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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Would it be wise for me to read the whole book before starting 'Starting Strength'? Should I focus on what to to know for warm ups, form of each exercise and other things?

Is this how the routine works? Quoted from Scooby's Home Workouts


The real meat of the book is learning and understanding the basics and not so basics of the main lifts. The programming itself is simple: train three times a week (ABA one week, BAB the next) and add weight every time you train unless you failed to reach your specified reps the previous session.

It's cool, but there is a difference between being direct and just being rude for no cause. It doesn't help somebody who is saying "I'm not doing very well, here is what I am doing currently" to be told "You're doing it wrong, stop fucking around." If I thought I knew as much as you seem to think I believe, I wouldn't have asked questions and just posted some beefcake pics or something.

And I think you may be a bit unaware of how technical some of the information in the OP is. If you don't know what a conflabburator is, it doesn't help to be told to read text that tells you to use the confabburator with standard widget installation. I freely admit that I may have missed something, but if that's the case, you could just point out where you think my question was answered.

As you said, my main method for tracking progress is by increasing the amount of time I can do AMRAP excercises (started at 10, now can do the same workouts with more rounds in 20) and by being able to lift more. I haven't charted it, which I take is very important - but I guess I don't really know why that is, either.

I have to say I don't really see much rudeness in Petrie's post, only bluntness. Do bear in mind that in the end he was using his time to try and help you for no real reward, so any perceived rudeness wouldn't really be out of spite. If you have any questions about the OP don't hesitate to ask; most of the more complex passages in there aren't really relevant to programming, they're just there to dispel myths like "bulky" or "toned".

From what I can gather you do 3x5 or 5x5 on heavy compounds before doing CF WODs and you're also running 1 day a week. That's a lot of work, and I'd put it as the main culprit for both your soreness and your plateaus. If you could tell us what sort of numbers you're putting up on the compounds you do before the WODs, that would give some sort of idea about what level you're at. As I see it, these are your options:

1) Switch to a more conventional lifting program (depending on your level, something like SS, Greyskull LP, 5/3/ or Texas Method) and balance it with your conditioning/running.

2) Carry on with a Crossfit style program, but try and make it more effective. AFAIK, there are a number of programs out there that rework CF around a more scientifically sound basis, but as I'm not into CF myself this is the only one I can think of off the top of my head (forewarning, it will make Petrie's posts seem like a love letter). The WODs are at the bottom of each blog post, scroll back a few weeks to find the one that starts a new cycle and go from there. If you were to do a program like that, you should drop your pre-WOD 3x5/5x5 lifts, as the program already combines strength and met-con work.

Another thing to consider is your form for all lifts, but especially for the compounds and even more especially for the Olympic lifts. Due to combination of often lax coaching standards ad the very nature of the program itself, CF has a tendency to produce some pretty sub-par form, which will hinder your progress even if you escape injury. Of course, you could have darn good technique for all I know, but it's just another thing to consider.


I asked about places in Canada to order Optimum Natural Whey protein before, and all the places I found ended up being like 80$ total for 5lbs when including shipping and taxes. Well I got an email from Amazon.ca, they now sell it, comes up to 58$ with shipping!


@ Mr. Szu:

Well, I finally took a visit to my brother's place. Spent a few days eating freely and having a good time. He's moving out of state tomorrow so we enjoyed ourselves. Diets and exercising were off the table. We just had fun.

I do feel a little unhealthy and bloated because I was off my diet and took a few days off from exercising but that's expected. I'm sure I'm not fat and unhealthy lol. It's good to take a break every so often..

You should have seen the stuff we ate and drank! :unhealthy:

Here's one of the dessert bars we bought from Central Market. It was buy one get one free so we bought these and brownies.
Was like a graham cracker, chocolate, caramel, and coconut bar

Hope you are doing well :waves:
Any recommendations on where to buy Quest Bars?

I'm seeing GNC sells them but for like $35 each. Though the website has buy 2 get 1 free.

Amazon has them for about 24-29 a box..

Any other places?
Hell yeah it is. Sparring is better in BJJ though because there's no head trauma but you fight at 100% until tap or snap every time. ;b Muay Thai is awesome for the brutality and the physical conditioning; turning your shins into steel baseball bats, huahua.


