ABC special on Fitness bullshit. This gonna be good.
Nice just turned it on.
ABC special on Fitness bullshit. This gonna be good.
Cyclical for sure.
I was running like 35-40% protein 55-60% fat and like 20g non fiber carbs max.
I'm carb cycling now though and I'm getting crazy results but keto was how I lost most of my weight and got most of my gains.
So what was your cycle like, and how hard was it to get back to ketosis after it?
All the stuff I've read about cyclical makes it sound like you have to do some very specific kinds of workouts to get back to keto faster.
So I'm 24 years old and been bouncing between weight for the past 4 years. The heaviest I have ever been was 320, and with cardio + a strict diet I was able to drop to a frail 195 with 0 muscle. This is when I started to pick up weight training and been incorporating power lifting into my regime for the last 2 1/2 years. I gained a lot of weight back, but my bodyfat rose only about 7-9%. I'm 265 pds now, 22% body fat and my numbers are: Bench 365, Squat 445, Deadlift 495 with an OHP of 245. I'm not obese, but I am overweight now and I'm going to focus more on shaping my physique these next few years since I'm not really happy with the way I look. I might be strong and all but I have always been ridiculed when I was younger, being the fat kid and being told I'd never do a lot of things. These memories are coming back slowly when I look in the mirror so I'm putting away the strength training and working on conditioning, eating correctly and stimulating hypertrophy. My maintenance calories are 3300, with a goal of losing 2lbs a week I'd need to consume roughly 2600 and since I'm stacking EC I'm choosing to go with a moderately low carb diet (this is like 150g a day for my weight lol.)
Diet: Breakfast - 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries
Mid morning snack - 2 scoops whey
Pre workout - half cup oats, 1 scoop whey
Post workout - 1 cup oats, 1 scoop whey
Lunch - 8oz chicken breast, broccoli and some almonds
Dinner - 90/10 8oz beef patty, broccoli and veggies
Sorry for the shit ton of words, it's my first post so it'd be cool to receive some tips and criticism, maybe from someone who has been down the same road as me and can give me a little guidance ( I suck at nutrition btw. ) thanks all!
just had the Wendy's Pretzel Burger.
So good.
yeah they're good
then again I fucking love anything pretzel or pretzel related
Failed the 320 squat with the weight lifting belt. I am not used to it, so it's a source of distraction/discomfort. I guess I'll have to keep trying and getting used to it.
The belt alone won't fix your rounding back at the bottom though. When your back rounds like that your hamstrings shorten and you can't really bounce up as you would if you kept tension throughout.
How tight are you wearing it? When I started using a belt properly it felt like it instantly added 20lb to my squat and deadlift.
Tomorrow I have to deadlift 415lb for 5+.
I'm scared
LMAO, saw this posted just now on Insidehoops -
Leg days? Tyson Chandler never heard of them.
he's 7'1 bro
he's 7'1 bro
He's 6'11" (7'0" in shoes)
These two gentlemen were 7'2" & 7'1" (no shoes)
He's 6'11" (7'0" in shoes)
Aight so I think I got this whole bar position shit worked out:
This would be NOT low bar position yea?
While this would be:
Or have I gone too far down the back now?
That photo is freaking awesomesauce.
where are you getting this number from?
what I've heard in the past on TV is that he is 7'1
literally every single website I just checked said he was 7'1
I can go on.
I've seen him in person stand by 6'11 bball players and he was definitely taller.
Tyson Chandler - 2001 6' 11.5" 7' 0.5" 224 7' 3" 9' 2"
Most of the heights you see on are listed with shoes on and rounded up, it's up to the team/players discretion what their listed height will be.
Anyone have a recommendation for an iPhone application for HIIT sprints? Something that'll tell me when I need to spring, slow down, etc.
Going to the bay right? If you have 24 there are super sports all around here. Hell here in east bay I swear they've opened a new super sport every year for the past 3 or 4 too.
Oh man, so I'm just getting back into the groove of things when work informs me that I will be going to Cali for a week in August. Looks like I will need to find a gym and go from there. I already had my two weeks off. Not taking another one!
What's a good, easy way to load up a protein shake with carbs? I'm still not hitting my carb macros and I figure throwing a bunch into my shakes would solve that.
Going to the bay right? If you have 24 there are super sports all around here. Hell here in east bay I swear they've opened a new super sport every year for the past 3 or 4 years.
Blend them with milk?
So I want to hit abs 2-3 times a week. Really make my core a focus. Any suggestions? The ones that I need to do?
What's a good, easy way to load up a protein shake with carbs? I'm still not hitting my carb macros and I figure throwing a bunch into my shakes would solve that.
