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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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the piano man
In other news, squats are done. I feel like a kid who just passed his final geography test or something. So relieved...

...until Wednesday when I get to squat again. Yay. -.-

amazing, that's exactly me with but with bench press...."will I make it?" "Will I live to tell my tale???" "what if my grip fails and I die right here??", I am actually nervous while doing it! :O

maybe I am not so advanced and that's why I don't feel the squat pressure, but I love them so far, I am comfortably upping weight every session and is by far my best MC according to strstd.com

if we had a GAF-Gym where we'd all train together, I am sure we'd get over our fears with the support of everybody.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You should. And that is a great gif. Who are those guys, anyway? Is that Stan Lane on the left and Barry Windham on the right? whoever's flying by is right on the tip of my tongue but I can't connect the name...

Bobby Eaton with Steve Dr Death Williams (RIP) floating by...

In other news, squats are done. I feel like a kid who just passed his final geography test or something. So relieved...

...until Wednesday when I get to squat again. Yay. -.-

You're only as good as your last set! Congrats though, happy for you! It's good to hear. I know you were DREADING that ish.


I usually consume a protein shake right after my workouts. Should I consume it again the following morning on my rest day? I still find myself too sore to work out every other day. Does it help with recovery?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I usually consume a protein shake right after my workouts. Should I consume it again the following morning on my rest day? I still find myself too sore to work out every other day. Does it help with recovery?

Depends. Do you need the protein in your macros?
what is that about? what will happen in that thread?

atheltic men and women in shorts showing their lowerbody gains, getting ready for the summer????



Just want to encourage more people wearing short shorts.

no fear.

I haven't felt like working out the last few days, don't know where the magic went but it needs to come back, my workouts are suffering.

Find what motivates you. Whenever I watch a great wrestling match, I want to hit the gym to become even stronger.

As I'm writing this, I can bare lift my arms lol. Had a good workout.



I just finished my first month in the program :)

My progress stats for the first month:

Squat: 52,5kg (115,7 lbs) -> 80kg (173 lbs)
Deadlift: 62,5kg (137,7 lbs) -> 82,5kg (181 lbs)
Bench Press: 32,5kg (71,6 lbs) -> 52,5kg (115,7 lbs)
Overhead Press: 25kg (55 lbs) -> 35kg (77 lbs)
Power Cleans: 27,5kg (60 lbs)-> 35kg (77 lbs)
Bent Rows: 40kg (88 lbs) -> 50kg (110 lbs)
Pull-ups: 3x8 -> 3x10

Onto the next month! Woohoo!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Great jump! OHP is no joke my brother! One month down, a lifetime to continue :)


the piano man
As I'm writing this, I can bare lift my arms lol. Had a good workout.



I just finished my first month in the program :)

My progress stats for the first month:

Squat: 52,5kg (115,7 lbs) -> 80kg (173 lbs)
Deadlift: 62,5kg (137,7 lbs) -> 82,5kg (181 lbs)
Bench Press: 32,5kg (71,6 lbs) -> 52,5kg (115,7 lbs)
Overhead Press: 25kg (55 lbs) -> 35kg (77 lbs)
Power Cleans: 27,5kg (60 lbs)-> 35kg (77 lbs)
Bent Rows: 40kg (88 lbs) -> 50kg (110 lbs)
Pull-ups: 3x8 -> 3x10

Onto the next month! Woohoo!

dude is this coming from absolutely untrained, like, one month ago you hadn't done any sport at all??? cause if that's the case, you sir are awesome, the squat progress is excellent and doing 3x10 pull-ups, those are unassisted, right?


I'm a moron. Thanks!

It's all good. I've just been posting each month's so people don't use the ones for like December and get GNCs attention. I didn't post today since Edge already had it handled and work was pretty busy.

Wonder how soon GNC will end up with the new White Chocolate Raspberry they're prototyping soon. My gf will be in heaven.