Yeah, I just have this vision in my mind of just training and getting stronger and cut up in the process. While I would never do an actual fight, just learning the basics and sparring with partners seem like real fun.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Unless I'm making some obvious scientific oversight, pigging out after a long cardio session (anything that burns over 1000 calories) is entirely fine, right? Even when cutting? (Of course, while making sure not to go too overboard.)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Unless I'm making some obvious scientific oversight, pigging out after a long cardio session (anything that burns over 1000 calories) is entirely fine, right? Even when cutting? (Of course, while making sure not to go too overboard.)

I've read that prolonged steady-state cardio actually reduces the ability of the muscles to absorb glucose for a while, so I don't believe it's nearly as safe to pig out after a long session of cardio compared to an intense session of lifting weights. Apparently HIIT has the opposite effect, though, and when followed up with weight training, the HIIT session can actually make it easier for your muscles to grow.

Just stuff I read from that John Kiefer guy, but he seems to be pretty damn knowledgeable on the subject.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I've read that prolonged steady-state cardio actually reduces the ability of the muscles to absorb glucose for a while, so I don't believe it's nearly as safe to pig out after a long session of cardio compared to an intense session of lifting weights. Apparently HIIT has the opposite effect, though, and when followed up with weight training, the HIIT session can actually make it easier for your muscles to grow.

Just stuff I read from that John Kiefer guy, but he seems to be pretty damn knowledgeable on the subject.


I ask cause I'm going on a 50-mile bike ride tomorrow, and can't wait to have a burger/fries/beer after, three foods I've barely touched the past few months.

Ah, fuck it, I'm gonna do it no matter what.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

I ask cause I'm going on a 50-mile bike ride tomorrow, and can't wait to have a burger/fries/beer after, three foods I've barely touched the past few months.

Ah, fuck it, I'm gonna do it no matter what.
You'll be fine. You can pretty much eat anything in one day and be back to normal within 3-4 days. Enjoy it! You've definitely earned it after these weeks of discipline.


Here 's the current status of my spaghetti arms as per Heavy's proclamation a while back, as a regular ol' lanky dude who sacrifices his precious gains on the altar of evil combat sports conditioning, to offset Cooter and blackflag and the rest of the swole squad. ;b

Before the morbid obesity my arms were about the same circumference as my wrists, all the way up! :D Gogogo 3x5 135 OHP by the end of the year...

no comment on the arms, but what is your OHP at now?
Possibly a question that is covered in the OP so i apologise in advance but what is the reason behind only doing 1x5 in deadlifts? I've been sticking to that but i'm not sure of what the reason is.

Also i does any have any good sources for looking up recipes, obviously looking for high protein ones. I find it very easy to stick to a workout routine and exercise comes naturally to me but maintaining my diet doesn't. I feel like if i don't sort it out early it will hurt my progress down the line (right now it doesn't matter as i'm a beginner).


Possibly a question that is covered in the OP so i apologise in advance but what is the reason behind only doing 1x5 in deadlifts? I've been sticking to that but i'm not sure of what the reason is.

Also i does any have any good sources for looking up recipes, obviously looking for high protein ones. I find it very easy to stick to a workout routine and exercise comes naturally to me but maintaining my diet doesn't. I feel like if i don't sort it out early it will hurt my progress down the line (right now it doesn't matter as i'm a beginner).


Thats the link for DHFTNS, great channel for high protein recipes.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Possibly a question that is covered in the OP so i apologise in advance but what is the reason behind only doing 1x5 in deadlifts? I've been sticking to that but i'm not sure of what the reason is.
When combined with squatting 3x a week, 1x5 deads is pretty much all a drug-free trainee can recover from on a beginner's linear progression program like SS. Deadlifts are very hard on the CNS and the muscles involved are trained in the other compound lifts. Beyond that, there's no real reason to train it more: if your deadlift isn't increasing on SS but your other lifts are then you're doing something wrong.
When combined with squatting 3x a week, 1x5 deads is pretty much all a drug-free trainee can recover from on a beginner's linear progression program like SS. Deadlifts are very hard on the CNS and the muscles involved are trained in the other compound lifts. Beyond that, there's no real reason to train it more: if your deadlift isn't increasing on SS but your other lifts are then you're doing something wrong.

My deadlift is progressing well at the moment i just thought i'd get a bit more of an idea of exactly why the routine is set out that way.


By the time you lift heavier, you do plenty of deadlifts warming up anyway. I do 1x5 @ 135, then 225, then 315 (which is my work weight atm).

