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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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My girl is graduating with her 2 engineering degrees this weekend. To help celebrate, I literally don't give a fuck what i eat this weekend. Breakfast on the way to the ceremony:

2 Bacon egg cheese Mcgriddles
1 sausage biscuit
2 hash browns
small OJ

that's more calories than some days total on my current cut.





My girl is graduating with her 2 engineering degrees this weekend. To help celebrate, I literally don't give a fuck what i eat this weekend. Breakfast on the way to the ceremony:

2 Bacon egg cheese Mcgriddles
1 sausage biscuit
2 hash browns
small OJ

that's more calories than some days total on my current cut.




Treat yo self!
I had no problems working out before breakfast today. No difference in performance whatsoever. The only negative was that I forgot to bring my rope to do pullups with.

To my surprise the scale read 89kg (in full gym gear, still up 1kg from last week), when I hit 90 butt naked I'll post progress pics. I'm by no means impressive looking but seeing as I started out at 59kg/1,78m I'm damn proud of myself.


Congrats to your GF. Eat like a mofo.

Speaking of form correctors... Since I went back to LA Fitness, I've had several people try to correct my squats telling me I'm putting the bar too low (I'm doing low bar), saying it will mess up my back. lol


Nice! I just ended my keto today, to prepare for my sisters graduation in Canada this week. I'm going yo Vancouver and finding the nearest Ramen House and stuffing my face with noodles and pork......after a 2 mile run and 45 minute lifting sess' at my hotel gym of course. :p Gotta pray to Brodin even on vacation.


Any advice on morning roadwork? I'm relatively fit, but I'm still trying to burn just a little bit more fat. I also would like to maintain my muscles. With that said, should I eat before I do morning roadwork?

I've heard that not eating before roadwork makes you lose some muscles, and I've also heard that not eating before roadwork makes you burn fat more. I'm not very knowledgable on health and nutrition, so I hope you guys can help me. Even professionals/coaches/fighters give differing opinions.


Just finished my first CN/CBL. Ate hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets, chips, donuts and pizza.

My last few workouts have been super crappy. Squatting has been hell. Hopefully this carb fiest will help.


I'm so ready to be done cutting. I'm at 156 right now but 16ish% bodyfat, and I think the last 6 lbs could help take off 3-4%. I just want to go back to eating real food



But yeah, Aero and Mechanical at UB. WOOT WOOT!

She's a defense contractor's hiring dream. A job will come eventually. Just needs to keep hammering out resumes. Also try staffing agencies.

I just spent 20 minutes in the shower working out a knot in my glute/piriformis. Seriously, fuck this pain.

Going back to lifting on Monday regardless. My 2 week rest is up.


Any boxer/fighter here have thoughts about squats?

Some say weighted squats aren't necessary and may slow your movements (which is important for a fighter). Therefore, body-weight squats (or jump squats) are enough, especially if you don't want to put on weight and want to maintain speed.

I specialize more on explosive speed more than I do destructive power, if that helps. Not that I am not strong of course.


Any boxer/fighter here have thoughts about squats?

Some say weighted squats aren't necessary and may slow your movements (which is important for a fighter). Therefore, body-weight squats (or jump squats) are enough, especially if you don't want to put on weight and want to maintain speed.

I specialize more on explosive speed more than I do destructive power, if that helps. Not that I am not strong of course.

Boxers generally don't do weighted squats, can mess with your timing and technique, they do a lot of body squats though.


I think this is the controversy I've been hearing about. Some people are arguing that you actually risk burning through muscle when you fast (morning cardio without eating).

Think of it from an evolutionary stand point, why would you start tapping into your muscles for energy before your fat stores? Fasting for a day won't burn any muscle.


Junior Member
Any boxer/fighter here have thoughts about squats?

Some say weighted squats aren't necessary and may slow your movements (which is important for a fighter). Therefore, body-weight squats (or jump squats) are enough, especially if you don't want to put on weight and want to maintain speed.

