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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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The Lamp

Really hard to take any information away from that without knowing the rest of your diet.

There's always something someone can use against me to not take me seriously, and obviously it's just me, but although my diet wasn't strict paleo or anything, my diet has always been just fruits, lean meats, rice/beans, veggies, and meals that combine those. I only drink milk or water, no soda, no juice, no coffee or other caffeine drinks, and I didn't start drinking alcohol until last year, so that has nothing to do with my results. I also rarely ever touched fast food, if I ate out I'd go to places like Freebirds and just get chicken/cheese/beans/rice/veggies and nothing else.

Always been a thin guy and during that summer I'd drink my gallon of milk a day + 2 meals above as described (I was so full I couldn't eat more than that). A meal would be something like a turkey sandwich with cheese and protein shake and some fruit and maybe for dinner some rice and veggies and chicken.

My doctor knows me and knew my diet and she knew what I had to do and getting rid of the GOMAD stopped the liver stress.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There's always something someone can use against me to not take me seriously, and obviously it's just me, but although my diet wasn't strict paleo or anything, my diet has always been just fruits, lean meats, rice/beans, veggies, and meals that combine those. I only drink milk or water, no soda, no juice, no coffee or other caffeine drinks, and I didn't start drinking alcohol until last year, so that has nothing to do with my results. I also rarely ever touched fast food, if I ate out I'd go to places like Freebirds and just get chicken/cheese/beans/rice/veggies and nothing else.

I'm not trying to attack you or anything, but it's just as you say, "it's just you." Telling other people not to do GOMAD just because it didn't work for you, with your own unique set of circumstances, doesn't make sense to me. It's fine as a cautionary tale, but without the context of what the rest of your diet was like, I just thought it would be hard to take anything way from the tale.

The mere fact that plenty of people do just fine on GOMAD goes to show that it's probably not an objectively dangerous plan.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There's always something someone can use against me to not take me seriously, and obviously it's just me, but although my diet wasn't strict paleo or anything, my diet has always been just fruits, lean meats, rice/beans, veggies, and meals that combine those. I only drink milk or water, no soda, no juice, no coffee or other caffeine drinks, and I didn't start drinking alcohol until last year, so that has nothing to do with my results. I also rarely ever touched fast food, if I ate out I'd go to places like Freebirds and just get chicken/cheese/beans/rice/veggies and nothing else.

Always been a thin guy and during that summer I'd drink my gallon of milk a day + 2 meals above as described (I was so full I couldn't eat more than that). A meal would be something like a turkey sandwich with cheese and protein shake and some fruit and maybe for dinner some rice and veggies and chicken.

I'm a little lost with the bolded.

I gueeeeess it sucks GOMAD didn't work out so well for you. I mean, it sounds like you didn't want that extra bloat either, so it's good it's out of the picture for you. Everyone's different, some things that work for some don't for others, and so. Did you find what IS working? Or are you still on Gainz Quest?

The Lamp

I'm not trying to attack you or anything, but it's just as you say, "it's just you." Telling other people not to do GOMAD just because it didn't work for you, with your own unique set of circumstances, doesn't make sense to me. It's fine as a cautionary tale, but without the context of what the rest of your diet was like, I just thought it would be hard to apply at all.

The mere fact that plenty of people do just fine on GOMAD goes to show that it's probably not an objectively dangerous plan.

People only ever recommend things based off their own experience. People here recommend different work outs or things to try or do based off what they know. But it's obvious that things work differently for different people. I'm doing the same, I know everyone's body is different, but from my experience, it wasn't worth it, and therefore I don't recommend it. And that's completely okay for me to say.

"Plenty of people". Yeah, I researched the diet for a couple of weeks on the internet before I tried it. I read that "plenty of people" had done it before too. Yet I didn't find anyone post any statistics from their doctor check-ups that showed that nothing was going on internally. When my doctor found out what kind of diet I was doing, she was kind of perplexed why anyone would think drinking a gallon of milk a day in addition to regular food was going to lead to anything but problems in the long-run. I told her I was only going to do it for a few weeks but, still.