Quest is carrying low carb, gluten free, 10 calorie pasta now. I've seen this stuff before. essentially made of just some fibrous root. Has anyone tried such products? Thoughts if so?


You really have to dig deep to get your training in when it's so hot you're sweating before you even touch a barbell.

After squats and log clean and presses I am a mess.
Great jump! OHP is no joke my brother! One month down, a lifetime to continue :)

T-Thanks Sunflower. /sheds manly anime tear with clenching fist of hope

dude is this coming from absolutely untrained, like, one month ago you hadn't done any sport at all??? cause if that's the case, you sir are awesome, the squat progress is excellent and doing 3x10 pull-ups, those are unassisted, right?

Thanks! I must admit I stalled on the squat once, due to bad form. I try to do my best form as possible before I execute any exercise. Strivin' for quality!

Prior to SS I used to go swimming 3 times a week, but that was only briefly for a month though. And it accounts more as cardio if anything.

The month prior to that, I just changed my diet and ate nothing but healthy foods without being active. I shed some fat though.

About 3 years ago I did try doing the stronglifts 5x5 program. But I had a super shitty diet, and caved in about 3 months in. Needless to say my gains were minimal at best. Besides I didn't realise it was an intermediate routine when I started it. So that's probably why my outcome was very marginal.

I need help and suggestion regarding bulking... I have stalled at 68.5 kgs for a couple of weeks so I am clearly not eating enough or not eating the right things, don't know what to change.

it changes every day but let's take this menu for example:

for breakfast I have 3 boiled eggs, protein bread with butter or mayo with turkey ham and Tomatoes on top.

for lunch I have, 2 good sized grilled chicken breast or 4 smaller Beef steaks with 2 slices of cheese on top, and two sides: either Rice, Spaghetti, Potatoes or Veggies and I don't hestitate to eat all I can of all this stuff, I actually try!

I eat Bananas, apples and/or candy bars like a snicker as snacks between meals.

for dinner I eat eggs again with sausage or bacon, either that or tuna with mayo and tomato.

I take 2 whey protein shakes a day, I should be getting around 50- 53 gr. from the shakes. Together with the food, I should be easily reaching my goal of 150 grs. (and a bit beyond that) per day so protein is taken care of.

I am 5'4 and weight 151.01 right now, if that info helps.

any suggestions?

yeah, I thought so too... I could eat more but I think I have a psychological barrier to break here first...

I mean, I want to see the number "70.0 kgs" when I stand on the scale... but eating too much means I will invariably feel bloated all the time and will look fat instead of fit/atheltic when I look at the mirror....but I want to have one of those big strong bodies. Pretty sure I don't want to look slim like a fashion model, it's not my goal, I know I deifnitely want to grow on size.

For reference, Cooter's last pic from some pages back is the kind of body I'd like to attain over the years. I gotta eat good for that, right?

Your diet is showing a severe lack of bacon if you ask me! I'm a paleotharian by the way.

I eat 8 slices of bacon every breakfeast, fried on a pan with 1 tbl spoon of coconut oil, a sliced onion, sliced red pepper and a sliced quarter of celery. Followed by paleo banana pancakes (2 eggs, 1 banana, no flour,), a carrot or two, a fruit - like an apple. Followed by a cup of coffee - or 2 - with coconut milk and a tea spoon of coconut oil.

Generally I eat like 8 eggs a day, 4 bananas, and 650 gr of meat pr day.

I don't take supplements like quest bars or protein whey. No processed sugar. No alcohol. Nothing processed.

Lots of healthy fats. Bulking the paleo way.

I'm 5' 10'' by the way. When I started, my weight was approx. 72 kg (That was about a month ago - I wheighed less than that 2 months ago). Last time I checked - about 2 weeks ago - I wheigh 77,1 kg. My target is to reach 80~85 kg.

Nelo Ice

So my sister asked me for help on a routine and I was just going to help her do the SS routine but she said her right knee is messed up so squatting will be a problem. Anyway, what adjustments/modifications should I make or is there another routine that will help her get into shape?

