No love for Frosted Flakes or Cap n Crunch? Y'all should be ashamed!
No love for Frosted Flakes or Cap n Crunch? Y'all should be ashamed!
I dunno bout dat spinach. I'd probably rather just eat it as a salad then throw it in my shake.
Just had a shake with PB, rolled oats, 1% milk, greek yogurt, banana, and some chocolate flavored ON whey.
so good.
Fuck crunch berries and fuck cheap PB additions! Cap n Crunch OG fo life!!
FallingEdge, how many different gifs of that guy do you have? Haha
I wasn't sure either, but honestly you cant taste it at all.
I'll try it some time.
Just switch to a cake only diet.
Seems to be working for me right now.
Gonna finish off my cheesecake tonight.
Just had an oreo ice cream sandwhich nomnomnom.
Chest 49.5
Arms 17.5
Waist 36
Neck 18.5
Why is a trainer at my gym wasting the only bench press by having his client deadlift while standing on it? And doing it facing the bar? The fuck is she doin
We got 2, the other was takenbetter question is why does your gym only have one bench
That reminds me, I was training yesterday next to a guy who supersetted 300RPM skipping with snatches dropped from the top at crazy speeds. Once he was done he walked past me, rolled up his sleeve for a view of his stiff bicep and shouted 'the pump! THE PUMP!!'
Uhg, why my squat gotta suck so much doe.
Alienshogun said:
At least you've an awesome bench.
Finally squatted 250 today. Sure it wasn't the 3x5 I was aiming for (it was more like 2,3,3,2,2,1), but I'm still happy with it.
I definitely felt like I kept on leaning forward too much when it got heavy though.
Finally squatted 250 today. Sure it wasn't the 3x5 I was aiming for (it was more like 2,3,3,2,2,1), but I'm still happy with it.
I definitely felt like I kept on leaning forward too much when it got heavy though.
Finally squatted 250 today. Sure it wasn't the 3x5 I was aiming for (it was more like 2,3,3,2,2,1), but I'm still happy with it.
I definitely felt like I kept on leaning forward too much when it got heavy though.
Good work, leaning forward may be weak abs/lower back. Might need to add in GMs, back raises, and/or romanian deads.
(and ab work)
That sounds accurate, I really don't anything to directly target lower back or abs.
I have lower back issues and hyperexts do the trick. Also I have tight hamstrings.Do lower back hyperextensions, they hit your hammies as well -
And do some ab work, I hit mine 3 times a week now and most of my lower back pain is vanishing.
I have lower back issues and hyperexts do the trick. Also I have tight hamstrings.
Have this discomfort/pain in my back.
It's about two-thirds up my back from the base of the spine and it creates this weird/pain sensation if I bend my head/neck forward
Has anyone else experienced this? I last did weights (arms) on Monday but only started feeling this today. (Could be from bad sleeping posture, but I guess I'll find out in the next few days).
Have this discomfort/pain in my back.
It's about two-thirds up my back from the base of the spine and it creates this weird/pain sensation if I bend my head/neck forward
Has anyone else experienced this? I last did weights (arms) on Monday but only started feeling this today. (Could be from bad sleeping posture, but I guess I'll find out in the next few days).
Only got 185 four times on OHP today. Fuck me!
Whatever happened to Mecha Infantry?
I think he's bant.
Hopefully. How long does that take to heal?
Nope (unfortunately)
Perma? That sucks, he was a good poster.
And do some ab work, I hit mine 3 times a week now and most of my lower back pain is vanishing.
What's recommended for ab work? Situps/crunches seem to be rather reviled here. Hanging leg raises?
What's recommended for ab work? Situps/crunches seem to be rather reviled here. Hanging leg raises?