I mean, when we're talking about the weight of a meat we're talking about what it is pre-cooked, so that's what Rock is talking about on his list. And most chicken breast pieces are 6-8 oz.
But yea
That's why he only eats 3 pieces of meat a day which translates to a pound and a half of chicken which is easy to do so long as its not overcooked drek. Wet, slightly undercooked chicken with good seasoning? You'd be surprised how quickly it goes down.
But yea, mix up your meats if you have want to have any hope of staying on a diet.
I mean, Rock is full of shit and is probably on roids but I think I'm going to bulk again after reading this. Mostly because I can't stand cutting though.
Probably? lol
Oh yeah that much total meat is easy. Fish is easy to eat a large amount of. For some reason without reading it I thought it was all chicken.