old lady deadlifts 275 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzQTXCC5C1E&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Amazing stuff. Hope I can do that when I'm the same age.
A bit off of the topic, but I noticed the way she was holding the bar in that video (one palm facing inward, one facing outward), and I realized I see a lot of people doing the same thing at the gym. Is there some benefit to it?
It allows you to grip heavier weight. Only use it when you have maxed out your overhand grip and it is limiting your lift.
Good to know! I had no idea it actually made the lift somewhat easier.
Success! 315x4 on BB bench weighing 185 pounds. I was benching next to some big dudes who also had 3 plates on. It felt way better than it should have.![]()
I did Insanity a few hours before going to the gym but that shouldn't really influence that exercise.
Success! 315x4 on BB bench weighing 185 pounds. I was benching next to some big dudes who also had 3 plates on. It felt way better than it should have.![]()
Thanks again for all the advices. I made an estimate of all the stuff we talked about, and if I get the green light from the company, I'll start ordering online.Yea pretty much. That is why I suggested another bench with a dumbbell set so you can still bench with dumbbells. Then one more olympic bar so you can deadlift if someone is squatting or benching. Also if you get the cage you don't need that dip/pullup bar thing.
If you do what you said then you're just getting racks/holders, but those things don't move easily....
I don't really know the space. You said it but I'm horrible at picturing things. I would suggest you draw things out in paint or something. Just so you know how packed its going to be.
Man... Personal trainers are such a fucking scam, at least at my gym.
They actively impeded people's progress.
Man... Personal trainers are such a fucking scam, at least at my gym.
They actively impeded people's progress.
This girl is overweight, her session is 30 mins- spends 10 minutes doing pulldowns with bands.
And her form isn't even good.
Doesn't surprise me at all.Oh and the absolute worst thing I ever saw a trainer have a client do? He brought a bench to the smith machine, made a girl bend over the bench and face away from the smith, then she put the bottom of her foot on the bottom of the smith bar and pressed up in some whacky reverse leg press thing
Hey fitness dude, how do I get big arms?
Curl till you can't curl any more.
Then continue to curl!
Curl till you can't curl any more.
Then continue to curl!
Oh and the absolute worst thing I ever saw a trainer have a client do? He brought a bench to the smith machine, made a girl bend over the bench and face away from the smith, then she put the bottom of her foot on the bottom of the smith bar and pressed up in some whacky reverse leg press thing
What do you mean by macros?
Todays #s:
320 3x5 squats
210 3x5 barbell bench press
210 3x5 pandalay rows
New PR on the squats. I sent a video of my squats to Noema (i am very camera shy so i didnt post it publicly) and his advice helped a lot, i got the 320 easy. This is all on a cut on the carb nite/ketosis diet. In a month or so, i may stop going to the gym to help this diet go along faster, i feel like i am making gains too easily even on the cut and its stopping me from losing weight quicker. I am not sure tho, i am not 100% on it.
So the secret is telling your arms to grow? lol
Fuck training arms daily though. You'll look like the majority of people, big ass arms, no legs and no shoulders.
Umm......What? Stop going to the gym to help this diet go along faster?? Please explain because I think this is a bad bad idea! I've had strength gains on a cut. It doesn't mean it's hindering your cut.
Switching to 5/3/1 from a couple rounds of Starting Strength. If I have no clue what my 1RM is, but I was doing 3x5 as part of starting strength, do I calculate 1RM based on the 5 repetitions or 15?
I am trying to get a bit more systematic on my accessory lifts. I'm doing SS three times a week, and seem to recover fine. I have had one or very rarely two accessory days which seems to be ok for recovery.
I find that SS is hitting less my biceps and pecs. I also find that my delts and lats are proportionately weak and smaller. So the idea of my accessory work is to improve these areas. Here is what I am thinking. I am training with a friend.
Lats, Delts, Pecs, Biceps
Pull-Ups 3 x max
T-Bar rows 4 x 8-10
Barbell rows 4 x 8-10
Skull Crusher 3 x 10
Dumbell rows 3 x 10
Preacher curls 4 x 8-10
Dips 3 x max
Shoulder Press 3 x 10
Arnold Press 3 x 8-10
Moving Pushups 1 x to fail
I Go / You Go
Todays #s:
320 3x5 squats
210 3x5 barbell bench press
210 3x5 pandalay rows
New PR on the squats. I sent a video of my squats to Noema (i am very camera shy so i didnt post it publicly) and his advice helped a lot, i got the 320 easy. This is all on a cut on the carb nite/ketosis diet. In a month or so, i may stop going to the gym to help this diet go along faster, i feel like i am making gains too easily even on the cut and its stopping me from losing weight quicker. I am not sure tho, i am not 100% on it.
Hi FitGAF!
I have an SS question which I think I may already know the answer for (basically 'You're not doing the program!) but I've been doing Starting Strength for just under a month and I'm starting phase 2 ie alternating deadlifts with powercleans. Looking ahead to phase 3, it starts to include chins. However, I already do three sets of ten chins after my SS lifting has finished, three times a week.
Is this okay or should I drop them or cut them down to alternate sessions?
What are some alternative and reliable calorie calculators out there? Or if anyone knows their caloric requirements very well here then can someone calculate what a 200lb 5ft 9" guy would require? I'm currently stalling a bit now and some sites say 4000+ is now the requirement to gain weight but then others throw some other values and ridiculously low numbers around. I'm going with 4000+ because it makes the most sense (been hitting around 3500 for quite a while now which is where I'm stalling but on the other hand has been helpful in getting to where I am now).
I'm aware that in general, calorie calculators are pretty much unreliable. Still, I'd rather not be shooting in the dark and instead get a rough range to ensure I hit every day.
Myfitnesspal.com for calculating how many calories you are eating.
http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ to calculate how many calories you should be eating (also calculates how many calories you should be eating rest/workout day, as well as macros)
Hey fitness dude, how do I get big arms?
The Greyskull Method for Powerbuilding ebook finally came out like a week ago or so. It's not that long but it's a good read and I find the program interesting. Here's an outline:
If I'm reading it right, it too recommends around 4000 or more. Sounds fair enough. Thank you for the link.
I'm not exactly a stickler for strict programming anyway but I wouldn't worry about it personally. As long as it doesn't impact on your lifts, it ain't no thang.
5 repetitions.
It's also an excellent calculator for cutting, or trying to bulk up in a clean fashion (with weight gained being primarily muscle over fat, though you'll still get some fat afaik).
You might not have to concern yourself with that though if your problem is gaining in general.
Interesting. Thanks for the writeup!
Really good writeup - my brother is a SUPER beginner and might go this route with him. It kinda sucks because he's adding all sorts of extra shit to basic SS because he doesn't feel tired enough. Convincing him to pace himself and that it'll escalate on its own as he goes is getting tough.
You know skull crushers are like solely a triceps exercise right? Just checking.
What's I Go/ You Go?
Took a photo last night. Compared it to my starting photo. Back looking slightly better/stronger. Photos incomin' ahoy!
Before (1st of June)
After (1st of July)