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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I did starting strength on Keto and a lot of assistance afterwards and I had no problems. This was a couple years ago when I was obese.

I think some people take to Keto better than others but it is definitely possible.

Maybe I was just having a bad week and I chalked it up to keto in my way. Fuck, do I need to go back? I...I just...

So my 2nd week into IF, Ive been losing fat around my stomach. I looked in the mirror this morning and my left side is losing more than my right side of the stomach. Not in the ab area , just the sides.

Im freaking out here , is this normal?


From one girl to another: don't focus too much on cardio anymore but lifting. It's what I do to lean out and battle my own skinny fat issues :)

The skin issue (Grats btw, what an achievement!) can't really be helped with big weight loss. You need to be patient for the skin to pull together. Luckily you are young do it should do that in time. Let me know if you are interested in the program i am following and ill send you the PDF schedules and nutrition docs :)

Also, bench presses are fun. They make me feel like a little badass and I started to roll my (inner) eyes at girls going through the motions on the easy/small muscle group machines :p

Thanks Tash. I will PM you for those details. And my inner thighs are killing me today :(

Haha it depends on what kind of training you decide to do, but I'd focus on eating high-protein foods and whole food meals, like meat and veggies, eggs, protein shakes, salads, seafood, fresh fruit, etc. If you find that you aren't recovering from your resistance training, you'd want to increase your calories a bit. Gaining muscle is a good thing, and muscle gain requires some calories! If you find yourself gaining fat though, cut it down a bit.

I'd agree that you should do some more weight training and a bit less cardio. You'll be shocked at the difference some strength and muscle gain makes to your appearance and how you feel. 5 pound dumbbells will only take you so far, but there are bodyweight options that can help you get stronger without going to a gym if you aren't comfortable with that. Squats, lunges, knee pushups, leg raises, situps, calf raises, some assisted chinups if you can get a dooframe chinup bar and a chair. Let us know if you'd need any more help!

Ill take your bodyweigth advice for sure grumble as I feel I have no more weight to lose really, just toning. Ill do those insanefatloss videos :)

Thanks to all


So my 2nd week into IF, Ive been losing fat around my stomach. I looked in the mirror this morning and my left side is losing more than my right side of the stomach. Not in the ab area , just the sides.

Im freaking out here , is this normal?

Don't worry, it's not out of the ordinary.


Maybe I was just having a bad week and I chalked it up to keto in my way. Fuck, do I need to go back? I...I just...


You don't need to. It's just one way of dieting and useful for people that have problems with a lot of carbs.

I'd suggest anyone that can lose weight while eating carbs doesn't go on Keto because then things are just easier.

I couldn't, now I can though so in June I'll probably just carb cycle. I'm actually going to be working with a dietician that helps contest prep people.


I wouldn't trust that thing with my life though. It just seems too fancy for something that should be 100% failure proof. This is not like an automated coffee maker not having my coffee ready at 6AM.

I'd rather bench inside a power rack with the pins set to the right height. Simple, but much more reliable.

I was half joking, but yeah. for what it's worth, I actually do think it's a cool idea. Wouldn't surprise me seeing spotter machines like those in gyms in a few years down the road.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You don't need to. It's just one way of dieting and useful for people that have problems with a lot of carbs.

I'd suggest anyone that can lose weight while eating carbs doesn't go on Keto because then things are just easier.

I couldn't, now I can though so in June I'll probably just carb cycle. I'm actually going to be working with a dietician that helps contest prep people.

My plan is to work out for 3-4 months on low carb, high protein - then go back to keto and reduce my load. Drop some weight for a month or two on keto, then back to eating and lifting big.

Foolish idea, or sound about right? I think it sounds right but if I'm wandering into a pit of foolishness I need to know.


I was half joking, but yeah. for what it's worth, I actually do think it's a cool idea. Wouldn't surprise me seeing spotter machines like those in gyms in a few years down the road.

It is a cool idea. I've long dreamed of a mechanized power rack in which the safeties move up automatically to rack the weights if it detects that you are stuck on the way up when doing squats.


I like that you can double tap to make it go up or to stop. I would take that machine with just the double tap and if it looked a hell of a lot sturdier than that.


