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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Both sound weird. I'd want my big meal to come after I lift.

Exactly. I've read a good amount about it being best to consume after a heavy lifting session (and in the evenings) to take advantage of the hormones that are released after a workout to better build your muscles and not put on fat.

I'm still a complete beginner, but I always go into my workouts in the late afternoon or early evening after having not eaten for at least 4 hours or (sometimes not since the previous night). Not saying anyone should copy me as I'm still a newb with little results to speak of, but it would just feel weird to go into a workout soon after eating for me.


Anybody have any recommendations for a pre-workout? I have some Cellucor C4 Extreme but I don't feel it does much for me. Maybe because I'm not very caffeine sensitive, I don't know. It definitely does *something*, as when I don't take it I start yawning and getting really tired about 30 minutes into my workout, but really that's all it does. Makes me not yawn as much. It doesn't increase my intensity or anything at all, and I don't feel more energized.

I was thinking about trying either Cellucor M5 Extreme or DrivenSports Craze.

Lots of people recommend Jack3d, but apparently they changed their formula and everyone says the new one is garbage.

Craze is pretty good I find. Almost done my supply. Jack3d Micro was the first PWO I tried and I actually really liked it. I tracked down a bottle of their old formula with the 1-3 and have had it a few times, but need to try it a bit more before I say if it works or not.


craze is a banned substance in some fitness competitions, so I guess it does work. Maybe it's just the caffeine in it, but it does give me a lot more energy for working out.


I'll probably just end up eating some cereal and a shake right when I get up, wait an hour or an hour and a half and throw down a banana and go to lift and see how that goes. I never really researched much on the subject since all I've been doing up until now was taking pre-workout stuff two hours after I ate. The only source I have looked into was the ACSM who say to eat a good amount of carbs 3-4 hours before and then a light snack later on but that seems like I'll be hungry. I'll guess I'll just have to run with something and see how it goes.


I leave for the gym before 5AM so I don't eat anything at all. I think you'll find you adapt to whatever. I would save the big meal for after though. That would make me sick.


I leave for the gym before 5AM so I don't eat anything at all. I think you'll find you adapt to whatever. I would save the big meal for after though. That would make me sick.

I tend to eat big before and after! Now, it's just a matter of trying to space things out a little. Of course, I'm on a bulk too. I usually only eat big after my workout on a cut.
141.8 lbs


Just need to lose 1.8 more and I'll have done it!

I must also thank the sun for the impeccable lighting.

Flipping perfect man.


man finally got around to buying some Quest bars...lawd are they good

apple pie is my favorite so far, but strawberry cheesecake is damn good too

any still working GNC coupons?!


It's weird, I've only been at this for a week or two, but I'm already noticing the strength gains, and stuff like my shoulders fitting my shirts a little better etc.

Is it a good idea to cut down to like, sub 15% bf before bulking and cutting etc?
Ok bitches I'm on a roll
Squat 3x5x300 is a done deal
Deadlift 1x5x300 is a done deal
Bench press 3x5x175 is a done deal

Getting closer to my pr's :)

ACE 1991

Would someone mind critiquing this diet? currently cutting at 2000 cals a day. I realize I definitely need more veggies in my diet, which I will be throwing in during lunch with carrots and bell peppers. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil each morning: http://i.imgur.com/ZnIOQaj.png

Thanks guys!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Would someone mind critiquing this diet? currently cutting at 2000 cals a day. I realize I definitely need more veggies in my diet, which I will be throwing in during lunch with carrots and bell peppers. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil each morning: http://i.imgur.com/ZnIOQaj.png

Thanks guys!

Honestly, as long as you're at a deficit while still feeling energized and having the ability to work out, you're doing it right. Which it seems you are.

What's been working for me that you might want to look into (if I'm reading your program correctly) is, instead of eating larger meals throughout the day, you can try 7 to 9 smaller meals to keep you constantly satiated. What this means is that I cut out really calorie-dense stuff like bread to make room for lighter foods that are just as filling. So I'll have my typical oatmeal breakfast that doesn't exceed 250-300 calories, followed by some hardboiled eggs an hour later, followed by a protein shake or something, followed by lunch, followed by another snack, and another, a small dinner, etc.

If you're feeling energized, though, then by all means keep on keepin' on, but it's something for you to consider if you ever wanna change up your diet a bit.


Would someone mind critiquing this diet? currently cutting at 2000 cals a day. I realize I definitely need more veggies in my diet, which I will be throwing in during lunch with carrots and bell peppers. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil each morning: http://i.imgur.com/ZnIOQaj.png

Thanks guys!

looks good to me

like you said, throw in a lot more veggies. Maybe replace a dairy serving with veggies?

ACE 1991

looks good to me

like you said, throw in a lot more veggies. Maybe replace a dairy serving with veggies?

not a bad idea, but I don't want to sacrifice the protein. Honestly I think I can get by by just eating them and not caring too much about the calories, it's freaking hard to break 100 calories even with veggies, no? On a sidenote, is my sodium too high? I drink a whole lot of water.

EDIT: I posted my diet on reddit.com/r/fitness as well to get more feedback. One of the guys there thinks I should be eating at 1600-1700 a day, is this correct? nutrition calculators have my TDEE at about 2400 making a modest cut at 2000 cals a day. I am 5'8" and 169lb and I want to get down to 159lb. I am currently running a full body 3 day split routine. Another due also said on there that eating over 1g of protein for 1lb of bodyweight is too much. Is this true?

Thanks for any and all input, this thread keeps
me motivated :)


Late night chest and tris workout tonight.

Was sooo close to getting 6 reps on flat bench with 95ers. literally 5 and a half reps lol, just couldn't finish getting them up. I did 2 sets of 5 though, which is the first time I've ever done the same amount of reps in my second set of my 2 heavy sets, which I'm proud of.
Damn bros, if I go to the gym more than 3 times a week and go hard each session I'll only have enough energy to open doors for the entire week afterwards. I think I went four times last week and I'm paying the price. That #lowTlifestyle is a daily struggle but maybe I can make something out of it.


Damn bros, if I go to the gym more than 3 times a week and go hard each session I'll only have enough energy to open doors for the entire week afterwards. I think I went four times last week and I'm paying the price. That #lowTlifestyle is a daily struggle but maybe I can make something out of it.

That sucks man. You considering trt?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think I'll do a Starting Strength coaching course some time this year. I wanted to a couple years ago but I wasn't physically developed enough at the time to handle a three day powerlifting seminar, but shouldn't be a problem now (if I can avoid heavy benching with my shoulder issues, at least). Would be fun to be certified in some capacity, since I already teach all of my friends powerlifting at this point. ;b


the piano man
It's weird, I've only been at this for a week or two, but I'm already noticing the strength gains, and stuff like my shoulders fitting my shirts a little better etc.

Is it a good idea to cut down to like, sub 15% bf before bulking and cutting etc?

EDIT: Nevermind, I misunderstood your post.


Still need to catch up on the thread, been away stream monstering evo, which was so insanely good. Went back to the gym today after not being there for almost a week, set new PRs. Here is where i stand:

Squat (still cant do them due to nair burn on back, but last time it was 325lbs 3x5)
Deadlift - 325lbs 1x5
Overhead Press - 155lbs 3x5
Bench Press - 215lbs 3x5
Pandalay Rows - 215lbs 3x5.

Man it felt SO GOOD to be back at the gym, ive also switched from the CKD (Cycling carbs keto diet) to SKD (Standard keto diet, no carb reloads), and my gains at the gym are with less then 30 carbs a day for over a week now (and i dont miss them at all, i usually get 15-20g of carbs a day).

So excited to go back to the gym in a few days, nothing like being there.

ACE 1991

not a bad idea, but I don't want to sacrifice the protein. Honestly I think I can get by by just eating them and not caring too much about the calories, it's freaking hard to break 100 calories even with veggies, no? On a sidenote, is my sodium too high? I drink a whole lot of water.

EDIT: I posted my diet on reddit.com/r/fitness as well to get more feedback. One of the guys there thinks I should be eating at 1600-1700 a day, is this correct? nutrition calculators have my TDEE at about 2400 making a modest cut at 2000 cals a day. I am 5'8" and 169lb and I want to get down to 159lb. I am currently running a full body 3 day split routine. Another due also said on there that eating over 1g of protein for 1lb of bodyweight is too much. Is this true?

Thanks for any and all input, this thread keeps
me motivated :)

Not to be too pushy, but I would be very grateful if anyone could address these points =)


Not to be too pushy, but I would be very grateful if anyone could address these points =)

It really depends. Are you losing weight/looking smaller on 2000? Stick to 2000. I know I once tried going into that 1600 or so range. Not only did my workouts completely blow I wasn't losing at all.


It really depends. Are you losing weight/looking smaller on 2000? Stick to 2000. I know I once tried going into that 1600 or so range. Not only did my workouts completely blow I wasn't losing at all.

I use 1600 as my base, but then account for activity and add to it.

I find the whole just having a number you go for every day thing strange unless you never change what you do. Some days I run, some I'm on my feet all day, others I bike, etc, etc, and all this needs to be accounted for in my mind. Maybe I'm too OCD, who knows?


I use 1600 as my base, but then account for activity and add to it.

I find the whole just having a number you go for every day thing strange unless you never change what you do. Some days I run, some I'm on my feet all day, others I bike, etc, etc, and all this needs to be accounted for in my mind. Maybe I'm too OCD, who knows?

Well my day usually consists of gratuitous ass sitting followed by 4 days a week of lifting and I've been throwing in 3 sessions of the elliptical a week but I don't count any calories burned from exercise. I should clarify. I was eating 1600 calories and then exercising on top of that. Now I'm eating 2000 and exercising.

It seems to be working from a physical perspective but a big part is Im a lot less bloated.

In other news my wife came home with 3 boxes of quest bars yesterday. Almond, apple pie and PBJ. C'mon woman, where's da cookie dough!?!? Divorce incoming.


Some updated before and after. I think my heaviest was 230 and my current is about 180. I'm still pretty sick from the UC right now and hope to be in remission soon which will help with my strength and caloric intake:



Holy crap man, looking awesome!.

Double holy crap

I almost popped a cone

Thanks! Still working hard and need to take better pictures. That was done with photobooth app on my iMac with bad lighting. Figure I want to lose 10 more lbs and I'll be done.
Thanks! Still working hard and need to take better pictures. That was done with photobooth app on my iMac with bad lighting. Figure I want to lose 10 more lbs and I'll be done.

Judging by the pics, looks like you'll achieve awesome chest and abs asthetics by the time you'll be done cutting imo!

ACE 1991

It really depends. Are you losing weight/looking smaller on 2000? Stick to 2000. I know I once tried going into that 1600 or so range. Not only did my workouts completely blow I wasn't losing at all.

I've lost about a pound so far, but I've only really been sticking to diet for about that long, so I guess it is working. I just need to accept that alcohol will not be a part of my diet for a while... I might drop it to 1900, though. Still making strength gains too, which is awesome.
Have i been spelling them wrong this entire time? My life is a lie.

haha yup
They're named after Glenn Pendlay, oly voach.

Not to be too pushy, but I would be very grateful if anyone could address these points =)

Stick with >1g of protein. Especially when cutting as more protein may be required to maintain lean body mass. Just fyi it's not 1 gram per pound of bodyweight really, it's 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. So you could actually maybe drop it a bit.

I wouldn't live and die by the opinions of individual commenters on reddit. Their faqs are solid but.

wth is that machine even for?


I've been wondering what my TDEE really is lately since it would be good to know. Problem is that I wouldn't want to go through the process of trial and error of adjusting calories and looking if I lose/gain weight.

I figured that if it would be possible to get some sort of estimate from my previous fat loss since I've kept records. There was a two week PSMF last fall which I used for my calculation because at that point I had already been on a diet a couple of weeks so any extra water weight shouldn't play a part in my weight change. It should mostly be fat because I was able to keep my strength at the time also.

So I calculated it like this:

Time period: 14 days
Total weight lost: 3,2kg
Calories eaten daily: ~1150kcal

-> 3,2 kg * 7000kcal = 22 400kcal

So if I lost 3,2kg fat (at least mostly), my total deficit over the two weeks must've been around 22 400 kcal.

-> 22 400kcal / 14 days = 1600 kcal (daily deficit)

Dividing the total deficit needed for the fat loss by the number of days we get the average deficit per day.

-> 1150 kcal + 1600 kcal = 2750kcal "TDEE"

By adding the daily deficit calories on top of the amount of calories I ate, we get some estimation of my TDEE at that time.

Does my math add up? The estimated TDEE from this formula is pretty much the same I get from different online calculators with "moderate exercise". Should I still find out my TDEE the old fashioned way ie. eating before starting a cut again?
Some updated before and after. I think my heaviest was 230 and my current is about 180. I'm still pretty sick from the UC right now and hope to be in remission soon which will help with my strength and caloric intake:

I can already imagine what you'll look like after a cut. Keep us updated!


This may not seem like a big deal to many here, but I'm proud that I'm able to do chin ups for 3 sets of 5 now. Last week was 3 sets of 4. I can do the same for pullups. There was a time when I wasn't able to do any. I feel like I'm making a lot better progress on 5/3/1 now than I was on Starting Strength, especially for upper body. For me, doing so many compound lifts every time I lifted was too much.
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