Don't worry too much about it. High bar, low bar, as long as you squat heavy, deep and often you are good.
These look like low bar squats with a high bar position. When you do high bar, you don't really sit back, but rather, you squat between your legs, literally. In other words, your butt shouldn't stick out so much. And because the angle of the hip is much shorter, your back should be much more upright as a result in order for the bar path to track over the middle of the foot. This will result in a slackening of the hamstrings, which don't contribute to the movement as much as they do in a low bar squat. Therefore the high bar squat is a much more quad (for knee extension) and glute dominant movement. If you notice in your sets the bar did a bit of an "S" shape as it traveled vertically.
Don't worry about your knees going past your toes. It will be a consequence of the angles produced by the high bar position and keeping the bar path over the middle of foot.
Thanks a lot for the input dude. You are really fantastic for taking the time and effort it takes to critique every one who asks. I know I really appreciate it and I'm sure all the others do as well.
And this is pretty much what I figured. I thought I could see the bar being not straight up and down as well as knowing I was emulating what was said in SS but with a higher bar position, I'm not surprised at what you are saying.
So for those changes in back and hip angle should I adjust to a narrower stance? And on Friday I should focus on chest up, ass right underneath me, and knees forward?
And does this mean I don't get to employ hip drahve anymore?? Everything I loved about the squat is a lie