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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Warning Oats-Friends:

Do not consume only oats for 5 days. I did, and I could have lifted off of planet earth and gone into orbit when it was time for the bathroom. I had never had so much gas in my life.

I never have a problem, I can eat oats every day. Broccoli and cheese however....


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It was my son's 8th birthday tonight and a few people were surprised I was having cheesecake. They might have a point if this wasn't my mom's cheesecake that just so happens to be THE best I've ever had!


It was my son's 8th birthday tonight and a few people were surprised I was having cheesecake. They might have a point if this wasn't my mom's cheesecake that just so happens to be THE best I've ever had!

Some cheat meals are SO WORTH IT.


Wasn't able to do back today, will try tomorrow, have a weird ache where my rhomboids/ribs/lat meets, basically I'm falling apart the last couple months.

On a positive note, I can get up 315 on incline without a spot, last week I had one yesterday I didn't and still was able to get out 4 reps.


Gold Member
What? How? Where? More info required :)

Got this yesterday:

Kiefer said:
Well I have a little bad news...

DangerouslyHardcore.com has essentially been hijacked.

I can't give you anymore details right now. All I can say is it's made me rethink things a bit.

The good news is I'm not completely disappearing.

I'm just going underground for awhile.

So you won't be seeing any blog posts, facebook posts, google posts, or youtube videos.

But you will still hear from me from time to time via email.

I've decided I'm going to be focusing on keeping in contact with my current customers and helping them get awesome results with Carb Back-Loading & Carb Nite.

Talk soon,


p.s. I'm working on something I know you're going to love.


I've been thinking about this kind of bastard version of GSLP and Greyskull Powerbuilding programs lately. Basically putting the best things about both of them together..

Something like this:

Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 4-6

Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Curls 2 x 8-12
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8

Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Deadlift 1 x 6-8

Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Curls 2 x 8-12
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8

Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Front Squat 2 x 10-12

Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Curls 2 x 8-12
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8

Would something like this work? Sets and reps are from the Powerbuilding book while the arrangement of lifts and progression is from GSLP. The second/last set of each lift is basically AMRAP, where I go all out. Also a little bit of assistance lifts thrown in to the mix. Is there too much back training if I do something (chins/rows/pulldowns) every day?

Got this yesterday:

Huh, weird... I haven't gotten anything.


Whats the expected daily fat loss with IF? Im dropping around 1lb a day. Im hitting my macros so I shouldn't be losing much muscle mass should I?

Depends totally on your calories and how big your deficit is. 1lb a day sounds like hell of a lot unless you just started and it's all waterweight and you are overweight. If not then, I'd be worried. How are your lifts? If your lifts haven't suffered, it's a good sign.
Depends totally on your calories and how big your deficit is. 1lb a day sounds like hell of a lot unless you just started and it's all waterweight and you are overweight. If not then, I'd be worried. How are your lifts? If your lifts haven't suffered, it's a good sign.

I just started IF again after a 3 month bulk.

Weight: 173.2lb - 16.8% BF
Daily Intake: Protein 180g / Carbs 350g / Fats 100g

My strength is fine. Im doing a 6 hour feeding window though. It might change. But the last 2 days its been around a pound a day. Im not even doing cardio :S

I might up the carbs a little to slow the process.


I just started IF again after a 3 month bulk.

Weight: 173.2lb - 16.8% BF
Daily Intake: Protein 180g / Carbs 350g / Fats 100g

My strength is fine. Im doing a 6 hour feeding window though. It might change. But the last 2 days its been around a pound a day. Im not even doing cardio :S

I might up the carbs a little to slow the process.

So you are eating ~3000kcal a day..

Going by these numbers and the fact that you just started, that the weight you lost isn't fat nor muscle. Probably just normal weight fluctuation ie. water weight, food in your stomach, a large crap, dehydration etc. It's just a kilo and you just started eating differently than you did before so some changes are expected.

I'd recommend getting a new reading in a few days/weeks time, it should level out. Don't make any changes yet.
So you are eating ~3000kcal a day..

Going by these numbers and the fact that you just started, that the weight you lost isn't fat nor muscle. Probably just normal weight fluctuation ie. water weight, food in your stomach, a large crap, dehydration etc. It's just a kilo and you just started eating differently than you did before so some changes are expected.