Also my copy of Starting Strength came in today and damn the book is bigger than I thought. Going to read through what I can today before I head out to the gym tonight but I can already tell it's going to be immensely useful. Of course I should have had a copy this whole time but at least I got one now.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Hi guys. I've read the OP and have a question.
I want to lose some weight. Now I am aware that this is done through eating less and moving more, but I've come across a few questions I haven't been able to get any good answers for. I've read that eating less and cardio are not enough to help you lose weight. You must also add weight training because this will increase muscle mass and muscle helps burn fat. But how can you create muscle if you're eating less to begin with?

Perhaps even more importantly, in my case: If I am only eating less and doing interval based cardio (this is my plan so far), how can I guarantee that I don't put myself in the vague 'starvation mode'? I don't want to put myself in a position where I don't lose fat and lose what little muscle mass I have.

I weigh around 70kg and am 175 cm. I am your typical skinny fat (fat is in the belly).


343i Lead Esports Producer
Most sugar-free ice pops still have "carbs" that though digested slower, still count towards keto. Just be aware.

Good to know, thanks. They have however done me well on my Keto. I can usually handle a ton of carbs before I'm kicked out of Ketosis.
Read up on the OP and pick a routine from there. Diet will be key though. What does an average day consist of? How many calories are you consuming?

One simple thing you can do is stand more and sit less. Be it at work or at home, if there is no reason for you to be sitting down, don't do it.

sweetvar26: I would really reread the parts in the OP about diet breaks and free meals. It sounds like you're hitting a burnout period with your diet.

I read it months ago but I will read it again.

My diet has been shit. Although I am making sure to take at least 100 grams of protein everyday because I have been lifting, I still need to get my diet in control and it isn't easy.

Thanks guys.


Had a fun day at the gym. Did 8x8 at 185 on bench but only managed to get 61 total reps...I was shot and couldn't even bench 225 for one after that (it's my 5 rep max). Picked up a couple of bro tanks, too.

However, I discovered that I in fact have the dreaded butt wink when I squat deep. How do I fix this?
Been meaning to share this with you guys...I discovered the existance of this food watching some PBS food show. Bought some on Amazon, tried it out this weekend, and it was good. Not quite the same taste as normal pasta, but good nonetheless. FitnessGAF, I present to you, MUSCLE PASTA:



I ordered off Amazon as the website is straight out of 1997, but there's no denying this stuff is awesome. It's pasta infused with egg and pea protein. THIRTY GRAMS.

Now don't you dare betray me by buying all of it up.

Huh, this stuff looks neat.
I'll try to find some over here in the UK.


Tanks are 99% of what i wear now as well. Problem is all the damn hair i have to shave/trim all the time to not look silly. I am a hairy man.

Also, when i discovered fitgaf, Darth was one of the biggest reasons for me to get into compound exercises and eat right, he is a true inspiration for me to aspire to.

And with that, i present to you my dinner while on keto today, the meatzza. Crust is lean ground turkey with spices, topped with pepperoni and mozzarella pearls.

Anyone else struggle with shoulder flrxability when starting squats? I tweeked my left shoulder last weekand my right tonight. It feels like I can't rotate my hands to pin the bar, instead the bar seems to rest on my palm along with my shoulders. I'm scare. To put much weight on the bar ad iI'm going to keep hurting my shoulder


Anyone else struggle with shoulder flrxability when starting squats? I tweeked my left shoulder last weekand my right tonight. It feels like I can't rotate my hands to pin the bar, instead the bar seems to rest on my palm along with my shoulders. I'm scare. To put much weight on the bar ad iI'm going to keep hurting my shoulder

Before squats I always do shoulder warm up: scare crows, shoulder dislocations, etc.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Success! 315x4 on BB bench weighing 185 pounds. I was benching next to some big dudes who also had 3 plates on. It felt way better than it should have. ;)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thank you guys. This place motivates me to be the best I can be with all the impressive people we have in our click. Squats tomorrow! Going for 375x5.
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