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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Any resources on proper cutting diet? I should say that I prefer something more lenient than a "you can never eat this" type of diet because I know I wont stick to that. I guess I need something that outlines what foods are good to eat when cutting and what is not. So many people/resources tell you something is good when others say its bad. All food = unhealthy tbh.


The cutting diet for the past 150 years.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Any resources on proper cutting diet? I should say that I prefer something more lenient than a "you can never eat this" type of diet because I know I wont stick to that. I guess I need something that outlines what foods are good to eat when cutting and what is not. So many people/resources tell you something is good when others say its bad. All food = unhealthy tbh.

Calorie/nutrient counter apps were really useful for me. My Fitness Pal, for example, tallies all the nutritional information you provide it with a graphs it for you. It pretty simple, in theory, but in practice is goes a long way in demonstrating what foods do "good things" for your totals, what foods provide good nutrients versus the amount of calories they provide, and so on. You pick up a bunch of information just by playing around and adding different foods on a whim, which supplements advice people will give you in threads like this (or in your own further reading) really, really nicely.

Avoiding certain foods "just cause they're bad" is effective for a while, but ultimately seeing how foods effect your daily totals is a really nice bonus that can help make it real. Obviously, you'll eventually want to know why your body needs certain things rather than accepting it at face value, but it's all stuff you can learn incrementally. Bite off what you can chew to start with, so to speak. ;)


Alright brother let's talk about some myths and shit so we don't waste any of your time.

First up, treat your sugar addiction like what it actually is - an addiction. You're going to feel like shit coming off of it. I'd even say this should be your complete focus at the moment, because it's fucking HARD to do. Give it a few days. Your cravings will die. Then we can build a better diet.

Damn didn't think of it like that. my house is always stocked with your typical "American snacks" (dunno what to call em). Oreos, chocolate, chips, goldfish , stuff like that. So its tough not to grab that stuff here and there but that's what I am doing now. Harder than I thought for sure and I don't know what to eat. Just gonna make chicken breasts...my go too when I don't know whats good for me. In the process of learning more about proper nutrition, got a few books.


Damn didn't think of it like that. my house is always stocked with your typical "American snacks" (dunno what to call em). Oreos, chocolate, chips, goldfish , stuff like that. So its tough not to grab that stuff here and there but that's what I am doing now. Harder than I thought for sure and I don't know what to eat. Just gonna make chicken breasts...my go too when I don't know whats good for me. In the process of learning more about proper nutrition, got a few books.
My advice? Go through your pantry and toss all that shit.


Calorie/nutrient counter apps were really useful for me. My Fitness Pal, for example, tallies all the nutritional information you provide it with a graphs it for you. It pretty simple, in theory, but in practice is goes a long way in demonstrating what foods do "good things" for your totals, what foods provide good nutrients versus the amount of calories they provide, and so on. You pick up a bunch of information just by playing around and adding different foods on a whim, which supplements advice people will give you in threads like this (or in your own further reading) really, really nicely.

Tried this for awhile, was keeping up every day but I fell off. Was hard to remember and lot of the stuff I eat I don't know measurements of and enough information to pick a similar food item in their database. I'll give it another shot though.
Damn didn't think of it like that. my house is always stocked with your typical "American snacks" (dunno what to call em). Oreos, chocolate, chips, goldfish , stuff like that. So its tough not to grab that stuff here and there but that's what I am doing now. Harder than I thought for sure and I don't know what to eat. Just gonna make chicken breasts...my go too when I don't know whats good for me. In the process of learning more about proper nutrition, got a few books.

You are where most of us who've had to lose a lot of weight have been. I remember thinking, "holy shit, everything I've been told about food is wrong, everything I thought I knew was wrong".

The big misconceptions:

Fat makes you fat.
Eating a lot of whole grains is good for you.
Butter gave Paula Dean diabetes.
Too many eggs is bad for your cholesterol.
Eat lots of fruit!

All of these are wrong in their own ways.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Tried this for awhile, was keeping up every day but I fell off. Was hard to remember and lot of the stuff I eat I don't know measurements of and enough information to pick a similar food item in their database. I'll give it another shot though.

don't obsess over the millilitres and teaspoons to start with, approach it from the "I just want to see what the broad nutritional value of what I'm eating" perspective.


Oh, one more question for today. At 5'8" and 123lbs, how quickly should I notice weight gain from consuming 3,000 calories daily? A week or two?

I'd recommend not jumping from 1500 cal diet to 3000 cal diet over night. Take some time to adjust. Ramp up the calories little bit at a time.

Also you need to find what is the right calorie amount for you to bulk up. Jumping straight to some arbitrary number isn't the best way to do it.


I've always wanted to do that.

Walk in with a water cooler jug and a tub of Whey, mix that shit in the gym. Start doing some BB rows and slamming some iron on their shiny floor. Move on to squats and dump the weights on my last set. Knock my chalk container over while doing Dls like my name is Magnusson. Employees won't say shit I'll have my shirt and pants off the entire time, straight up fucking bicycle shorts ripping as my quads explode.