I'd recommend getting a new reading in a few days/weeks time, it should level out. Don't make any changes yet.

Well i've had the same diet for 6 weeks before this, where I was losing 1-2lb a week but i seemed to hit maintenance levels. But i decided to just change the feeding window so instead of eating from breakfast to supper i only have a 6 hour feeding window now and this happens. I'll post back in a few days to see whats happening. Thanks for the info.


Ok, that's interesting..and weird :D

Also amazing that you are able to lose fat on a 3000kcal diet, your metabolism must be in a great condition.
Ok, that's interesting..and weird :D

Also amazing that you are able to lose fat on a 3000kcal diet, your metabolism must be in a great condition.

Im supposed to be eating around 2200 calories "apparently". But that just left me hungry all the time and weight loss was minimal and the loss wasn't fat it was mainly muscle.

The small gym I go to is ran by a former Miss Britain lifter. She told me ignore calories and just aim to get your protein/carb macros. So i never count calories. Didn't even know i was taking in ~3000.


Hey for you guys tracking with MFP, are you trying to hit the calories or the macros? I find there can be upwards of a 150 calorie disconnect between what the macros add up to and how many calories it says they're worth, and that includes subtracting fiber.

Usually I'll just call it a wash as long as I hit my protein but there are days when I'm right on target for macros but over on cals and it irks me.

In other news I apparently get no cell signal in the cardio room at work, my plans for an easy Pandora-fueled treadmill session were dashed. Boredom reigned :(


Gold Member
Hey for you guys tracking with MFP, are you trying to hit the calories or the macros? I find there can be upwards of a 150 calorie disconnect between what the macros add up to and how many calories it says they're worth, and that includes subtracting fiber.

I shoot for primarily the calorie goal and secondarily the macro breakdown. So if one will be off it will be the exact macros.

I have entered my calories and macro goals manually, I use none of the defaults.
I just started IF again after a 3 month bulk.

Weight: 173.2lb - 16.8% BF
Daily Intake: Protein 180g / Carbs 350g / Fats 100g

My strength is fine. Im doing a 6 hour feeding window though. It might change. But the last 2 days its been around a pound a day. Im not even doing cardio :S

I might up the carbs a little to slow the process.

fuck I wish I could eat like this and lose weight. how much are you training?


Had to share....some of the idiots in my gym. Incredible...

Had a guy a couple of weeks ago....didn't really take much notice at first, but he setup about 6 aerobic steps inside the smith machine, got in facing outwards, got on the steps and began to squat (I think). 5 minutes later there's a massive crash and this guy's neck is under the barbell at the lowest rung. I went over to check he was OK, which he seemed to be but only later I learned that he cut his hand pretty bad on the way down.

Then today there's a couple of guys egging each other on in the squat rack, going down, then up and attempting the get the barbell to jump off their shoulder then back down??!?

Please - I'd love to know the names of these bizarre exercises in which you end up hurting yourself??
Today's workout:

Squat 320x3x5 (introducing weight lifting belt, PR)
Bench press 185x3x5 (old plateau)
Deadlift 330x1x5 (getting close to my pr, 370)
Dips BW+25 (220)x3x15

Hell's calling, I've got to check my penance


Today's workout:

Squat 320x3x5 (introducing weight lifting belt, PR)
Bench press 185x3x5 (old plateau)
Deadlift 330x1x5 (getting close to my pr, 370)
Dips BW+25 (220)x3x15

Hell's calling, I've got to check my penance

What's your height and weight?

Curious because my numbers are

300 squat
230 bench
355 dead
3x8 bw dips

And I find it interesting how you've got 30 pounds or more on squats and dips than me but I've got more for bench and deads. I find it funny that it isn't either solely lower or upper body that is higher in comparison but one from each group for each of us.

I always like seeing numbers from people on here and seeing the range of squats, bench, ohp, and dead lifts that go together. Usually inspires me to not be complacent and always be pushing for more progress.
I rank in at 5'10" with 194 pounds (1.77m and 88Kg), yours?