I specialize more on explosive speed more than I do destructive power, if that helps. Not that I am not strong of course.

Saw a video of RG3 squatting like 800lbs once. He's pretty fast.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Back and traps done! I think I am going to see what my one rep max weighted pull up is soon. Right now I can get 6-8 above chin pull ups with 70lbs and that is after 10x25, 10x35, 10x45 so I'm guessing I have one for 110-120 when I'm fresh. We'll see...


Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.


Gold Member
Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.

Sounds similar to my first work sets. I started at 132lb squat, 132lb bench, 77lb press and 220lb deadlift work sets. I am 6.2 tall and have long arms and legs. Zero unassisted pullups.


Think of it from an evolutionary stand point, why would you start tapping into your muscles for energy before your fat stores? Fasting for a day won't burn any muscle.

Fat stores are for energy. Why would you burn muscle first?

Thanks for the replies guys, when you put it like that, it makes sense to me. I guess I'm just over obsessing.

I guess FYI, what I've been hearing is that if you're doing high-intensity roadwork after fasting, you'll burn fat yes, but also pick a little bit at muscle stores. As for low to moderate intensity, I suppose it's not really worth obsessing over.


Gold Member
Thanks! What can I do on the off days? Should I add some cardio/high intensity stuff? Trying to cut fat while gaining some muscle.

I spin or swim, but try not to go crazy pushing to ensure I have recovered for next lift day. I like cardio and find it makes losing fat easier for me.
I'm on vacation and passed by the GNC specifically to try those cookie dough quest bars. Damn they are definitely solid. The texture is key, literally feels like eating uncooked cookie dough. So good!



Just went to gym...doing the beginer routine posted in the OP. Did 120lb squat and 75lb overhead press 3x5. Is this as weak as it sounds? Pullups were rough too, only got 3-4 each time for 3 sets.

It's not weak at all. It's pretty much par for the course of a novice.

I couldn't even press the empty bar when I started out; I could barely squat 95lb.

Start by adding 10lb to your lower body lifts per session and 5lb to upper body lifts per session. After that gets hard, switch to 5lb increments for lower body and 2.5lb for upper body.

It's very important that you keep adding weight every session. That's the crux of the program.


I'm on vacation and passed by the GNC specifically to try those cookie dough quest bars. Damn they are definitely solid. The texture is key, literally feels like eating uncooked cookie dough. So good!


I just ran out. Gotta hit up some stores tomorrow.

Protip: take it out of the wrapper and heat for 12 seconds.....hnggggggg

Demon Ice

I can't stand people giving me unsolicited advice. Usually it involves my range of motion.

"hey bro, you don't want to go that deep in your squats. It disengages your quads."

"you really shouldn't touch the bar to your chest when you bench. You will injure your shoulder."

Leave me alone and go back to doing your quarter rep bench!!

Are the guys giving you advice at least bigger than you? I think it would be hilarious to see a tiny guy trying to critique your form haha.


Fuck the heat, seriously.

Makes me want to do nothing. Trying to muster up enough energy to go on a run, but given how damn hot it is the A/C gym is starting to look damn tempting.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fuck the heat, seriously.

Makes me want to do nothing. Trying to muster up enough energy to go on a run, but given how damn hot it is the A/C gym is starting to look damn tempting.

Run in the morning/night.

Boom. Make your checks payable to AlienShogun.


Run in the morning/night.

Boom. Make your checks payable to AlienShogun.


Yeah, tell me about it. Running in the heat is teh suck. Ran w/o a shirt this week, at first I was shy and self conscious but I got over it. Every time I passed somebody I sucked in my stomach so my abs would show more :lol


I dread this summer now that I'm running. It's either in the 80's at 6AM with horrible humidity or in the 90's even after the sun has gone down.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Are the guys giving you advice at least bigger than you? I think it would be hilarious to see a tiny guy trying to critique your form haha.
Bigger? Not really. One guy in particular is about my size and trains to do shows. He's no where near as strong as me.
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