After 2 sessions, I'm doing
Sq: 125
Bench: 115
Dead: 135
OHP: 65
Felt like I could have gone a bit higher OHP. I am supposed to do 70 next time, but I am tempted to bump it up to 75. Bad idea?
After 2 sessions, I'm doing
Sq: 125
Bench: 115
Dead: 135
OHP: 65
Felt like I could have gone a bit higher OHP. I am supposed to do 70 next time, but I am tempted to bump it up to 75. Bad idea?
After 2 sessions, I'm doing
Sq: 125
Bench: 115
Dead: 135
OHP: 65
Felt like I could have gone a bit higher OHP. I am supposed to do 70 next time, but I am tempted to bump it up to 75. Bad idea?
Epic delts. Goddam. OHP much?
My knee hurts, so I'm not doing squats today--what exercise should I do instead?
I never have a spotter![]()
because you are a badass who lives on the wild side.
I need to survive and continue living though, and for that, I need a spotter.
your calves look pretty big
you are a big dood in general
i am cry ;_;
but am proud of you for what you have accomplished
usa usa usa
Holy shit fit bros....
I think I just got a new non-gaf gymbro at my gym. And he knows SS! Feels so good to meet a fellow brethen in real life! He totally believes in the Rippertoe bible too!
I reached a new squat max today: 100 kg/220 lbs. One rep though, he encouraged me to do it. And well, I succeeded. This dude took a glance at my physique and told me I definitely had "more" in me, "approx. 120 kg"
Still gonna progress gradually though, but it was a pretty awesome compliment to hear from a big dude like him that's been going at it for 5 years.
He also said my form for 95 kg/210 lbs was good, but I have to work on my breathing/respiration. Which is the main flaw in my technique from what he could tell. Otherwise it wasn't much to worry about. He suggested I should do sumo deadlift instead of regular deadlifts going by how wide my squat stance is.
All in all. Fucking fun day at the gym and made a new bud.
Oh and I reached a new PR on OHP of 42,5 kg/93,6 lbs.
Hey, so I have an IF question. I work early mornings 5 days a week and rarely eat before noon, so I figure trying intermittent fasting makes sense. Do you guys have advice/ resources? I keep running across only anecdotal resources.
My original idea is to eat something small when I get off work (sometime between noon and 3), work out, eat again, and have dinner around 9. I generally average 1600ish calories a day (I'm a decently small woman).
Any thoughts here on keto, keto gains, etc.?
After this bulk I want to shed fat without losing muscle, and my previous attempts didn't work out well for me.
No, it's because my friends are rarely at the gym when I am. I go at "strange" hours.
I would love a spotter, hence my sad face in the post you quoted.
Keto's wondrous, but your mileage may vary. Give it a try for 2 weeks and see if you can handle it - if so, keep on keeping on. I had great success melting tubb off of me while staying strong.
Define "handle it?"
I'm probably not interested in making this a permanent thing, just something between bulks.
And did you do a CKD or SKD?
Also, what sort of weight loss can you expect on it?
SKD for me. I mean handle it as in some people get pretty sick when doing it, I never did get extremely ill. Just some adjusting within about 3 days, yknow, internally...and when you put internals external.
The weight loss to expect depends on what you already have. It's pretty aggressive.
So today while doing OHP I suddenly got REALLY light headed, almost zoned out, then had an immense pain rumble through my stomach almost to the point of throwing up, then I suddenly felt fine.
Does anybody know what this could be? Sudden drop in blood sugar, maybe?
So today while doing OHP I suddenly got REALLY light headed, almost zoned out, then had an immense pain rumble through my stomach almost to the point of throwing up, then I suddenly felt fine.
Does anybody know what this could be? Sudden drop in blood sugar, maybe?
So today while doing OHP I suddenly got REALLY light headed, almost zoned out, then had an immense pain rumble through my stomach almost to the point of throwing up, then I suddenly felt fine.
Does anybody know what this could be? Sudden drop in blood sugar, maybe?
I miss deadlifts :/
Like really really miss them. I almost feel like I'm not doing "enough" for my back day, but I know less is more
- Lat pull down
- cable rows
- plate loaded rows
- shrugs
- farmers walks
I mean I guess I could do one arm DB row but it just seems like overkill at this point. Shrugs are 5 sets, high rep. All the others are 1 warmup, 2 work set. Started light where I could do 15-20 reps for the work sets, and I'm adding 5 pounds a week and naturally lowering the reps. Once I can only do a 2x5 Ill reset.
How's progress coming along with the back tightness? Last I heard you were going to see a sports medicine physician?
Well I had to see my pcp and she put me on 2400mg of ibuprofen a day for now. I have another appointment on Monday. The agreement was if it still is bothering me we'd find a specialist. Unfortunately it's still bothering me :/. The ibuprofen is awesome, but if I don't take it when I'm supposed to, the discomfort is still there. I did just a body weight squat at work to get eye level with a kid and it felt like a knife was in my lower back.
Well ibuprofen is just an otc nsaid, you'll of course want to find the source of the problem so you can treat it directly.
have you tried foam rolling or a chiropractor yet?
Been foam rolling almost every day. I have a hour massage scheduled Saturday. Luckily the ibuprofen is 800mg for each pill, they're normally 200, so I'm not constantly taking pills all day.
sounds good man, hopefully the massage helps. please keep us updated, we all wish you the best![]()
Any thoughts here on keto, keto gains, etc.?
After this bulk I want to shed fat without losing muscle, and my previous attempts didn't work out well for me.
It's hard to say because some people just can't handle it or work out in it but it was a miracle for me. I got gains anyone that says you can't don't know shit.
Did you do standard or cyclical?
And what was your protein/fat breakdown?