I like that you can double tap to make it go up or to stop. I would take that machine with just the double tap and if it looked a hell of a lot sturdier than that.

that thing was made by a bunch of university kids. clearly if it was ever incorporated into commercial gyms it would have a huge manufacturer and sturdy hydraulics. these kids could make some serious bank if they sold that design.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I reaggravated my lower back earlier this week. This is the first time I have had problems not related to high impact cardio. Was probably doing too much.

I'm off lifting until next week. Then I am going to start GSLP instead of the cray plan my friend had me on.

Also, I might try dropping carbs even further. When I dropped 50 pounds a few years back I was eating super low carbs but at some point it stopped working. Maybe I will have better luck with it tied to the strength training.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I reaggravated my lower back earlier this week. This is the first time I have had problems not related to high impact cardio. Was probably doing too much.

I'm off lifting until next week. Then I am going to start GSLP instead of the cray plan my friend had me on.

Also, I might try dropping carbs even further. When I dropped 50 pounds a few years back I was eating super low carbs but at some point it stopped working. Maybe I will have better luck with it tied to the strength training.

Just switch to a cake only diet.


I have the luck that two very good friends started training one and two years respectively before I did and I remember how they looked before trianing, 6 months after training and so on and I don't see them very often, only when I visit my parents, so I have a good perspective.

I understand why people get desperate though, I remember having long supports sessions with them, all of us saying stuff like " This can be it, this is too slow and I am giving my all here, I am doing something wrong, please guys tell me what it is, I eat, I train, I sleep, I take protein, what the fuck is it?!?".. the answer was always and continues being time.

the arm talk isn't rare at all either, plenty of "fuckinge small, piece of shit biceps/triceps, they refuse to grow, bwah, bwah" comments, lol, even to this day we talk about our frustrations but we know the drill, so everything's o.k.

is your butt really that big already? you really seemed concerned with its size, makes me very curious. :p
Lol It used to be, after not squatting, DLing, or cleaning for 5 months it's def shrunk down. I just like wearing shorts and I lift for aesthetics above all- so i prefer the slim waist look. Right now I hover between 34-36 depending on the shorts, but it's a way better look.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Lol It used to be, after not squatting, DLing, or cleaning for 5 months it's def shrunk down. I just like wearing shorts and I lift for aesthetics above all- so i prefer the slim waist look. Right now I hover between 34-36 depending on the shorts, but it's a way better look.

I gots dat big ol squat booty.

Seriously i catch chicks starin' at it.

But I'm like NOPE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyYnnUcgeMc


Missed my first leg day today due to a groin strain that isn't going away - I'm going to rest it a week maybe. I feel so incomplete but the rest of my workout was super easy with no squats or deadlifts.

I reaggravated my lower back earlier this week. This is the first time I have had problems not related to high impact cardio. Was probably doing too much.

I'm off lifting until next week. Then I am going to start GSLP instead of the cray plan my friend had me on.

Also, I might try dropping carbs even further. When I dropped 50 pounds a few years back I was eating super low carbs but at some point it stopped working. Maybe I will have better luck with it tied to the strength training.

Have you tried something like carb night? I know you have tried almost everything and I give mad props for your perseverance. Low carb every day and bang, once a week hit it, although I don't think you have to go nuts with it like some here do, but have a large pasta meal one day and some icecream afterwards.

Not the same, but when I used to plateau on a previous weight loss, I'd eat the most calorie laden burger I could get from Burger King and the weight would start to drop off again. I'm no expert in IF or things like carb night, but it may be applicable in your case.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Missed my first leg day today due to a groin strain that isn't going away - I'm going to rest it a week maybe. I feel so incomplete but the rest of my workout was super easy with no squats or deadlifts.

Have you tried something like carb night? I know you have tried almost everything and have mad props for your perseverance. Low carb every day and bang, once a week hit it, although I don't think you have to go nuts with it like some here do, but have a large pasta meal one day and some icecream afterwards.

Not the same, but when I used to plateau on a previous weight loss, I'd eat the most calorie laden burger I could get from Burger King and the weight would start to drop off again. I'm no expert in IF or things like carb night, but it may be applicable in your case.
I was just on the site. Do I need to buy the book to do it right or can someone just tell me the best way to do it? Seems solid. Someone PMed me about it too.


Speaking of measuring... My wife had the tape measure out so I measured my neck and arms because they are supposed to be the same. My right arm and neck are 16" but my left arm is nearly 16.75!?!? WTF?

