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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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the piano man
so today I went to my gym after coming back from a two week trip abroad in spain and it receives me with one guy "squatting" just like in that video that someone posted some weeks back, with a "trainer" helping from behind, bad ROM, exactly the image in that awful video.

how do people learn that awful stuff? where?

Was feeling pretty brolic at work so I took some pics, been doing 9x15 deadhang pullups (alternating between neutral, regular and chinups) on days I lift and single set of 35-40 neutral grip on some off days I don't do volume on them.

I love your pics, you are one of my favs here, would love to look like that in some years.

Beth Cyra

Heya Gaf, I was just wondering if someone should give me some pointers, I've been doing a modified strong man set for a while now, and was wondering if someone could give me some thoughts on how I'm currently going and maybe some advised improvements.

Age: 28 Year Old White Male
Height: 5' 9 1/2"
Weight:155-160 (BMI read out 7 %)
Goal: Not Sure
Current Training Schedule: 3 Full Days of work out at the Gym, 1-3 Off Days.

Full Days include (Monday, Weds, Friday)

320 (1 Set is 60x5) Wide Push Up's to work my chest.
500 Inclined lvl 5 Sit Ups (1 set = 100x5)
150 Knee Raises (1 set =30x 5)
120 Curls (35 LBS on each arm, 40 a set X 3)
90 Latteral Lifts (Inverted L above head and using Tricep to lift. 15 at 20 Lbs per setx 3)
90 Tri Lifts (One arm and leg on Bench, straight back and lifting straight up with one arm, 30 LBS, 15 Per Set for each Armx3)
22 Minute Elliptical Run Lvl 7 Total Body Work Out
5 sets at 5 Reps of 200 Lbs on Squats
5 Sets at 10 Reps of 210 Lbs on Leg Press
3 sets of 3 170 Lbs on Bench Press
2 Sets of 5 150 Lbs on Bench Press
5 sets of 5 at 235 LBS on Dead Lifts
5 sets of 6 Reps at 180 LBS on Bench Press Machine.
35 Minutes alternating between Level 5 and level 1 at four minutes each on Bike machine for a calorie burn on average between 350-360
15-60 Minute constant speed bike ride at level 7 for 150-500 Calorie burn on another bike.

Average time 2 hrs 45 Mins-3 Hrs 30 mins.

Light Days typically include. (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, sometimes Sunday.)

Everything above, but the Eliptical is dropped to 17 Minutes, first bike to 15, and Second bike to 15. Also no Deadlifts.

On average I do heavy 3 times a week, and light 2, sometimes 3 times for a total of 5 to six days at the gym.

Current Training Equipment Available: Mostly Everything because of my gym membership.

Comments: Actually the thing I wonder about most is how well I'm fueling my body.

So I would like to list that out as I'm on a very set schedual.

Breakfast Between 8 30 - 9 Am
1/4th Green Bell Peper
1 Large stock celery
1 Banana
1 Cup of High Fiber Flavored Oatmeal

9 30 Am
1 16 oz bottle of Sparks Energy Water (only on Work out days, so right before hand.)

12-12 30
1 High Protien Bar

3:00-3:30 PM Lunch
1 Cup Broccoli
1:1/4th Cup Baby Carrots
20 All Natrual (non flavored) Almonds
1-1/2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

6 PM
2 Egg Whites, no yocks

9-11 Pm Dinner
1 1/2 Cup of Cabbage
3 Small Peppers, 1 Red Bell, 1 Orange Bell, 1 Yellow Bell.
1 Granny Smith Apple
5-7 Large Chunks of Lean Turkey
2 Cups of Brown Rice

Through out the day I have a few bottles of water, typically non flavored and I have 1/2 Bottle of Flavored, but suger/calorie free water with dinner.

Lastly I know it's not the best to be so back loaded, but this is just what works best for me. I decided to do this about 2 years ago and went from 300 down to 155-160 depending on water weight and day, so I would like to keep dinner as is. The only thing is I'm worried that I'm not eating enough, because despite all this food and all the working out I keep cutting my muscles and getting more definited, but I'm not actually putting on any weight. In fact I continue to slowly go down.

2 months ago I was averaging high 160's but slowly that has dropped below 160 and now hovers in the high 150's.

Oh I forgot, I'm a at home father. So I take care of the kids most of my day, and am not some someone that has to endure harsh training on a regular basis.


Hey! Cheers from Brazil! I'm a new comer, starting to get results, 3 months of exercises and getting fitter!

Subscribed and will contribute as possible ;)

Age: 27
Height: 5' 7
Weight: 125lb
Goal: Be good looking naked
Current Training Schedule: 4 Days a week of Nike+ Kinect with 22lbs barbels.

Mass with 90% protein and creatine post workout, just creatine post breakfast on non-workout days.
Do urban speed roller skating on weekends or not so often mid week.



So if you had a choose an order for the best proteins, where would wheat protein fall?


