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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I've been doing 65 unassited pull-ups in five different sessions this month and I don't see back progress, maybe I am doing them wrong??? is it worth it to take video and ask for suggestions?

You probably are getting nice back development, but it's hard to put progress in context when you see yourself in the mirror every day. Post back pics


the piano man
65 per session? Add weight or do more in a set. Or both!

3 of those sessions I did a Pyramid form, 15 sets with the following ammount of reps: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

the other 2 sessions I thought would be good to change and did 13 sets of 5 reps each.

You probably are getting nice back development, but it's hard to put progress in context when you see yourself in the mirror every day. Post back pics

Will try to but I don't think I'll like what I'll see....I think I have to much fat in my lower back...


the piano man
Are you doing more than just pullupa for back? Barbell, dumbbell rows, t-bar?

I am still trying to expand my exercises, I've tried many in the index of exercises here http://exrx.net/Lists/ExList/BackWt.html#anchor1913634 but for one reason or another I've not been able to do all of them consistently and keep doing them (that list is huge!).

regarding assitance only, the ones I've been doing more often are the seated rows, high and normal level, narrow and wide grip. That's what my gym has to offer too so...

should probably reconsider and go with dumb/barbell stuff.

EDIT: I took these some minutes ago (notice how I have no idea how to pose to show back...) maybe I just have to understand that it takes time... that's all... considering how hard are the pull-ups, you'd think I'd have the super V shape and all but no....I started doing pullups around November, but paying little attention and just experimenting, it got serious around January/february and have been going up in numbers since then..




Could someone explain to me what what some average squat numbers are? I am ~180 pounds and just hit 225x5 the other day. Not sure how much more progress I should expect, as I am not looking to gain much more weight.

At 180, just going off weight and literally nothing else, you can easily eclipse 3 plates. I'd say you would be able to get to four plates if you really wanted to put the work in.

So how do you guys know you're squatting below parallel?

Practice in the mirror. Memorize how it feels. Practice with your warm up sets. Your body will remember.


the piano man
Sphinx, I do 100 pullups per session on some days and my back is small as fuck, don't worry, it just takes time.

eh, don't think so.

with 100 Pull-ups a session, you surely have a decent if not very good looking back,,now you post some pics :D


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So i got my body composition tests done today.

My RMR is 2592 which is actually directly inline with the calculator

The one thing was was crazy is that I am carrying around 35 pounds more water than someone who is usually 280. My intracellular and extracellular water totals were 140% over the normal. My ECW/total body weight was correct though so it seems that I carry around a shit ton of water. Damn annoying!

However, it seems in general that I just need to eat more. Aiming for 2200 net daily. Looking back at my calories Ive usually been around 1500 net. Probably been in starvation mode and not losing weight. Sucks that putting in too much work can actually prevent weight loss. I always prided myself on being dedicated even though that dedication never really paid off.


That seems like an extremely high RMR. It doesn't sound possible for someone your size. I'm not an expert but that means if you were lifting often and maybe doing some cardio....your maintenance calories would be 4,147 per day approximately to not gain or lose weight.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
That seems like an extremely high RMR
Is it, the online calculators for 280 spit that out too?

Did the Carbon dioxide test today. Came out 2592.

Also for reference here is my net as calculated by MFP. Net being intake-output


Days with nothing I probably did not put anything in.

input only


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
how tall are you and how old are you?
5 11 and 26

Here are the calculations from bodybuilding.com when using my height weight and PBF


Aligns with what I saw in the doctors office today. So 2592 doesn't seem far fetched at all.


Ehh shit my mistake, I just calculated it out and that's about right. The calculator I use gives 2535 so almost exactly what you got. from an actual test. That's pretty cool that it's that close. Not sure why I thought it was so off, I must have calculated wrong or something the first time.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm going to try to keep eating more. Its been working for the last 2 weeks. Also cutting back on my working out to 3 days a week. GSLP sets and like 15 minutes of HIIT.

Feels bad because it makes me a lot less active than I used to be. The weight is slowly dropping though so I guess its for the best.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just tried this protein pumpkin pancake recipe.

oh my god

I am in heaven. So fucking delicious. Topped it off with some Greek yogurt, and... Fuck it, just try it for yourselves. Super easy to make, too.

Comes out to about 450 calories, 10 grams of fat, 600 grams of sodium, 45 grams of carbs, and 45 grams of protein (of course everything depends on the exact ingredients you use).