EDIT: Sorry, I don't want to try to paint it as an objectively dangerous plan, especially if you do variation of it (not necessarily strictly 1 gallon of whole milk a day for months). Like I said, everyone is different, but I said based off my own experience, I can't recommend it. I recommend trying other ways to gain mass.

I'm a little lost with the bolded.

Maybe I worded it badly, I apologize, but what I meant was that there are a million reasons someone could come up with to say that what happened to me should be ignored. After all, I'm a stranger on the internet. I could be lying. But I know I'm not and I know the details surrounding my experience so I just said what I went through and if no one cares or thinks what happened to me is valid because "plenty of people on the internet did it and are just fine" then fine, it's no biggie. But I tried it for myself and tracked it with medical care so that's good enough for me at least. Everyone's different, but just wanted to give a cautionary tale.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People only ever recommend things based off their own experience. People here recommend different work outs or things to try or do based off what they know. But it's obvious that things work differently for different people. I'm doing the same, I know everyone's body is different, but from my experience, it wasn't worth it, and therefore I don't recommend it. And that's completely okay for me to say.

"Plenty of people". Yeah, I researched the diet for a couple of weeks on the internet before I tried it. I read that "plenty of people" had done it before too. Yet I didn't find anyone post any statistics from their doctor check-ups that showed that nothing was going on internally. When my doctor found out what kind of diet I was doing, she was kind of perplexed why anyone would think drinking a gallon of milk a day in addition to regular food was going to lead to anything but problems in the long-run. I told her I was only going to do it for a few weeks but, still.

Honestly, the reason why you don't see plenty of people talking about their doctor checkups is because they simply don't do them. SO many people don't. I don't. Fuck I'm stupid! But I'm also ignorant.

Good on you for keeping up with yourself and having a professional check you out and monitor these things. I just...am ignorant and I don't And it's going to bite me in the ass someday.


It looks like we got a lot of new regulars. Just out of curiosity, what's your workout routine and supplement stacks and look like?

Training style: Full body--Size and strength--3x per week.
Cardio--Walking and Cycling--the latter once a week.
Supplements--Vitamin D3. Whey on occasion.


Gold Member
It looks like we got a lot of new regulars. Just out of curiosity, what's your workout routine and supplement stacks and look like?

Good idea. Added macros and goals.

Goals: Primary - lose fat. Secondary - grow lean mass.
Training style: 3 x Starting Strength. 2 x accessory day with focus on delts and lats now.
Cardio: 3-5 x Spinning
Supplements: Extra Strength Fish Oil. ZMA. Multivitamin. Pure Whey Protein.
Macros: 2000kcal. 200g protein. 40g carbs. IF 2 x 24h.


As someone who has to see a specialist and get blood work done every 3 months as well as monitor things on a day-to-day basis, the idea of not tracking such things seems foreign and scary. Why would anyone take a chance with such an easy thing?


I couldn't even do GOMAD. I tried it before and there's just no way I can force myself to drink a gallon of milk each days. A quart and a half is the most I fit, milk is super satiating. That was plenty of milk for my bulk though, you don't have to go full GOMAD, but a nice amount of milk does wonders for putting on mass.
hey all

Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 133 lbs
Goal: I just want to gain weight & get a bigger upper body. Not concerned with being able to lift ___ pounds in bench or squat, etc.
Current Training Schedule: I go to the gym 5 days a week and I usually focus on a specific region each day (mon - legs, tues - chest, wed - back, thurs - arms, fri - shoulders). I've been going for about 5 weeks now and I've definitely noticed a difference but it isn't anything substantial. I don't really keep track of how much weight I am lifting or have a specific, regimented workout routine. I also do core work everyday at the end of each workout.
Current Training Equipment Available: school gym has just about everything I think I would need.
Comments: so I read the OP and realized that I should not be doing isolated muscle workouts, which makes sense. I also see that it probably isn't necessary to go five days a week in that case. As you can tell, I'm a small guy. I ran xc, indoor & outdoor track during all my high school years. I never thought about lifting back then. Only running. But now that varsity sports are a thing of the past, I'm just trying to bulk up. There are a few exercises in the OP but I'm not sure which one to pick.