No clue, the only protein I avoid is soy because I have a (likely irrational) hatred of soy. I'd probably guess that wheat is pretty low on the hierarchy, but like I said I have no clue.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Dunno if you guys might know the answer to this, but I'm really desperate to gain some weight and quick. So I was wondering, if I decide to up my sugar intake (sugar has a lot of calories from what I understand) to something like 50 g/day, and I only do this for a few months, will that have any negative consequences? I won't get diabetes or anything, will I?


So 4 months after I started going to the gym I noticed some red marks on my left bicep, a month later they expanded.

Showed it to my mother, she instantly said stretch marks.

Now I've seen some pretty small men turn into huge bulging monsters without a single stretch mark on them. I was a decent size before starting and I haven't really bulked up that much.

So anyone have any experience with this?
How can I prevent further stretch marks?
And why the fuck is it only on my left bicep?


So 4 months after I started going to the gym I noticed some red marks on my left bicep, a month later they expanded.

Showed it to my mother, she instantly said stretch marks.

Now I've seen some pretty small men turn into huge bulging monsters without a single stretch mark on them. I was a decent size before starting and I haven't really bulked up that much.

So anyone have any experience with this?
How can I prevent further stretch marks?
And why the fuck is it only on my left bicep?



After spending a week or two reading the book and working on flexibility in my hips for deep squats, I finally moved into my apartment for the summer and found a gym and started SS.

I feel pretty good about the first day, but I was hoping that people here could take a look at my squat and point out anything I'm doing wrong. I've already looked and I think I need to work on having a more neutral spine/head position and on the last two reps I was rocking forward so I need to focus on keeping the weight off my toes. Is there anything else that looks problematic? Is depth good enough for these reps? Thanks for any help.



So 4 months after I started going to the gym I noticed some red marks on my left bicep, a month later they expanded.

Showed it to my mother, she instantly said stretch marks.

Now I've seen some pretty small men turn into huge bulging monsters without a single stretch mark on them. I was a decent size before starting and I haven't really bulked up that much.

So anyone have any experience with this?
How can I prevent further stretch marks?
And why the fuck is it only on my left bicep?

same thing here. stretch marks only on my left bicep. no fucks given lol.


193 after work, dehydrated.

I don't even train them directly lol

I did some DB shrugs the last two weeks but I haven't done those in well over a year, it's usually just BB rows and more recently some pullups.

Man, that isn't even fair, here I am assaulting my traps every few days and they're just like "You trying to get us to grow? LOL not today bro"

And you just do some rows and pullups.


Second week without deadlifts, sciatica has been flaring up like Ric, woooooooo.

But great workout today in general.

Anyone have a good power clean YouTube tutorial? I read the SS chapter on cleans a few days ago and I want to be extra ready to start them tomorrow.

Cleans are really tough, it's something you've just got to work at and practice. You absolutely cannot get away with bad form, unlike with other lifts.

I don't have a good tutorial, but my major tips are, make sure you really "explode" off the ground, starting with your feet/toes and hips, keep the bar tucked in tight, and when creating the "rack" make sure you're elbows stay way up, and the weight is landing on your shoulders.

Start super light, 95 lbs at most. It helps if your gym has the big bumper plates.




That Dave Tate article was a good read. I gotta try his warm-up method next time since I always have problems with controlling my lower back. Though I have to switch out GHR's to Hyperextensions but I guess it doesn't matter that much. Is cable kneeling crunch a good ab exercise though? No one ever really talks about it here.


That Dave Tate article was a good read. I gotta try his warm-up method next time since I always have problems with controlling my lower back. Though I have to switch out GHR's to Hyperextensions but I guess it doesn't matter that much. Is cable kneeling crunch a good ab exercise though? No one ever really talks about it here.

Yep cable crunch is good shit.


I agree. Call me a bro, but I'm sick of my globo gym.
My gym is great signed up for a year recently, only $14.99 a month and a lot of big lifters go there . Plus they have a Brazilian jujitsu class and since it's not a globo gym they play music extra loud with all the curses.


After spending a week or two reading the book and working on flexibility in my hips for deep squats, I finally moved into my apartment for the summer and found a gym and started SS.

I feel pretty good about the first day, but I was hoping that people here could take a look at my squat and point out anything I'm doing wrong. I've already looked and I think I need to work on having a more neutral spine/head position and on the last two reps I was rocking forward so I need to focus on keeping the weight off my toes. Is there anything else that looks problematic? Is depth good enough for these reps? Thanks for any help.


Those squats are fairly high. Your hips should be going lower than your knees.

It's hard to tell from the angle you shot but it seemed to me you were not even hitting parallel.


the piano man
Those squats are fairly high. Your hips should be going lower than your knees.

It's hard to tell from the angle you shot but it seemed to me you were not even hitting parallel.

other than people not being physically able to go lower and practicing so called half squats in the hopes of getting more flexibility and go deeper over time, is it ever justified to not go below parallel?

Is there some squat variation I am missing?

I rarely see guys going ass to grass in my gym and it makes me insecure, cause many of those of guys have good form through the exercise and seem to know pretty well what they are doing, they just don't go as low....it makes me second guess myself, makes me believe I am going too low and overdoing it.

is it ever possible to go too low in a squat?


