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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Start reverse dieting. Slowly add calories per week--about 100-150 calories until you're at maintenance. From there, play around with your intake and see what works for you. 200-300 calories should be fine, but again, trial and error.

Also you might want to hang around at maintenance for about two weeks once you get there to stabilize hormone levels and such.

At least that's what is typically recommended but I'm not sure if reverse dieting makes it unnecessary. I would probably still do it just to be safe. After my last cut I didn't do the whole two weeks I think and everything I ate went straight to fat storage because my hormones were out of whack.


Shoulder dislocations don't actually dislocate your shoulder. There are other ways to increase your external rotation as well, such as this. It also greatly helps to use a thumbless grip.

I don't do them myself but I'm sure the hundreds of competitive powerlifters who use the form will be interested to hear why you think it's a "waste". Some people are simply better suited to or prefer them, it's not a big deal. A number of coaches and very strong people also recommend that at higher levels people should be doing both if they can.

As I said, my opinion. If you dig it that's cool.


I just started cutting again properly myself a few days ago. Recomping isn't worth a shot at my situation anymore so I guess I should just bite the bullet and diet down to respectable levels of BF before I can clean bulk. I know I'll look tiny but it's the only option really. I'm too fat to bulk anyway.

I'm eating bout 2450kcal on training days and ~1950kcal on rest days, doing Leangains again.

I'm 6' tall and 185lbs. If my TDEE estimations (~2750kcal) are correct that would put me around -1lbs per week progress but we'll see what actually happens. Hopefully I can lose weight on these calories at a proper pace and not need to drop them too soon. I think at the end of next week I'll have some idea.

Plan is to start with these numbers and see what happens. If I lose weight fast enough I'll stick with these but if not then my TDEE estimation was too high and I need to drop calories a bit. Probably going for drops of 100-150kcal everytime it seems I need it. Also going to use refeeds and diet breaks if needed. Might also do some light fasted cardio or HIIT if I feel like it, but not too much. When done, I'll reverse diet slowly and then hang around at TDEE for couple of weeks before increasing calories.

Wish me luck, this is going to take a while! :p


One more try for a new page and new crowd.

What do you need it for? Waste of money imo since your money is better spent on other stuff like food. There's no magic bullet and only a handful of supplements are actually worth taking, creatine being one of them.

Also someone else asked about it just recently:
So, my friends are telling me to take l-carnitine, anybody tried it here or is it bad ?

Carnitine has been proposed as a supplement to treat a variety of health conditions including heart attack[10][11], heart failure, angina[12], and diabetic neuropathy[13], but not fatigue, improving exercise performance,[12] nor wasting syndrome (weight loss)[13], though in all of these cases the results are preliminary, proposed, and not part of routine treatment[13].

Damn, good thing i asked here and never listened to HGH freaks.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
What do you need it for? Waste of money imo since your money is better spent on other stuff like food. There's no magic bullet and only a handful of supplements are actually worth taking, creatine being one of them.

Also someone else asked about it just recently:

Someone I know said they wanted to try it and I told them to hold off for now. They're begin advised that it is a magic bullet, burns calories faster, gives you energy, the usual. Just wanted some information, wether I'm right as I expect or if I'm totally wrong.



Had a wonderful tricep day at the gym, really putting them to work. After, i did my accessories, and went too heavy on the incline DB press. After a few reps, DB fell and hit me in the chin. No damage and didnt hurt, but i let my ego get the best of me, adding weight every time i go to the gym even on my damn accessories. Lesson learned, deloaded and will only go up on accessories every few weeks unless its just way too easy.

Put a protein/low carb pizza in the oven, going to demolish it.
Ok, so I need some alternatives for my meals. I am in shape and have been doing P90X, but my abdominal fat is getting in the way of my goal of a six pack. I am a runner, so my body fat is pretty low, but I still can't shake that stomach fat off. Here is an example of my meals:

Breakfast: Cereal (frosted mini wheats usually) and either two packs of instant oatmeal or an english muffin with PB&J

Snack: Balance bar or nature valley granola bar

Lunch: Since it's summer, I usually replace lunch with a balance bar and protein shake after my P90X workout

More Snacks: Greek Yogurt, Wheat Thins, Nuts, Banana, Graham Crackers, etc

Dinner: Greatly differs. Homemade meals include tacos, grilled chicken, steak, pork chops, meat loaf, spaghetti, etc with bread, vegetables, and other side items. When I don't eat at home, I usually go to this local chinese place, subway, or Jimmy John's.

Can you guys replace the things I shouldn't eat with better alternatives to lose my abdominal fat? It may be helpful to note that I will be attending college in the fall, so college recommendations would be nice as well.

You may think your diet is for convience, but it's actually doing more harm than good.

I'm talking from my own experience. 3 years ago I was on a bad diet that kinda resembles yours. I was doing the stronglifts 5x5 program.

After 3 months my gains were minimal at best and quit out of frustration.

Now being on a solid diet for about 3,5 months (1,5 months of lifting) I'm seeing way better results than I did over the course of 3 months back when I was eating with some "generous" boundaries. Sugar can be a such a big culprit you don't even know.