My main problem is nutrition; I've never been a big eater. I need some cheap, effective meals, and I guess I should force myself to eat more.

small question, how much recovery should I give myself between each set? I'm going to start keeping track of how much weight I am lifting per exercise.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Could you guys listing your supplements also list why you take them, and what effect each has had on your progress?

Really the only supplement I take is whey protein. No multivitamins, fish oil, creatine, pre-workout, etc. I'd like to hear more about specifically how they might benefit me before deciding whether or not to give any a trial.

I know all about examine.com (great site) but it's a LOT of information to wade through and I'd rather get a TL;DR of personal experience from y'all at least to help narrow down.


calories/diet question.

Juices contain a lot of calories, is it ok to count those calories towards my daily norm? If I drink a litre of grapejuice then that's 500+ kcal, that's pretty much one whole meal right there. Obviously I can't just drink 5 litres of juice and dump in 140 g of protein powder to hit my daily goals but I'm wondering how many of those calories from the juice can I count when I'm trying to hit my daily goals.

Same with energy drinks.

Could you guys listing your supplements also list why you take them, and what effect each has had on your progress?.

I only use protein powder, creatine and fish oil. Fish oil is primarly because of all the positive things I've heard about it (ignoring the recent cancer article), creatine helps you gain a few kg of muscle quite fast and gives you more strenght. You'll probably lose the muscle gains once you stop using it, but the additional strenght will enable you to work harder and make more gains. Protein powder is just for that fast recovery/needed protein post workout.

I will probably buy some pre-workout supplements to try them out and see what they are like. I might not always have the time to have a proper pre-workout meal and having a backup plan would be nice.
It looks like we got a lot of new regulars. Just out of curiosity, what's your workout routine and supplement stacks and look like?

Training style: Full body--Size and strength--3x per week.
Cardio--Walking and Cycling--the latter once a week.
Supplements--Vitamin D3. Whey on occasion.

Training style: 5/3/1 (4x per week, OHP/Deadlift/Bench/Squat)
Supplements: Whey, Creatine, BCAA, CLA, Multivitamines/minerals
Diet: 1.7k calories on my rest days, 2.3k calories on my workout days, 170/200g protein split, not too fussed about carb/fat macro.

Mostly focusing on cutting until I get down to a BF% I am happy with, so that I can carefully lean gain without my BF ballooning like it has in the past.



Unless you want your skin to look like


I'd go with something else. That brand tested poorly compared to other whey proteins :/. I used to get it.


hey all

Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 133 lbs
Goal: I just want to gain weight & get a bigger upper body. Not concerned with being able to lift ___ pounds in bench or squat, etc.
Current Training Schedule: I go to the gym 5 days a week and I usually focus on a specific region each day (mon - legs, tues - chest, wed - back, thurs - arms, fri - shoulders). I've been going for about 5 weeks now and I've definitely noticed a difference but it isn't anything substantial. I don't really keep track of how much weight I am lifting or have a specific, regimented workout routine. I also do core work everyday at the end of each workout.
Current Training Equipment Available: school gym has just about everything I think I would need.
Comments: so I read the OP and realized that I should not be doing isolated muscle workouts, which makes sense. I also see that it probably isn't necessary to go five days a week in that case. As you can tell, I'm a small guy. I ran xc, indoor & outdoor track during all my high school years. I never thought about lifting back then. Only running. But now that varsity sports are a thing of the past, I'm just trying to bulk up. There are a few exercises in the OP but I'm not sure which one to pick.

My main problem is nutrition; I've never been a big eater. I need some cheap, effective meals, and I guess I should force myself to eat more.

small question, how much recovery should I give myself between each set? I'm going to start keeping track of how much weight I am lifting per exercise.

some random advice from someone of a similar weight and height

-squats, deadlifts, bench, OHP and pull ups are a must (look up Starting Strength in the OP)
-eat a lot and expand your stomach, soon you will be consuming huge meals with ease
-drink a lot of milk (preferably full fat) so high in calories and protein
-don't skip breakfast
-sleep well (7-9 hours is ideal)

Keep going and after a few months you will slowly start to see changes and your motivation will increase. STICK WITH IT!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Unless you want your skin to look like

I'd go with something else. That brand tested poorly compared to other whey proteins :/. I used to get it.

