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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yep hanging leg raises are good

I like weighted decline crunches or kneeling cable pull downs but not sure if that's a popular opinion
I like weighted pull downs. I try to approach abs like most any other muscle, the more weight the better! Load the cable with 200lbs and let's go!
Thank you all for the Quest bar recommendations! I'm on vacation in the States and have a GNC near me. It's so worth being able to get a box for about $15 after the gold card and $10 off coupon. Going to go back tomorrow and try another box! Apple pie, PB&J or just another cookie dough :)
Damn they're filling. Good breakfast/pre workout nutrition!


Hurt my wrist a little yesterday, couldn't do my boxing routine, nothing serious just strained it a bit with all the tricep work.

Legs and hopefully boxing tomorrow, if my bitch ass wrist feels better.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I say this with much love but fuck all you people still able to use your GNC coupons to buy quest bars! ;)


How come it's harder to pull your bodyweight on the lat pulldown machine than a regular pullup? Isn't it basically the same movement? I can do multiple reps of pullupa for multiple sets, but a bodyweight lat pulldown? Not even once.


How come it's harder to pull your bodyweight on the lat pulldown machine than a regular pullup? Isn't it basically the same movement? I can do multiple reps of pullupa for multiple sets, but a bodyweight lat pulldown? Not even once.

It's the opposite for me, I find the lat pulldown really easy even with strict form, pullups were harder for me.


So carbnite is 30g of carbs or less for a week then carbs 5pm to sleep on the last day and back to low carb.

On this I probably should stick to lifting only I assume. My workouts are usually around 7am or 8am fasted before eating breakfast. Hopefully I won't be passed out in the gym.

- First you start with a 10 day "reorientation period". Basically ULC with 30g maximum usable carbs. The lower the better though.

- Then on the 10th day you get to keep your first CN. Start around 6pm. It has to last several hours (~6hrs) and more than one or two meals, but 8 hrs is the maximum I think. I'm not sure if shorter works as well. Keep your carbs high-GI, so white rice and white potatoes, pizza etc. None of that full grain, low glycemic crap. I think you can gorge a bit on CN because it's only once a week. Pointdexter even said that he had better results when he just ate everything he could. Anyway you need quite a substancial insulin spike and anabolic boost from the carbs so it's no time to be a pussy about it. Just eat.

- First half of the CN should be kept relatively low-ish fat if possible. So save the pizzas and other "crap" to the second half of the feed. And don't drink alcohol, it will fuck everything up.

- Also eat all of your veggies in the morning and afternoon, so you can just focus on carbs and protein in the evening. You don't want to have a bunch of broccoli filling you up and slowing your ingestion when you should be stuffing your face with baked potatoes and pizza.

- After your first CN you should have one once every week. No sooner than on the 5th night after your previous CN though. And you must have one once a week otherwise the diet won't work. Skipping a CN just brings negative results since the whole point is to boost your fat burning hormones and metabolism. So you should have a CN every 5-7 days.

- The other 6 days of the week you need to be ULC, so max. 30g carbs. The lower the better but still eat your green veggies.

- CN doesn't need to be on the day you work out but it can help. Kiefer suggests that if you are for example weaker on the bench press, then it makes sense to have the CN on the day you bench so it gets a boost. Though if you are a noobie I'm not sure it matters.

For more info:

Anyway we talked about Carb Nite and Carb Back Loading quite extensively few weeks ago. You can probably find them if you just search this thread with "Carb Nite" or "CN".

And the reason why CN should work pretty well:


Gold Member
How come it's harder to pull your bodyweight on the lat pulldown machine than a regular pullup? Isn't it basically the same movement? I can do multiple reps of pullupa for multiple sets, but a bodyweight lat pulldown? Not even once.

Much harder to do a pull-up in my opinion, because your legs give you something to pull against in lat pulldown whereas in your bodyweight pullups you have nothing to push against, just sheer pull. I could achieve a lat pulldown with a weight matching my bw, but can not do one bw pullup yet with wide grip (with narrow bicep grip I can do one)


Much harder to do a pull-up in my opinion, because your legs give you something to pull against in lat pulldown whereas in your bodyweight pullups you have nothing to push against, just sheer pull. I could achieve a lat pulldown with a weight matching my bw, but can not do one bw pullup yet with wide grip (with narrow bicep grip I can do one)

I'm the opposite. I can pop off 3 x 10 pullups, but can't do one pulldown with 200 lbs (my bodyweight). My working sets are usually in the 130-150 range.


