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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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That's not creatine..

Excuse me - Pre-workout. According to the ingredients though, it does contain creatine.

Quoting myself for a new page. Anyone else having stomach issues with pre and post-workout supplements?
I need some advice here, GAF.

Do any of you NOT use supplements pre/post workout? I think supplements are messing up my stomach.

I used to take this creatine regularly before my workouts and have plenty of water before, during and after lifting. But I would almost always lose my appetite for most of the day afterward, which is bad considering I'm trying to eat a lot and gain weight. I quit using it after being nauseous and unable to eat for an entire day after taking it.

I have also been taking Beyond Raw Anaoblic Mass Builder (vanilla cake batter, if it matters) after lifting in the last few days. Today, my stool has had a light green color to it. I've read about it and heard it can be a sign of too much protein or solid food. I haven't felt sick or anything along with the green stool, but it still makes me nervous.

Has anyone else had these problems when taking supplements? I'm pretty small. 5'9", 135lbs if it matters. I'm considering stopping with the protein entirely for a while and seeing if my stomach goes back to normal.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
bacon and eggs kicks rhe shit out of mini wheats,

I can't agree with this.

Frosted mini-wheats, leave them in milk for 2 minutes....

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy. The fuckin BOMB
there's a bunch.

I use a waffle one that is

protein powder
ground oatmeal and that's basically it. And it's so good.

If you want to start cooking with protein, Trutein is really by far the best option. It is expensive but so worth it.

I did exactly that and it turned out alright. First batch was too thick, which turned out a bit too dry, and the second one was too thin, and turned into a pancake version of egg scramble :p


Excuse me - Pre-workout. According to the ingredients though, it does contain creatine.

Drop all of the supps you're currently taking and introduce them again slowly one by one so you can see which one is causing your problems. I have heard of preworkouts causing some stomach problems and appetite loss, however.


Definitely, and it seems like you finally found something that works for you. Haven't you had trouble losing weight before?

After I lost 90lbs I had trouble cutting more so I just bulked for like 6 months. Then I tried to cut again and it didn't work even though it's like the same base calories as this...I don't understand but whatever. People pay this guy and it works.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, all the things you should be eating are fucking delicious,they just don't come out of a wrapper ready to inhale. bacon and eggs kicks rhe shit out of mini wheats, seasoned chicken with brocolli and a some sweet potatoes or brown rice is a fuckton better than Subway, and there's a million other examples, they just take a bit more work and preperation, which is minimized by planning ahead.

And you can still have your faves, you just can't have them every day at every single meal.

Opinions, but I understand what you're saying. I don't eat out everyday by the way. 80% of my dinners are healthy. The problem are snacks and breakfast. The bars will realistically not go away since they are easy to bring between classes and to eat in the dorm, but once I start replacing breakfast with healthier alternatives and overall observing my sugar and carb intake, I should hopefully see a bigger difference.


Opinions, but I understand what you're saying. I don't eat out everyday by the way. 80% of my dinners are healthy. The problem are snacks and breakfast. The bars will realistically not go away since they are easy to bring between classes and to eat in the dorm, but once I start replacing breakfast with healthier alternatives and overall observing my sugar and carb intake, I should hopefully see a bigger difference.

If you are going to keep with the bars, definitely switch to Quest. There's no problem with those. Just a bunch of fiber and whey.


Opinions, but I understand what you're saying. I don't eat out everyday by the way. 80% of my dinners are healthy. The problem are snacks and breakfast. The bars will realistically not go away since they are easy to bring between classes and to eat in the dorm, but once I start replacing breakfast with healthier alternatives and overall observing my sugar and carb intake, I should hopefully see a bigger difference.

If it isn't a priority and you won't sacrifice some convenience, then you can't expect the results. Abs are made in the kitchen my friend.
Sorry I was typing on my phone so it wasn't clear. I was just wondering if college is easier/harder to find healthy alternatives to what I'm eating, like in dining halls. At home, my family loves to buy sugary crap which is why my diet is probably awful in the first place.

I have no idea how standardized dining options are from college to college. You'll have to scout out the food venues to get a feel for what dining halls contain and what other options (fast food? restaurants? grocery store? etc) exist. Dining halls will probably provide you with fruits or veggies, some sort of protein, and some sort of carbs. Who knows if it'll be buffet style or what. Things like dining hall location vs grocery store location vs kitchen accessibility mean that even on a given campus it's hard to give a blanket recommendation for someone. When you've checked out what options there are, try asking the thread again for further diet advice.

My dorm has kitchens and an absurdly close grocery store so my concerns during the semester are generally time-investment themed: "what dish will be tolerable as leftovers?" or "what real food can I cook the fastest?"

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is all disappointing to hear but expected. I can't decide if it's even worth to lose all enjoyment out of eating for something no one will see past summer season. I am in shape and feel good, but I guess it really does take extreme dieting to get the absolute BEST results.

I guess it's all subjective. Personally, I love a lot of high-protein/fat foods and don't really miss the sugary stuff. I still have it on a rare occasion, but definitely not daily.


I guess it's all subjective. Personally, I love a lot of high-protein/fat foods and don't really miss the sugary stuff. I still have it on a rare occasion, but definitely not daily.

I truly believe its more addiction than anything for most.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I truly believe its more addiction than anything for most.

It was definitely just habit and misinformation for me. Back when I thought fat was the devil, my go-tos were cereal with skim milk, low-fat breads, nutrition bars, and Subway sandwiches. I got to be quite the fatass, too, at 225 lbs. at 5'10" or 5'11". Cut the sugar, dropped the carb consumption to fewer than 50g per day for most days and upped the fat and protein, focused on eating more real, whole foods, and I was able to drop down to 145 lbs. in around a year. This apparently doesn't work for everyone, though.
I truly believe its more addiction than anything for most.

It's convenience. Cooking breakfast feels like a luxury a lot of the time. Making cereal is the easiest food prep on earth.

for the dairy-variety question: goal dependent.

Fat loss? water instead of milk. liquid calories add to your diet and barely contribute to satiety.

Otherwise? idk

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
In regards to a couple of days ago, this is what I was using to squat.

It has a safety mechanism but it's not a smith machine.

Those bars on the side look like they'd prevent you from squatting very low at all unless you were super tall. Maybe it's just the picture.

It's convenience. Cooking breakfast feels like a luxury a lot of the time. Making cereal is the easiest food prep on earth.

for the dairy-variety question: goal dependent.

Fat loss? water instead of milk. liquid calories add to your diet and barely contribute to satiety.

Otherwise? idk

Wake up 10-15 minutes earlier for bacon and eggs?

Personally, I just skip early morning meals for ultimate convenience!


the piano man
Those bars on the side look like they'd prevent you from squatting very low at all unless you were super tall. Maybe it's just the picture.

I have seen this variation of a power rack with that safety, it's not as common, at least not here in Germany.

I think those bars you are refering to are adjustable, you can put them at a lower level,


In other news: my GNC now carries Quest Cravings and they are part of the buy 2 get 1, so I grabbed 12 packs of peanut butter cups for like $14. Schweeeeeet!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I just scheduled the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer exam for this Friday, and got my American Heart Association CPR-AED-First Aid card today. I see that a lot of people fail this ACSM exam on their first try and that it's considered to be one of the harder basic certifications to get since it focuses heavily on technical science/medical concepts.

Just doing it for fun. Let's see what score I get on two days' notice. ;b

The Lamp

Those bars on the side look like they'd prevent you from squatting very low at all unless you were super tall. Maybe it's just the picture.

I squatted down to the position mentioned in Starting Strength, but I'm also 6'3".

Didn't look like a smith machine to me because smith machines look like they only move on one axis, but the bar here moves on a plane (back forth up and down in any combination)


I just scheduled the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer exam for this Friday, and got my American Heart Association CPR-AED-First Aid card today. I see that a lot of people fail this ACSM exam on their first try and that it's considered to be one of the harder basic certifications to get since it focuses heavily on technical science/medical concepts.

Just doing it for fun. Let's see what score I get on two days' notice. ;b

Nice! I have my CPR card but I wanted to do the ACSM in case I ever get laid off and need a new career.


I squatted down to the position mentioned in Starting Strength, but I'm also 6'3".

Didn't look like a smith machine to me because smith machines look like they only move on one axis, but the bar here moves on a plane (back forth up and down in any combination)

Ok, weird I couldn't tell that from the picture.
I just scheduled the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer exam for this Friday, and got my American Heart Association CPR-AED-First Aid card today. I see that a lot of people fail this ACSM exam on their first try and that it's considered to be one of the harder basic certifications to get since it focuses heavily on technical science/medical concepts.