What do you use Sean, and what kind of tests did you refer to when deciding which to purchase?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
-don't skip breakfast

Opinions and all that, but when it comes to this one, I'm with John Kiefer of Carb Nite and Carb Back Loading fame when he says (paraphrasing), "breakfast is the most important meal of the day--to skip."


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Goals: 3xbw squat, 2xbw bench, 225lb OHP, 45lb muscle up, start DLing again.

Training: splits once a week

Cardio: occasional racquet-ball and chasing my 3 year old around

Supplements: whey, multis, V-C, calcium, fish oil

Macros: 2,000-3,000 cal, 150-200 protein, under 100 carbs, fats....who cares?


What kind of whey isolate do you guys use? Why?

I'm using this stuff:


I picked it up on a whim because it was on sale at my local market, had extremely low carbs, and didn't contain a bunch of ingredients. I'm clueless in regards to its quality, though.

Any recommendations from you folks?

All Protein Isolate is low in carbs/fat. I took Six Star isolate for the last little while, now I'm on Isoflex Whey.


the piano man
hhhmm.... my confidence took a hit after yesterday's incident.

Today was legs and with it, squats. Squat is my best MC, decent form, traps carry weight rather easily, as a short man I go down and again up without much problem and last time I did 87,5 easily, It really felt like there was room for more reps in those sets.

today I was scared as I was doing my warm up sets, just thinking "this is bad, it doesn't feel light, god, I am headed to another accident here, what am I gonna do..." and even though I managed to do 3x5 with 90 kgs, I am sure if I had recorded it with the phone it would have looked bad, I was scared during the reps, scared of going down and not being able to go back up and I probably did a couple of half reps, something I never ever do....and I've never been scared of squats.... next time I'll stay with that weight, it definitely needs to be done again and I need to get my shit together and get back my confidence.

it didn't help that the gym had no air conditioning and I was sweating like a pig, It was as if I had taken a shower with my clothes on.

if I wanted to give today's squat session a pass, then it would place me here:



calories/diet question.

Juices contain a lot of calories, is it ok to count those calories towards my daily norm? If I drink a litre of grapejuice then that's 500+ kcal, that's pretty much one whole meal right there. Obviously I can't just drink 5 litres of juice and dump in 140 g of protein powder to hit my daily goals but I'm wondering how many of those calories from the juice can I count when I'm trying to hit my daily goals.

Same with energy drinks.

I only use protein powder, creatine and fish oil. Fish oil is primarly because of all the positive things I've heard about it (ignoring the recent cancer article), creatine helps you gain a few kg of muscle quite fast and gives you more strenght. You'll probably lose the muscle gains once you stop using it, but the additional strenght will enable you to work harder and make more gains. Protein powder is just for that fast recovery/needed protein post workout.

I will probably buy some pre-workout supplements to try them out and see what they are like. I might not always have the time to have a proper pre-workout meal and having a backup plan would be nice.

Cut both juice and energy drinks from your diet and replace them with something with actual nutritional value. Both are just sugar water and do you absolutely no good.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cut both juice and energy drinks from your diet and replace them with something with actual nutritional value. Both are just sugar water and do you absolutely no good.
Blasphemy! Don't listen to him. Drink your Red Bull!!


Hey guys what's going on, I didn't disappear or anything, I've just been focusing on fitness and figured i'd post here when I had results/questions, and now that I'm going on my 3rd week (or 4th?) I'd post some things in here along with some of the questions I had for Starting Strength.

First off in 3 weeks I've gone from
Squats: 200, up to 230
Bench Press: Failure at 160, to Failure at 170 (couldn't push last rep on last set)
Deadlift - 175 up to 205

Thats with the 3 major things..... now to the questions when it comes to form/exercise.
1. Are there any replacement exercises for Power Cleans? I try to do them but I seriously think something is wrong with my form, and I've various people at the gym, including the "trainers" and no one seems to know the right way to do them.