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
My deadlift is progressing well at the moment i just thought i'd get a bit more of an idea of exactly why the routine is set out that way.
Good to hear, I wasn't assuming that was the reason for your question, just explaining that not only are there reasons not to do more deadlifts, there aren't many reasons to do more of them. As Chocula said, as the weights increase so do the warmups, increasing volume and building work capacity.
It makes sense and i do a lot of sprint training so it's probably not a good idea for me to be adding more deadlifts anyway. I'm actually feeling a lot more confident with my deadlifts after reading the information someone posted on the correct form a few pages back (the image with the guy crapping lol).


I asked about places in Canada to order Optimum Natural Whey protein before, and all the places I found ended up being like 80$ total for 5lbs when including shipping and taxes. Well I got an email from Amazon.ca, they now sell it, comes up to 58$ with shipping!

Okay, this is amazing. Thanks a lot for the tip/ Good to see it's not just chocolate and vanilla either. I'll pick up a 2lb Mocha flavour to try it out soon.

edit: seems like the smaller sizes are still pretty overpriced. I'll just pick up a 5 pounder.


Since whey protein is extremely expensive ($100 for Phase8)here, I've been thinking about switching to questbar as protein source before/after workout ($84 for 24 questbar). Anybody can recommend this.

Possible Pro's
-I will get 16 fiber in addition to the protein.
-Better taste.
-No more milk (heard its better for cutting), hate water with whey proteins.

Possible Con's
-I will be getting less protein (Questbar have 20p and Whey usually have between 24-30).


Getting back to it today. I've been feeling like death warmed over all week from my glucose taking a turn for the worse. I believe my pancreas is on ice. B cells not producing the little insulin it was before has led me to double my normal insulin use to keep under 250 mg/dl. I feel the slow release twice per day insulin isnt cutting it for me - my doc wanted me to finish off last week before he throws me on mealtime insulin sometime this week. Need to give him a call tomorrow and get a script. Will more than likely get a pump :( I'd love it if I had the money to throw down on an implant - because then I can tell people I'm a fucking cyborg :D

Starting back off with legs today. I probably won't be able to hit my previous weights but dammit i'm going to fucking try :mad:


the piano man
I am never going back to crappy, bloat and fart inducing generic protein powders after trying vanille whey protein, no matter the cost. It's worth it.,

If I wanted I can drink a complete shake in a single gulp, no drawbacks.


I am never going back to crappy, bloat and fart inducing generic protein powders after trying vanille whey protein, no matter the cost. It's worth it.,

If I wanted I can drink a complete shake in a single gulp, no drawbacks.

Have you ever considered you might be lactose intolerant? Popping a lactaid or two won't hurt.


Getting back to it today. I've been feeling like death warmed over all week from my glucose taking a turn for the worse. I believe my pancreas is on ice. B cells not producing the little insulin it was before has led me to double my normal insulin use to keep under 250 mg/dl. I feel the slow release twice per day insulin isnt cutting it for me - my doc wanted me to finish off last week before he throws me on mealtime insulin sometime this week. Need to give him a call tomorrow and get a script. Will more than likely get a pump :( I'd love it if I had the money to throw down on an implant - because then I can tell people I'm a fucking cyborg :D

Starting back off with legs today. I probably won't be able to hit my previous weights but dammit i'm going to fucking try :mad:

God damn shitty endocrine systems. I feel for you like crazy. :(

Once my insyrance kicks in at my new job I'll be looking in to a pump myself, currently carrying around vials and syringes is the cheapest option.


God damn shitty endocrine systems. I feel for you like crazy. :(

Once my insyrance kicks in at my new job I'll be looking in to a pump myself, currently carrying around vials and syringes is the cheapest option.

Thanks, brother. Just have to get used to a few bumps along the way. I currently use pens as they seem to be adequate for now. Was looking into a few pumps and these fuckers are crazy expensive. Need to phone my insurance tomorrow to see what they cover. Ultimately I'd like to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get a pump that can monitor mg/dl as well as its primary function as a delivery device - something like the OneTouch Ping. At least that would save my fingertips and be one less thing for me to carry around ;)


Thanks, brother. Just have to get used to a few bumps along the way. I currently use pens as they seem to be adequate for now. Was looking into a few pumps and these fuckers are crazy expensive. Need to phone my insurance tomorrow to see what they cover. Ultimately I'd like to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get a pump that can monitor mg/dl as well as its primary function as a delivery device - something like the OneTouch Ping. At least that would save my fingertips and be one less thing for me to carry around ;)

Oh god to essentially have a pump that serves both functions would be godly. I just worry about it interfering with physical activity.


