Finally dropped the water weight, the face and the weist is back to normal and I can finally see my real gain.
Ive gained 1 KG in roughly 2 weeks, which is exactly what I was after.
Thinking of using roids to get ripped quick....but its just a thought for now
What am I reading? You started lifting weigths a couple of weeks ago and you're already considering anabolic steroids?
they had a Buy 1 Get 1 Free 3lb buckets of ISOPure (best taste by far IMO) on earlier. I missed it though![]()
Shit! I spent my protein fund on Steam games!
Good looking out my brother.
What am I reading? You started lifting weigths a couple of weeks ago and you're already considering anabolic steroids?
Well I thought more like this
I wont be young forever, why not look ripped while still young? If you get perfect body after only a year of training
Well I thought more like this
I wont be young forever, why not look ripped while still young? If you get perfect body after only a year of training
It's probably better to have it as a 2-year goal, if you have to have long-term goals.
But you need short-term goals that you can look forward to in the interim, and keep you motivated to continue with your new-found lifestyle.
Short term goal? Like gaining strenght?
Do I look at my father to see if I have good genetics? Because that guy had abs and perfect body without going to gym at all well into his 30s
Your short-term goals can be aestethics-related, no prob.
Things like, adding on 1-2 inches to your arms/chest, reducing BF%, getting that V-taper general shape before you go for the shredded look.
As for genetics, you could be lucky to have inherited your dad's propensity for a great body, but that's a 50/50 shot at best (even if you got the relevant genes, they might not have been activated the same way, etc genetics stuff).
Getting the itch to try Craze. I'm not big on preworkout shit sure looks appealing.
I thought I'd get that from the slow bulk Im doing now?
Lifting hard 3-4 times a week and gaining approx 2 kgs a month. Eating lots of protein and healthy food
Also since we're skirting around roids a little bit here, can anyone help shed some light on preworkout supplements that are sold by normal retailers that would get you DQed from competitions? Do these preworkout supps actually have anabolic steroids? How do you even tell? I need information - if I do end up taking a preworkout supplement I don't want it to be doing bad shit to me.
I do plan on using gear but not for another 2 years or even more, and in doing so, very carefully. That's for later though and absolutely not now.
Potential huge news for me! As I stated, my GNC's stopped accepting my coupon for quest bars. Well today I ran into an acquaintance who claims he knows someone who works for quest and will sell him them at cost! He's finding out what cost is tonight. Fingers crossed!
This is how I read that post.This just in. Cooter to supply all of fitgafs Quest bar needs.
Potential huge news for me! As I stated, my GNC's stopped accepting my coupon for quest bars. Well today I ran into an acquaintance who claims he knows someone who works for quest and will sell him them at cost! He's finding out what cost is tonight. Fingers crossed!
None that I know of these days just make sure you check the label. This did happen a few years ago with iForce putting prohormones in supplements but they got the hammer.
What in particular should I be looking for on the label? It's all so muddy to me - what IS considered a steroid or big shift and what isn't.
If you are buying it from a legit retailer I wouldn't worry. None of them are going to have anything like that in them. Best way to do it would be to get the list of banned substances and cross reference with hatever you are buying.
well fuck me for the last 2 weeks i've been getting this sharp pain in my outer knee when I run, and I did some research and found out it is ITBS (IT Band Syndrome)
Fuck it hurts
Anyone ever have this and resolved their problem? This suckkss
It's the guys trainer who also works for quest. I'll get the details soon I hope. Not sure if I can place a 100 box order. Haha I will do what I can though.
Props to Edge for the blue raspberry bcaa recommendation. Cittruline tasted great mixed in and I had no weird side effects.
Good bye shitty OJ sugar.
900 calorie post workout meal
Who said its hard to eat lots of food![]()
Ha! That is a mean spatula!Sure you can. If he says no show him your spatula.
Getting the itch to try Craze. I'm not big on preworkout shit sure looks appealing.
Glad you like it. I am going to order the grape or orange next. It is going to be delicious.
That looks amazing too.
First day back to the gym. Feel great. All this eating and lifting. I love it. Cutting down to ~12% fucked up my libido =/ But I'm back babyyyyyyyyyy
Anyone ever have this and resolved their problem? This suckkss
Glad you like it. I am going to order the grape or orange next. It is going to be delicious.
That looks amazing too.
First day back to the gym. Feel great. All this eating and lifting. I love it. Cutting down to ~12% fucked up my libido =/ But I'm back babyyyyyyyyyy
900 calorie post workout meal
Who said its hard to eat lots of food![]()
three cut up 8oz chicken breasts with seasoning and rice?
Yeahhhh buddy. Nothing beats Korean BBQ chicken thighs.
Time for you to bulk up to monster levels.
You cut all the way down to 12%? Gat damn, where did you start and how long did it take? I'm sure you already posted pics somewhere.
My goal is to hit about that by the end of October, 'cuz I'm going on a cruise and I wanna look good in my vacation pics. Gonna start doing cardio once a week in addition to lifting to try and speed things up a bit.
Try it. If I wasn't stocked with the old Jack3d for the next 4 months i'd give it a shot myself.
My friend just sent me some A-HD, which is a mild test booster that you can buy at GNC or any supplement store . I've been taking it with my Jack3d in the AM before my workouts. Been taking it for 2 days and already feel it. I have another about 3 1/2 weeks left but if I like the results I will go on an 8 week cycle. Its suppose to harden and dry you up. So far so good.
Try it. If I wasn't stocked with the old Jack3d for the next 4 months i'd give it a shot myself.
My friend just sent me some A-HD, which is a mild test booster that you can buy at GNC or any supplement store . I've been taking it with my Jack3d in the AM before my workouts. Been taking it for 2 days and already feel it. I have another about 3 1/2 weeks left but if I like the results I will go on an 8 week cycle. Its suppose to harden and dry you up. So far so good.
Guessing this is good for cooking?. Def considering getting some since dhftns has so many protein based recipes. Would probably get vanilla but white chocolate sounds delcious too.
It is one of those things where once you stop taking it, you lose your gains?
Guessing this is good for cooking?. Def considering getting some since dhftns has so many protein based recipes. Would probably get vanilla but white chocolate sounds delcious too.
I hope not. But looks like I will be the test subject. Keep in mind I am also eating a very clean diet. I am sure the results would be different if somebody was bulking more on this.
I cook using vanilla ON all the time. Can't speak for the other ones.
What were the other sites that were linked for good protein recipes? dhftns and there were two other ones