I haven't eaten processed sugar or wheat products for 3 months. Sugar is essentially addictive. Those who refuse to set it aside, usually see very marginal progress.


Someone I know said they wanted to try it and I told them to hold off for now. They're begin advised that it is a magic bullet, burns calories faster, gives you energy, the usual. Just wanted some information, wether I'm right as I expect or if I'm totally wrong.


Yeah, it might give some marginal benefits but supplements rarely are worth the money they cost. Best to just stick to quality food and the few supplements that actually work :)

How do you know if you have good genes?

You put on mass easily and stay lean even though you have a shit diet and your routine sucks. You progress in a situation where genetically average will not and with a proper program/nutrition you progress even faster.

Though most people who have good genes don't realize it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
abuC I feel you on DB shoulder press. That shit is no joke. Very humbling much like OHP can be.
I have terrible sleeping problems, Fitness-GAF. I'll fall asleep and wake up 4-5 hours later, not the 8 hours I'm trying to get. Anyone else have this, or any supplements to help with this? I think it might be hurting my recovery.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Reading through the ACSM materials now. Personal trainers are ethically bound to not sell clothing, supplements, or equipment, and to successfully prepare clients for an independent exercise career, not make them dependent on you for their fitness progress.

Should probably stop tying resistance bands to people's appendages and pulling on them as a training regimen then, eh?

You want to be a trainer but NOT break the rules?!

Interesting ethics talk. However when any industry has to rely on a code of ethics, a lot of 'successful' ones will be the shady ones.


I have terrible sleeping problems, Fitness-GAF. I'll fall asleep and wake up 4-5 hours later, not the 8 hours I'm trying to get. Anyone else have this, or any supplements to help with this? I think it might be hurting my recovery.

Try taking half a pill of melatonin about a half hour before bedtime. Knocks me out if I'm having trouble going to sleep. Can make you feel a little groggy in the morning, but I'd rather feel a little groggy until I drink my coffee rather than get no sleep and not recover well.


Hey all, it's been a while since I posted in here, but I just got my 6 months measurements since I started regularly back at the gym. I've lost 5 inches around my waist and 7 pounds. I'm super happy to have maintained weight and changed body composition! I've also gained an inch around my thighs and calves :)

145 lbs
26.5 bodyfat

At 6 months:
138 lbs
22.3 bodyfat
Good stuff. FitGAF needs more female posters. Maybe we won't scare the rest of GAF lol.


While I still have some ways to go with being consistent with good rest, diet, and workouts, I've been much better about it lately and a friend I haven't seen in awhile said he noticed me slimming down a good amount. Feels good man. I'm starting to jog outside and man is it more straining than jogging on a treadmill!
Had a horrible last set on bench last night. Was aiming for 5 reps and got 2. Oddly enough it felt like I wasn't tracking the bar in the right position above my chest.


Gold Member
Two months on a regular SS program today. Here is my progress on the 3x5 work sets.

Squat: 110lbs -> 200lbs - 81% UP
Deadlift: 220lbs -> 286lbs - 30% UP
Bench: 150lbs -> 176lbs - 33% UP
OHP: 77lbs -> 100lbs - 29% UP

In bench and squat some 5kg should be deducted on slightly compromised ROM. I still prefer to push hard even if I need a slight spot in last reps, not sure if it's detrimental.

I realize I haven't quite progressed in the pace prescribed in the book, but the progress has been fairly logical, my legs are massively underdeveloped. My weight is 209lbs.

I think I will need to really focus on getting my bench up next.

I did Jay Cutler's 2008 routine for about a month, the volume really wasn't that bad, I actually had more trouble with a routine I found on JEFit that had an obscene amount of volume. For building size, take the body builder approach with mind muscle connection, lots of negatives and try to hit 12 reps. I've gained a decent amount of size since I made the transition to working out like that as opposed to the 3x5 or 5x5 structure.

Oh yeah, get some Versa Gripps, my traps have exploded thanks to them cause I can rep weight my grip used to give out on.

cool man I will check this out. I'm a firm believer for naturals, you really need to hit a body part twice a week to maximize growth. I can try one of the routines or variations of one with an added arm day and go from there.
Down from 256 to 238 in 4 weeks. Hells yeah.

I can still bench 345 and I only lost 1 rep off 315. That's probably due to TRT keeping my levels stable when cutting but whatever I'll take it.

Still got 2 more months paid working with this guy. My goal was 225 or 10% bf. I may be able to surpass that but I have no real interest in going to single digit BF...we'll see.

is this cut the one you mentioned where you are cycling carbs and eating a lot of small meals? I think that was you anyway.
Thanks for the encouragement, you guys!! I started a modified SS bc I was too weak to do main lifts with the bar and worked my way up to the bar and then started adding real weight. Doing deadlifts with a 15 lb barbell was humiliating but I'm trying to encourage women I know to get over it and get started. HIIT and yoga on non-lift days and a diet overhaul. I still have tummy fat (fuck you genetics) but I'm starting to see the outline of my abs under the fat. Goal BF is 15%....now I'll go back to lurking.
Made some cottage cheese protein ice cream last night to get me through this heat wave.