2. I don't go all the way down on squats, as some of you might remember the knee doctor told me I had Osteocandidas Dissecans which basically means i do NOT trust it at all. So when I do squats I do what are "bench" squats, meaning I set up a bench underneath me, and try to keep my back vertical, go down to the bench level and come back up. I'm doing squats 3 days a week and am pretty much on my own here so finding a spotter is pretty much nil, and this way if my knee does give out/I can't squat the weight I can sit on the bench and then put it on the rack.

3. I've avoided cardio for this long, just because you guys said to, well now that I have and don't feel completely exhausted yet from squats, should I just do a half hour in between workout days? I'm just saying I'm trying to lose fat and it couldn't hurt right?

4. On starting strength what exactly is deloading, for example when I worked out yesterday I did
5 x 170
4 x 170
3 x 170 for bench press

would that mean that I deload now, or at the end of the week if I can't do it 5 times, go down a weight next week, and work back up to it? This also ties in with my triceps. They are the weak point in my body, I KNOW they are, my bench press fails because of my triceps, I know you guys say "follow the program exactly" so you probably don't recommend it but shouldn't I add an extra day for triceps other than on friday (arm day + SS)

I started tracking my food/calories THIS week, and so far my daiily output has been.

Totals 1,663 94 35 122 1,695 42
Your Daily Goal 1,820 250 61 68 2,500 36
Remaining 157 156 26 -54 805 -6
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Totals 1,610 237 40 108 2,978 118
Your Daily Goal 1,820 250 61 68 2,500 36
Remaining 210 13 21 -40 -478 -82
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Totals 1,128 104 34 82 1,903 51
Your Daily Goal 1,820 250 61 68 2,500 36
Remaining 692 146 27 -14 597 -15
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Totals 1,642 153 65 106 2,735 20
Your Daily Goal 1,820 250 61 68 2,500 36
Remaining 178 97 -4 -38 -235 16
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Totals 1,850 139 68 76 2,931 86
Your Daily Goal 1,820 250 61 68 2,500 36
Remaining -30 111 -7 -8 -431 -50
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

As you can see most days I hit around the 1800 mark, but I'm constantly going over on the sugar, mainly because I drink a lowfat chocolate milk after the gym, is going over on the sugar amount that much bad/negatively affect the weight loss?

Also this is 1800 calories but I don't think its taking into account the fact that I'm working out at all (myfitnesspal) so I don't know if I should actually be getting more???

I would post updated pictures but they don't really look all that different, when I got back from my dad's i was 241 (ate alot of junk food that weekend), and now I'm down to a more normal 234.

Goal is around 210 - 215 just to see what I look like there!!

Any answers would be mucho appreciated


hhhmm.... my confidence took a hit after yesterday's incident.

Today was legs and with it, squats. Squat is my best MC, decent form, traps carry weight rather easitly, as a short man I go down and again up with relative ease and last time I did 87,5 easily, It really felt like there was room for more reps in those sets.

today I was scared as I was doing my warm up sets, just thinking "this is bad, it doesn't feel light, god, I am headed to another accident here, what am I gonna do..." and even though I managed to do 3x5 with 90 kgs, I am sure if I had recorded it with the phone it would have looked bad, I was scared during the reps, scared of going down and not being able to go back up and I probably did a couple of half preps, something I never ever do....and I've never been scared of squats.... next time I'll stay with that weight, it definitely needs to be done again and I need to get my shit together and get back my confidence.

it didn't help that the gym had no air conditioning and I was sweating like a pig, It was as if I had taken a shower with my clothes on.

if I wanted to give today's squat session a pass, then this would place me here:

Welcome to club intermediate!
I'm hitting 90kg on my squats too atm, I feel like I'm gonna need a spotter soon, I'm not pushing myself as deep or as hard for fear of getting stuck at the bottom.

I've been progressing really nicely on 5/3/1. Every month hitting my +2.5kg or 5kg for all lifts.