LMAO, if FitGAF is ever in the same city we need to roll up on a Planet Fitness and fuck shit up. I'd have leopard print parachute pants on, a fanny pack, tie dyed tank top and red bandanna on, I'd make sure to scream "UPPPPPPPPPPPP" anytime someone is doing a rep.


Just got back from the gym, did legs and since I only do my back once a week now I did some lat pulldowns and pullovers in the machine and I felt that mind/muscle connection on the pullover machine. Did a 4030 tempo and my lats were on fire by the 3rd set and nearly ready to quit even though I was using less weight than I normally do.

Went to get something to eat and some older Italian dude said I looked like I was wearing shoulder pads, asked me if I played football and said I looked like Shawn Merriman. That's the 4th different person that has said Merriman to me, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing considering how much roids he was on.


Well hell. 6.9 on my A1C. My new meter must be down 15 or so pts. I forgot to check when the nurse drew my blood for the test.

Good news is I'm up 9lbs since I last saw him, body fat % remained the same so that sounds about right. A little high on my A1C but trying to get the perfect glucose levels while not going too low or too high on my daily carb while trying to bulk up isn't as easy as I thought it would be. It is but it isn't. But now I know where I sit and I have my daily logs of nutrition intake so I can make small adjustments as needed.

Not exactly perfect but I can work with it. 6.9 is still acceptable on a bulk but I can do better. Just need to tweak a few numbers and really watch my schedule.

Gonna ask the doc for an extra script of test strips and lancets. I'm going to monitor more often to help get my schedule down.


Just got back from the gym, did legs and since I only do my back once a week now I did some lat pulldowns and pullovers in the machine and I felt that mind/muscle connection on the pullover machine. Did a 4030 tempo and my lats were on fire by the 3rd set and nearly ready to quit even though I was using less weight than I normally do.

Went to get something to eat and some older Italian dude said I looked like I was wearing shoulder pads, asked me if I played football and said I looked like Shawn Merriman. That's the 4th different person that has said Merriman to me, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing considering how much roids he was on.

Always a good thing imo.

On a related note, I wish I could look like I do with a pump. Indefinitely.

Only ever had one guy accuse me of steroid use, I was flattered at first but then I started seeing red as he persisted....insisted that there was no way that I was and he was laughing.

I put cinnamon and Splenda in it. Taste godly.

Gonna have to try this, I often do this with my yogurt of choice(carbmaster cinnabun)
Try it with cantaloupe.
Canned pineapple chunks make it soooo good but I'm not sure if its cost effective.

I know fruit is said to be really good with cottage cheese, I love pineapple. The two together just seems so foreign to me though haha

Eat it with scrambled eggs and salsa.

Lunch of champions

Tried it, delicious.


Always a good thing imo.

On a related note, I wish I could look like I do with a pump. Indefinitely.

Only ever had one guy accuse me of steroid use, I was flattered at first but then I started seeing red as he persisted....insisted that there was no way that I was and he was laughing.

Shawne's a woman beater though.

Man, I wish I could walk around with a pump all day, somebody needs to come up with a drug for that. That dude was mad he couldn't get the same results as you, people with bad genetics always accuse everyone else of roid use. Someone asked me where to get some from, I told him all natural and I was nearly too much of a cheapskate to use Whey.


Tried it, delicious.



Brian Burke punched my mom
Lifted finally...

Did some balls to the mat back squats, ~4-5 inches off the floor for a good hip flexor stretch... which are sore now. Got up to 110kg rows but dropped back down to 90 and 100kg x8s, just weak source right now. That was all since I was busy cooking with the new Broil King BBQ... skipped RDL and CGBP maybe do those tomorrow.

Hopefully I stay consistent...

LMAO, if FitGAF is ever in the same city we need to roll up on a Planet Fitness and fuck shit up. I'd have leopard print parachute pants on, a fanny pack, tie dyed tank top and red bandanna on, I'd make sure to scream "UPPPPPPPPPPPP" anytime someone is doing a rep.


That is so brolic.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, my friend is excelforward; shira is just a poster on GAF. I mentioned my inability to squat down without my heels lifting off the ground and he said that was the reason. I thought it was just simple lack of flexibility, since I have never been flexible. Even as a child I was awful at those flexibility tests they had in physical education.

That guy doesn't know wtf he's talking about. It's a mobility/flexibility issue and can be fixed. Hell a wider stance would probably rectify it. You could probably also do dynamic stretching/mobility work right before squatting and be completely able to hit depth.

It's hard work and most people don't like to work hard. It's easier to make excuses like,
"I don't want to look like a body builder" or "who wants to be sore all the time! No thanks." My personal favorite is, "my metabolism is too high. I can't gain muscle." There's a guy in the thread claiming that right now. haha!

Yep, hard work is frowned upon and the excuses flow like welfare checks.

Who else's squats without shoes? I will sing the praises of this until the end of time.

