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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Then tell him he shouldn't do anything involving shoulders if he benchpresses. Same regarding back if he deadlifts.

(It's bullshit)

Cheers. I'm definitely seeing results by working with him, but you hear so much misinformed info that I thought it was best to get some other opinions.
yes, according to the diagram is called Internal oblique but the exercises I know don't seem to hit that part properly, if at all...the back part of the obliques..

I don't know what is called in english but one thing I do that targets the area is the "Rückenstrecker" but that's for mid-low back (click for small video)

the one that targets the external obliques is called in german "Rumpfseitheben".

What I am missing is something for internal obliques, I guess... any tips?

and fuck all of the exercises in german, I hate that almost nothing is called the same in english ;(.

Ruckenstreckers are back extensions in english, rumpfseitheben is a side bend.

About halfway down this page is a whole list of obliques exercises. Good luck finding info on exercises that distinguish between external and internal obliques but.


Chest dips - shiet son.

Baffled as to why I've never attempted these before. Fantastic exercise. I think it was more to do with worry due to the nature of the exercise and ensuring correct form is applied. However, it didn't take long to get in to the full swing of things and I'm competent at them now.

Still, I feel like this was an important cog I've unfortunately missed out on for quite some time.


Christ! My legs have been sore all day from lunges. PLEASE tell me my legs won't feel like this every time I do crossfit and that my body is just getting used to it. Because my legs HURT, and it hurts just moving them now in bed. They're really tight and just what the fuck.

Gets better. Make sure to get enough recovery in the first few weeks.


So hit my first major milestone today. I can now deadlift my body weight for reps.

Onwards to 2x my body weight!!

My squat was a bit off today, only managed 3 reps on my last set so I upped my caloric intake to 4000 from 3500 and increased protein by 40g for today and tomorrow and we'll see how I go on Friday :) If it goes well I'll stick to 4000 calories a day until I have trouble again.

ACE 1991

Man, it's so hard to keep up a good diet on a university meal plan while studying abroad... Especially one that only gives you one option per meal. Oh well, at least these Australians seem to love their meat so I'm able to hit my 160g-200g of protein per day and I make a breakfast for myself that consists of 3 eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and an english muffin covered in peanut butter. In other news, will I be limiting my gainz by playing ultimate frisbee on lift days? It involves about two hours of full on sprinting Since I'm about 2 months deep into Strong Lifts I'm squatting 3x a week it's hard to get around this. I switched to 3x5 for the squat last week but today I tried 72.5kg and had to go back down to 70kg... Most people don't seem to really stall that much at such a low weight.

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to thank you guys for the tips for fixing my pendlay row form. I'm trying to try to incorporate dumbbell rows to get my back up to snuff =)


My shoulders still feel very sore from Sunday.

I was gonna working back/biceps today, but should I'm not sure if this is the best idea until the pain goes.

Any input would be appreciated.


Man, apparently lifting is no substitute for cardio/endurance. Got destroyed in yesterday's session after a month's break, and now my whole body hurts.


I tried having this conversation with the gf. Didn't go too well.
"You don't like me the way I am?"

Also, it's nice to see Mr.City in this thread again.

On certain days, she comes to the gym with me. Luckily, our gym also has a lot of women and a majority of them are in good shape.

She talked to me about how she's not at their level. I just explain to her that they have a controlled routine that they follow to achieve that level.

Part of that routine would probably be squats. She wasn't sure about doing it, but I ease her into doing squats without any weight. Then, she did it with 20 lbs bar. I plan to build her confidence and increase the weight in small increments.

Short version: She feels jelly, so I made her to squats.


Junior Member
Think I might have an umbilical hernia. Have been noticing a small squishy protrusion right above my belly button after heavy squats recently. Could just be paranoid but I think I'm going to make an appointment with a doc anyway. Anyone dealt with a hernia before?


Chest dips - shiet son.

Baffled as to why I've never attempted these before. Fantastic exercise. I think it was more to do with worry due to the nature of the exercise and ensuring correct form is applied. However, it didn't take long to get in to the full swing of things and I'm competent at them now.

Still, I feel like this was an important cog I've unfortunately missed out on for quite some time.

Yea, I had the same kind of epiphany a few months ago. It's helped shorten my gym time as I don't bother doing declines anymore and less tricep accessory work.


Man, apparently lifting is no substitute for cardio/endurance. Got destroyed in yesterday's session after a month's break, and now my whole body hurts.

I hear that. This week of cardio has been tough. Well,walking on a lifting day is easy. A 15min jog at 6mph kills me. I have 0 endurance now. Did HIIT instead yesterday and did 10 30second sprints at 9mph and 1 min rests at 5mph. That wasn't terrible except the last few sprints were grinders.


Man, apparently lifting is no substitute for cardio/endurance. Got destroyed in yesterday's session after a month's break, and now my whole body hurts.

The body is highly adaptive. Which is why elite athletes are rarely jack of all trades.


Finally lost all the water weight (6 pounds) from cheat day Saturday. Took the exact time Berardi predicted, but the numbers nevertheless scared me good. I know I shouldn't have checked the scale anyway, but I couldn't resist.

On certain days, she comes to the gym with me. Luckily, our gym also has a lot of women and a majority of them are in good shape.

She talked to me about how she's not at their level. I just explain to her that they have a controlled routine that they follow to achieve that level.