Here's a really random question for y'all that I don't want to create a new thread for. Anyone know of the best way to remove skin tags? Have a couple I need to get rid of and I've seen some advice online to just cut them off and that they won't bleed much. Guess I'm curious how much that hurts, and how long it'll bleed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Here's a really random question for y'all that I don't want to create a new thread for. Anyone know of the best way to remove skin tags? Have a couple I need to get rid of and I've seen some advice online to just cut them off and that they won't bleed much. Guess I'm curious how much that hurts, and how long it'll bleed.

It stings. I've had a couple. I use a nail clipper, sick as it sounds. You hear a little CRUNCH and a sharp pain that immediately goes away. I hemmed and hawed about it before doing it for my first one, now I don't wait around. Just do that shit.




The real problem here is that I only have a couple but they're in the middle of my back so my wife would have to cut them off. And I'm not sure if she'll be able to do it or not. Wondering if she'd have an easier time tying dental floss around them and leaving it there for a few days so they'd fall off on their own.


The real problem here is that I only have a couple but they're in the middle of my back so my wife would have to cut them off. And I'm not sure if she'll be able to do it or not. Wondering if she'd have an easier time tying dental floss around them and leaving it there for a few days so they'd fall off on their own.

I'm throwing up now.

At least I can eat more.


You rock Petrie.

I like to think so, but I appreciate the confirmation!

On another note: goddamn Friday's in the office. In the AM I have to resist the free bagels and cream cheese, then apparently vendors are bringing by pizza, wings, etc around lunchtime, with possible other snacks later. WTF GAF!?!? Trying to cut here!
I was gonna try to stock up before the coupon ended but now, I will chill for a bit. Thanks Petrie!

Also bench day. DEM DECLINES.

Gonna try to do abs 3 days a week. Been cutting for 6 weeks. Prolly 6 more to go. I know I lost weight but I look thicker than ever. Still feel skinny fat in my mind though. It is this pudge of a gut but hey, no biggie. Most of it will go away in the following weeks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I like to think so, but I appreciate the confirmation!

On another note: goddamn Friday's in the office. In the AM I have to resist the free bagels and cream cheese, then apparently vendors are bringing by pizza, wings, etc around lunchtime, with possible other snacks later. WTF GAF!?!? Trying to cut here!

When I was dropping weight all the sweet-ass cookie manufacturers made new flavors of cookies. I mean did you see this shit?!



Much harder to do a pull-up in my opinion, because your legs give you something to pull against in lat pulldown whereas in your bodyweight pullups you have nothing to push against, just sheer pull. I could achieve a lat pulldown with a weight matching my bw, but can not do one bw pullup yet with wide grip (with narrow bicep grip I can do one)

I just thought about this and I do lat pulldowns with the widest grip possible and pullups shoulder width. It all makes sense now. I gotta try to do some pulldowns with narrow grip and see if I can do more than bw.


Who goes to the gym twice a day here? I feel like I've seen some folks post their schedule that show they are going in the morning and in the evening.

Is it because people don't have time to do everything they wish to do in a full session so they have to split it up?


What's recommended for ab work? Situps/crunches seem to be rather reviled here. Hanging leg raises?

I am weird but I love everything Swiss Ball related.
Push-up Jackknifes come to mind. Probably my Favs and without balls, RKC Planks.

Oh also, ever since I started at the gym with heavy weights I am so hungry...I ate a freaking bowl of raw chocolate chip cookie dough yesterday...shame on me :/
Really happy the Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars are arriving soon. I hope they are as good as you guys say they are. Wasn't really that impressed with other flavors I tried (got a test box with mixed flavors a while ago but shared it with a friend, can't remember which flavors I tasted..)

And last but not least, gym was closed today due to Norwegian national day and next week I am in Sweden for a week long game conference..I am getting cranky if I can't work out :/


Nope. Here's the new one that expires at the end of June.


You're welcome GAF.

And here's one SD got by playing with the numbers in the URL, as apparently this is auto-generated for their emails.


Expires January '14.


I'm running out of storage space for my Quest boxes.

I'm going to have to build a new house....out of Quest boxes to store my Quest boxes.
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