Why that one and not the one in the OP (or SS).
No offense to the guy who laid that one out but SS or the OP routine is superior.
This. The OP has what you need. You don't need some variant as a beginner. Play with routines later.
Why that one and not the one in the OP (or SS).
No offense to the guy who laid that one out but SS or the OP routine is superior.
I never seriously practiced pull-ups for almost 8 months, I can still do at least 5 dead hang. >_>
Gonna incorporate them, along with chinups starting today.
Tips for being weak out of the bottom of the squat?
Why that one and not the one in the OP (or SS).
No offense to the guy who laid that one out but SS or the OP routine is superior.
Let me thank you in advance on behalf of your back!
I can only manage three pull-ups now. I usually do 5 sets 2x a week at the gym.
I figured if I add one pull-up a month, ill be rocking a 5x10 by Christmas :-D
And yes I'm wearing a cape
I figured that because the one in the OP is for Mon/Wed/Fri and I do Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri it'd be a good compromise.
What you need to do is go 3 days as instructed. 4 days as a beginner isn't ideal. You're doing big lifts every day, you need the rest. rest is when progress is made.
Gotcha. I get restless easily, that's why I've been doing 4 days/week. I'll do this coming week following the routine in the OP.
You need to research these lifts so you don't develop bad habits from the start. They're all pretty technical.
Yeah, I've been checking out images and videos of the ones I hadn't heard of before. The one I'm most worried about is the power clean.
Gotcha. I get restless easily, that's why I've been doing 4 days/week. I'll do this coming week following the routine in the OP.
Will do! This'll be good before bed entertainment, heh.Watch ALL the videos in this series for squats
For OHP...
Noted.Just try to remember that you only grow while resting. It's important.
Yeah, I've been checking out images and videos of the ones I hadn't heard of before. The one I'm most worried about is the power clean.
I'm assuming cutting fat means taking the right amount of protein/calorie deficit?
calorie deficit only = weight loss right?
Don't start with the Power Clean right away. Make sure you first know how to do the four basic lifts (bench, squat, deadlift, press) before trying PC. Makes it easier since PC is a bit technical and you need to know how to deadlift properly before trying it.
So many threads about Gaf members insecure about their body/workout habits
Having read through Starting Strength, I think I'm going to go with the workout detailed in the OP rather than the one recommended in the book. I was thinking of one slight variation and that is abdominal work on the three days, I can do Ab Ripper X 3 days a week, would I be putting too much stress on my body or shall I go ahead and do it?
If you're lifting your weight might go up, but a one pound discrepancy isn't anything to take account of, your weight fluctuates.So I've been lifting weights, mostly dumbells and bench press but I also do some cardio, and stuff like push ups/sit ups. I checked my weight and it was 266, last time I checked it was 265. I did it before eating anything on the day so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm not eating right? I have been noticing changes in my body as of late, so I expected to weight a bit less.
I saw this on the front youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzNb6KCok9o
Time to buy some tuna I guess.
One thing to remember is that your core is getting a hell of a work out with squats/deadlifts and even OHP's. Ab ripper is pretty intense, do it at the end of your work out if at all i'd say.
I followed the rule of not doing abs because the power lifts would take care of it, and ended up with a core that was both weak and holding me back. I believe that some people need to add some sort of abdominal work if they want that part of their body to keep up.
Cooter is right about weighted dips: once you can do them they really are the best bench assistance I've found. Got 10 reps with 45lbs strapped on today. felt awesome.
Just do it as-is for now. believe us: your abs are going to get hit plenty as you add weight.
Absolutely. When people ask me how they might be able to get their bench up I suggest weighted dips and they don't understand. I had 3 plates the other week and could have done more but it gets a little tricky strapping more than 3 plates on that thing. :/
did a role of shame on Bench this morning. I thought I could do one more. lol
How big are the belts you use for dips?
My weight dips are between 45-75lbs and I have a hard time fitting barbell weights on there easily with a 32'' chain. I might start trying dumbbells since my gym has dumbbells up to 105.
Nothing wrong with that as long as you're safe about it. I generally have a spotter for my final working set or I'll end up setting the bar on the lower pegs since I try to push as hard as I can.
I have the weights that have the handles on them so its easy to put multiple on. Hard on the rotator cuff though.I bought one that maxes out with two 45lb plates. My gym has one with a longer chain that me and a buddy managed to get 3 plates secured safely to but I'm skeptical if I can put more due to how tight it was. You basically just need one with a lot of chain.
When I do my bench I start with the heaviest weight I can manage and do 3 reps 2 set. Then minus 5 lbs 5 reps 3 sets
Trying to get used to heavier weight.
It sounds more like you are just trying to lose weight... Not cut
Thinking I might be too tired to bench those 2 heavy set
What's the difference? Serious question... Cutting preserves muscle more efficiently I assume? I am trying to lose the fat I have on my gut to get a more aesthetic appearance, then I plan to go for added muscle.
Today I gave myself a cheat day and dear god I've missed eating more freely. Had a trip to the cheesecake factory today.................
It is something that has been said many times but needs repeating, especially for me. The weight is just merely a number. I weigh more than him but look nothing like that. I'm always worried about not wanting to weigh less than say 225/230. I may weigh more than him but I sure as hell don't have his physique or size in his arms.
Really, it is just a number.