Same problem. I'm a righty, my right arm is dominant, my right arm is stronger, my right forearm measures larger, but my left upper arm measures larger.

When I see my form start to go on a heavy curl, I can see that my right shoulder hitches up a bit. I assume that would explain the size diff: if the whole right side is a bit stronger, it takes some of the strain off the bicep compared to the other side. #brosciencephd

Week 3 of first ever 5/3/1 cycle feels good so far. Dat new job, dat corporate discount, allowing for dat real gym membership. Handed in my #teamsmithmachine card. I walk around the gym floor like a kid visiting Willy Wonka's factory.


cutting sucks. Since I started lifting consistently, I'm hungry all the damn time. And it doesn't help that I work in a kitchen, so I go around tasting things all day.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
If anyone is one carbnite currently and would like to drop the details in this thread or my PM then please do.

I might try this instead of standard low carb.
I will eventually try Smolov Jr. for both bench and squat. Still searching for a solid back personalization/specialization program.

Dinner tonight will be shredded chicken with eggs served with corn tortillas and guacamole. Can't wait.

#AcquiringLeanMass #summercuts2k13


I will eventually try Smolov Jr. for both bench and squat. Still searching for a solid back personalization/specialization program.

Dinner tonight will be shredded chicken with eggs served with corn tortillas and guacamole. Can't wait.

#AcquiringLeanMass #summercuts2k13

Dorian Yates blood-and-guts back routine is a favorite of mine.


So hard to figure out how much to eat now that I have an office job instead of waiting tables and bartending. I'm cutting so my baseline has been 1500 with 250 more on lifting days, but part of me thinks that might be too low given my lean muscle/bodysize. I'm not starving throughout the day, but I could definitely eat more. 5'10 and 175lbs or so for reference if anyone has input.

I do eat more if I do any cardio, even if its just a long walk.


I will eventually try Smolov Jr. for both bench and squat. Still searching for a solid back personalization/specialization program.

Dinner tonight will be shredded chicken with eggs served with corn tortillas and guacamole. Can't wait.

#AcquiringLeanMass #summercuts2k13
I think you could crush it on this Kelei routine tbh.
Dorian Yates blood-and-guts back routine is a favorite of mine.

I think you could crush it on this Kelei routine tbh.

I will check these two out. I'm looking for a program where you do nothing but back for like a month with taking like a day a week to just to maintenance for your other body parts. It is just something I want to focus on. Wide backs = beast mode.

imo anyway.

Eating a big bowl of chocolate cheerios right now.

wrong cereal brah.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I just ate two slices of meatloaf, lionese potatoes and potato salad

You should have seen my dinner yesterday. I went to this fancy as fuck place that tried to feed me watermelon gaspacho or wtf ever that shit is. I got the 16oz ribeye and it was literally the best steak I've eaten ever, anywhere, and I've been all over.

fucking glorious.

wrong cereal brah.

No way man. I'm going back for seconds with apple jacks.


You should have seen my dinner yesterday. I went to this fancy as fuck place that tried to feed me watermelon gaspacho or wtf ever that shit is. I got the 16oz ribeye and it was literally the best steak I've eaten ever, anywhere, and I've been all over.

fucking glorious.

man food!
You should have seen my dinner yesterday. I went to this fancy as fuck place that tried to feed me watermelon gaspacho or wtf ever that shit is. I got the 16oz ribeye and it was literally the best steak I've eaten ever, anywhere, and I've been all over.

fucking glorious.

No way man. I'm going back for seconds with apple jacks.

if you don't calm down, this is going to be you in a few weeks

Cinnamon Toast Crunch brah checking in.



Junior Member
I watched a couple of your videos, pretty cool stuff, the clean & jerk and all :)

I love your front squats, you have a very nice range of motion, it always looks "ass to grass" to me.

Thanks man! I've got a meet on Saturday and I'll be sure to take some videos so you guys can see my hairy, pale ass in a singlet.

Also, cinnamon toast crunch and it's not even close.


12 ounces of stuffed salmon then a shake with whey, PB, almond milk and spinach.

I dunno bout dat spinach. I'd probably rather just eat it as a salad then throw it in my shake.

Just had a shake with PB, rolled oats, 1% milk, greek yogurt, banana, and some chocolate flavored ON whey.

so good.
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