Next time I'm gonna make it with chocolate protein powder and some peanut butter thrown in for good measure. Can't wait.


So the list of meals some of yall posted per day is pretty crazy to me. How much do you average on food monthly? Sounds quite expensive to eat like that and I'm on a budget. D:


Oh yeah, my gym keeps getting better and better, they're putting in a boxing ring. I may have to give people that work!

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Taco Bell meat: "35 percent beef, with the remaining 65 percent containing water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch."

Stick with steak and chicken, then.
Taco Bell meat: "35 percent beef, with the remaining 65 percent containing water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch."

Steroid talk or anything about fast food is like a bat signal for Evilore. Its the only thing that can disrupt his session of trying to kick a bamboo tree down.


So the list of meals some of yall posted per day is pretty crazy to me. How much do you average on food monthly? Sounds quite expensive to eat like that and I'm on a budget. D:

For most of us food is a priority. We sacrifice other things to spend more on food.


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?

put sriracha on everything


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?

Yeah but I'm on a mission. I've literally had foreman grilled chicken 4 times a day for over 2 weeks now. Broccoli or asparagus for 5 meals a day and on my high carb days sweet potatoes and brown rice. I'll never get tired of sweet potatoes though. Ever.

10 weeks left....at least.


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?
My brother makes this doooooope mustard chicken.

Bottom line man- if you want it enough it won't be an issue, quite the opposite.


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?

Add cheese or olive oil?

I think I've eaten chicken and spinach salad 150 times in the past year.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?

The older the better. Helps me keep my focus. About to start another keto cut. I wanted to wait but I can't anymore. Keto is the TRUTH for me.


I'm not sure how often some of you guys strictly adhere to the meals or if "chicken breast" is just a general guideline you use and you cook it various ways. Having just straight chicken breast, and straight eggs, and straight kale, and straight rice HAS to get old, no?

I can never stick to that strict of a diet. I don't have the discipline to in all honesty. I just try to eat as healthy as I possibly can when I control my food choices. If my parents cook dinner and invite us over I'm going to eat whatever they cooked but I'll try to eat a proportion that is best for me, be it just a bit or like Sunday a few good chunks of steak.

At work I control what I eat for breakfast and lunch everyday Mon-Fri. However on the weekends it boils down to what the gf and I are doing so some days its healthy and other days its pancakes. I don't drink soda anymore at all, I use as little sugar and fat free half and half as I can with my coffee and I drink a ton of water. I cut out most of my beer drinking but if I go to a wedding or go out with friends I just try to drink a reasonable amount and not go nuts.

I guess for me it boils down to a sustainable lifestyle, I do almost everything in moderation and that way I don't get tired of a "diet" because I basically over the past 1 1/2 years have just learned what I can eat and what I should cut out without feeling like I hate my life because the food sucks. Same with working out, I mix it up every few weeks so I don't get bored. Some times I get super into working out for a bit and other times I just want to get my gym time in and go home.

The important thing is that you get in the gym or get that run in, you try to pay attention to what you are putting in your body and somewhere between social, work and gaming life you try to get a good amount of sleep. That is something you can sustain for life and that will shape you into a better person physically, you won't see results overnight but at any pace you decide you will become the person you strive to be.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So, second day in the gym planned for tomorrow. Legs are still sore as hell from the squats on Sunday, but I'm hoping I'll manage tomorrow.

I've got Power Cleans on the menu for tomorrow, but I have no idea how to do them. Watching a couple of YouTube videos and they look hard as all hell to get right. Any tips from you folks?

edit: same with the overhead press... watching YouTube videos has got me scared that getting a proper technique is an extremely difficult feat (it doesn't help that comments for every video consists of someone saying the guy in the tutorial video has terrible form). If anyone has any advice on form, particularly for Power Cleans and Overhead Presses, I'd appreciate it.


So, second day in the gym planned for tomorrow. Legs are still sore as hell from the squats on Sunday, but I'm hoping I'll manage tomorrow.

I've got Power Cleans on the menu for tomorrow, but I have no idea how to do them. Watching a couple of YouTube videos and they look hard as all hell to get right. Any tips from you folks?

edit: same with the overhead press... watching YouTube videos has got me scared that getting a proper technique is an extremely difficult feat (it doesn't help that comments for every video consists of someone saying the guy in the tutorial video has terrible form). If anyone has any advice on form, particularly for Power Cleans and Overhead Presses, I'd appreciate it.