No if you can keep good form.

The other guys are most likely just doing half squats without realizing or because they are easier.
Man, I'm finding it very difficult to get 200g of protein each day, let alone doing it without my daily fat amount going through the roof. And that's with 3 shakes a day too.

How do people get around this? Fish, chicken and eggs, every single day?


The power clean stuff is really helpful. I'm going to start with just the bar at the thigh to practice the second half of the movement, then move onto the full movement. Like dark said, 95 pounds to start. I'm going to do 3x5 with an added 5 pounds a week before my 5/3/1 deadlift and BBB deadlift.

Man, I'm finding it very difficult to get 200g of protein each day, let alone doing it without my daily fat amount going through the roof. And that's with 3 shakes a day too.

How do people get around this? Fish, chicken and eggs, every single day?

It's pretty easy I think and shouldn't require 3 shakes to get to. Eating a pound of chicken a day should be a big help. I usually eat 4 small chicken breasts for lunch everyday and that's almost 100g of protein right there.


My gym is great signed up for a year recently, only $14.99 a month and a lot of big lifters go there . Plus they have a Brazilian jujitsu class and since it's not a globo gym they play music extra loud with all the curses.

What gym is that?


Gold Member
Man, I'm finding it very difficult to get 200g of protein each day, let alone doing it without my daily fat amount going through the roof. And that's with 3 shakes a day too.

How do people get around this? Fish, chicken and eggs, every single day?

I had the exact same problem, once you get hang of it it gets easier. It's really useful to home into that 200g of protein, it tends to fix the rest of your diet too.

Protein powder, quest bars, sushi, chicken, eggs, salmon, meat, lean subs, greek yogurt...

Here's a fairly lax typical day I have been doing over the last few months, focus only on protein and around 2000kcal


Here's an ultra low carb day I am doing currently for Carb Nite:



Man, I'm finding it very difficult to get 200g of protein each day, let alone doing it without my daily fat amount going through the roof. And that's with 3 shakes a day too.

How do people get around this? Fish, chicken and eggs, every single day?
Just get a whey isolate that's 30g of protein per scoop. Throw 2 scoops in and mix it with 2 cups of milk(if it fits your macros), altogether that's 80g of protein right there. Having that as an early breakfast makes it pretty easy to get to 200 before the day is done.


other than people not being physically able to go lower and practicing so called half squats in the hopes of getting more flexibility and go deeper over time, is it ever justified to not go below parallel?

Is there some squat variation I am missing?

I rarely see guys going ass to grass in my gym and it makes me insecure, cause many of those of guys have good form through the exercise and seem to know pretty well what they are doing, they just don't go as low....it makes me second guess myself, makes me believe I am going too low and overdoing it.

is it ever possible to go too low in a squat?

You always go parallel. You've probably been recommended the book "Starting Strength", and you might even own it, however I strongly suggest that you read the squat chapter.

Second, basing what you're doing (or not doing) on who else is in the gym is a bad idea. You have no idea how educated/ uneducated, advanced/not advanced the other person.


I'm working out from home and between squat sets I laid down. I felt some pain in my lower back like it was decompressing or relieving tension. This lasts a few seconds straight after my ser. I don't feel anything when standing up.

Should I be worried?


other than people not being physically able to go lower and practicing so called half squats in the hopes of getting more flexibility and go deeper over time, is it ever justified to not go below parallel?

Is there some squat variation I am missing?

I rarely see guys going ass to grass in my gym and it makes me insecure, cause many of those of guys have good form through the exercise and seem to know pretty well what they are doing, they just don't go as low....it makes me second guess myself, makes me believe I am going too low and overdoing it.

is it ever possible to go too low in a squat?


Depends on the type of squat. On a low bar squat usually you just want to go a bit below parallel, because you can't go deeper without shoving your hips forward, and that will result in loss of hamstring tension. Since the involvement of the quads is lower in the low bar squat, you don't want to lose that hamstring tension. You still need to hit parallel, preferably a bit lower.

For front squats and high bar, I'd say the lower the better.

In the end, regardless of the type of squat, you should always go to at least parallel, and by parallel I mean the femur parallel to the floor. Any squat in which the femur is not parallel to the floor or deeper is a partial squat, and partials suck. They are at best mostly useless displays of ego, and at worst they'll wreck your knees, since the shear from the quad on the way down will have no antagonist force from the hamstring and the Glute on an incomplete ROM, thus potentially damaging the tendon that runs over to the knee. The other problem is that, because you can always half squat much more than you can squat, it's easier for these guys to injure their backs since they are carrying more weight than they could really handle. Like Rippetoe says, if it's too heavy to squat below parallel, then it's too heavy to carry in the back, period.

People love to fool themselves at gyms and bite more than they can chew. That doesn't mean they know what they're doing. Half ROM bench, half-ROM squats, half ROM chin ups and pull-ups; all these are very popular and guys who look like they know what they are doing do them all the time. They are still idiots.
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