts about squats?
Some say weighted squats aren't necessary and may slow your movements (which is important for a fighter). Therefore, body-weight squats (or jump squats) are enough, especially if you don't want to put on weight and want to maintain speed.
I specialize more on explosive speed more than I do destructive power, if that helps. Not that I am not strong of course.
I think this is the controversy I've been hearing about. Some people are arguing that you actually risk burning through muscle when you fast (morning cardio without eating).
Saw a video of RG3 squatting like 800lbs once. He's pretty fast.
Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.
Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.
Think of it from an evolutionary stand point, why would you start tapping into your muscles for energy before your fat stores? Fasting for a day won't burn any muscle.
Fat stores are for energy. Why would you burn muscle first?
Sounds similar to my first work sets. I started at 132lb squat, 132lb bench, 77lb press and 220lb deadlift work sets. I am 6.2 tall and have long arms and legs. Zero unassisted pullups.
It sounds perfectly fine. Good job
Thanks! What can I do on the off days? Should I add some cardio/high intensity stuff? Trying to cut fat while gaining some muscle.
100% agree with MTP! Not a chance in hell he's getting 800 pounds. Show me the video!Quarter back gonna quarter squat, with that saftey bar.
It's not 800lbs...
Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.
I'm on vacation and passed by the GNC specifically to try those cookie dough quest bars. Damn they are definitely solid. The texture is key, literally feels like eating uncooked cookie dough. So good!
I can't stand people giving me unsolicited advice. Usually it involves my range of motion.
"hey bro, you don't want to go that deep in your squats. It disengages your quads."
"you really shouldn't touch the bar to your chest when you bench. You will injure your shoulder."
Leave me alone and go back to doing your quarter rep bench!!
Fuck the heat, seriously.
Makes me want to do nothing. Trying to muster up enough energy to go on a run, but given how damn hot it is the A/C gym is starting to look damn tempting.
Run in the morning/night.
Boom. Make your checks payable to AlienShogun.
I dread this summer now that I'm running. It's either in the 80's at 6AM with horrible humidity or in the 90's even after the sun has gone down.
Bigger? Not really. One guy in particular is about my size and trains to do shows. He's no where near as strong as me.Are the guys giving you advice at least bigger than you? I think it would be hilarious to see a tiny guy trying to critique your form haha.
Running in the 80s isn't that bad. Drink water.