My stats and currents goal;

Schedule - 5/3/1 x 4 days. + 1x2hr Football (soccer!!) Session a week.
Numbers - Weight 70kg (~ 15% BF) (+1's = OHP 50x3, Bench 80x3, Squat 90x3, DL 115x5)
Goals - Lose Fat and Gain (as best as I can) Lean Muscle.

Supplements - Only Vitamins :(
Macros - I don't count, I just eat as lean as possible + as much as I can. :(

Last 2 make me sad, I should probably start taking extra protein. Should probably start counting too. :/


Can any Canadian lifters recommend a good place I can order a pair of 1.25 and 2.5 lbs plates from? I was looking at Rogue Fitness and the shipping costs more than the weights! Maybe that's just the way it is.


Okay, I guess since I'm more serious about this now, here it is:

Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 340
Goal: I don't really have a goal weight, but I want to lose the fat and gain some muscle, I'm built with a wider frame so I think I can do it without too many problems.
Current Training Schedule: Jog about 2 miles a day.
Current Training Equipment Available: I just got a gym membership so I guess anything.
Comments: Like I said before, I really don't have a goal weight because I don't really know where I want to be other than I want to lose a lot of fat and replace it with muscle. I'm getting serious about the whole thing, I've been eating hard boiled eggs and raw red bell peppers and walnuts other fruits and veggies. Any pointers?


How would 185lbs x 15 reps on bench translate to a one rep max? I haven't maxed in a loooooong time but I did a blowout set at 185 last week and put up 15 reps and I just want to see how this would translate because I'm not in any position to max for awhile.


How would 185lbs x 15 reps on bench translate to a one rep max? I haven't maxed in a loooooong time but I did a blowout set at 185 last week and put up 15 reps and I just want to see how this would translate because I'm not in any position to max for awhile.

It really doesn't translate, especially at those high reps.


Yuck! Can't stand the stuff. Glad you like it though. I've been drinking the hell out of Silver lately. First thing I reach for after a workout!

Diabeetus leads me to appreciate the fake stuff far more.

The red tastes amazing though. Get me a sugar free variety red bull guys!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Diabeetus leads me to appreciate the fake stuff far more.

The red tastes amazing though. Get me a sugar free variety red bull guys!
Gotcha. Forgot about your diabetes. I'll get right on the sf colors guys! Give me a few months.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
All Protein Isolate is low in carbs/fat. I took Six Star isolate for the last little while, now I'm on Isoflex Whey.

That makes sense. Maybe I was getting confused with all of the other "composition mixes" and other powders that are found in the same section as the whey isolate.

Consumer reports tested different brands to see if they had metals in them. I use optimum nutrition, they tested really low


Thanks! I'll take a look at it!


the piano man
Love it. More troops for the Ripptoe army/cult.

Really though, new faces are always good. I wonder if Ryan Davis' passing has filtered anyone here. The Giantbomb guys certainly seem to have taken the message to heart for now.

was the cause of death ever disclosed? I am sorry for everyone's loss by the way.

Oh man, how did I not think of that.

Let's hope we don't lose these... newbie gains ;)

don't worry, I am sure the thread will keep... bulking up in the next weeks

The Lamp

There are just so many ways to do everything wrong :( reading through Starting Strength is terrifying. I think I'm doing my squats right but there's so many different things I can forget to do >_<

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Love it. More troops for the Ripptoe army/cult.

Really though, new faces are always good. I wonder if Ryan Davis' passing has filtered anyone here. The Giantbomb guys certainly seem to have taken the message to heart for now.

In what way? Did they all get gym memberships or something?

There are just so many ways to do everything wrong :( reading through Starting Strength is terrifying. I think I'm doing my squats right but there's so many different things I can forget to do >_<

Yeah, it's pretty mind numbing. It doesn't help that I'm horribly unfamiliar with all of the anatomical terms Rippetoe uses. I'm just going to keep working through it, give it another read, continue watching the videos, and at some point record myself while trying to focus on getting the form down. It's better to make mistakes while I've still got the weight pretty low...


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That feeling when you achieve a goal you've been working on for over a year. It feels good. Nah, it feels great! I did it guys. I got a 45lb muscle up! Beyond ecstatic right now! :D
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