I could probably do 355 deadlift no problems today, I am not close to my max, but doing SS, I always take my time with the deadlift because it's a CNS destroyer, plus my grip has to catch up from not lifting for 6 months

My squats have always been my forte while my bench has always been my weakest lift. Like painfully weak. That's why I am focusing on dips a lot this "season"
Leg Day is the most stressful day at the gym in the morning.

Not only do I get light headed from the strenuous workouts, but what stresses me out the most is trying to secure a rack to squat and deadlift. Been touched on 100x in this thread with the VPX & curlers in the squat rack taking up time. Another offender is the dickwad thats texting for 15 minutes on the leg press.

Idk if its because its the am or just on Wednesdays, but its starting to really piss me off. Might just do my leg day on my lunch break at another Equinox branch when nobody is there


I'm also 5'10 sitting around 200lbs so pretty remarkably close! Which makes sense with our numbers being comparable. And yea I'm jealous about those squats. I've had to deload some and work on form due to shoulder tightness and bar location, so my progress has been slower than I hoped. Still hope to get the 3 plate squats soon. And those dips are intense and impressive dude, again the shoulders give me problem on that so I can't make as much head way there.

And bench is the least important of the big lifts anyway so I figure if you're gonna be weaker in one of them that's a pretty solid one to choose haha. What's your OHP at? I've gotten 160 but struggling to make the next jump to 165.
My oghp is a measly 135# which absolutely sucks. Again I used to not care about my upper bod, but doing Chinups/pull ups and barbell curls (not in the rack) to give them some help.

My upper body is the one of a little kids haha

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I wish I knew why my chest heavily outpaces all other spots on me. I'm putting up big bench numbers still and everything else lags behind. I do 10lb jumps each workout and I've only had one failure. Only issue is my chest doesn't look as good as I'd like yet.


Quoting myself to get on the new page. Hope this isn't too annoying!

1) stop staring at the mirror. Stop. Staring. At. The mirror. :p

Your hea position should be neutral. Find a spot on the wall that's about 6 feet away and fix your sight there.

2) you have a butt-wink. In other words, your lower back is rounding at the bottom, which causes the wink as you enter into lumbar extension as you back up. You have to consciously think of sitting back instead of squatting down, which will force your hamstrings to extend at the bottom so your lower back remains fixed. In your current situation, your hamstrings shorten at the bottom pulling your hips inwards, causing the butt-wink
I think my issue is that doing SS, bench and OHP come after the squat. Which means I am already pretty beat up when it comes to them. Right now it's OK though, I would rather advance as much as I can doing SS, but when doing Texas Method or 5/3/1 or even advanced beginner SS (deadlifts And light squat/front squat Wednesday) they will start going up more steadily


Still struggling to perform a power clean went through the tutorial in SS and just couldn't piece it all together into a smooth movement. Are there any videos that performs it exactly as SS recommends?

Nvm found it on dailymotion.


Just tried whit chocolate raspberry quest bar.....mind blown.

It may be because I love raspberry and white chocolate but these are good.

Warning, they are VERY sweet. So if you don't like super sweet don't get it.

Gonna warm one up in a minute.


Had a check today and my body fat is about 18%. Not bad overall, so a few tweaks here and there and I will be heading towards my goal. Been working out a bit more and noticing some gains here and there, so the slightly lower bodyfat is my main aim.

As a side to this, any feedback on the Herbalife shakes and protein stuff? I have never really taken any powders, nutrition supplements etc but I know I need to bulk up my protein intake a bit more.
Just tried whit chocolate raspberry quest bar.....mind blown.

It may be because I love raspberry and white chocolate but these are good.

Warning, they are VERY sweet. So if you don't like super sweet don't get it.

Gonna warm one up in a minute.

Are they selling those now at GNC?


Had a check today and my body fat is about 18%. Not bad overall, so a few tweaks here and there and I will be heading towards my goal. Been working out a bit more and noticing some gains here and there, so the slightly lower bodyfat is my main aim.

As a side to this, any feedback on the Herbalife shakes and protein stuff? I have never really taken any powders, nutrition supplements etc but I know I need to bulk up my protein intake a bit more.

Don't go near herbalife, it's a pyramid scheme scam. You don't need protein shakes but if you want just get MusclePharm Combat Powder, Optimum Nutrition, Trutein, something like that.