Part of that routine would probably be squats. She wasn't sure about doing it, but I ease her into doing squats without any weight. Then, she did it with 20 lbs bar. I plan to build her confidence and increase the weight in small increments.

Short version: She feels jelly, so I made her to squats.

I had the GF do some SS work. Lasted a little over two weeks, not because it was too difficult... but because boredom.

Too short, too much waiting around, too little movement, too much "I'm not doing anything".

It's not just the female mindset into "ew I'll get huge". It's what a person finds enjoyable (and thus sustainable).


Finally lost all the water weight (6 pounds) from cheat day Saturday. Took the exact time Berardi predicted, but the numbers nevertheless scared me good. I know I shouldn't have checked the scale anyway, but I couldn't resist.

I had the GF do some SS work. Lasted a little over two weeks, not because it was too difficult... but because boredom.

Too short, too much waiting around, too little movement, too much "I'm not doing anything".

It's not just the female mindset into "ew I'll get huge". It's what a person finds enjoyable (and thus sustainable).

Unless you ate 20000 calories I wouldn't think anything of that six pounds.



My girlfriend has a great ass, but if she ever started doing squats...jesus.


Man, apparently lifting is no substitute for cardio/endurance. Got destroyed in yesterday's session after a month's break, and now my whole body hurts.

The basic concept for achieving fitness most rapidly (defined in this case by strength, anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance) in the face of limited time and recovery capacity is to work on things in this order:

1. Strength (foundation for all else)
2. Anaerobic endurance (foundation for aerobic endurance, massively increased speed of improvement if you are strong)
3. Aerobic endurance (much faster increase if strong and good anaerobic endurance)

You might find that your aerobic endurance is good but not amazing just because the best runners etc don't weigh anything, but overall you'd be much better off getting strong first and then modifying your workouts later on to get good stamina.


no, that's bullshit.

no, they're simply nuts

Sick with GAINS. The GAINS FLU.
I'd guess it's more from touching equipment then touching your mouth and nose without washing your hands (if you're getting sick a lot) but definitely not from protein shakes...
Yeah, I could see that, but I lift at home with personal equipment so I'm not worried about catching it there.
No..BUT..speaking from personal experience, I do believe that after intense, exhausting workouts I was more susceptible to getting sick...maybe immune system kinda takes a back seat to the gainzzzzzzzzz
Yeah I could definitely believe this.

Thanks for the reassurance gaf! I keep getting told how I drink "2 whole shakes a day!!" and how "the enzymes in the protein powder are making my immune system weaker."

There's no evidence or science behind them when I get these statements, but I don't have any science to refute with myself so I just tell them "my muscle fibers tear with every workout and so I'm using protein to rebuild them and recover quicker." Bleh.

So, I've been cutting and it's been going well, haven't been paying attention to the scale for weeks and my lifting numbers have been going up. Checked my weight the other day and I dropped like 7 pounds. I used to be so skeptical deadlifting like 305+ before when I was 213, but now I'm at 200lb and deadlifting 330, feels awesome. I'm not squatting as much as before cause I dropped my numbers to work on form, but I'm only like ten pounds off now and squats were never as controlled or easy when I was heavier. Progress! I was always lamenting strength loss with cutting. I know at this point I should be moving on to an intermediate program, but I kind of just want to do this SS routine forevz.


Yes, shoulder is starting to feel much better since I started focusing on the rear delt more and doing a lot of rehab exercises.

I've been limited to lifting 45-65 dbs in a neutral grip for 3 months now, can't wait to throw up some heavy weights again.


Junior Member
Yes, shoulder is starting to feel much better since I started focusing on the rear delt more and doing a lot of rehab exercises.

I've been limited to lifting 45-65 dbs in a neutral grip for 3 months now, can't wait to throw up some heavy weights again.

Curious, which rehab exercises are you doing?

I always try to equal any pushing movement with an equal number of pulling movements. Bent over rows and DB rows to counteract any bench pressing :p


the piano man
Today after yesterday's workout it hurts just trying to sit and get up from the toilet.

Oh my god. :(

It's been a long time since I've felt that kind of DOMS in my legs.... they feel swole and activated during workout and I walk funny and slow right after exercise but that's gone as soon as I am walking out of the gym, I don't feel anything particular anymore.

not sure what to think.


How do you guys eat on off days from the gym? Same amount of calories/macros as lift days?

on a completely different note; what's some great exercises to develop rear deltoids?
It's been a long time since I've felt that kind of DOMS in my legs.... they feel swole and activated during workout and I walk funny and slow right after exercise but that's gone as soon as I am walking out of the gym, I don't feel anything particular anymore.

not sure what to think.

Nothing to think about, you got used to it. Same thing for me, although recently it was split squats that gave me jelly-legs when sitting up and down the day after. A month later and I don't even get the least bit sore.

How do you guys eat on off days from the gym? Same amount of calories/macros as lift days?

on a completely different note; what's some great exercises to develop rear deltoids?

I eat about the same, sans the PWO shake.

DB rows and rotator cuff stuff would be things I'd suggest to hit the rear delts outside the usual reverse flyes and whatnot.


How do you guys eat on off days from the gym? Same amount of calories/macros as lift days?

on a completely different note; what's some great exercises to develop rear deltoids?

I'm cutting so on off days without the extra calories it will be 1970calories per day. Still try and hit at least 180g of protein on off days. It's way easier on lifting/cardio days since I use the extra calories I burn to get in some macros/protein.
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