1/2 container of cottage cheese
1/2 scoop of protein powder (I used cookies & cream)
1/2 banana
3 packets of Splenda

put in freezer for an hour and magic is made.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck that I eat on company time when I get back.

I eat at my desk too. I don't have the luxury of being able to work out at lunch so I try to either sleep or read comics at lunch. For an hour. Blurk


So I bought some Quest bars today (which are quite expensive) and have started to track my eating through the MyFitnessPlan app. I weigh 140 at the moment, and I plan on weighing close to if not a little more than that throughout my P90X training. The program suggested a daily calorie intake of 2550 calories. Does this seem a little low? Also, what percentage of carbs/fat/protein should my plan be?

I have had a good start to today's meals. I have had:

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs w/ a touch of soy sauce and a glass of milk with protein powder

Snack: Quest Bar

And hopefully for lunch I will have a Turkey sandwich with Low fat Greek Yogurt

I'd say that is an improvement over my previous eating habits.


Paging Noema, repeat paging Noema.

So I've realized that I thought that I had lowered the bar into a Low Bar Squat position, but really I had moved it only a few inches and wasn't close to that location on the back. I messed around with it some today and determined that to get it there requires my grip to be way to wide due to a lack of shoulder flexibility from surgery and multiple dislocations. Looking at the recommended exercise of...er shoulder dislocations to work on that flexibility I can say pretty confidently that, it's not something that I will be able to work on or through. So, I've resigned myself to being stuck with the high bar position squat. Since all of Starting Strength details the Low Bar Squat and I've been trying to emulate that, I'm a little worried all the work I've done the past month and a half has been with so so form.

Don't worry too much about it. High bar, low bar, as long as you squat heavy, deep and often you are good.

But here's my attempt at doing some high bar squat with real light weight so that I could really focus on getting a2g and overall form. Please Noema hit me with your encyclopedic knowledge (and any one else please feel free to help as well).

Squats, Squats, Squats

These look like low bar squats with a high bar position. When you do high bar, you don't really sit back, but rather, you squat between your legs, literally. In other words, your butt shouldn't stick out so much. And because the angle of the hip is much shorter, your back should be much more upright as a result in order for the bar path to track over the middle of the foot. This will result in a slackening of the hamstrings, which don't contribute to the movement as much as they do in a low bar squat. Therefore the high bar squat is a much more quad (for knee extension) and glute dominant movement. If you notice in your sets the bar did a bit of an "S" shape as it traveled vertically.


Don't worry about your knees going past your toes. It will be a consequence of the angles produced by the high bar position and keeping the bar path over the middle of the foot.

In bench and squat some 5kg should be deducted on slightly compromised ROM. I still prefer to push hard even if I need a slight spot in last reps, not sure if it's detrimental.

If the spotter even touches the bar, the rep shouldn't count.


Holy shit, am I weak from eating on a deficit and being sick. I'm down 12 pounds over the last 8 weeks and my OHP is completely shot. I did 155x2 today which I could do for at least 5-7 reps prior to getting sick and losing weight.

Really wish Predisone acted like a real steroid and not just the monster water retention/joint problem causing med that it is.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I bought some Quest bars today (which are quite expensive) and have started to track my eating through the MyFitnessPlan app. I weigh 140 at the moment, and I plan on weighing close to if not a little more than that throughout my P90X training. The program suggested a daily calorie intake of 2550 calories. Does this seem a little low? Also, what percentage of carbs/fat/protein should my plan be?

I have had a good start to today's meals. I have had:

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs w/ a touch of soy sauce and a glass of milk with protein powder

Snack: Quest Bar

And hopefully for lunch I will have a Turkey sandwich with Low fat Greek Yogurt

I'd say that is an improvement over my previous eating habits.
It depends on your goals but I assume since you are doing P90x you're not interested in putting on muscle so 2550 sounds about right. It may be a tad high with your weight if your goal is weight loss but it also depends heavily on your activity level.


It depends on your goals but I assume since you are doing P90x you're not interested in putting on muscle so 2550 sounds about right. It may be a tad high with your weight if your goal is weight loss but it also depends heavily on your activity level.

My goal is to gain some upper body strength while losing the extra stomach fat that is hiding my abs. I am quite active - running and biking along with P90X. How much protein should I be consuming in relation to the fat and carbs?
Isn't an hour enough?

As others have mentioned, travel time + 30-45 minute workout + shower often take up more than a full hour.

When I do go during lunch I usually end up taking 1:15 lunches. It is still a net gain in time though since an extra 15 minutes at work is less than the time I otherwise waste during lunch.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My goal is to gain some upper body strength while losing the extra stomach fat that is hiding my abs. I am quite active - running and biking along with P90X. How much protein should I be consuming in relation to the fat and carbs?

Around 150gs. Don't worry about fat and keep your carbs as low as possible while still getting enough fiber.
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