Power Cleans are super hard. Just getting the bar into the position on your shoulders is difficult enough. Doing the whole swift movement is even harder. The OHP is also super difficult. Rippetoe now teaches a new method with a bit of a hip thrust that nobody else seems to do, and maintaining a straight vertical bar path is almost impossible. So yeah those are my encouraging words. More like I know how you feel. [:


Been shrugging some really heavy DBs (170-185lbs) with my Gripps, hardest part is just deadlifting them off the ground, it's like a workout within a workout.


Power Cleans are super hard. Just getting the bar into the position on your shoulders is difficult enough. Doing the whole swift movement is even harder. The OHP is also super difficult. Rippetoe now teaches a new method with a bit of a hip thrust that nobody else seems to do, and maintaining a straight vertical bar path is almost impossible. So yeah those are my encouraging words. More like I know how you feel. [:

I gave up on power cleans and just switched to Practical Programming. Didn't have anyone to help me figure it out nor the confidence to do the "explosive" parts.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah... I think I'm going to avoid the power cleans tomorrow and just do squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts. I need to do some more research on how this power clean thing works.

I'm tempted to schedule a session with a trainer, but I've heard so much about personal trainers in gyms not really knowing shit that I'm worried they'll teach me some awful form or something.

ACE 1991

So my maintenance caloric intake is 2460. In order to cut say a pound a week, should I be shooting for 2100 calories? Can anyone on a similar calorie diet tell me what there daily food looks like? I'm planning to go shopping tomorrow for foods for my cut.

Nelo Ice

Just did some squats and totally baffled my friend who didnt think I could do 165 lbs 5x times. Well I think it's that much since the bar is 45 lbs right? Also goin to the gym by myself a few days ago actually wasn't that bad, even made 2 gym friends lol.


Just did some squats and totally baffled my friend who didnt think I could do 165 lbs 5x times. Well I think it's that much since the bar is 45 lbs right? Also goin to the gym by myself a few days ago actually wasn't that bad, even made 2 gym friends lol.

Nelo Ice

It was busy and so then while I was waiting some guys asked if I was waiting for their machine or that they weren't done with ther set. Told em the SS routine I was doing and ended up talkin for awhile. Saw one of em today and spotted him then he was like if you ever need a spot to let him know.


So my maintenance caloric intake is 2460. In order to cut say a pound a week, should I be shooting for 2100 calories? Can anyone on a similar calorie diet tell me what there daily food looks like? I'm planning to go shopping tomorrow for foods for my cut.

Are you make or female? What's your weight and age if you don't mind


Hey guys. 4th carb nite over and still doing great at the gym. The problem i have right now is on this diet I have way too much energy and it is effecting my sleep pattern. I end up not able to sleep especially after the gym. Otherwise I love it and I was able to put on a shirt I bought years ago with the intention of being able to fit into it one day. Saturday was that day. Almost 15 months now working out and i love it so much.

Right now I do A/B routine of squats/bench press/pandalay rows and squats/overhead press/deadlift. After I do my compounds I do my everyday accessories which are dumbbell shrugs, dumbbell hammers, butterfly chest, sitting calf raises and forearm turns. Also my warm up is using a foam roller, 60 reps of shoulder dislocations and 2 sets of 5 for pull ups and chin ups non assisted. Keep in mind I weigh 283lbs last I checked so the pull ups are something I never expected to do 1 of let alone 10 a day.

Am I doing too much accessory work? I've only been doing compounds for 7 months or so now. I feel like the accessories help me maintain better but I might be over working myself.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah... I think I'm going to avoid the power cleans tomorrow and just do squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts. I need to do some more research on how this power clean thing works.

I'm tempted to schedule a session with a trainer, but I've heard so much about personal trainers in gyms not really knowing shit that I'm worried they'll teach me some awful form or something.
Unless you're at a more serious gym (oly, powerlifting etc...) the odds of a trainer knowing how to power clean are probably pretty low. Instead of paying for a session that may prove useless, casually ask one if they have any tips for the lift or if they can give some quick feedback on your squats/deads, that way you should get a grasp on how knowledgeable they may be. If you're not sure what to make of what they say, post it in here.
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