Guys, I hate eggs. Is there anything else I can eat for breakfast that's not bread/cereals

I've actually been going with a couple sausage patties and a glass of milk. Each patty has 6g of fat and 10g of protein, so my breakfast totals out at about 14g of fat and 30g of protein.
Might have pulled an Evilore at the gym today and overworked my knees (I was being cautious already from them aching a bit, and didn't go all the way on the squats).
Gonna have to check with a doctor to see if it's anything serious, but I suspect it's just a case of them needing a little bit of rest.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I hate eggs. Is there anything else I can eat for breakfast that's not bread/cereals

Every breakfast every day for me = salami + pepper jack cheese. Make it into a little sandwich. Cheese is the bread.


I've actually been going with a couple sausage patties and a glass of milk. Each patty has 6g of fat and 10g of protein, so my breakfast totals out at about 14g of fat and 30g of protein.

Thin cut boneless pork chops with some pepper are pretty great too.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh, still can't find cookie dough Quest bars ANYWHERE.

I did just pick up 12 other bars for $12.72 + tax though (success!). I love that coupon.

Also, I've decided to take the 5/3/1 plunge. I plan on reading through the whole ebook today and hopefully starting the routine tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
Ugh, still can't find cookie dough Quest bars ANYWHERE.

I did just pick up 12 other bars for $12.72 + tax though (success!). I love that coupon.

Also, I've decided to take the 5/3/1 plunge. I plan on reading through the whole ebook today and hopefully starting the routine tomorrow. Looking forward to it!

What coupon!?? And where are you guys getting these deals? lol

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
What coupon!?? And where are you guys getting these deals? lol

We should really put it in the OP lol

edit: My GNC also has "buy 2 get 1 free" on Quest bars so in order to get the best deal, I buy them in groups of 12. I get those 12 for the price of 8 so that's 8 * $2.84 (Gold Card price). That's just a bit above the $20 minimum for the coupon, which takes off $10.


We should really put it in the OP lol

edit: My GNC also has "buy 2 get 1 free" on Quest bars so in order to get the best deal, I buy them in groups of 12. I get those 12 for the price of 8 so that's 8 * $2.84 (Gold Card price). That's just a bit above the $20 minimum for the coupon, which takes off $10.

I know this is a slightly better deal, but it's a pain for my cashier and I'd rather keep them happy and pay the extra buck or so. Keeping the cashiers happy comes first long-term.

We should really put it in the OP lol

I better get credit!

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
I know this is a slightly better deal, but it's a pain for my cashier and I'd rather keep them happy and pay the extra buck or so. Keeping the cashiers happy comes first long-term.

Interesting. I've never had a cashier complain about it before. Which part is annoying about it? The B2G1 deal is automatic. Unless you mean buying them in groups of 12 vs buying an entire box? For me, I like the variety too much do buy a box of a single flavor, and buying several boxes is too much for me to drop on Quest bars in a single go.

I better get credit!

Of course you would!


Hi guys, just a quick question, I'm currently on a cut and I wanted to ask if it was worthwhile to continue (low fat) cottage cheese consumption?
We should really put it in the OP lol

edit: My GNC also has "buy 2 get 1 free" on Quest bars so in order to get the best deal, I buy them in groups of 12. I get those 12 for the price of 8 so that's 8 * $2.84 (Gold Card price). That's just a bit above the $20 minimum for the coupon, which takes off $10.

You glorious bastard.

Hi guys, just a quick question, I'm currently on a cut and I wanted to ask if it was worthwhile to continue (low fat) cottage cheese consumption?

Relatively low in carbs, low in fat, and alright protein content.
I don't see why not.

Are you keeping track of your total calorie intake?
If so, whatever fits it that's not unhealthy, can be eaten.


You glorious bastard.


I'm glad this deal is still going strong with interest. When I started posting Whey deals it seemed there wasn't much interest so I got less vigilant about posting them, but I'm reinvigorated now!

Interesting. I've never had a cashier complain about it before. Which part is annoying about it? The B2G1 deal is automatic. Unless you mean buying them in groups of 12 vs buying an entire box? For me, I like the variety too much do buy a box of a single flavor, and buying several boxes is too much for me to drop on Quest bars in a single go.

Of course you would!

I buy 4 or 5 boxes at a time. ringing up all those bars one by one on 5 seperate transactions would be a pain in the ass. I discussed it with the regular guy once.

Buying one box at a time I'm sure it's a non-issue. I buy in bulk!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Woo! Seems the GOMAD diet IS working! I've gained over 3 pounds in a little over a week. :D
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