Used to, now I use weightlifting shoes, you should look into them. I still front squat in vibrams though (which is basically barefoot).

Lifted finally...

Did some balls to the mat back squats, ~4-5 inches off the floor for a good hip flexor stretch... which are sore now. Got up to 110kg rows but dropped back down to 90 and 100kg x8s, just weak source right now. That was all since I was busy cooking with the new Broil King BBQ... skipped RDL and CGBP maybe do those tomorrow.

Hopefully I stay consistent...


That is so brolic.

I'd be so down for this.


LMAO, if FitGAF is ever in the same city we need to roll up on a Planet Fitness and fuck shit up. I'd have leopard print parachute pants on, a fanny pack, tie dyed tank top and red bandanna on, I'd make sure to scream "UPPPPPPPPPPPP" anytime someone is doing a rep.

We could do this in Buffalo, like half this thread seems to be from or around there.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
*Terrorist fist bump*

Petrie, I haven't had an In & Out burger in 5 years, that's pretty much all I think of when it comes to anything West of the Mississippi river.

I really should eat more due to the fact that one is 4 miles from my house. I forget our eastern brothers don't have this luxury. Next cheat day is already booked full of 2 double doubles and 2 singles!


I really should eat more due to the fact that one is 4 miles from my house. I forget our eastern brothers don't have this luxury. Next cheat day is already booked full of 2 double doubles and 2 singles!

Five Guys is the best we get here. Love those cajun fries though.

Zebb's is great if I'm willing to do a sit-down though.


Wish I could find the lat pullover machine in my gym. Spent 15 minutes casually roaming around this morning and couldn't spot one. All the machines look the same to me it's just a sea of black metal and plastic.


Curious what FitGAF's resting heart rates are. Mine is low 60's but dips into the mid 50s on occasion. Just curious what everyone else is at.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Curious what FitGAF's resting heart rates are. Mine is low 60's but dips into the mid 50s on occasion. Just curious what everyone else is at.

I just recently had my BP/HR done (this week) for my pre training class I'm about to take for work.

BP was 117 over 71 and my resting heart rate was like 76 and that was after taking green tea extract (and the rest of my "pills") 30 minutes prior, so not sure if that effected anything.

I'm also 32 years old 5 foot 8 and weight 230lbs.


Wish I could find the lat pullover machine in my gym. Spent 15 minutes casually roaming around this morning and couldn't spot one. All the machines look the same to me it's just a sea of black metal and plastic.

It's likely there isn't one. They're a rare piece of machinery. I've only ever seen one in god knows how many gyms I've visited.
Wish I could find the lat pullover machine in my gym. Spent 15 minutes casually roaming around this morning and couldn't spot one. All the machines look the same to me it's just a sea of black metal and plastic.

When I first started working out I did that looking for a dip/pullup assist machine. I ended up walking right past it like three times before realizing what I was looking at.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
It's kinda sad with the "I hate weight training" and "Strong = conservative" threads it sucks to see what people think of you if you have a little size. In their opinion we are all stupid meatheads not capable of stringing two sentences together!

Warning: Off-topic rant of debatable quality below.

This quote is in the opening of Starting Strength:
-Robert Heinlein said:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

Now obviously specialisation is the backbone of most major economies/societies in the world today, but I think that as a personal philosophy this (somewhat hyperbolic) quote has merit. I myself am quite left-wing, but it really annoys me when people are judged and stereotyped for their interests and abilities, and often it's the leftist types who call anyone who lifts a meathead or look down on anyone who values practicality; which is odd, because the underlying principles of self-sufficiency and determination often have a lot in common with their ideology. It's the same form of crude generalisation they decry when conservatives apply it to academics and those in the arts. If having a degree in the humanities or environmental convictions doesn't make you a wishy-washy, unrealistic weakling, nor does scraping your shins on the bar make you a tren-bloated bullock.


I really should eat more due to the fact that one is 4 miles from my house. I forget our eastern brothers don't have this luxury. Next cheat day is already booked full of 2 double doubles and 2 singles!

When I was in Cali last year, the only thing my wife and I ate for dinner was fast food that we couldn't find in the East Coast.

Good Times!!!


I really should eat more due to the fact that one is 4 miles from my house. I forget our eastern brothers don't have this luxury. Next cheat day is already booked full of 2 double doubles and 2 singles!

They'd know my name if I had an In & Out near me, you need to take advantage of that!
Second week into my IF , I kind of want to shred more fat.

I'm doing 1300 cal a day , 3x gym a week. 3 mile jog on off days ( Fasted )

Would it hurt to hit the gym 4-5 times a week?


Second week into my IF , I kind of want to shred more fat.

I'm doing 1300 cal a day , 3x gym a week. 3 mile jog on off days ( Fasted )

Would it hurt to hit the gym 4-5 times a week?

1300 calories a day seems like starvation mode IMO. The lowest I'd go is 2000 calories, and I weigh 150lbs...

How much do you weigh?
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