I think my issue is that doing SS, bench and OHP come after the squat. Which means I am already pretty beat up when it comes to them. Right now it's OK though, I would rather advance as much as I can doing SS, but when doing Texas Method or 5/3/1 or even advanced beginner SS (deadlifts And light squat/front squat Wednesday) they will start going up more steadily

Yeah, when I started doing 5/3/1 my bench increased quite a bit just by virtue of it being the first thing I do on Bench day. Squats really do really roast you when they get heavy.


Don't go near herbalife, it's a pyramid scheme scam. You don't need protein shakes but if you want just get MusclePharm Combat Powder, Optimum Nutrition, Trutein, something like that.

Hrmm...not a great plan then.

I am pretty happy with my overall body. A bit more muscle here and there and I will be happy but its way more about working out more, get that diet sorted and dropping some body fat.
Hey, so I have an IF question. I work early mornings 5 days a week and rarely eat before noon, so I figure trying intermittent fasting makes sense. Do you guys have advice/ resources? I keep running across only anecdotal resources.

My original idea is to eat something small when I get off work (sometime between noon and 3), work out, eat again, and have dinner around 9. I generally average 1600ish calories a day (I'm a decently small woman).


Hey, so I have an IF question. I work early mornings 5 days a week and rarely eat before noon, so I figure trying intermittent fasting makes sense. Do you guys have advice/ resources? I keep running across only anecdotal resources.

My original idea is to eat something small when I get off work (sometime between noon and 3), work out, eat again, and have dinner around 9. I generally average 1600ish calories a day (I'm a decently small woman).

Planning out your meals for those set days can be the hardest thing but also the thing that keeps you focused. One or two of my close friends are doing various IF plans (Mainly 2 days off and the rest on) and it seems to be working well for them.

Sorting your meals so you don't feel super hungry but getting all the protein/nutrition you need is the key. First few times can be pretty hard as you body does not like what you're doing. :D


Hey, so I have an IF question. I work early mornings 5 days a week and rarely eat before noon, so I figure trying intermittent fasting makes sense. Do you guys have advice/ resources? I keep running across only anecdotal resources.

My original idea is to eat something small when I get off work (sometime between noon and 3), work out, eat again, and have dinner around 9. I generally average 1600ish calories a day (I'm a decently small woman).


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Let's see....

-back is rounding at the bottom
-I think you're looking straight ahead into a mirror
-the video angle isn't that great, so there isn't that much else to say

1) stop staring at the mirror. Stop. Staring. At. The mirror. :p

Your hea position should be neutral. Find a spot on the wall that's about 6 feet away and fix your sight there.

2) you have a butt-wink. In other words, your lower back is rounding at the bottom, which causes the wink as you enter into lumbar extension as you back up. You have to consciously think of sitting back instead of squatting down, which will force your hamstrings to extend at the bottom so your lower back remains fixed. In your current situation, your hamstrings shorten at the bottom pulling your hips inwards, causing the butt-wink

Thanks for the feedback.

Earlier I got feedback that I was looking too low, so I must be just overcompensating. I'll try to find a neutral position. Unfortunately, the power racks in both gyms I go to are right up against walls that are covered in mirrors. Next time I'll try squatting outside of the rack to get some more distance from the wall.

I'll continue to try to focus on sitting back instead of down. I wish I had some way to know when I'm dropping below parallel. I think the butt wink may be a result of my trying to go as deep as possible.

Thanks again for the help despite the extremely poor angle.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna kick keto to the curb and switch to IF. Reason being, here's my current meals/schedule:

Wake up and go to work at 7am. Eat in the car a small breakfast meat and cheese 'sandwich', get to work.

2pm go to lunch. Eat some meat. go home.

Arrive home at 5. Don't eat until after my workout around 7 or 8pm. Eat plenty then. Stop eating at about 8:45, go to bed around 11 or 12, rinse and repeat.

If I cut my morning food out completely I'm basically there. I might as well, right?

IF-wan Kenobi you're my only hope, tell me this sounds like a plan, Stan!


2 more lbs down...18 lbs so far since June 13.

before and after pics in Sept. The before pics being when I was 310....


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