2 more lbs down...18 lbs so far since June 13.
before and after pics in Sept. The before pics being when I was 310....
I've been thinking about this kind of bastard version of GSLP and Greyskull Powerbuilding programs lately. Basically putting the best things about both of them together.. Also some inspiration from Lyle's Generic Bulking Routine.
Something like this:
Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 4-6
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Curls 2 x 8-12
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8
Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Deadlift 1 x 6-8
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8
Pulldowns 2 x 6-8
Press / Bench 2 x 6-8
Front Squat 2 x 10-12
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
Curls 2 x 8-12
Lateral raises 2 x 8-12 / CGBP 2 x 6-8
Would something like this work or is there too much stuff? Sets and reps are from the Powerbuilding book while the arrangement of lifts and progression is from GSLP. The second/last set of each lift is basically AMRAP, where I go all out. Also a little bit of assistance lifts thrown in to the mix. Is there too much back training if I do something (chins/rows/pulldowns) every day? For bulking obviously.
I need to do this but Everytime I start I'm like fuck It and go do pull-ups or something
Dear lord.
I think I did my first proper deadlifts today because they wiped the energy right out of me. I was shaking when I finished and got a wee bit light-headed. Thank goodness I left them for the end of my work-out or I might not have done anything else.
Sigh. Still trying to get used to the intense trio of benching, squatting, and deadlifting >_<
I think my squat form is starting to come together. However, I happen to be one of those uber flexible guys Starting Strength talks about so it's easy for me to curve my lower back too much because of my weak core. I wish there was a better way to fix that. Right now I just keep trying to remind myself to flatten my lower back more but it's hard for me to pull off.
You should do your deadlifts first.
A: Max Effort Upper Body
Bench Press 1 x 3-5
T-Bar Row 4 x 6-10
DB Incline Bench 3-4 x 6-10
Rear Side Raises 2-3 x 12-15
Curls 3 x 8-12
B: Deadlift Max Effort
Deadlift 1 x 3-5
Front Squat 3 x 8
Weighted Hyperextension 3 x 8
Hanging Leg Raises 3-4 x 8-15
Grip Training 3 x timed
C: Upper Repetition Day
Barbell bench press 3 x AMRAP
Chin-up / Pulldown 4 x 8-12
DB Press / Side Raise 3 x 10-15
CGBP 3-4 x 5-10
Curls 3 x 8-12
D: Squat Max Effort
Squats 1 x 3-5
RDL 3 x 8
Walking Lunges 3 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 8
Hanging Leg Raises 3-4 x 8-15
Had a really bad night of sleep. Slept like 5 hours. Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. g_g
Ordered some whey in bulk again since it's hands down the cheapest way of getting your protein around here. I've been doing some calculations lately, comparing different foods trying to find out which one gives you the cheapest protein. Whey concentrate is in the bottom at ~0, 016/g and shrimps are at the top at a whopping ~0, 064/g. So if you are a student trying not to live beyond your means, it's good to think about which sources to use most of the time.
Anyway I ordered 17,6lbs for 100 . Big cost up front but pays in the long run..
this article by this guy is awesome, he explain why most before/afters are bullshit.
had to make captures so that those who don't click can see what's this about:
Just wanted to let you know since I didn't see any responses that I have no answer for you. I think laying off the movements is worth trying though.I've asked this with no response before. It seems like my shoulders are really closed. I've forced myself into squatting and it seems like Ive messed something up in both shoulders. Im doing dislocations every day, but I have to do them so wide, the stick barely clears my head. I went play golf today, and couldn't get the club behind my shoulders to stretch. Anyone go through something similar. Should I lay off squats for awhile, and if so, how long? I'm just starting, it's disheartening not being able to even get off the ground
2 more lbs down...18 lbs so far since June 13.
before and after pics in Sept. The before pics being when I was 310....
2 more lbs down...18 lbs so far since June 13.
before and after pics in Sept. The before pics being when I was 310....
I've been taking fish oil for a few months now, and wow does it have my skin looking great, can't believe the difference it makes. My skin used to dry out pretty quickly (eyebrow/forehead area) and it hasn't happened since I started taking this stuff, don't even care about the other benefits, my skin not being ashy as hell is where it's at.
Any thoughts here on keto, keto gains, etc.?
After this bulk I want to shed fat without losing muscle, and my previous attempts didn't work out well for me.
Sphinx, that before/after shit you posted is awesome.
Wait you mean I can't look like this doing p90x!?!?!?!?!?!
this article by this guy is awesome, he explain why most before/afters are bullshit.
had to make captures so that those who don't click can see what's this about: