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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Fucking bench day today.
I hate it.
Only managed 165x6, then down in increments of 10 RPT style, after failing on 195x1.
I switched up my form somewhat, it's my power lifter correct, and I no longer feel an ache in mys shoulders which is awesome.
My back is a bit sore from such the higher arch, though.
This shit take's too much time compared to all the other lifts, which seems' so odd compared to everyone elses' progression that I know of. Oh well.


My friend "when I join your gym I want to learn how to squat and deadlift"

My friend "I joined your gym today!

Me "wanna squat Sunday?"

My friend "I don't workout on weekends"



My friend "when I join your gym I want to learn how to squat and deadlift"

My friend "I joined your gym today!

Me "wanna squat Sunday?"

My friend "I don't workout on weekends"


Well, they joined and want to learn. I guess a different day, but if they don't have what it takes I guess that's that



Monday is chest day.

Srs bros..try it, open up your minds eyes


In other news, went to gym all squat racks taken, grabbed a bar from a bench and finally tried out these Jefferson squats, cool lift, good feels in quads, glutes.


I don't workout on sundays, but that's because of (my parents) religious reasons. it's nice to have a guaranteed day off each week. plus I'm not too concerned with what I do during the rest of the week since sunday I literally do nothing. also, my schedule is rather fluid, in that if I skip a day during the week I just push everything back a day.


I don't schedule workouts on the weekends. If I make it to the gym then that's great, but the weekends are too much of a variable to actually make it part of my plan.
I go 4 times a week as well. Do you workout each body part once per week?

As of right now, I'm on the 4 week chest program form T-Nation (which has been great btw) so I do primarily chest 3 days a week (shoulder, tricep, or back exercise thrown in) with a full body workout on the 4th day. When I go back to 5/3/1, it will be all based on the compound lift for that day.



I am not excited about having to buy new knee sleeves, lifting shoes, and minimalist met con/running shoes. Training is so expensive.


good credit (by proxy)
Ketostix say I'm in ketosis. Been taking olive oil shots. Feeling a little less exhausted, but a bit woozy, like a slight alcohol buzz type feeling. Last night I ate some chicken breast fried in butter and puked, then took an olive oil shot and felt a bit better.

I think I'm gonna keep it super high fat until I feel "normal" in ketosis, and then gradually ramp up protein levels.


Downing coffee like a mothafucka today in order to keep myself awake for bench later tonight. Started writing a paper at 8PM last night and through the magic of GAF didn't finish it and two other small papers until 7AM this morning.

Good job me.


To anybody with the Rehband knee wraps, I'm like right at medium based on their measurements. The sleeve won't be too lose, correct?


Ketostix say I'm in ketosis. Been taking olive oil shots. Feeling a little less exhausted, but a bit woozy, like a slight alcohol buzz type feeling. Last night I ate some chicken breast fried in butter and puked, then took an olive oil shot and felt a bit better.

I think I'm gonna keep it super high fat until I feel "normal" in ketosis, and then gradually ramp up protein levels.

You're a pretty tall guy, so it stands to reason you'd need a good amount of fat me thinks.


Can anyone help tie Squat/Deadlifts in to my routine?

Mon - Chest/Triceps

Wed - Back/Biceps

Fri - Shoulders/Legs

Will I need to mix it up to incorporate them in?


What's wrong with Deads on your back day and Squats on your Leg day?

That's what I was planning on doing, but thought it would best to get a second opinion on my routine.

I've never really done either so I'm kinda clueless with regards to number of reps and sets I should be targeting?

Also is it still okay to do a variety of different back and leg exercises along with them or not??

Thanks for the help.


So today I forgot my gym shoes at home and (since I didn't want to go back) had to work out in my Sperrys. How was(were) your(collective) day(s)?


What is your routine exactly so far? What exercises are you doing?

(sorry if they're not the correct names for the exercises)

Number of reps varies because of increases in weight in following sets.



8-12 reps/3 sets dumbbell flat bench
8-12 reps/3 sets dumbbell incline
8-12 reps/3 sets dumbbell fly
4-12reps/3 sets bench press


8-12 reps/3 sets pull down rope
8-12 reps/2-3 sets dumbell arm extension
2-3 sets dips (many as possible)



8-12 reps/3 sets dumbbell back row
8-12 reps/3 sets back pull-back machine (2 handles)
6-8 reps/3 sets pull down rope (on your knees, head facing forward and rotating the ropes above your head)
3-4 sets of pull-ups (usually 1-7 per set, depending on how worn out I am)


3 sets of standard curls
3 sets of barbell curls
1-3 sets of barbell curls against the rack (number varies depending on how worn out I am)



3 sets of front lifting military press
3 sets of back lifting military press
3 sets on the machine
A variety of different dumbbell exercises such as fly's


Not going to lie, until this point, pretty much non existent except for a few machine exercises. However this will change this coming Friday.
How do you guys eat on off days from the gym? Same amount of calories/macros as lift days?
I eat more on off days usually. Haha. It goes against most thinking but it works for me. My off days are the weekend. Saturday is my carb refeed (I'm on carb nite solution diet). On Sunday I eat more but its all clean foods. Veggies, eggs, meat, chicken, etc. It works for me. I've lost 7 lbs over the last 3 weeks.


As of right now, I'm on the 4 week chest program form T-Nation (which has been great btw) so I do primarily chest 3 days a week (shoulder, tricep, or back exercise thrown in) with a full body workout on the 4th day. When I go back to 5/3/1, it will be all based on the compound lift for that day.

I'm thinking about doing something like this. I'm happy with where everything is except my arms/chest heading into beach season soon enough!

Seeing decent size gains?


when you workout at 6am duing the week, you learn to love working out at 10am on the weekends

I have been working out in the morning for 6 months now and I find that I can no longer sleep in at all. I usually wake up at 4:15 and lay in bed reading until 4:45, at which time I get up and go to the gym.

Even on days off I still get up that early. I love working out in the morning.



3 sets of front lifting military press
3 sets of back lifting military press
3 sets on the machine
A variety of different dumbbell exercises such as fly's

Not going to lie, until this point, pretty much non existent except for a few machine exercises. However this will change this coming Friday.

I love doing shoulders, so I don't want to discourage you from doing as much as you want, but it seems like overkill to me. You could eliminate the machine work and the military presses and just do OHP and the dumbbell work. Giving you a lot more time and energy to do some squats and a few other leg exercises.


I know you're supposed to do your compound lifts first, but I'm seriously considering training my bis before my back on back and bid day. I always did dead lifts first thing on those days, but I really feel like my biceps are a lagging body part of mine.

What say you guys? Keep doing dead lifts first thing or do the lagging body part first?


Got some kind of tennis elbow thing going on with my left arm after arm wrestling at work on Sunday which effectively put any kind of upper body work on hold :( Thought I was feeling well enough to bench press, big mistake! :/


I know you're supposed to do your compound lifts first, but I'm seriously considering training my bis before my back on back and bid day. I always did dead lifts first thing on those days, but I really feel like my biceps are a lagging body part of mine.

What say you guys? Keep doing dead lifts first thing or do the lagging body part first?

Compound pulls make use of bi's as well though. I think it's a more effective workout to do big lifts first for this reason, plus when you isolate your biceps they'll be pre-exhausted. Better to have that than to have your compound lifts suffer as a result of bicep fatigue. Just my opinion though.


the piano man
I've been sleeping 5 hours every night for the last 3 days, I've been eating half of my portions of anything because I am too busy giving lessons to buy, cook and actually eat what I should, I have been busting my ass teaching piano every day several hours a day, non stop. My right eye is twitching and I feel nauseous.

I feel so fucking defeated.... but tomorrow, I'll go to that fucking gym and do what has to be done. Today I'll just sleep -_- I just feel sorry that I gave up today, it's so frustating.

the feeling of giving up on a gym session because "I am tired" pisses me off to no end. That's the reason why the weak fail to achieve anything, in the gym or otherwise....



Compound pulls make use of bi's as well though. I think it's a more effective workout to do big lifts first for this reason, plus when you isolate your biceps they'll be pre-exhausted. Better to have that than to have your compound lifts suffer as a result of bicep fatigue. Just my opinion though.

Yeah, I know compound pulls work the bi's, but I really need to hit my biceps hard to get them to grow imo. Isolate them. I know doing my deadlifts after bi's will make my deads suffer a bit, but I'm really okay with that.

Maybe I should just do bi's first every other week. I look at myself after a year and a half of lifting, and while my bi's are bigger and have more mass, I really feel like I should be further along.


Yeah, I know compound pulls work the bi's, but I really need to hit my biceps hard to get them to grow imo. Isolate them. I know doing my deadlifts after bi's will make my deads suffer a bit, but I'm really okay with that.

Maybe I should just do bi's first every other week. I look at myself after a year and a half of lifting, and while my bi's are bigger and have more mass, I really feel like I should be further along.

I listened to all the people saying not to work your biceps for the first couple months, and they straight up did not grow. Once I started focusing on them they exploded, I have long arms so I need direct work to really make them work. Just doing chins and them getting hit during deadlifts/rows wasn't enough.

Do what you feel works for you, I feel my biceps would be even better than they are now had I done isolation work from the start.


I listened to all the people saying not to work your biceps for the first couple months, and they straight up did not grow. Once I started focusing on them they exploded, I have long arms so I need direct work to really make them work. Just doing chins and them getting hit during deadlifts/rows wasn't enough.

Do what you feel works for you, I feel my biceps would be even better than they are now had I done isolation work from the start.

I do iso bicep work, though, just after I do my back workout when they're drained a bit already. Doing them first would let me hit them with harder weight.


I thought this was an interesting post discussing low carb vs. high carb:http://www.alanaragonblog.com/2013/...looking-back-at-my-debate-with-dr-jeff-volek/.

Interesting. I wasn't surprised to see that the sprinters were constrained by a keto diet. I'm not above keto, I did it last year for a while and got down to about 190. One day I ate some chinese food and I gained several lbs from glycogen alone, the difference was pretty noticeable. I didn't get back down to 190 after that.


I do iso bicep work, though, just after I do my back workout when they're drained a bit already. Doing them first would let me hit them with harder weight.

I give my arms their own day, sometimes twice a week if I feel up to it my schedule is like this -

Mon - Chest / Shoulders
Tuesday - Back
Wenesday - legs
Thursday - Arms
Friday - Chest / core work
Saturday - Arms again
Sunday - Off
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