Just doing it for fun. Let's see what score I get on two days' notice. ;b

Nothing wrong with having an extra practical certificate under the belt!



I just scheduled the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer exam for this Friday, and got my American Heart Association CPR-AED-First Aid card today. I see that a lot of people fail this ACSM exam on their first try and that it's considered to be one of the harder basic certifications to get since it focuses heavily on technical science/medical concepts.

Just doing it for fun. Let's see what score I get on two days' notice. ;b

Evilore, can I be hired as your assistant?

Your life sounds awesome.
A great day at the gym, not so great training.

Conquered 305x3x5 Squat :D new PR. My form is getting very sketchy the higher I go. I don't really know if I am getting down all the way to parallel and my back is curving on the last rep of the 2 last sets.

OHP 135x3x5 made me it's bitch though failed miserably :(

Did Power Cleans 135x5x3 only because I felt my form not quite the same, it's been a while since I did these.

3x15 Dips Bodyweight (194#) I was doing 3x5 weighted but, decided to add a little bit more volume. Definitely not used to higher reps.

I'm just glad I got a new PR


A great day at the gym, not so great training.

Conquered 305x3x5 Squat :D new PR. My form is getting very sketchy the higher I go. I don't really know if I am getting down all the way to parallel and my back is curving on the last rep of the 2 last sets.

Go ass to grass and you won't have to worry if you're breaking parallel.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Go ass to grass and you won't have to worry if you're breaking parallel.

That's what I did after two weeks or so of fretting over how low I was getting. Boy, did I have to deload the weight, though!


What is the best mobility exercise for deep squats? I've seen a few exercise videos but I don't think I can spend a lot of time in the morning doing them due to time constraints.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What is the best mobility exercise for deep squats? I've seen a few exercise videos but I don't think I can spend a lot of time in the morning doing them due to time constraints.

Air squats (just squats without using any weights)?

In Starting Strength, Rippetoe describes an exercise where you squat down and use your elbows to push out your knees to the sides. Hold that position for a while and you should loosen up over time.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I really can't go ATG, my lower back does this funny thing where it bumps out. I go pretty fucking low though, I just need to get a video or something.

My form is getting very sketchy the higher I go. I don't really know if I am getting down all the way to parallel and my back is curving on the last rep of the 2 last sets.

If you doubt you're even hitting parallel you're not close to "pretty fucking low".

My parallel wide stance squat is ~18" and my shoulder width full squat ~6".

Huge difference between sitting on a toilet seat and squatting to shit right in the shower drain.


Yup. Nobody wants to check their ego, drop the numbers, and do it right.

I'm gonna have a major ego check whenever I recover. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

Can't wait for Saturday. My uncle is having a BBQ and he always grills a ton of stuff. But for today it's all clean. I ate almost 1.5 pounds of chicken today.


So, gents, tomorrow is my ASVAB. Next Tuesday is when I go to MEPS. Should I score high enough, I go to take my DLAB between that. Afterwards, I'll be doing PT to qualify for EOD (via a lot of swimming).

Been a minute since I posted here, but I figured I'd jump in and keep up. Been seeing a lot of numbers, so keep killing it and hope I post high.


Paging Noema, repeat paging Noema.

So I've realized that I thought that I had lowered the bar into a Low Bar Squat position, but really I had moved it only a few inches and wasn't close to that location on the back. I messed around with it some today and determined that to get it there requires my grip to be way to wide due to a lack of shoulder flexibility from surgery and multiple dislocations. Looking at the recommended exercise of...er shoulder dislocations to work on that flexibility I can say pretty confidently that, it's not something that I will be able to work on or through. So, I've resigned myself to being stuck with the high bar position squat. Since all of Starting Strength details the Low Bar Squat and I've been trying to emulate that, I'm a little worried all the work I've done the past month and a half has been with so so form.

But here's my attempt at doing some high bar squat with real light weight so that I could really focus on getting a2g and overall form. Please Noema hit me with your encyclopedic knowledge (and any one else please feel free to help as well).

Squats, Squats, Squats


So are Sumo form Deadlifts the thing now? I hardly ever saw anyone do Deadlifts period and now everyone is doing Sumo. I mean if that's your thing it is, I think they are a waste, but that's my opinion.

Did I miss some amazing revelation?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Shoulder dislocations don't actually dislocate your shoulder. There are other ways to increase your external rotation as well, such as this. It also greatly helps to use a thumbless grip.

So are Sumo form Deadlifts the thing now? I hardly ever saw anyone do Deadlifts period and now everyone is doing Sumo. I mean if that's your thing it is, I think they are a waste, but that's my opinion.

Did I miss some amazing revelation?
I don't do them myself but I'm sure the hundreds of competitive powerlifters who use the form will be interested to hear why you think it's a "waste". Some people are simply better suited to or prefer them, it's not a big deal. A number of coaches and very strong people also recommend that at higher levels people should be doing both if they can.


Shoulder dislocations don't actually dislocate your shoulder. There are other ways to increase your external rotation as well, such as this. It also greatly helps to use a thumbless grip.

Haha, yea I'm aware it was just a name, but I looked up a video of the exercise and that range of motion just isn't possible with my shoulder any more. I'll look into that other stretch though.


At the gym now and I couldn't wait to get home to say despite the small bouts of pain my right shoulder is back! Got up 100# dbs for 10 reps, I feel like I just won the lotto.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What is the general advice for someone who's just completed a hard cut and wants to begin bulking while maintaining as much leanness at possible?

I'm thinking that when I begin my bulk, it shouldn't be more than 0.5/lb week of muscle, so perhaps eat no more than 250 or 300 calories above maintenance. Is it just a matter of eating what I've been eating on my cut but just increasing portions?

Also, how about fat/carb/protein breakdown? Is that as important during a clean bulk as it is during a serious cut?
What is the general advice for someone who's just completed a hard cut and wants to begin bulking while maintaining as much leanness at possible?

I'm thinking that when I begin my bulk, it shouldn't be more than 0.5/lb week of muscle, so perhaps eat no more than 250 or 300 calories above maintenance. Is it just a matter of eating what I've been eating on my cut but just increasing portions?

Also, how about fat/carb/protein breakdown? Is that as important during a clean bulk as it is during a serious cut?

Start reverse dieting. Slowly add calories per week--about 100-150 calories until you're at maintenance. From there, play around with your intake and see what works for you. 200-300 calories should be fine, but again, trial and error.


At the gym now and I couldn't wait to get home to say despite the small bouts of pain my right shoulder is back! Got up 100# dbs for 10 reps, I feel like I just won the lotto.

on bench? congrats man, is that a new PR for you? im gonna try 100's next week..ill report back on how many reps i get lol
Hey all, it's been a while since I posted in here, but I just got my 6 months measurements since I started regularly back at the gym. I've lost 5 inches around my waist and 7 pounds. I'm super happy to have maintained weight and changed body composition! I've also gained an inch around my thighs and calves :)

145 lbs
26.5 bodyfat

At 6 months:
138 lbs
22.3 bodyfat
So i was wondering what people's thoughts were on kettlebell workouts? I've been looking for some routines because I've heard good things but can't find anything. I was thinking it might be good to incorporate some of those kettlebell exercises in my workout,


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hey all, it's been a while since I posted in here, but I just got my 6 months measurements since I started regularly back at the gym. I've lost 5 inches around my waist and 7 pounds. I'm super happy to have maintained weight and changed body composition! I've also gained an inch around my thighs and calves :)

145 lbs
26.5 bodyfat

At 6 months:
138 lbs
22.3 bodyfat

Freakin fantastic! I love success stories! That's great progress for 6 months in. I bet your strength is through the roof too.


I'll look into this.

do you have one in particular? Really, don't want to try to mess around with anything on my own yet.

I did Jay Cutler's 2008 routine for about a month, the volume really wasn't that bad, I actually had more trouble with a routine I found on JEFit that had an obscene amount of volume. For building size, take the body builder approach with mind muscle connection, lots of negatives and try to hit 12 reps. I've gained a decent amount of size since I made the transition to working out like that as opposed to the 3x5 or 5x5 structure.

Oh yeah, get some Versa Gripps, my traps have exploded thanks to them cause I can rep weight my grip used to give out on.

on bench? congrats man, is that a new PR for you? im gonna try 100's next week..ill report back on how many reps i get lol

DB shoulder press, it's not a PR but it's the first time in 7 months I've been able to throw up some 100s. I was stuck with 75s up until last month, in the last 4 weeks my shoulder started to feel a lot better even though I strained it a little over the weekend.

Good luck, and remember once you can lift 100s you can lift 105s!
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